Does TNA Need Jeff Jarrett Back?


Now let me start out saying ive been watching tna since they were nwa tna an they had there weekley ppv shows.Jeff an his farther decided to start the company after vince bought wcw.back then jeff was the one who carried the whole company on his back an carried them as far as he did.Now im not sure on when dixie and her family decided to buy the company from him. Now jeff has been a main stay for the tna show since day one.Now im not sure but i believe jeff still has somthing to do with tna behind the scene but i believe tna could do better with him being on tv also.I dont think he should be in the ring every week in a maatch but he would work out great on the mic.i know jeff is gettin up in age an all but if he was to become somthing like sting is with them now it would work great.I just think of jeff as i do vince with the wwe.Someone who is good behind the scene also on tv.What do you guys think do you think he should come back on tv or just stay in the back.
First of all, you need a strong lesson in grammar. This thread is incredibly difficult on the eyes. Periods, space, commas and capitalization are your friends.

Second, Jarrett is working with Ring Ka King right now. At some point I'd imagine he'll return to the states and to TNA television, but he's quite busy with TNA's Indian project at the moment, so no, they don't need to bring him back, and there's no need to force it, either.

Roode and Ray are doing just fine as the company's top heels, so until they're in more desperate need of a guy who can generate heat, I vote leave him in India to continue to further the RKK project.
Need? No. Would I like him to come back? Fucking hell yes.

His feud with Kurt Angle was one of my favorites of the last five or six years, easily. I hated Jeff Jarrett for years. I thought he was completely worthless, and for a long time, he was.

Then, out of nowhere, he was hilarious. His last heel run with TNA was one of two or three reasons I tuned in week after week. I think his mic work was the best it had ever been, by a long shot.

Bring him back, soon. Please... ?
Not yet...

Angle, Ray, and Roode are the top reasons why he isn't needed. You're correct that JJ is still a fine mic worker, but I'd like to keep JJ gone for as long as possible so when he does reemerge to put over some young face it's impactful. I'm happy he's helping the RKK Promotion get off the ground as I'm sure he has much insight to offer ATM.

However there is another Jarrett that may be of use soon. Not to derail the topic, but I have a feeling that Gail is going to turn and I think we'll get a one off of Karen Jarrett running her down (with a shrill) verbally to help facilitate the turn.
No, he's not needed right now.

Nick is right, his last run and his feud with Angle was better than his previous work, which was awful. But TNA is going pretty good right now with Roode and Bully Ray as the top heels and Hardy and Storm as the top faces. You've got Sting doing the GM thing, he's doing a good job as well. Everything is running pretty smoothly right now, and the quality is definitely improving the last few months, IMO.

Leave Jarrett with Ring Ka King for now, he can come back later sometime (hopefully later rather than sooner) and maybe put some people over then. Otherwise, keep things going the way they are now.
Long term, maybe, but right Jeff Jarrett is a reliable heel, but he doesn't fit into the current TNA universe. With the youth movement in full swing in TNA, the only two veteran talents putting people over are Angle and Sting, as a heel and babyface respectively. That is really all the company needs right now, the rest should be on the shoulders of the younger talent.

It is inevitable that Jarrett will return to TNA in an on air role, but aside from a very outside the box program, I don't see him bringing too much to the product. The whole Dixie/Immortal thing is over, the feud with Angle is long since dead and buried. I think he'd be best served to work behind the scenes, and perhaps help TNA with their creative direction, and try to minimize the influence of Hogan and Bischoff.
Personally i think the show has become a lot more entertaining since he's been off my tv screen and i really don't miss him. I don't know much about what he does behind the scenes but i guess he would be a good guy to have around as he has lots of experience and could help bring through the younger guys.
I think he needs to be out for a while and help RKK get up on their feet. They are doing great right now.

Do they need him?
Ill answer by saying, i haven't really noticed he was gone.
Also wanted to say, I have notice Karen is gone, she played her role great.

When he does return, it needs to be in a memorable way.
Do they need him? Absolutely not and, quite frankly, it wouldn't bother me if Jarrett never returned to TNA. I know that's just a pipe dream, but it's a good one was far as I go.

I've never been a big fan of Jarrett. I've long since thought he's been highly overrated and continues to come across as an overall pretty good mid-card guy that never should've left the mid-card. Jeff Jarrett being gone to Ring Ka King with several other former WWE and/or WCW guys and the remaining established veterans that are left in TNA have taken big steps back overall. It's been good for TNA as they've FINALLY started to build themselves around the younger talent and the talent that's been there for a long while that's helped put TNA on the map. The result is an overall improved product in my view where the younger stars are the centers of what's happening instead of being used to put over the older veterans that simply don't or can't contribute as much as they once did.

The only instance I can think of in which I'd have no real problem with Jarrett returning would be if he were to feud with someone like James Storm or Austin Aries and put them over. Actually use his star power to elevate them instead of the other way around or seeing him in another long, drawn out & repetetive feud with Kurt Angle or some other veteran that would gobble up loads of television time.
Does TNA need Jeff Jarrett. They need a damn miracal. They need a new owner, New creative team. they need to get rid of the dino club hogan,flair,sting,rvd, bully ray he's great hell though his work is outstainding right now, but anyways TNA started by getting rid of Russo. Maybe this is the start of somthing good peace out tna lovers
Does TNA need Jeff Jarrett. They need a damn miracal. They need a new owner, New creative team. they need to get rid of the dino club hogan,flair,sting,rvd, bully ray he's great hell though his work is outstainding right now, but anyways TNA started by getting rid of Russo. Maybe this is the start of somthing good peace out tna lovers


Anyway, back on track. Nope, keep him gone for a bit. The momentum that TNA has been building for the last couple of months has been great. Part of that has been the departure of both Jeff and Karen. Either way, yes, Jeff should return at some point in the future, but please, for the Love of God, keep Karen off the tube. That woman pisses me off, and not the good way either. She was nothing more than a wannabe Stephanie McMahon when Steph was younger. Not a good thing, a total bad thing.
Does TNA need Jeff Jarrett. They need a damn miracal. They need a new owner, New creative team. they need to get rid of the dino club hogan,flair,sting,rvd, bully ray he's great hell though his work is outstainding right now, but anyways TNA started by getting rid of Russo. Maybe this is the start of somthing good peace out tna lovers

I would agree with getting rid of all of those but Sting, and Ray. Sting is doing great with his playing off Roode and it's making Roode look strong even when he's running away, they are pulling off having a damn heel contantly fighting a face GM trying to screw him and it's actually believable. Leave those alone. I say keep Ray is only because right now he's a decent heel that can complement Storm and Hardy, although as soon as someone like Daniels/Angle/etc can get into that position I would mind Ray getting off my damn TV screen.
Diffently Karen Angle gotta go. She trys to act like Vikki Gurrero and shes not even on the same level. But TNA needs to revamp the whole company. I mean christ d-lo brown and al snow really?????????????? I mean i hate bashing tna I just wish it was better than what it was. I want TNA to go head to head with WWE it makes better wrestling programing on both sides.
I mean christ d-lo brown and al snow really??????????????

Yeah. Imagine a wrestling company employing two respected guys with combined decades of experience in the industry in backstage roles. The bastards! It's not like the 'E have ever done that, is it? Moron. Anyway, I love D'Lo and Snow's occasional dreadful attempts to break up fights. D'Lo's face on Impact this week was priceless.

To keep me on topic, the fact is Jarrett will return eventually, but he's certainly needed more in India just now. Before he'd left, he'd become a rather annoying part of the TNA furniture. It'll be good to have him back once the current authority roles get stale.
I would love to see Double J come back to put over some of the younger guys, when Storm finally gets a nice long reign a short feud with Jarrett would be good.

Jarrett still has some value in TNA and I for one have enjoyed his work and once he his done in RKK, I will be happy to see the King of the Mountain again.

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