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Does Mike Tenay's awful lead commentary affect you while watching TNA programming?


Team Finnley Baylor
I don't get why Tenay was chosen to be the lead guy for TNA's programming. He's not a good LEAD guy. He was known as someone who could give you background on obscure wrestlers such as the luchadors or Japanese products that wrestled in WCW. And all of a sudden, he's been the lead guy commentary wise and NO one's even bothered to consider a change. That baffles me. I really think that if Tenay were either replaced or put as an interviewer, TNA's programming would be excellent. But when watching TNA, I can't get over his bad commentary. And it does affect how I watch the show. He's too over the top, he sounds like he's faking interest in the matches, and he has no ability to wing it if needed.

So, does Tenay have that kind of affect on you? And since JR's signed a new deal with the WWE... who would be a good replacement for Tenay for lead commentary?

I would throw my hat into the ring for Tony Schiavone. I thought he was an excellent commentator and built up the wrestlers as good as JR did. Scott Hudson would be a better choice than Mike Tenay at this point.

What are your thoughts?
Mike Tenay isn't a great commentator and he lacks enthusiasm though I thought he was better a few years ago.

With that said he's not the one who annoys me on commentary that would be Taz. I'm really getting tired of his dumb jokes and his whole "I'm just having fun out here" style of commentary especially on the women's matches. He just doesn't seem to take anything that happens seriously.

I really wish they would just bring back Scott Hudson and let Don West call matches again.
Not in the slightest. Commentary gets blown WAY out of proportion when it comes to how important it is. At the end of the day, a good match is a good match. I would think that the commentary goes along with the product. Tenay likely is annoying because he's calling stuff like Abyss and the magic ring of funness. JR got really good at what he did because he was calling really good wrestling matches. Same with Solie or any other great commentator. Yes Tenay is bad, but I'm not sure how much of that you can really put on him rather than the product itself. It's a silly product and therefore the commentary comes off as silly.
Honestly I dont see the problem. I like the wrestling historian part of it. I enjoy Tenay personally and even if I didnt, still would find him miles ahead of some of the guys WWE has doing the job. Cole and Mathews are awful in my opinion,Lawler is ok but better when you pair him up with JR,Striker is good but can get annoying at times. JR is the best no doubt but since hes not around anymore,I find Tenay better then every except maybe striker. Tazz is ok but id rather have Don West back or bring in JR(too late I know). I think we can all agree on one thing and thats all names mentioned are miles and miles ahead of the Awful bitter old man Mark Madden
Mike Tenay is a legend commentator...its Taz that bugs me, he's gone even worser than when he was in wwe...i just can't take him seriously...i mean dey take a footage backstage and show a guy beaten up..you hear taz sayin, whats going on, who could have done this...nd seriously i don't like the way he commentates...he's worse than Don West!!!
I agree that Mike Tenay isn't that interesting, but Tony Schiavone was horrible! He was one of the reasons I stopped watching WCW in the first place. He was just plain annoying. I'd rather see just about anyone over Tony Schiavone.
Tenay is Horrible. Schiavone was awesome. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't know wrestling. But back to Tenay, I don't think he's completely useless, I just think he's an awful lead. They should get someone else to lead and let Tenay and Taz back him up. In WCW they had three commentators alot of the time , maybe they could try that. I don't know who they could get but anything would be better than Tenay. Maybe they can lure Johnathan Coachman away from ESPN. He wasn't terrible in WWE.
For some guys who say commentary isn't a big part of the much, I saw phewy on that! Enthusiasm, and knowledge really makes the match seem more interesting. When your at home watching, you need that commentary, because it makes it more TV friendly. A good match is a good match. Especially when you see it live, but most of us were watching at home. Just hearing a crowd, and that mat slam won't keep the viewers around.

After saying that, Bad Commentary can make me not want to watch a match. Especially if it's cheesy commentary, like Cole or Tenay. Nothing sucks like having that fake enthusiasm of Tenay. It really ticks me off. It cheapens the product.

To fix that problem, I would change the both of them. No one gets off the handle like Rowdy Rowdy Piper. He gets nuts, and he is a well known name. Doubt he will go TNA for that job, but, you have the wrestling experience on the head-set. Now, TNA is trying to go all out, and be unique from the WWE. Well, why not make the former Center-fold play-mate Christy Hemme a commentator. She is doing good at interviews, she has a decent name, plus it will give something to the female wrestling fans. Plus the jokes and innuendos would go over more, because well you have a sexy former playboy playmate hearing them. Just an idea
The commentry in general is awfull :banghead:. but same goes for WWE most of the time in recent years :p

despite what klunderblunker may think, the commentray does have a huge impact, it's what you have to listen to during the match, and is meant to enhance the show.

Been to live events, where you hear no commentry at all and they are so boring. It's just bang bang, oof, slap 1,2,3 and crowd going bezerk either cheering or booing that's it. That IMO is boring.

Tenay's style, he's OK, not the best but he's far from the worst, least he has knowlege, his voice is the most irritating factor for me. Tazz however is completely useless in his curent role, so if anyone is the weak link it's him

Tazz is just there for the comedy and Mike Adamle monents,

Tony Schiovane, i liked his enthusiasm, he was like the Joey Styles of WCW/WWF lol
OH MY GOD!!!!!!! in WWF he wasn't that good, but he was teamed up with Jessie Ventura and Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan so he had no chance there, least in WCW he was the lead commentator and evenryone else around him sucked for the most part :)
Josh Matthews on lead is horrible
Cole as a face on lead is horrible.

Tenay isn't that bad compared to the two of them. He sounded better when he was with Don West, Taz brings out the idiot in Tenay. Taz tends to talk in circles and never seems to get to the point. Tenay falls into the trap each and every week and Taz isn't able to bring the conversation back on track without an awkward moment. However, it really doesn't affect watching TNA at all for me, I still find the commentary pretty entertaining and relevant to the product
I dont think his commentary is awful, but I do agree he is not the best person to be the lead guy. Personally, I think they should keep Tenay, but switch to a 3 man team with Tenay being more of the historian, and bring in someone else to be the lead commentator. I think Schiavone would be a could choice, but then again, that would only add to the complaints that they are turning into WCW. I know he is still with the WWE, but I would like to see them bring in Joey Styles and put him and Tazz back together. I think Joey is being wasted by WWE by only having him work on WWE.com, but again, if they did that, then people would say they are trying to rip off ECW.
I personally don't like Mike Tenay on commentary. I don't quite know how to explain it, so I'd rather keep my reason to myself than to try to explain it and get ripped apart by other posters for it, when the way they took it wasn't what I meant.

Anyways, back to the subject. I am not a fan of Taz's commentary skills either. I never have been, and I never will be. I find him pretty annoying.

The only 2 commentators that I like are Don West and good ol' JR. If those 2 teamed up (which is highly unlikely), then TNA would be much more entertaining in my opinion.
I enjoy both Taz's and Tenay's commentary. Finally there are two commentators who have knowledge of wrestling moves and wrestling history. I liked Don West too, but more because I found him entertaining than because of his wrestling knowledge.
So the guy that said Hemme replace Tenay....WORST IDEA EVER. She does ok at interviews yes but by no means does transfer to annoucing. She was barely a actual wrestler in the first place. Just another pretty face girl in WWE and now in TNA. She doesnt know the history,couldnt put a match over worth crap,its just a terrible idea.

Honestly JR is the only guy who I could see them bring in. Modern audiences dont remember Tony very much so there wouldnt be a good point to it. Like just have him show up? I think also hes past the point of no return in the wrestling history books.
Tenay is fine now that Don West isn't next to him flipping out, like he did for several years! Tenay is no J.R., or even Micheal Cole (please note: I'm not a fan of Cole and I think they need J.R. back on Raw till J.R. decides he wants to retire) However Tenay does do a decent job, then again he's only as good as the product he is commentating on!
I think Tenay is okay. In WCW, he had Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan by his side, and that was a huge bonus for him. Tenay's commentary doesn't bother me too much. Sure his commentary can seem lackluster sometimes, but he's not that bad. I couldn't stand Don West at times, but I thought his heel turn was entertaining. The constant bickering between the two was just priceless. Impact just hasn't been that great lately. I think that's a way bigger problem than Tenay's commentary.
I'm not a fan of Tenay's commentary but his is not so much as annoying as I thought Don West was or like I find Michael Cole's on NXT, it's more that Tenay is just boring. There's no energy, there's no emotion. THat's actually the problem with all wrestling commentary today. And some are trying to re-establish the whole face and heel commentary team. My thoughts on that is why? That kinda tapered off because it was done to death. Nowadays they try it and it makes the other guy sound either annoying, like an idiot or both. It doesn't work anymore. The commentary team should only do one thing and that's help tell the story of whats going on in the ring. That's their job and if not then thats what it damn well should be. People tune in to watch whats going on in the ring. All the announcers should do is provide the voice. And let's face facts, ever since they split up JR and King, there hasn't been a good one.
I dig his ability to name random japanese wrestler's mothers, cousins, uncles and birth place, but yea, he's a total cheese. He and Taz both bug me when something "shocking" happens. "Oh wow...what just happened? I don't know what to...this is nuts!" Riveting...Give me a break!
It's a total deterent for me. I think he's just lacking a certain instinct. I think what makes some announcer's great is their ability to elevate the material. What their job is as far as I'm concerned is to ground the product. It's very easy to see wrestling as larger then life but what an announcer does it keep the show's feet on the ground. Kind of a bridge between reality and kayf.
Tenay is fine. Commentary could be a whole lot worse than how it is now with TNA. Tenay doesn't sound as enthusiastic as we would like him to, but neither did Gordon Solie, and he's regarded as the best of all time. Tenay is not the worst guy to have on your team but he would definitely not be the best guy to have as your lead. Someone mentioned the idea of the 3 man team and I would love it. Tenay/Taz and possibly another play by play guy. In all truth I would love for TNA to scout for someone. Obviously people are going to flip if they find out that TNA is using somebody like Joey Styles or Tony Schiavone because they think TNA is turning into WCW. Why not get brand new talent in the commentator's table? It may be a gamble, but it could be worth it in the end.
ive never had a problem with Tenay and quite like him on comentary, the knowledge he brings and little tidbit facts i quite like, perhaps (and someome elese said it first) having 3comentators is best for tna as it was with him the colour guy (henan now tazz) and a lead guy as that in WCW i quite enjoyed its only really the last 10 years we have had 2 person teams...

considering other people out there comentating i personally think he is good and probably better then most
The main thing that Mike lacks is the ability to switch emotions when it comes to different scenes that evolve in the ring, which as the lead guy should be pushing forth to let the viewers know how severe the situation is. You can't just speak loudly at a despicable moment... you have to SHOUT WITH ANGER... GRRR! Seriously though, Taz is the go-to-guy for someone whose voice shouldn't really change in pitch. His job doesn't involve shouting unless the heel is getting screwed over or something to that extent.

At this point, I only listen to the commentating team if they are on the ball or have something interesting to say. The voice of Tenay quite often bores me to sleep, considering the time that I receive Impact in Australia, and I have never watched an entire episode of TNA because of this. Yes, the product being pushed as KB said isn't really a product per se, but Mike can at least add something to nothing by trying to make the audience give two shits.

At the moment, he's a commentator on TNA... it's the least that the company can do.
I like Tenay, but if you'd have to replace him... I say, go with a former wrestler... I really think someone like DDP would do good....

The three man booth would suit him even better... Shit, I'd even say keep Tenay and ditch Taz... I mean, Taz is okay, but you do get the feeling that he doesn't take his job seriously and that makes you take TNA less seriously...

I think if Tenay had someone like DDP or even Raven as his color guy, they would make him look better...
I think the overall importance of commentary gets blown a little out of proportion at times, though I do certainly miss good commentators. Overall, the commentary of WWE and TNA collectively suck. However, to be honest, I've kind of gotten used to shitty commentary for so long that I can usually just block it out much of the time.

As for someone that could replace Mike Tenay, I agree with Lariat and think Tony Schiavone would be a great choice. I always liked him and thought he did a great job in building up wrestlers. I don't think anybody will ever be able to generate the sheer passion and emotion of Jim Ross, however. When Ross got into his mode and was screaming himself hoarse, nobody could even hope to touch him.
I think Mike Tenay is Horrible as the Lead Announcer on TNA and he just has no energy when he is talking. He was better in WCW when he wasn't the Lead guy and they had Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan or Larry Zybysko. Tazz I think has gone down since he left WWE and he just over does it now. So when I watch TNA from time to time I just wanna jump off a cliff when I hear Tenay sometimes. By the way Tony Schiavone is doing Gwinnett Braves Games now so him coming back won't happen.

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