Does Seth rollins need a female manager?


Getting Noticed By Management
We have seen it work before with guys like edge and lita and triple h and stephanie... How about they have a good heel diva go with Seth and make them a heel couple like edge and lita were. Thoughts?
I don't see a need for Rollins to have a manager, male or female.

In the case of Edge & Lita, it ultimately became little more than Lita being the gratuitous tits and ass of the gimmick. Aside from running around in skimpy outfits and generally acting ****ty, I don't recall anything particularly memorable.

Triple H and Stephanie was something of a different story. Prior to Stephanie becoming Trips' manager and before it was ultimately revealed they were involved in a relationship, Stephanie generally came off as this young, innocent, naive, sweet girl. We were still thinking of her and looking at her as this girl in her early 20s who was being stalked and ultimately planned to be "sacrificed" to The Undertaker. When it was revealed that she could be the greedy, hateful, manipulative, condescending asshole sort of character that her old man could pull off, it changed the game for her. I mean, let's be honest, most female managers/valets were there primarily to provide some degree of sex appeal to the male viewers whether it was Precious accompanying Jimmy Garvin in WCCW and Mid-Atlantic, whether it was Baby Doll with Tully Blanchard in Mid-Atlantic, whether it was Tammy Sytch/Sunny with Chris Candido in ECW and WWE, whether it was Dawn Marie with the Impact Players in ECW, etc. it was ultimately little more than a hot chick running around in skimpy outfits to titillate male fans. Stephanie was an exception in that she was as cunning and ruthless as her old man and Chyna looked like she could kick the ass of half the guys in the locker room.

When you look at what's ultimately going on with Lana right now in that the fact that she's hot is now truly being made the centerpiece of what she brings to the table, it makes me want to see less and less of female managers. Lana's got genuine talent as an athlete due to her years of studying dance, she has acting experience, she can fluently speak Russian and Bulgarian and there's ultimately a lot more to her than being a hot blonde with long legs in a tight mini-skirt. However, as we all know, Vince feels the primary role of women is to serve as sex objects or as damsels in distress; either that or he doesn't know how to book women in meaningful ways or he's just not interested in doing so. As a result, what we're getting is this love triangle bit in which Ziggler & Lana are actin' all sweet on each other while Rusev looks like this pathetic ex boyfriend who can't get over the fact that he's been dumped. This has Vince McMahon's fingerprints all over it and seems to fit with his twisted logic in that he's trying to get Lana over as the female "face" of WWE even though it simultaneously makes Rusev, a guy that's been a dominant heel in WWE for close to 1.5 years look like a pathetic loser instead of a monster heel that tore his way through the mid-card ranks and was a significant United States Champion for 5 months.

I've also seen WWE break out the outside interference angle with Rollins so much that I've no desire for WWE to replace J&J Security and Kane with some bimbo in a short skirt.
I don't think he necessarily needs it, but if he breaks away from the Authority, it would add another element to him. It would also add another dimension to the divas if it was a woman who was not a wrestler. If it was a business woman, like Lana, but without the schtick.
As stated above the interference angle.. is just so played out to me. Any kind of person at ringside is just not welcome with me. I really want to see Seth out on his own after he breaks away from The Authority. I suppose I really do no care if he had a manager if it helped his character or something, but it just sounds pointless to me at the moment.
Absolutely not.
What Rollins needs is an organic face-turn to rightfully claim his spot as the top babyface of the WWE. Wish they'd have the balls to do a Reigns/Rollins double turn but they simply don't do things like that anymore.

Both guys would be hot as fire. Nuclear heat for Reigns if he joined the authority and Rollins would work on proving himself and cleaning up his image by having a monster winning streak with no dirty Ws.
Who would be the 'good heel diva'?... They have no one on the current roster that could fit that role. There's no strong heels in the divas division and there hasn't been for many year's..

Besides that, Seth Rollins doesn't need anyone by his side, he doesn't even need the Authority anymore. Rollins is doing fine and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
Since the mid to late '90s transition it has been a rarity to see a female manager (valet) actually further the career of a male talent. Typically the female manager (valet) assists in short time heat or a pop for an individual but ultimately the female becomes the focus of attention and she surpasses the male. Long gone are the days of Sheri, Woman and even that skank Hyatt.
Maybe they could call up Zahra Schreiber for him. ;)

Seriously though, I think Seth's entire run as WWE champ has been greatly diminished by all of his supporting cast. I've been following him since ROH, saw him more times than I can remember at FCW live shows. The guy exudes cool and charisma, associating him with J&J, Kane, Big Show, HHH, and Stephanie, are basically the anthesis of everything he is in real life. He is flash, high-flying, bright colors, punk rock. Seeing him swing the belt around at WM was the closest flash we've had on the main roster to who he really is. The best thing they could ever do for him would be to get him away from ALL these deadweights and let his personality shine through.

His current title run reminds me of Punk's first one, mostly unmemorable. He needs to be booked with better opponents, and made to feel like a top star, not like he's second fiddle to Cena's US title.
He doesn't need a female manager, God knows where that notion came from. They've sent a lot of time calling him the Architect, so why would someone who created and dissolved the Shield, need a woman to speak for him.

Besides doesn't he already sort of have one in Stephanie McMahon? She taken to talking for him before, so if he's going to listen to any female right now, it's her.
He was the creator of the Shield and he aligned himself with the Authority not sold out he bought him all for himself and he had never worked under The Authority. He manipulated John Cena to bring back the Authority with Edge as the leverage.

All through out his career he has been established as the mastermind, innovative, genius architect. Doesn't the manager mean there's someone else managing him and planning strategies for his matches instead?

The answer is he doesn't even need a manager, and a female manager will ruin his character. He's the Seth Rollins, not the next Edge.

I had a wacky passing idea of Lacey from ROH coming in as a McMahon and having HHH and Steph try and play matchmaker. The McMahon-Rollins Regime would be hilariously disastrous and effectively split Seth from the Authority.

(Lacey from ROH looks like a young Steph to me, not sure what she looks like today. )

and a heartfelt RIP to Dusty Rhodes - he's a legend and irreplaceable, really gonna miss him.
I'd really only want to see Rollins with a female manager, if he were dating said female. At least than, there would be a reason for him to have said female with him, but as of right now there's no need for Seth to have a female "manager". He doesn't need somebody to speak for him and Seth paired with any current Diva on the roster just seems... weird to me. Seth and Paige? Seth and Nikki? Seth and Charlotte? Weird.

If he were to start dating somebody like Sasha Banks or Paige, and WWE put them over as a power couple similar to HHH and Steph, than I could get into it. But Rollins doesn't need somebody "controlling him" so to speak.
Why would Rollins need a female manager? He's already reached the top of the mountain without having a manager of any type. What would be the purpose of sticking him with one now? What would it do?

Like Hammer said, Lita was the T&A of the Edge/Lita duo and added nothing to Edge's gimmick or contributed to any major story. Plus, they were involved in a real life relationship anyway. So stick them together on TV to make Edge happy. She was already hated anyway because of the whole Matt Hardy situation. So throw her on Edge's side to give him more heat.

Rollins with a female manager is pointless and there's less than zero reason for it.
I wouldn't be against this. If we're looking at an alliance similar to Edge and Lita then it could work but it depends on who Seth is going to form an alliance with. If it's one of the divas who sucks then the whole thing would be pointless. Paige could be cool. The alliance could form on the upcoming Raw this monday as by that point Paige should have defeated Nikki for the Divas Championship. I would like seeing them help each other retain the World Heavyweight Championship and Divas Championships together. The only downside is that Paige would have to turn heel. Maybe Summer Rae might be a better option. As long as Seth is not paired with a diva who sucks I wouldn't mind an Edge/Lita type of alliance. Seth is already like a modern Edge anyway what with being an opportunistic heel who is good at getting the fans to want to pay money to see him lose, all while being great in the ring.
I wouldn't be against this. If we're looking at an alliance similar to Edge and Lita then it could work but it depends on who Seth is going to form an alliance with. If it's one of the divas who sucks then the whole thing would be pointless. Paige could be cool. The alliance could form on the upcoming Raw this monday as by that point Paige should have defeated Nikki for the Divas Championship. I would like seeing them help each other retain the World Heavyweight Championship and Divas Championships together. The only downside is that Paige would have to turn heel. Maybe Summer Rae might be a better option. As long as Seth is not paired with a diva who sucks I wouldn't mind an Edge/Lita type of alliance. Seth is already like a modern Edge anyway what with being an opportunistic heel who is good at getting the fans to want to pay money to see him lose, all while being great in the ring.

Well considering most of the diva's with the exception of Natalya and Paige suck big time, good luck with that.

Nattie is already a valet for Kidsero and Paige hopefully should win the title of Nikki, so neither one of them would be interested in Rollins. Besides while he's with the Authority, there would be a clash between his manager and Steph.

Now if he could persuade let's say, oh a Ronda Rousey to get into his corner, then I would go for it.
I could see Ronda Rousey being Seth's manager only IF he splits from the Authority, though. We all saw what happened at Wrestlemania with the Rock, so I'm sure Stephanie isn't to fond of her.

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