Does TNA Need the Cell/Chamber?

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
The Hell in a Cell match and the Elimination Chamber are two of wrestling's most brutal structures. Originally created for solving intense rivalries in final blood-baths, we have seen some of the most hardcore matches in history take place inside of them. Undertaker and Mankind fought a war, Brock Lesnar toppled the Deadman in a pool of his own blood, Kane made his debut all in the Cell. The Boyhood Dream was realized once again, Edge won his first World title (ish), and tickets to WrestleMania's main event have been ushered out inside of the Chamber. No doubt two huge concepts in origin, despite having been watered down by today's PG product.

Here's my question: does TNA need something like the Cell or the Chamber? Do they need a monstrous hardcore match - something beyond that steel cage? As the only "mainstream" pro wrestling company that still goes extreme, I think it could be an excellent way to draw attention to TNA and demonstrate exactly how they are different in 2012. I'm not saying they should copy/paste the Cell or the Chamber exactly, but rather come up with a new concept that best featured their talents. In fact, they have Eric Bischoff, so he could easy "create" a new match type to rival that of his old invention: the Elimination Chamber. Something that could culminate an epic feud - possibly Bobby Roode and James Storm?

Should TNA come up with some over-cized cell gimmick match?
What would you do to make it different than WWE's?
Who would be the structure's first victims?
No, for two simple reasons:

1. Lockdown.

Lockdown is their yearly PPV where every match on the card takes place within a steel cage, and Lethal Lockdown is a reserve option they also hold every so often for the most brutal of match-ups or heated rivalries where on top of the match taking place in a cage, a top is lowered at a point in the match at which point weapons (suspended from it) are legal to use.

If TNA is trying to book a specific feud toward a brutal finish, they can likely do so to have it conclude at Lockdown.​

2. The Monster's Ball Match

Is already their own version of Hell in a Cell. It's a glorified street fight, but usually takes place within a cage.​

Additionally, when Raven was still in town, they also had a Clockwork House of Fun match, where a single cage side was resurrected and weapons hung from it.
Not really. They already have other "brutal" matches like the ones IDR pointed out that are used to resolve feuds or continue them.

HIAC and the Elimination Chamber are popular because of the WWE. If TNA tried to create something that might have any resemblence to either of those matches, I feel that people are going to quickly jump in and immediately try to say they're just trying to copy WWE's matches by pointing out the similarities. I think it would be best for them to not have even more things that are similar to WWE' so that way they can claim they really are an alternative product.

Also, those two matches have created standards for many years now. I wouldn't want TNA to create something similar that would result in people holding them to same standards. If I watch something in TNA, I'm not going to expect them to wow me in certain aspects like WWE does and vice versa. I think they should instead create unique things within their company that WWE doesn't have so that they can set their own standards instead of having to follow WWE's.

Lastly, TNA has a history of over complicating matches (I don't know if that's still the case since I haven't watched a full show in months but that's how it was at times in the past). I would be a little wary that in an effort to continue being "different" than WWE they might try adding all of these other stipulations to such a match that it would just water it down. If they did that then there would be no point of having a match similar to HIAC or the Elimination Chamber. I'd rather they just continue with what they have than creating a whole new gimmick match.
The Hell in a Cell could work but TNA doesn't overuse the cage match, even with Lockdown. The Chamber is a poor creation so is the Lethal Lockdown but at least TNA only use it once a year.

All in all, they would come off as copying HiaC and TNA has done that too much in the past. This would be unneccessary. They don't need a monstrously brutal gimmick match because the Cage match serves that purpose. Plus because they can use blood, it can automatically give an advantage over WWE for brutality (if done properly).
As a guy above mentioned, NO they do not need a cage or a chamber b/c they have LOCKDOWN, by far one of my favourite PPVs and the lethal lockdown match is amazing ! Throwing 4 pairs of rivals in to a cage full of weapons is just too good
The Hell in a Cell could work but TNA doesn't overuse the cage match, even with Lockdown. The Chamber is a poor creation so is the Lethal Lockdown but at least TNA only use it once a year.

All in all, they would come off as copying HiaC and TNA has done that too much in the past. This would be unneccessary. They don't need a monstrously brutal gimmick match because the Cage match serves that purpose. Plus because they can use blood, it can automatically give an advantage over WWE for brutality (if done properly).

The Chamber is a poor creation? It is probably the best match invention since Hell in the Cell. And WWE only does it in February and does it twice and NEVER again. So because they have 2 of them, it automatically makes it over used in comparison to the Lethal Lockdown match?

Give it up TNA fanboy. Both are the closest things we will ever get to War Games and are both different enough that it accomplishes what both companies want it to for them.
Give it up TNA fanboy.
Pump the breaks girlpants, it's just the guy's opinion. You are posting in a TNA thread, try to remember that. Also, thank you for not contributing to the actual discussion at hand.

I don't think the addition of a new type of cage-esk match would take away from Lockdown, especially if you had it at a different time of year. I do like Lethal Lockdown, and they use it sparingly enough that it still feels special. But would it hurt to introduce something new to the mix? What if you get a feud "hot" enough and the Lethal Lockdown doesn't do the trick? What if things get so out of hand that Bischoff had to "create" a new structure to contain and finalize the feud?

Lockdown is a great PPV, Lethal Lockdown is a great gimmick match. I don't see the hurt in evolving and creating something new to have in the arsenal. Something big enough and hell-ish enough to maybe garner attention from fans that have never given TNA a chance.
I can see TNA adding something like that to there company, but they have to make it something special and something of their own, and not have it be similar to wwe, and if tna does it they should do it like at bfg(their biggest payperview). If they wanted to do something special, then they should maybe mix the lethal lockdown match with like an inferno match, in which case there are weapons in the cage and and the cage is set on fire. just an idea
Copy Hell in the Cell/Money in the What they could do is have a match that brings back the six-sided ring and use that cage in an almost MMA style way. Still keep it wrestling but break it up into rounds, have different rules for each round, a point scoring system etc. It would be a way to neutralize a guy like Bobby Roode who cheats to keep the title. I am not saying copy MMA but instead find a balance between ROH and WWE while promoting the match in a way that may pique the interest of MMA fans who tune into Spike.
Copy Hell in the Cell/Money in the What they could do is have a match that brings back the six-sided ring and use that cage in an almost MMA style way. Still keep it wrestling but break it up into rounds, have different rules for each round, a point scoring system etc. It would be a way to neutralize a guy like Bobby Roode who cheats to keep the title. I am not saying copy MMA but instead find a balance between ROH and WWE while promoting the match in a way that may pique the interest of MMA fans who tune into Spike.

Sorry man but MMA fans want MMA, wrestling fans want wrestling. I can only see a hybrid format flopping. You either do one or the other.

No - TNA do not need another cage gimmick. They need less of everything. Less gimmick matches (especially on TV), less 'main events' on TV, less PPV's.

Hopefully with WWE dropping their amount of PPV's we'll see TNA replicate (which they have done pretty much since their existance, so it's a surefire bet).
First off, let's look at what they currently have.

Steel Cage
Your standard, run-of-the-mill steel cage match. I believe that ALL promotions have used this gimmick at one time or another.

As mentioned before, not only is this a cage match closed off at the top (I think), but it's an entire PPV dedicated to producing cage matches. Hell, even the KNOCKOUTS compete in a cage.

The WWE is able to produce matches in the Elimination Chamber and Hell in a Cell for a few reasons...

First of all, their production value is much higher. These matches started off as one-time-only gimmicks that tied into a storyline and became their own institutions. They've been tested and have produced massive tickets sales and PPV buys over the years since their inceptions.

Secondly, HIAC and the EC require large arenas. Have you seen the size of those cages? There is no way these would fit in the Impact Zone. And without those particular designs, scaling, and sizing, how would it differ from any other cage match?

So all in all, TNA really doesn't need new cages right now. I think they're fine with what they currently have.
Steel Cage
Your standard, run-of-the-mill steel cage match. I believe that ALL promotions have used this gimmick at one time or another.

As mentioned before, not only is this a cage match closed off at the top (I think), but it's an entire PPV dedicated to producing cage matches. Hell, even the KNOCKOUTS compete in a cage.
Not to add to the endless TNA/WWE comparisons that happen everyday, but WWE also utilizes cages with decent frequency. THey don't have a whole PPV dedicated to them...but they do have an entire Hell in a Cell PPV, and an Elimination chamber PPV. Yes, TNA has a cage match, a cage PPV, and a specialty cage for more extreme situations. But saying I have an apple and an orange does not disqualify me from also having a banana. Especially if that banana is something new and fresh that the casual apple/orange consumers have never tasted before...or...saw in a far-off, bigger country, but never...Ok, you know what? Screw this metaphor. TNA should have a bigger, more awesome gimmick match.

The WWE is able to produce matches in the Elimination Chamber and Hell in a Cell for a few reasons...

First of all, their production value is much higher. These matches started off as one-time-only gimmicks that tied into a storyline and became their own institutions. They've been tested and have produced massive tickets sales and PPV buys over the years since their inceptions.
Yes. I'm going to go ahead and use that as an argument for my case - thanks for doing the work for me! ;)

Secondly, HIAC and the EC require large arenas. Have you seen the size of those cages? There is no way these would fit in the Impact Zone. And without those particular designs, scaling, and sizing, how would it differ from any other cage match?
This is just one more reason why going on the road and increasing their reputation with venues in other states is a great idea. Putting aside the obvious benefit of spreading your product to new fans, and the production value that a live crowd (that actually cares) brings, TNA needs to get into bigger buildings. If they were to do something like an Elimination Chamber or Hell in a Cell concept, and originally I was saying they should create their own unique idea for it, they would obviously need a bigger building than the Impact Zone.

Fun fact: some of the buildings TNA has performed at in the past, and would happily receive them again, can already house the kind of structure we're talking about. I was at Bound for Glory when it came to the Sears Center outside of Chicago. If you look at the numbers, you would see only 5,000 people in attendance and claim they could never fit something like the Chamber in that. The reality is the Sears Center can hold about 12,000 people at max capacity, so there's more than enough room to push TNA's fan sections back 10 feet in every direction, and plop a Chamber in there. I'm sure the other buildings, some of them anyways, that have hosted events like Bound for Glory could do the exact same thing.

So, to wrap up...
-Having a Chamber-type match encourages them to go on the road more
-They would have to host a PPV in a different city, most likely something like Chicago
-COming back to somewhere like Chicago for a PPV would bring in a lot of fans for them
-Adding the Chamber to that event would likely bring in even more fans, and possibly help them set an attendance record
-The extra revenue they bring in for an event like this just adds to the idea of being on the road more, allowing them to cycle these things I have listed and start growing as a company

So all in all, TNA really doesn't need new cages right now. I think they're fine with what they currently have.
Yes, they are fine without them. But they could be better with them.

Your move, mentor. Be gentle. :worship:
I'm not saying they should copy/paste the Cell or the Chamber exactly, but rather come up with a new concept that best featured their talents. In fact, they have Eric Bischoff, so he could easy "create" a new match type to rival that of his old invention: the Elimination Chamber. Something that could culminate an epic feud - possibly Bobby Roode and James Storm?

I'm sold.

Seriously, why not rig something up that two or more wrestlers could get in there and really hate each other in? Personally, I feel like having the Chamber at a set PPV each year kind of depreciates from the serious that's supposed to characterize the Chamber.

But they should make it about 10 feet taller, too. You know, just for the hell of it. Have Dixie Carter come on out there and say, "Ha ha ha ha ha! Mine's bigger, WWE!"

I'm being serious though, there's no reason I wouldn't give one of those matches a chance in TNA. I'd put one in ROH & Japan, too (I don't know if either of those two have one already), because this is professional wrestling and I don't get to see people climbing and jumping off from cages in any other sport. *cracks open beer*
The only reason weird, gimmick matches "work" in the WWE is because they've been using them for years. They've had years to build up how horrible and terrifying the HIAC match is, and people mainly watch it for the nostalgia factor. Otherwise, gimmick matches are bullshit. Remember that awful Punjab Prison match the WWE came up with?

That's what some made-up gimmick match by TNA would look like.

They should be focusing on how to make their storylines better and more consistent. All the gimmicks in the book won't justify horribly written feuds.
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3676248 said:
The only reason weird, gimmick matches "work" in the WWE is because they've been using them for years. They've had years to build up how horrible and terrifying the HIAC match is, and people mainly watch it for the nostalgia factor. Otherwise, gimmick matches are bullshit. Remember that awful Punjab Prison match the WWE came up with?

That's what some made-up gimmick match by TNA would look like.

They should be focusing on how to make their storylines better and more consistent. All the gimmicks in the book won't justify horribly written feuds.

I know what you are saying, but the Elimination Chamber and Hell In A Cell concepts were immediately popular, and shocked fans with the level of brutality straight away. They didnt need years to become popular. The first ever HIAC match between Shawn Michaels and Undertaker was an instant classic, therefore getting the gimmick match over with the fans immediately. Subsequent HIAC matches like Cactus Jack v HHH and Mankind vs Undertaker were top class too, and they were only a couple of years after the first one.

I do agree with the nostalgia statement though. We know that in modern day WWE there will not be someone getting thrown off the top of the cell through the announcers table, taking a massive bump through the top of the cell roof, or bleeding everywhere but we still watch anyway in the hope that they end up producing something as good as those early matches.

Didn't TNA have "THE TERRORDOME" or something like that? Was that a steel cage too? Could more be done with that gimmick match, like different rules instead of escape?
Why not just bring back the steel asylum match? It always was a fun match and let the wrestlers come up with some new unique moves while hanging or swinging from the closed roof.


I know the last time we saw it the wrestlers struggled to escape the cage but for me that added some realism to the match.

I am personally happy with the cage matches TNA currently puts on but I do enjoy the violence that they bring so adding another wouldn't upset me much. WWE on the other hand seems to put on tame cage matches due to their PG restrictions.

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