Does Taker get a goodbye?


Getting Noticed By Management
When the time comes for the Deadman to walk into the sunset how does it happen? Does he get an Edge, Ric Flair, Daniel Bryan sendoff with a goodbye speech and the roster showing respect? Or is their a cryptic video and then Kane announces Taker is retired?
No doubt the man Marc Calloway deserves his goodbye to be big and proper. But does the character Undertaker make that type of goodbye out of character and improper?
If it's me I say yes he deserves a big goodbye and to h*ll with kayfabe
If anyone ever deserved a major goodbye send off it's The Undertaker. I expect a last hurrah match next Wrestlemania with a long goodbye wave afterwards followed by a speech on RAW, but on RAW he comes out as himself rather than the gimmick and speaks right from the heart.

At Mania he could pass the torch to a future star or face an established star like John Cena and go out with a bang. If he was facing Cena, I'd like to see The Undertaker win his final match at Wrestlemania in a big rally at the end, overcoming a tremendous beating and a final tombstone to win.

If they went the passing of the torch route....he could face Baron then (if pushed right) ...Corbin could have tremendous momentum as a heel. Make it look like Undertaker is going to win, but Corbin digs down deep and defeats The Undertaker for a huge rub.

Or...he could face Sting next year and have that stare down that everyone wants to see.

Anything could happen in a year. They could induct him in the Hall of Fame in the same event as his final match at Wrestlemania to make it all that more epic for the deadman.
Hopefully he goes out on his back like the greats do. Putting over someone like KO, Corbin, or any other guy would be the way to do it. More likely though it comes as a loss to John Cena at WrestleMania 33.

Unless he keeps going. The older he gets the more the threat of career ending injuries from simple moves starts to become a reality. Time will eventually come calling for the deadman.

I'd like to see the final WrestleMania loss in a career threatening match. He should get a talking segment on Raw. Some kind of funeral would be fitting of the character.

He's a lock for the Hall of Fame. They won't wait and he'll go in the WrestleMania after he retires.
It's difficult to say with Taker because he's such an old school type of guy and his character, to some degree, still has some mystique about it. Taker's character as this supernatural, god of death figure is one that doesn't quite fit with the mold of having an emotional goodbye. When Flair retired in WWE years back, Taker appeared to say goodbye after Raw went off the air, saluted Flair with the kneeling pose, hugged him, etc. but it'd be cool to see Taker break character once as a means of truly putting to rest the Undertaker character.

Still, if Taker wants one, he deserves one and I'm sure he'll get one as it only seems right. Taker is someone who's pretty private and doesn't tend to break character a lot. I mean, he doesn't wear his gear of anything when he's in public. Truth be told, whenever I see pics of him online, he looks about as normal as anyone can possibly get. There are instances of people who ask him politely to pose for a picture or autograph or something, he's said to be really nice about things like that. There are also a few videos and pics out there of Taker working out, Taker himself posted this really cool looking cake that some friends/fans made for him for his 51st birthday last month.

Taker's also a private guy in the sense that he doesn't broadcast a lotta stuff about who he is, what he's about, etc. via social media, he doesn't do very many interviews at all and Bret Hart sort of described him as the quiet, easy going type who always made sure the boys got back to their hotels okay when they were out partying after a show.
Theres no question that he deserves a large send off but I would hate to see him ever break character for any kind of send off or even for his hall of fame speach, I think it would be more fitting character wise to be defeated and then never seen again on possibly a retirement match at a future wrestlemania.
To put it simply, if he wants a big send off, he will get one. If he wants to just disappear after a match, then it will happen. Basically, whatever he wants is what he will get. He's one of the few that have earned that right to say when, where, and how he says goodbye.
There's the untapped resource of Mark Calloway - that's the thing...

I can see him being inducted AND wrestling at 33, only Flair has done that, so it's fitting... Ibut I can see his speech being Mark Calloway and being about "one last time, the deadman walks" but after that, you got me...

WWE can use him if he's amenable - he's the perfect "Jack Tunney" type figure as himself, the kind of guy who comes out when a big call needs to be made, not a McMahon, but who will be respected.

Or he could disappear totally. but I think they and he know he has too much value as himself, away from the gimmick with that experience.

I'd hope his speech goes something like "For 27 years I made you believe a deadman can walk the earth... but all the time, I was leading the way..."
I think Undertaker should go out the way Undertaker sees fit, if he wants to break character and get the big send off he truly has earned I'm all for it. If he wants to go out in character and just disappear I think WWE could come up with a way to do so. I think the decision should be left up the man behind the character, he's earned it to decide how he leaves the business. If he were to decide to go out in character have him down for the count and just before the referee hits 3 lights go down, lights come up Undertaker is gone and in his place sits his urn.
It's entirely up to what the Undertaker wants, I'm sure. I'm completely sure Vince would put together anything that Taker wanted. I hope he takes the victory lap he deserves. Nothing Undertaker could ever do could erase the amazing memories - he could break kayfabe tomorrow, do a shoot interview in a suit and tie about everything he's ever done in the business, and absolutely nothing would change. But he's a guy who respects the business deeply and has maintained kayfabe pretty tightly since the return of the Deadman gimmick.

There's no one who really knows the answer to this question other than Taker himself. I hope he takes the chance to have a final match at WrestleMania, and have a send off to rival the one Ric Flair got. No one deserves it more than him.
It's all up to the Undertaker as to how he wants to go out. Maybe he could leave his boots in the ring after his match at 33 or he could have a huge sendoff and appear in character or as Marc.

I personally think a huge send off with a night full of people talking about him, memories and then finally the whole roster is on the stage after a top guy gives an emotional speech and suddenly the gong and lights go off. Taker is alone in the ring, he gets on his knee and does that pose that he does. Lightning and his music play in the background as a shot of him, the roster and a torn crowd is shown and the show fades to black with a final message showing in big white letters "Thank You from The Undertaker.

Eventually when he is inducted into the HOF, he gets a chance to speak not as the Undertaker but as himself.
I think he gets to call his shot with when and where he goes out.

I definitely would love a sendoff speech and don't think it should be at WrestleMania as that would really bum out the crowd.

If he wants to win, have him face a guy like Cena who would gladly take the fall and a loss doesn't mean anything.

If he wants to lose, put someone young and talented over. But if he's cool losing, I'd love to see it in 1 final casket match. He gets put in the casket, the top shuts and he gets wheeled out of the arena...

next night on RAW, either at the very beginning the casket is in the ring... the opponent from mania comes down to talk smack, taker pops out, does a quick choke slam... then grabs mic and says undertaker was buried but I still live... and gives a speech
Well he'll definitely have something.

I don't know if he'll have a speech so much as an elaborate and symbolic goodbye ceremony though, as somebody else mentioned, a funeral kind of thing would fit the character and be a great send off in my opinion. I'm not really a fan of Taker coming out just as "Mark" and pouring out his soul in a passionate speech, talk about dumping on the character the he spent 25 years building. If people want to see that, make them watch the Hall of Fame ceremony.

If Taker wants to go out on his back, I'm fine with that, if he doesn't I'm fine with that too. The man, more than anybody else in WWE history deserves to go out however the hell he wants, when he wants, and where he wants. I'd assume it's going to be Mania next year. He and the WWE are selling it like his career is over, but he'll wrestle at Mania 33. If everything stays the same, I see it being a win against Cena.

He probably gets something on Raw, but he could very well last be seen at Mania, which would be fitting.
Undertaker deserves a big send off and I see that happening at Wrestlemania 33. I think we will see him inducted next year into the hall of fame, with one final match at mania against somebody like Samoa Joe or Baron Corbin. I'm not expecting a big speech or anything like that from him, probably just a slow walk up the ramp with wwe superstars, refs and various other employees forming a guard of honor.
When the time comes for the Deadman to walk into the sunset how does it happen? Does he get an Edge, Ric Flair, Daniel Bryan sendoff with a goodbye speech and the roster showing respect? Or is their a cryptic video and then Kane announces Taker is retired?
No doubt the man Marc Calloway deserves his goodbye to be big and proper. But does the character Undertaker make that type of goodbye out of character and improper?
If it's me I say yes he deserves a big goodbye and to h*ll with kayfabe

I believe he'll have a big sendoff. He's Vince's favorite wrestler. I'd be shocked if his retirement isn't a big deal.
Taker will get the whole fanfare....I wouldn't be surprised to see him go at Survivor Series though. Having said that I don't think Taker will go anytime soon! Why should he? He only wrestles a couple of times a year and he is paid around $2m so I read. He looks in decent shape too.

He could easily go for another 5 years.
The fans clamoring to hear from Mark Calaway are in for some major disappointment. He does not exist to the rest of the world. Undertaker wants it that way and will keep it that way.

His reinvention as the American Badass and then as the hybrid Badass/Deadman has allowed him to be able to come out and do a goodbye as The Undertaker. To speak from his heart and maybe even shed a tear. But there is NO chance he will come out as Mark Calaway. Hell, Adam Copeland still always calls him self Edge.

Undertaker will get a sendoff of some sorts. Unless he ends up hurt like Sting, we will see him in his "final match" and know that it is his final match. I think Cena vs. Taker next year would be a great way for him to go out. Or him vs. Owens would be even better (except it is always better to go out against a face who can laud you after).

I love Taker. He still manages to put on a great match despite not being able to do half of what he could even 10 years ago. He tells a story, fights the pain in the knees, delivers the goods and keeps going. But, he has to be close. I don't know who it will be against, but the WWE will certainly make sure he gets his sendoff.

As for the Hall ... he will come out there as The American Badass/Deadman hybrid as well. I repeat, Mark Calaway will never be revealed to the watching public. That is not who he is.
Taker will get the whole fanfare....I wouldn't be surprised to see him go at Survivor Series though. Having said that I don't think Taker will go anytime soon! Why should he? He only wrestles a couple of times a year and he is paid around $2m so I read. He looks in decent shape too.

He could easily go for another 5 years.

He's 51 and considering how he has looked during and after his matches since the Lesnar beatdown at Wrestlemania 2 years ago, I think it's time.

He's in great shape for a 51-year-old but that's still 51. And all it takes is for one move to greatly hurt his back or neck or legs for him to have a really terrible rehab experience and tough recovery.
As for the Hall ... he will come out there as The American Badass/Deadman hybrid as well. I repeat, Mark Calaway will never be revealed to the watching public. That is not who he is.

I don't think he's going to gimmick his HOF speech. I mean he might, but it would probably be really awkward and lame considering the guy's gimmick is zombie/cussing, tobacco chewing, violent. "badass". But you do bring up a very good point. Taker is still the only guy who never goes to the HOF ceremony in an effort to preserve his gimmick, or so he says. But he has gone to Comic-Con and whatnot as himself, just under the Taker moniker.

Interesting point I never thought of. I for one hope we see the guy at least talk about his career and influences. It would be pretty shitty if he came out and started speaking in tongues.
For the last few years all we have heard is people complain about how this needs to be Undertaker's final match this year was meant to be his final match as was last year and the year before that and obviously this is what we are going to hear all the way till Wrestlemania 33 that event will need to be his last match, If you dislike his matches or disagree with him wrestling at that age then don't watch its simple, Personally I enjoy seeing him once a year at Wrestlemania as he was someone I grew up watching he's only 51 people have competed at Wrestlemania in reasonable matches older, One match a year cannot be too bad for your health and the guy looks 10 times fitter for 51 than I imagine most of the complainers are in your early 20s, If Undertaker wants to retire next year or next week then fair enough its his choice but some just seem completly obsessed with wanting him to retire.
I'd like to see Taker start a feud (not sure with who, but possibly Kane could be an option for his final match)
The whole point of the feud is his opponent is saying he is too old and will end his career etc. Undertaker tells opponent that oh himself will determine when his carter is over!
Undertaker wins at Wrestlemania, walks up the ramp and before exiting the stage, picks up the mic and simply says "It's over" And Walks away.

We then do not see Taker until the following year HOF.

I know this might not give Taker the farewell speech he deserves. But Marc Callaway is 100% about kayfabe, and I think this would be fitting.
The fans clamoring to hear from Mark Calaway are in for some major disappointment. He does not exist to the rest of the world. Undertaker wants it that way and will keep it that way.

His reinvention as the American Badass and then as the hybrid Badass/Deadman has allowed him to be able to come out and do a goodbye as The Undertaker. To speak from his heart and maybe even shed a tear. But there is NO chance he will come out as Mark Calaway. Hell, Adam Copeland still always calls him self Edge.

Undertaker will get a sendoff of some sorts. Unless he ends up hurt like Sting, we will see him in his "final match" and know that it is his final match. I think Cena vs. Taker next year would be a great way for him to go out. Or him vs. Owens would be even better (except it is always better to go out against a face who can laud you after).

I love Taker. He still manages to put on a great match despite not being able to do half of what he could even 10 years ago. He tells a story, fights the pain in the knees, delivers the goods and keeps going. But, he has to be close. I don't know who it will be against, but the WWE will certainly make sure he gets his sendoff.

As for the Hall ... he will come out there as The American Badass/Deadman hybrid as well. I repeat, Mark Calaway will never be revealed to the watching public. That is not who he is.

Actually, outside of wrestling related interviews and such, Copeland refers to himself and is billed as Adam Copeland in his acting roles and during interviews that aren't centered on wrestling. Even refers to Christian as Jay when talking about him outside of wrestling programming. Christian as well usually uses his name Jay Reno instead of Christian.

Taker has done some charity work were he would introduce himself as Mark Calloway, wwe's Undertaker. Also goes by his name at UFC events and when he makes appearances at bike shows and for his real estate business.
Absolutely Undertaker gets a goodbye. If anyone deserves a goodbye on RAW it is the Undertaker.

If next year has to be his last match at WrestleMania 33 then it should be against John Cena however I think that the Undertaker should win his last match if it is against John Cena. If the Undertaker faces John Cena in a career threatening match at WrestleMania and loses then that will just cause a lot of fans to boo and I think that would ruin the atmosphere of Undertaker's last match.

I would have the Undertaker come out as the Undertaker and give a speech on RAW. I don't really think he should be his real life self. A segment where perhaps the Undertaker gets put into a casket by the druids and wheeled away or buried.

However it happens though he will absolutely receive a goodbye.
I think whether Undertaker gets a goodbye will be down to Mark Callaway. He's been such a mainstay of WWE for so many years that he'll get the final say on when he retires and how he does it. He deserves to go out the way he wants to after all he's done for the business.

I'd like to see him on Raw as the Undertaker character, to say goodbye to the fans and I think the first time we see him as himself would be at the HOF induction ceremony. After retirement, I'd like to see him stick around in WWE as the GM "Mark Callaway", stepping in to make unbiased decisions when required as well as doing something with the Performance Centre.

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