Does the Constitution even matter?


Pre-Show Stalwart
All that I've seen on the News today was about Donald Trump and Obama releasing his birth certificate and it was all rather childish. And I thought to myself, does someone really even need to be born in the U.S. to become President?

We already have non-U.S. born citizens in the upper echelons of our Government, what would it matter if our President wasn't born in America?

I think the U.S. Constitution is a primitive piece of paper, written by primitive people. I remember in H.S I had a great history teacher and she reminded us that the US Con. was written by slave owners and other sorts of unethical/immoral people.

Anyway, I just wanted to hear others thoughts on these matters.
I think the Constitution is obsolete and we are in need of new rules.
Republicans now a days use the Constitution as a crutch and reiterate beliefs that are a few centuries old which only prolong progress.

Republicans are really grasping at straws right now because they know Obama is undefeatable and he will be President for many more years to come.

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