Does the streak even matter anymore?

Rampage Bentley

Saving WZ one post at a time.
A bit of a controversial topic and maybe a little bit of a Devil's Advocate type of question, but does Undertaker's WrestleMania streak really matter anymore?

Let me just say, I'm not questioning the importance, validity or accomplishment that the streak represents, but rather does win number 22 mean anything?

The streak started off as a coincidence, with The Undertaker just happening to win his first 8 WrestleMania matches, from then on the streak was acknowledged. Undertaker went from wrestling any schlub without a match to more (consistent) legitimate talent. Around number 15, the streak became the big deal we know it as, reaching it's peak with back to back matches with Shawn Michaels and Triple H. After win number 20, something happened... I stopped caring as much. I'm not going to take anything away from Punk vs Taker last year, it was a great match, best on the card and a highlight of the streak, but it seemed like the stakes weren't so high.

20 was the milestone, at this point no one questions whether The Undertaker will lose or not, especially considering that John Cena is really the only potential competitor who can be considered a threat. At this point the intrigue is seeing who gets the honor of trying to carry The Undertaker to an epic match. In my opinion the only ways the streak will have the significance it once had is for either someone to break it or for The Undertaker to reach the point where 30-0 is feasible.

Do you think Undertaker's streak still carries the same significance?

Is there anyone besides Cena who you see as a legitimate threat to the streak?
Do you mean that he should have ended it at 20 because it's a landmark number? If so I can see what you mean but then we wouldn't have gotten the great Punk match and the enjoyable build to it. I still don't think this will be the last year either for the Deadman as I truly belive he will fight Cena at some point at a Wrestlemania.

To answer your question about legit opponents beside Cena there's probably no one on the roster that could give the vibe that they might break the streak right now. But's lets say Taker takes a year off you could really build the Wyatts up in that time frame. People scoffed at the idea of Bray fighting Taker this year but with enough time two things can happen: Bray and the family could be built up sufficiently and the WWE at that point would definitely know if he was just a flash in the pan or not.
As long as Undertaker is going up against guys who are part timers or well established players who won't get a lot from the win, the streak will remain intact. If he ever goes up against someone like Reigns, or Wyatt, or Bryan, or any number of younger guys, then there's a big question mark put into place: Any of these guys could potentially be used to break the streak and use that to catapult themselves up in the eyes of fans. I'm not saying that's what will happen, but it introduces some suspense into matters.
Brock Lesnar will NOT break the streak, he doesn't deserve it IMO.

And if John Cena beats Taker at Mania 31, which is the rumoured bout for next year, the IWC would spend the following year complaining about it because they all hate Cena.
I wouldn't HATE Brock going over Taker, but Brock has been perfectly happy thus far jobbing on the important matches. I don't think he needs it.

Next year, Cena puts out Taker. He's earned it, and it makes actual sense. BUT, if he doesn't, that's also ok.

The Streak HAS to continue until Taker retires. It's too strong of a marketing tool to lose.
Great topic.
My opinion is No. As long as he does not lose, which I don't believe he should, the matches and streak have become incredibly stale. I, like you, enjoyed up until 20. Last year was a great match, but when you know the outcome 150%, it takes alot away. I get that you almost have to have Taker there at 30, but they are not treating 30 like a big deal anyhow. I would be ok with either this year being "it" for the deadman, or have him announce shortly after Mania that he only has 1 more left in him and give fans the long goodbye.
As long as Undertaker is going up against guys who are part timers or well established players who won't get a lot from the win, the streak will remain intact. If he ever goes up against someone like Reigns, or Wyatt, or Bryan, or any number of younger guys, then there's a big question mark put into place: Any of these guys could potentially be used to break the streak and use that to catapult themselves up in the eyes of fans. I'm not saying that's what will happen, but it introduces some suspense into matters.

Yes! Agree 100%. Not saying he should take a loss at Mania, but the outcome at least has to have some doubt.
If I had to be pushed to name someone who I think would benefit from ending the Streak,

It has to be someone who can benefit from it in order to become a hated,powerful,credible heel character for some years to come.

That character would be Bray Wyatt AND the Wyatt Family. However, Bray Wyatt has been fast tracked with a feud v Daniel Bryan(Most Over guy on the card) where he went over at Royal Rumble, and now John Cena.

If WWE was willing to take a risk and put their eggs in the Bray Wyatt basket for this Mania, I think Bray beating the Undertaker would have been perfect for his character, as he seems to be a creepy type as well.
Have the Wyatt family help him out in the match, but have him go over Taker and put an end to the Deadman forever.
Instant heat for him going forward, and it would build his and his group's Heel credibility up Big Time as well provided the Character of the Wyatt family is handled properly, which is the BIG risk with having up and comers breaking the Streak, as it can result in a letdown if the resulting rub doesn't go the right way.

Other than that, I don't see anyone else worthy of ending the Streak.
I agree with the ones that say there is no need for anymore part timers to challenge the streak outside of possibly sting. Have reigns go after it next year if he has taken off like he is being groomed to. No one really thinks Brock is going over.
I would like to see the Streak go on unbroken until The Undertaker retires. There are a few reasons for that.
1. Every year, the Streak match is a major part of WrestleMania and the "Road to WrestleMania". It is always intriguing to wonder "Who will Taker face this time?" and "How is he going to win it" and speculate "if he is going to lose after all, and retire (if opponent is a veteran) / pass the torch (if opponent is Punk's age)". It will be very difficult, if not impossible, to replace the Streak with any normal match or rivalry.
2. Even though he wins almost every match these days, unlike John Cena, he actually looks great and applause-worthy while doing it. He makes his opponents look much better than they ever did, he doesn't no-sell attacks/pain (both during and after the match), he doesn't hulk-up suddenly and do the same combo routine, he doesn't get beaten up for 10 minutes and then do a finisher out of nowhere to score the pinfall... As long as the Streak is alive, and Taker is defending his Streak, WrestleMania truly stands out as the real deal, the PPV of the year... and win or lose, the opponent looks much stronger than before... again, unlike Cena's opponents (yes, including Cesaro).
3. When The Undertaker finally calls it a day, and you look back at his illustrious career, maybe at the Hall of Fame ceremony, it will be much more awesome to see something like a 25-0 record, rather than a 24-1, which brings me to...
4. Suppose a young wrestler actually ends The Undertaker's Streak, like many wanted CM Punk to do, last year... It really is a massive gamble, because once you break it, there is no bringing it back. Now CM Punk has apparently left the company (likely a work, I know), so if he had ended the Streak, WWE would be kicking themselves right now that they trusted someone to make millions for them in the years to come, but the wrestler betrayed them and left with the title of "The person that ended The Undertaker's Streak" and will use this title everywhere he goes, even in other companies, and that would be terrible for business. Same goes for any other superstar, it takes a lot of trust and faith before you hand it to someone, and in Pro-wrestling, it almost doesn't exist. And the guys that are already 100% loyal to the WWE- guys that you know won't go anywhere else (Cena, Kane, Orton, Y2J etc.)- they have nothing special to gain (both for themselves and for the company) from ending the Streak. That is also a reason why it shouldn't end.

Yes, John Cena is a legitimate threat to the Streak, should he choose to challenge it. Even more so, since now that we know he refuses to lose to certain opponents (something Hogan and Shawn Michaels were infamous for doing), rather than because he is the WWE's golden boy.
The streak at mania means more than the title matches do and it's a huge attraction. I'd like to see three taker matches before he retires. Sting next year at 31, Bray Wyatt in actual program outside of mania where Wyatt can actually go over, and Cena in his final match at 32. Nothing else makes sense for Taker past this year. I do think, even I felt it last year, that even though it generated a lot of interest, the streak didn't feel like it was even close to ending. I do feel like the gap is closing with it but it's still huge.
there is no such thing as a "threat" to the streak.
i think we all know that deep down.
The fact that its there and that its been going for so long draws people in.
Undertaker is THE iron man of the company. The conscience as some say. He has earned the right to keep it.
So why tune into the match? Because it will ALWAYS be a great one.
sure he only wrestles one match a year now, but with good reason. The man turns 49 in march. But still whoever they pick for him to face they both take the time to choreograph an amazing match that usually is the steal of the show.

just because he doesnt give up a loss or vince doesnt allow it doesnt mean you have to loose interest because there is no point. The reason these guys get to face the undertaker at this point in this career is because they are good enough to do so. He has reached that "god like" status at wrestlemania that nobody can overcome. But the WWE picks the best at the time (Whoever isnt wrestling for the WWE championship) to go up against him to make it interesting and that is a feat in itself to even go up against him. They always keep that slight chance in your head that it can be beat. Michaels, HHH, now lesnar, who if you think about it, is a more than qualified opponent. some will say not, as far as his longevity and passion for the company goes. But he is a NCAA, WWE and UFC champion so out of all people in WWE right now... he is the most believable to do so.

Anyways, all im saying is The streak does matter even if you know he wont loose. You KNOW it will always be a great match and its always a compliment to the wrestler that goes up against him.

Long live the deadman
Yes, the streak is still relevant. The moment Lesnar became the official opponent for Undertaker this year, thoughts of "what if this is the year it ends?" had to have entered your mind, even briefly. I don't think Lesnar will end it, nor should he. The point is.... the thought of him ending it crossed my mind. This happens every single year. It happened with Punk last year, Trips before him, with Michaels, Edge, Batista, Mark Henry, Randy Orton, and more. Every single win causes speculation, as foes every single new challenger announcement.

In the grand scheme of things win #22 might not seem as big of a deal as the 20th did or the 25th might (if the streak gets there) but as long as the streak creates speculation and interest in seeing Undertaker put it on the line again annually, it will continue to be a relevant part of the biggest show of the year. There is no denying how much attention it gets. Each year adds a new victim and further speculation. John Cena is arguably the only one left who could believably end it, but that doesn't mean it's not relevant anymore. After Undertaker has retired it will still be relevant and discussed for generations to come.
Yes, the streak still matters... the height of it's popularity was easily in the mid 2000's to early 2010's because I think people believed guys like Orton, Batista, Triple H, Edge and Shawn Michaels had a legitimate chance of breaking the streak, hell... even Mark Henry, people seem to forget just how dominant he was booked back then. I would say once the streak went to 20-0, people gave up the hope that the streak would be broken, or at least be broken anytime soon and started calling the streak matches, "Predictable". It's still a major draw and in most cases, well maybe I shouldn't say most, but in a lot of cases it's been bigger than the World Championship match.

Now, with all that said, I do believe the streak will be broken. It's just how the WWE works. And... I don't know how much truth there is, but apparently The Undertaker wants the streak to end and has approached at least a few people asking them to end it, but all have said no. That sounds a little strange to me, but I accept it. I think WrestleMania 32 will be Undertaker's last... if the rumors are true that WWE is heavily considering putting WrestleMania 32 in Texas, than it only makes sense for the Undertaker to wrestle his last match on the biggest stage in his home state. It is at that WrestleMania... his final that I believe the streak will be broken. As for who his opponent will be? Cena? Maybe. But I would hope they would bank on someone that could use the win. Either way, I don't see him retiring with the streak in tact.
Personally I dont think it matters anymore, nobody really thinks it will ever be broken, so it makes it very hard for me to get involved in any of Takers Mania matches anymore, when the result is a foregone conclusion.
Any other ppv, Im happy to see Undertaker wrestle as he is a chance of actually losing. This match with Brock will be shit to watch, Lesnar having to tone down his natural aggressive and physical nature so as to not further injure Undertaker, yet alone try to suspend belief that Undertaker could really defeat Brock Lesnar in a real life situation, laughable at best. Hoping the rest of the card improves so that match doesnt sully the ppv for me.
I don't think it matters. Undertaker hadn't been full time in so long, I don't think fans would notice if there was no streak match. If anything, it would be better for Wrestlemania, 20 minutes for some of the younger stars instead of throwing a bunch of midcarders in a random multi tag match that won't mean anything after the PPV
Of course the streak matters because for some reason majority of wrestling fans (both casual and hardcore) tend to love the Undertaker and like watching him win every year. I don't think any of them seriously believe that the streak is in any danger of being broken. They just want to see him win every year and praise him as the best ever for going on even at his age. It's a given that he will never lose.

To me the streak hasn't mattered in a long time for this very reason. Orton and Edge were the most likely to break it and none of the other opponents have ever made me doubt if it would be broken. In my opinion Taker should have retired either after WM26 or WM28. Now the streak is just a means for Taker to glorify himself. This year's feud with Lesnar is all about Taker stroking his ego and adding Brock to his victim list as revenge for going over him twice in 2002-2003. Last week's segment of Taker chokeslaming Brock through a table made Brock look so weak. Had it been Cena or HHH people would have immediately accused them of burying Brock and hogging the spotlight but just because it's Taker everyone found that segment epic.
Of course the streak matters because for some reason majority of wrestling fans (both casual and hardcore) tend to love the Undertaker and like watching him win every year. I don't think any of them seriously believe that the streak is in any danger of being broken. They just want to see him win every year and praise him as the best ever for going on even at his age. It's a given that he will never lose.

To me the streak hasn't mattered in a long time for this very reason. Orton and Edge were the most likely to break it and none of the other opponents have ever made me doubt if it would be broken. In my opinion Taker should have retired either after WM26 or WM28. Now the streak is just a means for Taker to glorify himself. This year's feud with Lesnar is all about Taker stroking his ego and adding Brock to his victim list as revenge for going over him twice in 2002-2003. Last week's segment of Taker chokeslaming Brock through a table made Brock look so weak. Had it been Cena or HHH people would have immediately accused them of burying Brock and hogging the spotlight but just because it's Taker everyone found that segment epic.

yo man if you think this match has something to do with taker stroking his EGO your ignorant as ever bruhh lol... while i can see where your coming from its bullshit at the same time... sure dude only wrestles one match every year but its always a sick match. since when has mark Calloway had to prove himself to the WWE universe.
Lesnar is the best suited competitor or this match...i say it will be sick... TUPAC mutha fuckaaaa
yo man if you think this match has something to do with taker stroking his EGO your ignorant as ever bruhh lol... while i can see where your coming from its bullshit at the same time... sure dude only wrestles one match every year but its always a sick match. since when has mark Calloway had to prove himself to the WWE universe.
Lesnar is the best suited competitor or this match...i say it will be sick... TUPAC mutha fuckaaaa

It's still all about Taker stroking his ego by beating the one guy in the company who he lost to cleanly and never won against. The fact that he confronted Lesnar at the UFC after he had just got beaten is proof of his jealousy. Everyone knows there is no way Brock is going to break the streak so there was no point in having Taker put him through a table. If anything, Lesnar should have been booked to look dominant. I wouldn't be surprised if they do another Lesnar vs Taker next year or even at Extreme Rules just so Taker can beat Lesnar twice and say he has beaten him twice, since Lesnar beat him twice during his first run.
personnally, i think the streak means more now that it ever did and i would say that i'm not the only one thinking that way just by the way people reacted last year to the punk/taker match and how the other 2 main event matches receive almost no reaction from the crowd.

Sure would it have been better if taker ended the streak at 20-0, probably, but the guy still can go and fans will buy wrestlemania mostly for that undertaker match. The streak as become a bigger part of wrestlemania and is more important now then anything else on the show even the WWE championship. If it was me booking wrestlemania, i would put the undertaker vs lesnar match as the main event of the show simply because, if 4 of the biggest stars of all time (rock,cena,hhh and lesnar) weren't able to get a reaction out of that crowd last year, their nobody on the current roster that can get a reaction from the crowd if they follow the undertaker and that include daniel bryan.
It's still all about Taker stroking his ego by beating the one guy in the company who he lost to cleanly and never won against. The fact that he confronted Lesnar at the UFC after he had just got beaten is proof of his jealousy. Everyone knows there is no way Brock is going to break the streak so there was no point in having Taker put him through a table. If anything, Lesnar should have been booked to look dominant. I wouldn't be surprised if they do another Lesnar vs Taker next year or even at Extreme Rules just so Taker can beat Lesnar twice and say he has beaten him twice, since Lesnar beat him twice during his first run.

You really think that it's all about taker stroking is ego, really. If that what you think then you really don't know nothing about good business. First of all Taker doesn'T need to come back every year, he does it because he loved the WWE and want to help them out as long as he can. Secondly while the guy has the final decision if he wants on his oponnent, the WWE does pick his opponent before letting him decided if he want to come back or not.

Finally, the guys gave so much to the wrestling business and is a true legend and while some people see his return every year as taker stroking his own ego then so be it but then again you talking about a guy that going to face Brock lesnar at wrestlemania this year and if their somebody that all about his ego, it's BROCK LESNAR.
You really think that it's all about taker stroking is ego, really. If that what you think then you really don't know nothing about good business. First of all Taker doesn'T need to come back every year, he does it because he loved the WWE and want to help them out as long as he can. Secondly while the guy has the final decision if he wants on his oponnent, the WWE does pick his opponent before letting him decided if he want to come back or not.

Finally, the guys gave so much to the wrestling business and is a true legend and while some people see his return every year as taker stroking his own ego then so be it but then again you talking about a guy that going to face Brock lesnar at wrestlemania this year and if their somebody that all about his ego, it's BROCK LESNAR.

Learn to read. I never denied the fact that majority of wrestling fans (both casual and hardcore ones) love Taker and the streak and that the streak is a major attraction. I never disputed the fact that it is good for business. It is no longer a question of whether the streak will be broken but about how many more wins Taker will be able to get before he finally hangs up his boots. This is the reason why I personally don't find the streak interesting anymore because I know it will never be broken due to it being as big as it is now. I may not like it but since majority of fans love it, the streak is very much relevant.

Personally I don't think Taker is as selfless as people say he is. While he is already a legend and almost certainly has enough money to never have to work again, the longer he extends his career and the streak, the greater his legacy and chances of being hailed as the best superstar ever. So it's not as if there is no personal stake in it for him. As for Brock vs Taker being a draw, Cena vs Taker would have been a bigger draw in my opinion. Everyone knows Brock is part timer and couldn't care less about pro wrestling or its fans and is only doing it for money and ending the streak would do nothing for him anyway since he is already Brock Lesnar so there is no way he has any chance of ending the streak. Instead of having Brock dominate Taker during the build up to WM in order to give us at least some doubt that Brock may be the one to do it we had a skinny Taker return last week, stab him in the hand and put him through a table. To me it seems very obvious that this is all about Taker getting back at Brock for going over him a decade ago. Not that Brock gives a damn though.

How is Brock stroking his ego?
The fact that you're even asking if a 24 year storyline matters is a reminder why Vince isn't stupid enough to ever listen to IWC fans....

You could potentially be a grandpa by the time you ever see a storyline of that length occur again.

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