Does R-Truth need a title to get over?


Pre-Show Stalwart
R-Truth is now a former WWE U.S. Champion by title holder history. But how long did Truth hold on to the U.S. strap? Two weeks? R-Truth lost his United States championship to the guy he beat to win the then vacant title, the Miz.

So now R-Truth is on the broader line of the main event scene with the 7 on 7 elimination match at Summerslam. And we saw Truth on the Smackdown brand in February in the Elimination Chamber match there.

But does R-Truth really need a championship belt to get over with the WWE universe?
R-Truth is already mega over. He remained extremely over even when WWE hading him jobbing out left and right. I am still very disappointed with WWE for taking the US belt off of him as early as they did, only to give it right back to The Miz who is to busy with MITB and other stuff for the US title reign to remain relevant. It's simply being overshadowed by the MITB contract. He doesn't need a championship to remain over as he is very over and has been for quite some time now. The audience loves the guy, so it baffles me why they only let him run with the ball for three weeks only to cut him off from his title reign. Him or Evan Bourne would be far more better choices to be US champion than The Miz, simply because The Miz is too busy with other endeavors rather than the mid-card title he is holding.
I say let Miz have that US Title.With Truth dishing out promos like the one from monday,they'd be fools not to have him chase after that title. Truth has been over practically since his debut,people eat that song up.All they need to do is give him a mic and it's all good.He's a great talker,but I feel like if he's not gonna feud with anyone,he doesn't make much sense in random mid to lower card matches with no story behind them. He's too good for that IMO
While I personally think it would be great for Truth to have a lengthy title run (whether it's with a midcard belt or world title), I don't think he needs it to get over. He easily gets one of the biggest ovations out of those on the Raw roster if not the entire company. He's very charismatic and well liked enough to be able to draw pops whether or not he's champion.

I do think having a title for more than two weeks wouldn't hurt though to build his credibility so people can take him more seriously in the main event scene.
While I personally think it would be great for Truth to have a lengthy title run (whether it's with a midcard belt or world title), I don't think he needs it to get over. He easily gets one of the biggest ovations out of those on the Raw roster if not the entire company. He's very charismatic and well liked enough to be able to draw pops whether or not he's champion.

I do think having a title for more than two weeks wouldn't hurt though to build his credibility so people can take him more seriously in the main event scene.
I believe R-Truth is quite over already. The problem in my eyes is that he isn't over with me. I mean, i look at R-Truth and i see nothing. Well, he's actually decent on the mic, i just probably don't like his gimmick but his in-ring work is...nothing. I find all of his matches horrible. He oversells, his moves are lame and not very realistic i mean, 50% of his moveset is just dancing around dodging moves and then his finisher is second to Starpship Pain in the worst finishers list. I just can't buy him as a tough in-ring competitor, cause i don't see him fighting. I see him get beaten up, dancing around a bit, and then flying over his opponent and pinning him for the win.

I'm not a hater, i just don't like him and i wouldn't like to see him get a lengthy title run.
No. He is very over-he always gets a huge pop from the crowd. But, he shouldn't be in the 7 on 7 event against the Nexus. He & the Miz had a good basis for a feud-the Miz knocking him out of the MITB. The Miz doesn't need the US title, & he has nothing to do @ SummerSlam. Why not have the Miz defend the title @ SummerSlam. Hell, if WWE were really creative, they could have him lose the US title @ SummerSlam but cash in MITB @ the end of the PPV. That would set up a feud with whoever wins the Sheamus/Orton match.
No. He is very over-he always gets a huge pop from the crowd. But, he shouldn't be in the 7 on 7 event against the Nexus. He & the Miz had a good basis for a feud-the Miz knocking him out of the MITB. The Miz doesn't need the US title, & he has nothing to do @ SummerSlam. Why not have the Miz defend the title @ SummerSlam. Hell, if WWE were really creative, they could have him lose the US title @ SummerSlam but cash in MITB @ the end of the PPV. That would set up a feud with whoever wins the Sheamus/Orton match.

I thought they were gonna set up a Evan Bourne VS Miz match for SS and Evan would take the title with some interference or something, but they haven't done anything yet, so i don't know.
The Miz who is to busy with MITB and other stuff for the US title reign to remain relevant.
You do realize that Miz won the US title before he won the MITB right...
So I don't really see how you can say that he didn't deserve the U.S. title, I mean:
- He won it before MITB to get over and so he can "brag" about something
- If he lost it now, it would make him look week unless there was an interference.
- But still if you lose a mid-card championship its hard to have that same person as a viable World Championship contender.
- Short of giving up the title, it's a tricky situation to get him out of. and well that's not in the Miz's character.

To answer the question, no R-Truth does not need the title to be over, but he does need a feud to keep viable. Mainly chasing after the U.S. title, it would be an easy one to start and it ending with him holding the title like i presume you want :D
You do realize that Miz won the US title before he won the MITB right...
So I don't really see how you can say that he didn't deserve the U.S. title.
I didn't say he didn't deserve but he did just previously have an over six month reign with the belt. Also if they had plans of moving The Miz up the card with a MITB win in their cards and thats what they wanted to do with him the future then why not keep the US title on R-Truth to keep it relevant?

I mean:
- He won it before MITB to get over and so he can "brag" about something
He was already way over by the time he won his second US title, which I still don't think he needed to win, especially with the plans of moving him up the card.

- If he lost it now, it would make him look week unless there was an interference.
One loss would not kill one wrestler's entire momentum and it is absolutely necessary that The Miz drops the US title sooner rather than later.

- But still if you lose a mid-card championship its hard to have that same person as a viable World Championship contender.
Not really, especially if they are over enough to get over one simple title loss. In my mind it wouldn't be that big of a deal if Miz lost to either R-Truth or Evan Bourne. It would give them both credibility as well as take the title off The Miz, which again as I have stated needs to happen.

- Short of giving up the title, it's a tricky situation to get him out of. and well that's not in the Miz's character.
No, he just needs the right mid-card wrestler to drop the title to. And basically the only choices for potential champions is R-Truth or Evan Bourne. The Miz is over enough to get past one simple loss and it provides a good career booster to which ever wrestler takes the belt from him.
Does R-Truth need a title to get over? Absolutely not! He's already one of the most over faces in the entire WWE! However, should he get a title in recognition of him being so over? Yes, yes he should.

R-Truth is one of my favorite wrestlers. He's excellent and exciting on the mic, dynamic in the ring, and the crowd eats him up every time. He may not be as young as everyone else but boy can he go. This is a man that remained crazy popular when he was losing again and again to Drew McIntyre. The man is consistently good in everything he does. I think he should get a title reign, whether it be midcard or world, longer than two weeks long.
Truth is ridiculously over, title or not. I think if anyone needs a title, it's someone like Ryder or Morrison, seeing how both of them are being wasted in midcard hell. Truth gets a huge pop just because of his theme song, and he's actually a pretty good talker. If they give him a legitimately strong looking finisher, make him look like he's not a freak, and use him properly, Truth could get to the main event on how over he is alone.
He dosent really need a title as he is already way over, probably the 3rd most over face on Raw behind Cena and Orton.

However with the fact that he is so over I think he deserves a title and I'm surprised he hasnt gotten one (the 2 week US reagn dosent count). As you said he is borderline Main Event and a longish reign with the US title could give him the push he needs to get there, look what it did for The Miz.
I agree with a few others that he is over with the croud and doesnt really need a title. I think he needs a new gimmick. Not so much a complete makeover but just a little tweek or two to his gimmick and i think he would be great. i dont see him getting the World title or WWE title ever. Not because he cant hold his own in the ring but because of the fact he is black and Vince doesnt go for that. Its fucked up but its the TRUTH. Pun intended.
I don't think he needs a title to be "over", with the kids at least. Personally the guy bores me to tears, the US title made me pay attention to him, but that had more to do with facing the Miz than anything else. More than anything the guy needs some decent moves, he's passable on the stick and does got love from a good part of the crowd, but really, who is buying his crappy moves and gimmick. With or without a title seeing R truth will always only ever make me go for a piss or a beer when he comes on tv. Basically, he'll always be pointless filler with or without a title. Future endeavor please.
R-Truth doesn't NEED the title to get over, he already has legit enough pops to be at least a mid-card contender. He's got a character that the fans love, and he plays it well. I don't even like the character and I know it's good enough that he doesn't need a title. SHOULD he get the title anyways? Sure, why not? It needs to get off the Miz, and why not put it on somebody who can make the title seem half-ways relevant? I think R-Truth doesn't need a title, but should get it anyways.
Nobody needs a title to get over. the champion posseses the titles credibilty. the title doesnt make the champion. thats the case for every single title in professional wrestling. you could put the wwe title on r truth, but it would be up to him to make himself look like a champ
I don't think he necessarily NEEDS a title to be over, due to the fact that he is already over... But I think he could be a Top Main Event Face, with just a few things...

As someone else said before me, a better finisher would really help... The Lie Detector has a tendency to look weak... The dude has a shit load of moves and it could be easy for him to develop something new or put a twist on a classic move...

Also, he needs the opportunity... They need to have him legitimately WIN a feud with someone big to get the Main Event push... Something with Jericho or Edge would work...

So, a strong finisher, and thrust him out there... He is absolutely believable as a top guy... Dude is entertaining, good / borderline GREAT on the mic and can obviously get it done while he is in the ring...
R-Truth doesn't have what it takes in WWE to be a main eventer, the only reason in TNA that he became NWA champion was because the main event picture only consisted of himself, Jeff Jarrett, Chris Harris, and occasionaly AJ Styles. The WWE doesn't need him at that level. He is a good low card gimmick character that gets over decently, he won't be more over than now and the WWE already has more established talent that they are pushing now. Truth remains stagnent for a little over a year more before getting dropped into the "best wishes in all of your future endeavors" category.
R-Truth doesn't have what it takes in WWE to be a main eventer, the only reason in TNA that he became NWA champion was because the main event picture only consisted of himself, Jeff Jarrett, Chris Harris, and occasionaly AJ Styles. The WWE doesn't need him at that level. He is a good low card gimmick character that gets over decently, he won't be more over than now and the WWE already has more established talent that they are pushing now. Truth remains stagnent for a little over a year more before getting dropped into the "best wishes in all of your future endeavors" category.

What do you mean? He has exactly what it takes... The Main ingredient in every successful wrestler is charisma! And he definetly has that... So, it's slightly possible...
now i admit that truth is decent in the ring and great on the mic but i just dont like his character. i hate how he says "thats the truth" or some shit like that i get bored with him. i do think he deserves a good title run mayb a tag title or i.c title. he needs a good finisher and i can see him doing something like a cutter just something he can hit out of nowhere. mayb what he needs for a big push is to go heel idk if it would work but its worth the try draft him back to smack down for sure though
Erm, what? Dude have you heard the crowds? R-Truth is already more over than half the RAW roster is. He won't be needing a championship in order to get over, because he already is. And he sure as hell got over before his brief United States championship reign as well, so that doesn't help anything neither.

R-Truth just needs to keep up with the crowd with the singing and all that. He's exciting to watch in the ring (I would assume, I don't care for him, but I'm sure others do). And he's good on the microphone, so what else is there really to ask for? He can do just fine with or without a championship.
now i admit that truth is decent in the ring and great on the mic but i just dont like his character. i hate how he says "thats the truth" or some shit like that i get bored with him. i do think he deserves a good title run mayb a tag title or i.c title. he needs a good finisher and i can see him doing something like a cutter just something he can hit out of nowhere. mayb what he needs for a big push is to go heel idk if it would work but its worth the try draft him back to smack down for sure though

His charecter does get a bit annoying sometimes, I'll agree with you there, but I don't think he needs a heel turn, or a big push at the moment. He's over enough as it is, all they really have to do is keep him in floating around the U.S title, keep him involved in his fued with Nexus, and he should be fine.

But like you, I do think he needs a new finisher (just not a cutter) . His current one, the Lie Detector isn't really exciting, doesn't look convincing at all, and the fans aren't behind it one bit.
He doesn't need it to get over,
Because he's already mega over w/ the the crowd,
But I would like to see him win it back at NOC,
& Have a lengthy title run,
While feuding w/ JOMO,
Making Morrison heel,
Which he needs to do desperately
He's already over. Is the question you were asking "does he need a title in order to advance his position in the WWE?"

Sorry, but Ron Killings is a professional mid-carder. That's not a bad thing. Wrestling organizations NEED those mid-card guys in order to push others on up to the main event. It sounds cruel, but some wrestlers have "it", and some don't. Just because you're a good wrestler and good with the crowd doesn't mean you're main event material.

Before you get the impression that I'm trying to dump on R-Truth without actually dumping on him, think of it this way. You go to a WWE show for three hours of entertainment. Lately, you get about a half hour, but that's another gripe. There has to be stuff to get the crowd into the show throughout the show. Otherwise, why not treat it like boxing? Slowly filter in, then the stadium suddenly fills up for the final match. R-Truth is absolutely great at taking a dying crowd and getting them back into the show. There are main event guys that can't do that.

And- I won't kid myself here, as much as I'd like to- the "next black champion" spot belongs to Kofi Kingston. The race card is alive and well in the WWE, and there seems to be a perpetual case of there only being room for one top Hispanic, one top black man, etc. Remember how fast Rey Mysterio got shipped back to Smackdown when the Hispanic numbers on UPN cratered? I don't know if it's indicative of the WWE, or if they're just giving people what they respond to. Doesn't change the way things are, though.

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