Does ratings and PPV buyrates mean quality in wrestling?

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Well, in all fairness
He didn't mention NorCal
So there's that, brother.
You weren't here then. The only other possibility is her former e-marriage partner OneBigWill, but I doubt she'd want a porn about that.

By the way, do note that History has gone off running. I wouldn't doubt he'll put you on ignore the minute he reads this, no matter how rational that is
I'm an Administrator, impossible to Ignore I believe. Power is fun.
I always forget. Do PPV buyrates account for people that watch at bars and restaurants and what not? I always go to a place with my friends since we can't really afford the PPV ourselves. There's usually a solid amount of people there too.

I'm not positive about this, but I beleive the cost of a PPV for a bar or restaurant is significantly higher, to account for the amount of people watching at the bar. A restaurant here tried doing the WWE PPVs & said they would not be doing them anymore cause despite the fact that they where full for the entire night, they didn't make nearly as much profit off food & drinks to justify ever doing it again, UFC PPVs on the other hand always seem to deliver a big pay day. So in short I think they account for it, but by charging bars/restaurants more.
Because, as fans, we like to understand why things happen the way they do. Instead of bitching and moaning about why overrated IWC hack #1 isn't wrestling for the title, we understand he's not wrestling for the title because no one outside of the IWC gives two fucks about him.

That's why we care.

But If anyone got the push that John Cena got in 2005 anybody can be the "top guy". And are you talking about Dolph Ziggler?
You weren't here then. The only other possibility is her former e-marriage partner OneBigWill, but I doubt she'd want a porn about that.

Or Colamania kid, but again, that's doubtful. Though writing a porn featuring a girl you like & two other people as an ice breaker may be one of the weirdest things I've ever heard done as an ice breaker.
But If anyone got the push that John Cena got in 2005 anybody can be the "top guy". And are you talking about Dolph Ziggler?

There aren't many people that could take WWE out of the funk that was 2003; Cena was one of very, very few. The reason Cena got the huge push was because Vince gambled, knowing he had Batista in the wings, on the off chance Cena failed.

But Cena wasn't going to, because he connected
There aren't many people that could take WWE out of the funk that was 2003; Cena was one of very, very few. The reason Cena got the huge push was because Vince gambled, knowing he had Batista in the wings, on the off chance Cena failed.

But Cena wasn't going to, because he connected

Batista was more over than Cena at that time but he got drafted to Smackdown.
Or Colamania kid, but again, that's doubtful. Though writing a porn featuring a girl you like & two other people as an ice breaker may be one of the weirdest things I've ever heard done as an ice breaker.

Yet strangely enough, it worked. I'm still not sure what I was thinking when I did that.
But If anyone got the push that John Cena got in 2005 anybody can be the "top guy".?


First of all, Cena wasn't pushed as the top guy for awhile. Batista was by far the bigger star when they both won world titles. That's not debatable. Also, look at Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior for an example. Hogan drew mad money on the top. Warrior was put on top with a HUGE push but couldn't draw a thing as champion. You can get pushed as much as you want, but if the fans don't buy you then it doesn't mean anything.
To some degree, absolutely they do. There are other factors as well, but if you're not entertaining, then no one is going to buy the show.

Yeah but to some degree they absolutely don't and there isn't too much to argue here. Great pay-per-view events can be seen as big flops in terms of buyrates. Great shows can get bad ratings and that doesn't qualify them as BAD, do that?

Why are they mutually exclusive? There's a reason the "biggest stars" are just that, it's because they are the most entertaining.
First of all, the word is "stopped", not "stooped". You've said it twice now.

Not an english native, so that's okay... The reason why they are called the biggest stars isn't because they are the best or the most entertaining, it just means that you are the most popular. Justin Bieber is popular, and he's a crappy singer all around. In wrestling it's the same thing, John Cena is the most popular but one can argue that he may not be the most entertaining, and the fact that you may believe that he is the most entertaining his irrelevant since there still are a lot of guys that find otherwise.

Second of all the landscape of television is far different today than it was 10 years ago. More channels, more options, better original programming, DVR, Internet streaming, etc.

It's not an excuse, if you're good you're good, and if people just want to watch other things as they have every right to, it won't make the product bad. With that said you are giving me reason for the fact that buyrates or ratings do not show quality as others tried to say it did.

Because, as fans, we like to understand why things happen the way they do. Instead of bitching and moaning about why overrated IWC hack #1 isn't wrestling for the title, we understand he's not wrestling for the title because no one outside of the IWC gives two fucks about him.
Yes of course, do you at least know your posters here? They seem to think that Antonio Cesaro is pretty over and that he's the future because of his amazing talent, however outside the IWC nobody gives a flying fuck about him.


The young ones are always so naive.
Yeah, I learned that having a different opinion just means you are wrong. I love how this genius believe that their opinion can be more right than mine, specially giving the fact that wrestling is all around subjective thoughts.

So what your saying is that when two great and entertaining wrestlers left, taking their entertainment value with them, PPV buys and ratings dropped.

Now, I've only half paid attention to the debate in this thread, but when you lose two of the greatest wrestlers ever, the quality of the product is going to drop. That's really just common sense.

It may not be the case, you can still work with the talent you have and have a great program with that. If CM Punk and John Cena were to leave tomorrow, guys like The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Damien Sandow, Daniel Bryan, Ryback couldn't give me a good product? I mean I like the two above mentioned, but I can't find them more entertaining than Daniel Bryan or The Miz nowadays so is the quality gonna drop? Probably not, as WWE have a great roster capable of making a good work when creatives are like creatives.

And another thing I only put people on my ignore list if they correct someone with a wrong thing - Haiku just did that for me, he called someone dumb for not knowing Ric Flair's catchphrase and he corrected him with that sin: "TO BE THE MAN YOU HAVE TO BEAT THE MAN". I personally don't like hypocrisy and to be fair I like to discuss wrestling with people, I have my opinion and like I said there is no way your opinion is better unless you bring up facts and proof and since no one is giving me that, I can still hold onto my opinion.
Cena wasn't drafted until like halfway through the Summer right? Batista was on top for most 2005. Had he not been injured he most likely would have held the belt into WM 22.
But If anyone got the push that John Cena got in 2005 anybody can be the "top guy".
That's a complete rewriting of history.

In 2004, before Cena ever won the WWE title, he was already accounting for a very significant portion of the WWE's merchandise sales. He was one of the most over wrestlers on the roster.

John Cena was a top guy in the WWE before he ever won the title.

First of all, Cena wasn't pushed as the top guy for awhile. Batista was by far the bigger star when they both won world titles. That's not debatable. Also, look at Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior for an example. Hogan drew mad money on the top. Warrior was put on top with a HUGE push but couldn't draw a thing as champion. You can get pushed as much as you want, but if the fans don't buy you then it doesn't mean anything.

Ultimate Warrior surpassed Hulk Hogan in terms of popularity during 1990-91.
How can both of you prove that the other one is right and the other is wrong? Just a question for you KB, dazzle me!!

1. Common sense.

2. If Warrior was as popular as whoever it was claimed him to be, why did he drop the title and get a single other title shot in his entire run in the company, that one coming over a year and a half later?

3. Believe it or not, I've actually read quite a bit about WWF history and have a pretty good knowledge of its history.
Yeah but to some degree they absolutely don't and there isn't too much to argue here.
I'll say this, and if you disagree, you're wrong.

Nobody pays to watch programming which is not entertaining.

Great pay-per-view events can be seen as big flops in terms of buyrates. Great shows can get bad ratings and that doesn't qualify them as BAD, do that?
I don't think Haiku Hogan is saying that a particular PPV is bad because the people who decided to purchase the event before it happened was lower than the previous year.

I think he's saying the overall quality of the program was lower, which enticed fewer people to part with their money than before.

The reason why they are called the biggest stars isn't because they are the best or the most entertaining, it just means that you are the most popular.
That's completely false.

They are the biggest stars because they are the most entertaining. That's what makes them "stars".

Justin Bieber is popular, and he's a crappy singer all around.
Justin Bieber is incredibly entertaining to a significant portion of teens and preteens in this country. To say otherwise is just silly.

In wrestling it's the same thing, John Cena is the most popular but one can argue that he may not be the most entertaining, and the fact that you may believe that he is the most entertaining his irrelevant since there still are a lot of guys that find otherwise.
No, you are completely wrong.

You cannot be popular in pro wrestling without being entertaining. For fuck's sake, pro wrestling IS entertainment. They sell entertainment. People may have different ideas of what is entertaining (for example, some may think guys with huge muscles punching each other is entertaining while others may think little guys doing flips is entertaining), but at the end of the day, if you're not entertaining, you'll never be popular.

To argue otherwise is simply foolish, and shows a serious lack of in-depth thought on the subject.

It's not an excuse
It's not an excuse, it's just the truth.

With that said you are giving me reason for the fact that buyrates or ratings do not show quality as others tried to say it did.
Not really, because you're comparing 2001 and 2002...the landscape of entertainment didn't change rapidly in the span of 12 months.

Yes of course, do you at least know your posters here? They seem to think that Antonio Cesaro is pretty over and that he's the future because of his amazing talent, however outside the IWC nobody gives a flying fuck about him.
I've been posting on wrestling message boards for over 7 and a half years now (holy fuck, has it really been that long?). I'm well aware of what the IWC thinks is entertaining, and how so often that does not match what the rest of the wrestling audience thinks is entertaining.

Yeah, I learned that having a different opinion just means you are wrong.
No, having a wrong opinion means your wrong. When you try to claim popularity has nothing to do with entertainment level, you're wrong.

I love how this genius believe that their opinion can be more right than mine, specially giving the fact that wrestling is all around subjective thoughts.
This is completely false. Wrestling is not all around subjective, in fact, it's highly OBJECTIVE. We have many criteria for determining quality, and we are provide various pieces of evidence and statistics to debate those criteria.

It may not be the case, you can still work with the talent you have and have a great program with that.
Completely false. Pro wrestling is not like pro sports.

The reason Rock and Austin were so popular is because they were extremely entertaining. There's a reason business trended downward after they left. The reason is because they were two of the greatest ever. They brought an entertainment value the guys replacing them simply did not have. Which is not to say the guys replacing them were not entertaining, but simply they weren't as entertaining as Rock and Austin.

If CM Punk and John Cena were to leave tomorrow, guys like The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Damien Sandow, Daniel Bryan, Ryback couldn't give me a good product?
Maybe they could, but it wouldn't be AS good of a product. That's the point.

Despite the commonly held IWC belief, pro wrestlers are not disposable. Not every wrestler is as good as the next. If we could make any and every body into the next Hulk Hogan, then we'd have 15 Hulk Hogans in the WWE. There are simply guys who are superior than others, just like in any other profession.

I mean I like the two above mentioned, but I can't find them more entertaining than Daniel Bryan or The Miz nowadays so is the quality gonna drop?
Undoubtedly it will.

And another thing I only put people on my ignore list if they correct someone with a wrong thing
Luckily for you, I don't do that, otherwise you'd be on my Ignore list with many other posters.

I have my opinion
Yes, but what the opinion you posted here is wrong.

and like I said there is no way your opinion is better unless you bring up facts and proof and since no one is giving me that, I can still hold onto my opinion.
I've provided you facts, logic and proof. Stubbornly holding onto an opinion which fails the logic test is never something to be proud of.
There is a scientific way to measure popularity that you can use as a fact? If so, please teach me master!

Yes. Drawing power is far and away the most telling indicator of popularity. There's also TV ratings, merchandise sales, public polling, live crowd response, etc.
1. Common sense.

2. If Warrior was as popular as whoever it was claimed him to be, why did he drop the title and get a single other title shot in his entire run in the company, that one coming over a year and a half later?

3. Believe it or not, I've actually read quite a bit about WWF history and have a pretty good knowledge of its history.

See that i'm not taking a spot in the thing because I can't give a REAL answer for that, so you should have said:

"I believe that you are wrong, my opinion on the matter is that the Hulkster was more popular because he created his immortal character in that mentioned time and because they dropped the ball right after they saw how much of a fluke Warrior's was."

Those are facts, it happened and can be used to make people believe in what you say since it would be a good logic, and that's the only thing that makes me find your posts absolutely crap, because you say things and just forgets to back it up as you should.

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