Does Roddy Piper's Lack of a Major Title...


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Does the fact that Roddy Piper never won a major World Title diminish his legacy?


This maybe one of the best in-ring microphone confrontations in wrestling history. Piper was almost seemless, and this was one of many such spots for him.

Piper was the "other" headliner at WrestleMania I. He provided Hogan the antagonist that Orndorff really couldn't.

At Wrestlemania 2, his boxing match with Mr. T drew at an event that was being broadcast from 3 different locations.

Piper, like Hogan, is one of the few men in history to perform and draw well as a heel AND a face, without a MAJOR change in gimmick.

In the territory system, Piper has feuded with the elder Chavo Guerrero, Buddy Rose, Hector Guerrero, Jack Briscoe, Don Muraco, Ric Flair, Sgt. Slaugter, and in a brutal Dog Collar match with Greg Valentine, ruptured his ear drum before heading to WWF to manage Paul Orndorf as a heel mouthpeice manager.

Then, Piper revolutionized pro wrestling as the originator of the wrestler-as-an-interviewer segment, the legendary Piper's Pit. Roddy would run down others in his segment, and often end up feuding with them. Piper's Pit was an unscripted shoot, and when WWF newcomer Greg Valentine showed up, it marked the first time in the WWF a feud from a competing territory was mentioned.

This was also the forum in which Piper legit smashed a coconut over Jim Snuka's head (and ran away, because a woozy Snuka was pissed), and insulted Bruno Sammartino, which led to a cage match eventually.

Piper's greatest work was before and during WrestleMania 1. In the tag match with Piper and Orndorf vs Hogan and T, it was actually Piper who called the match, with the express purpose of keeping T's in-ring shortcomings from being realized by fans. Piper worked the match like a genius, and the legend of WrestleMania was born - thanks in large part to Roddy Piper.

He also was a major part of one of the best Intercontinental Title matches ever, losing the IC belt to Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 8. That was his only WWF gold until he and Ric Flair formed a Cyber-Sunday induced venerable team not long ago to defeat The Spirit Squad.

Roddy Piper, despite being an adept heel and a charismatic face, as well as a total legend, is not mentioned with the same reverence as Hogan, Savage, Flair, or Hart, despite being a proven draw and working fantastic matches and feuds. I feel a major reason for this is that he was never WWF, WCW, or NWA champion, and despite working on major cards in memorable matches, he was always 2nd to Hogan.

But let's give credit where credit is due...
I think the problem with that last part is that everybody was second to Hogan, even Savage who won a ton of world titles. Piper was one of those guys that didn't need a title to draw. Sure he was the top heel and one of the best ever, and he did that with no real gold ever. What was he IC champion for, 3 months? Rumble to Mania I believe. US title he held for about a day in WCW during the 90s. He's never going to be remembered for his in ring skills. He's one of the greatest talkers of all time and is remembered for that. I believe he said he was bad before being bad was cool, and he couldn't be more right. Piper was just so bad that he was awesome. He never won titles because it made no sense for him to. He was better served on the mic. Piper is a legend of the ring wiht no question about it. Now I ask you this: name a big match that he won. He is walking proof that win/loss record means very little in wrestling. In answer to your question, no it doesn't.

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