Does ratings and PPV buyrates mean quality in wrestling?

Does it?

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  • No

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And once again, failing at providing context, and missing my point.

You want the real poll question? Did the quality of 02-03 drive off wrestling fans from 01?
Not to mention that not watching/liking a product doesn't mean it's not good. The San Francisco Giants won the World Series last season. I neither watch nor like them, but they're certainly good. I watch and like the Cleveland Indians and they suck. 1999 saw some of the highest Raw ratings ever and the shows SUCKED. 1997 Raw's had some of the best wrestling stories you'll ever see in the Border War and it was probably having to fight off Matlock reruns.

Translation: the topic of the poll isn't what Haiku is talking about in the quote.
Not to mention that not watching/liking a product doesn't mean it's not good. The San Francisco Giants won the World Series last year. I neither watch nor like them, but they're certainly good. I watch and like the Cleveland Indians and they suck. 1999 saw some of the highest Raw ratings ever and the shows SUCKED. 1997 Raw's had some of the best wrestling stories you'll ever see in the Border War and it was probably having to fight off Matlock reruns.

Translation: the topic of the poll isn't what Haiku is talking about in the quote.

Don't get roped into this bullshit... You and I both know how this is going to end
He pretty much believes that take that as examples:



He believes that wrestling buys mean quality and I'm not changing his words... Even though that, DO YOU BELIEVE that fans stooped watching the WWE because the product was bad, or because their biggest stars just left? Also you have to understand that 2001 was interesting because of the end of WCW, nothing more, when the effect passed it would maintain their same buyrates as many of WCW fans just quit.
Did you really spend
That much time looking at posts?
That's kinda creepy.

(Oh, and you're still taking drastic leaps with all of those posts. All of them.)
Did you really spend
That much time looking at posts?
That's kinda creepy.

(Oh, and you're still taking drastic leaps with all of those posts. All of them.)
I didn't take that much time as you think since I've seen at least two of them being posted. The other one about CM Punk just amazed me, I mean I get it that people find him boring, but doesn't like him because he can't draw is ridiculous. And those are actual proofs that you said that, and why do you ignore the part that I gave plausible reasons for the weak buyrates?
Did I say in the Punk post I don't like him because he's ratings death. Actually, no, I just point out he's ratings death; I don't make a stance on him at all.

Now, if you do want my stance on him, here you go

I'll offer the same look into my sordid mind that GSB does.

I don't hate Punk, I don't even dislike Punk. I do like CM Punk. I like Punk a hell of a lot more than I like most people in the back.

I hate this idea that he's the best man to be champion. Because he's not. Cena's the best man to be champion. He's the best in the world. There's one thing Punk is better at than Cena is, and that's kissing the IWC's ass.

He's as good at kissing the IWC's ass as HBK was. I don't know if he's as good as Richard though. He's a pretty good ass kisser. Always was and still is. Whoops, I'm breaking the fourth wall! (Cue "woo" into the camera)

CM Punk is not the best man to be champion. John Cena is the best in the world.

He's been the best since day one when I walked he finally reached elite status. And he's been vilified and hated since that day because Vince McMahon saw great drawing power that nobody else wanted to admit. That’s right, he's a Vince McMahon guy. You know who else was a Vince McMahon guy? Hulk Hogan. And he's told you to fuck off, just like John Cena should tell you all to fuck off. But the biggest difference between John and Hulk is he's not going to end up a crippled, embarrassed, pedophile.

He's done everything that Punk hasn't (grabbed ratings, drew massive PPV buys consistently) and grabbed the IWC's imaginary brass rings that it's finally dawned on me that they're just that, completely imaginary. The only thing that's real is Cena, and the fact that day in and day out, for almost ten years, he has proved to everyone in the world that he is the best in getting viewers to tune in, making people care about his matches to get them to the main event, getting people to buy tickets to the house show, providing main event matches that make you feel like you spent your money's worth, no one can touch him!

And yet no matter how many times he proves it, he still isn't lauded the same praise, he doesn't get fancy Wrestlezone columns sounding the sirens horn, he doesn't get Wade Keller and Bruce Johnson sucking on his cock, he gets stuck in stupid storylines with AJ, he has to try to carry main event matches with Johnny Ace, he doesn't even have a full year as champion.

And this isn't sour grapes, but the fact that you people think this is a great title reign makes me sick!

Oh, and don't get me wrong, you people are the biggest reason why I'm writing this. No, seriously you are.... I think I've made that effectively clear.
Moving on.

CM Punk is not leaving January 27th with the WWE Title, and hey, maybe he'll get butthurt and go to New Japan. Maybe he'll go to the unemployment line.

Hey Colt Cabana, how are you?

The reason I wrote my article is because of you people. Because even after I've written it and used supporting evidence, you’re still going to line up to say he was a great champion. I’m just a spoke on the wheel. The wheel is going to keep turning and I understand that. Vince McMahon is going to make money despite himself. He’s a millionaire who should be a billionaire. You know why he’s not a billionaire? Because CM Punk's champion.... Well, ok, maybe that's not why he isn't a billionaire, but it's one of the reason his main show is hemorhagging an audience, why buy rates for the average show is lowering, and why idiot fans don't seem to understand that a champion is measured by your ability to draw an audience, something CM Punk hasn't proven to have done.

You want a personal story about Vince McMahon? You know how his wife had that whole Senate campaign, and-
Did I say in the Punk post I don't like him because he's ratings death. Actually, no, I just point out he's ratings death; I don't make a stance on him at all.

Now, if you do want my stance on him, here you go

Once again ignoring the subject, you really are a treat... You pretty much proved that you hate him, so okay... But still, WWE's ratings nowadays are lower than any others from the past 10 years. Was it the product? Talk about the subject and say why do you believe people stooped watching wrestling because of HHH reign of terror.
Once again ignoring the subject, you really are a treat... You pretty much proved that you hate him, so okay...

Again, I never said I don't like Punk; I don't think he's a great champion, but I don't dislike him. How is this ignoring the subject?
Again, I never said I don't like Punk; I don't think he's a great champion, but I don't dislike him. How is this ignoring the subject?

I'm talking the subject of the thread here, where you feel that ppv buyrates reflect the product from 2002, however you just changed that line of thought now but okay. And you do dislike CM Punk, it's pretty obvious and I don't even care about that.
First of all, why do some of you guys (Haiku) care so much about "Who draws" or "Who doesn't draw"? Isn't that WWE's job to think that not a fan's?
I'm talking the subject of the thread here, where you feel that ppv buyrates reflect the product from 2002, however you just changed that line of thought now but okay. And you do dislike CM Punk, it's pretty obvious and I don't even care about that.

Then explain this post in that exact same thread;

I don't think Punk has been bad on television, but people seem to tune out when he's on your television, an that's quite the problem.

Again, a massive case of hearing what you want to here. Yeah, the ratings and buyrates reflect the quality of the product, because thousands of people less were buying PPVs, and millions less were watching. Seeing as how there was no massive catastrophe or outlier in the world that would affect business, I have to assume that it had to do with the product.

Oh, and arguing Rock and Stone Cold left is great, except;

A. They were regular fixtures on both shows until Wrestlemania XIX
B. The talent you have on the show does reflect the quality of the show
He pretty much believes that take that as examples:



He believes that wrestling buys mean quality and I'm not changing his words... Even though that, DO YOU BELIEVE that fans stooped watching the WWE because the product was bad, or because their biggest stars just left? Also you have to understand that 2001 was interesting because of the end of WCW, nothing more, when the effect passed it would maintain their same buyrates as many of WCW fans just quit.








































Yet you can't prove me wrong.. So how stupid are you really looking right now? Go make your reviews and believe that you really know anything about wrestling. In fact a question for you, what material is a wrestling ring really made of? Fucking twat.
Yet you can't prove me wrong.. So how stupid are you really looking right now? Go make your reviews and believe that you really know anything about wrestling. In fact a question for you, what material is a wrestling ring really made of? Fucking twat.

Pretty sure I've done that enough for the both of us
Yet you can't prove me wrong.. So how stupid are you really looking right now? Go make your reviews and believe that you really know anything about wrestling. In fact a question for you, what material is a wrestling ring really made of? Fucking twat.

This right here

Also you have to understand that 2001 was interesting because of the end of WCW, nothing more

Shows that you know next to nothing about what you're talking about. If you honestly believe this, you have no business discussing wrestling of any sort.

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