Does Love exist?

Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment.[1] In philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection

Do you believe in it? Of course, I'm not just talking about true, romantic love where you can't eat or sleep, and all you want to do is get married and make babies. Obviously that was just invented by Don Draper.

There's platonic love, brotherly love, parental love, dude love, love boat etc.

What do you put it down to though? A random mix of hormones and chemicals in your brain that trigger your body in a certain way? Have you ever felt love?

And what of the notions of soul mates? Do they exist? Or do you just run around the 60 mile radius of your house for a few years until you find someone who hates all the same things that you hate?

Any thoughts?
At the age of 35 I can honestly say ABSOLUTELY NOT! The only form of love If you want to call it that, that I believe in is love of family. Sadly some people don't even have that! Everybody has they're own opinion of love. Some people who constantly get laid will say hell yeah love is real. Some people who can't get laid 24-7 will more then likely say love is not real. I guess I fall under the second category myself. There is some self centered delusional rainbow people who think they're shit doesn't stink and firmly believe in love. I myself think Love should be removed and deleted from all dictionary's. It's a fantasy type word that belongs in fantasy world.

I would never say I have had a rough life. I would however say that I have been discriminated stereotyped and had my heart ripped out thrown on a hot fire many times over. I always seem to attract the worse fucking people on the planet. I never break any hearts or win anyone's heart. I am not an ass ugly looking person either so go figure. I tried going to Christian church with the hope of being around healthy people. Instead I ended up surrounded by a bunch of gold digger hypocrites. Then I had to deal with people passing judgment on me for no apparent reason. Race, gender and all those factors also play huge parts in the obtaining of love.

Now to answer your questions and comments. There is no chance in hell I would ever consider marriage. Until someone decides to fix all of today's twisted laws it's not happening. Back to love I think people think sex is love. Sex is in no way shape or form love. In reality all that is as already stated "random mix of hormones and chemicals" yes yes. Lately my blood runs colder then ice so I don't feel love much these days. I'm pretty sure it shows on my face and I could care less. I'm happier these days which of course I doubt that shows on my face. A lifetime of scars are not easy to remove.

Now as far as fantasy soulmates go major LULZ! I'm not touching that topic sorry no can do pffffft! To quote you "run around the 60 mile radius of your house for a few years until you find someone who hates all the same things that you hate?" That just made my day that's so fucking true! Money plays a huge factor these days when the term love is used. Sex & money are not love so let's not BS each other. I can't stress enough when I say how skull fucked people are in these days. If love were real it would need to be unconditional. if you want unconditional love our best bet is to buy a Dog. Anyways in the end these are my final thoughts.

"human kindness, compassion, and affection" I've never been experienced those things from people. Nor have I ever had the pleasure of receiving anything like that. I can imagine how bitter I must be coming off. Truth be told no matter how much pain and heartbreak I have experienced. Nobody on this shit hole of a plant is anything like me. I'm consider myself the sweetest most kind hearted battered soul walking the earth. I'm just dealing with my own demons nowadays. If what I have shared and expressed is reason to crucify me then by all means go head. :crucified:

Good luck and best wishes to you Mantaur Rodeo Clown cheers!
At the age of 35 I can honestly say ABSOLUTELY NOT! The only form of love If you want to call it that, that I believe in is love of family. Sadly some people don't even have that! Everybody has they're own opinion of love. Some people who constantly get laid will say hell yeah love is real. Some people who can't get laid 24-7 will more then likely say love is not real. I guess I fall under the second category myself. There is some self centered delusional rainbow people who think they're shit doesn't stink and firmly believe in love. I myself think Love should be removed and deleted from all dictionary's. It's a fantasy type word that belongs in fantasy world.

I would never say I have had a rough life. I would however say that I have been discriminated stereotyped and had my heart ripped out thrown on a hot fire many times over. I always seem to attract the worse fucking people on the planet. I never break any hearts or win anyone's heart. I am not an ass ugly looking person either so go figure. I tried going to Christian church with the hope of being around healthy people. Instead I ended up surrounded by a bunch of gold digger hypocrites. Then I had to deal with people passing judgment on me for no apparent reason. Race, gender and all those factors also play huge parts in the obtaining of love.

Now to answer your questions and comments. There is no chance in hell I would ever consider marriage. Until someone decides to fix all of today's twisted laws it's not happening. Back to love I think people think sex is love. Sex is in no way shape or form love. In reality all that is as already stated "random mix of hormones and chemicals" yes yes. Lately my blood runs colder then ice so I don't feel love much these days. I'm pretty sure it shows on my face and I could care less. I'm happier these days which of course I doubt that shows on my face. A lifetime of scars are not easy to remove.

Now as far as fantasy soulmates go major LULZ! I'm not touching that topic sorry no can do pffffft! To quote you "run around the 60 mile radius of your house for a few years until you find someone who hates all the same things that you hate?" That just made my day that's so fucking true! Money plays a huge factor these days when the term love is used. Sex & money are not love so let's not BS each other. I can't stress enough when I say how skull fucked people are in these days. If love were real it would need to be unconditional. if you want unconditional love our best bet is to buy a Dog. Anyways in the end these are my final thoughts.

"human kindness, compassion, and affection" I've never been experienced those things from people. Nor have I ever had the pleasure of receiving anything like that. I can imagine how bitter I must be coming off. Truth be told no matter how much pain and heartbreak I have experienced. Nobody on this shit hole of a plant is anything like me. I'm consider myself the sweetest most kind hearted battered soul walking the earth. I'm just dealing with my own demons nowadays. If what I have shared and expressed is reason to crucify me then by all means go head. :crucified:

Good luck and best wishes to you Mantaur Rodeo Clown cheers!

Just because someone broke your heart that doesn't mean everyone is evil, incapable of love, and believes money and sex equate to love. And just because you've never loved anyone unconditionally, or they've never loved you unconditionally, it doesn't mean no one else can or does.

Anyway, I do believe the word 'love' is thrown around by way too many people for feelings that are no where near that - I've done it, and I'm sure many of you have as well. That being said, I think the notion of love simply being about sex or money is absurd - there are those with partners who don't have sex, who don't have a lot of money between them, yet are happier than most because they 'have each other'.

'Love' is a real concept, and is a real feeling for many people. Generally those who haven't been treated well or haven't found their future wife/husband are the ones who will say love doesn't exist. But then you look to all the happy married couples, all the happy couples who've just had their child and will swear that they are in love - who are you or anyone else to say they're not? Whether you want to call the feelings that make you want to be with someone forever love, or something else - they DO exist to those people who are experiencing them.
I believe in love but I think there are different types of love. You can love your friends and family for supporting you in a more friendly way, you can love your pet for being loyal, you can love yourself and of course you can love another because they mean a lot to you. How I see it there is plutonic love, seen in friendships and what not, and actual love for another person. It isn't always easy to find that person, which is why I would think some people wouldn't believe in it, and it isn't easy to maintain that kind of love. It takes a lot of work from both people, whereas plutonic love is much easier to come by. I think the real trick is keeping love because once you lose it, you doubt if you will ever have it again, but yes I do think love exists.
I'm pretty sure love exists, although I can't say I've experienced it myself. Take brotherly love, for example. Me and my little brother are quite close and hang out together from to time, but we would never even think of saying we love each other. My brother could be on his deathbed, seconds from passing away, and I'm sure we'd still rather talk about something else instead of saying we love each other. I'm sure the brotherly love exists between us on some level, but it just feels unnatural showing it.

I think love can be summed up by looking at my parent's marriage. They were together for over 20 years, but seperated in January and are currently in the process of getting divorced. I have no doubt they loved each other at first, but it just didn't last. Based on this, I definitely think love exists and that love itself isn't a particularly complex emotion. It's finding, maintaining and expressing love that seems to be the tricky part.
I believe love exits. And, as othes have said, there are different kinds of love.

In terms of romantic love, I think a lot of people tend to confuse love with lust. The whole bit about love at first sight, in my view, is a crock. In the beginning of any real relationship or just by going out on a date or asking someone on a date, it's mostly just hormones kicking in. You have to look at someone and decide based upon what you can determine by looking at them if you want to get to know that person better or go out on a date or whatever.

It could be the way he/she carries themselves, the shape of their face, their body type, the way their clothes fit their bodies, their eyes, their smile, the sound of their laughter, etc. It's all based on sensory information in the beginning.

When I was in my early 20s, I met a gal named Abby. She was very sweet, intelligent, open minded, had a great sense of humor, loved wrestling, etc. She was quite pretty and even though she was a little overweight, I didn't care about that at all. To me, she looked like a million bucks and I wanted to be with her as often as I could. When she and I were apart, I literally felt that I had this deep, empy pit in my stomach that just went away whenever I was near her. We talked about anything and everything, nothing ever felt remotely forced. When something was troubling me, it troubled her & vice versa. When she & I were together, Trish Stratus could walk up to me in a pair of stilettos naked as the day she was born and tell me she wanted to ride me like a wild mountain goat until she broke me in half and I swear on my grandmother's grave that I wouldn't have given Trish a second look. I didn't want anyone but Abby nor did I want to be with anyone but her. She was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer when she was 23 and she passed on within 6 months of being diagnosed. I was devestated to say the least and I do believe that she was the one great love of my life. There hasn't been any woman since that's even generated a fiftieth of the emotion I felt for Abby.

So yes, I know that love exists. I've felt and experience the real thing and there are times when I wish that I hadn't so I wouldn't know what I was missing. Sometimes I'd like to find whoever it was that said it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all and piss on his grave.
I think the MRC is referring to romantic love. If that is indeed what he's referring to, then I'll say that, yes, romantic love does exist. HOWEVER, its incidence is nowhere near as significant as we'd like to believe.

There really are couples out there who live for each other and who can't see existence without the other one by their side. I think anyone is capable of being in love like this but the possibility of finding your other half is slim to none. That being said, life can still be enjoyable; most of us just move from partner to partner and call what we feel for each of them "love." Although it's not (I'd call it a strong state of infatuation) it's a worthwhile feeling to have.
I think that love does exist and I do not think that it neccesarily has to be for a person. You can love a sport, music or even food.

Romantic love also exists but I think that it is difficult to find someone you truly love. Romantic love does involve a lot of sacrifices because, let's face it, human beings are far from perfect. It depends as to how long you can keep making those sacrifices. But as said earlier such sacrifices are hard to make and the other option, that being of a casual fling, does have it's share of positives as well and that is why it is understandable if people opt for it than something that is difficult to find and maintain.

The love for your family is also a very underrated form of love, in my opinion. Underrated in the sense that it is not talked about much. Or maybe it could be because loving your family is hardly an earth shattering piece of information. I think that people sometimes take love from your family to be something that they are entitled to though I do not think that you should feel that way.
I'm fortunate to be in love. I can't imagine life without my fiancee. She manages to bring to my life eveything that a relationship should do. We have been through so much - good and bad - it is scary.

I also love my football team though. That has defined my life in many ways. It shapes me even now and has done since I was old enough to go to my first game.
Wow, Jack Hammer had a really great story. I was going to tell a joke, but can't after that. We do take for granted who we have relationships with, whether it is our relationships with family or friends, or whether we have a romantic relationship. Many times I couldn't wait to be away from my parents or even my spouse.

When you go weeks, months, or even years without seeing them, you become really empty. It's extremely hard for guys to express anything let alone romance. Sex comes and goes, but if you really find someone special then it makes everything seem more wonderful then it really is.
I believe in parental love because I've experienced it. I don't believe in any of the other types of love, particularly romantic love because I haven't experienced it. I know it exists to other people among the confusion, but it's something that doesn't exist in my reality. I've had crushes/temporary infatuations, but that's it. At 28, I'm starting to think that there isn't a compatible girl on this planet for me and if there is, chances are we'll probably never meet. I'm thinking maybe it's better this way. And by reading Jack-Hammer's story up there, I don't think I'd want to experience that kind of pain on top of my own ongoing ineptitude.
I believe in parental love because I've experienced it. I don't believe in any of the other types of love, particularly romantic love because I haven't experienced it. I know it exists to other people among the confusion, but it's something that doesn't exist in my reality. I've had crushes/temporary infatuations, but that's it. At 28, I'm starting to think that there isn't a compatible girl on this planet for me and if there is, chances are we'll probably never meet. I'm thinking maybe it's better this way. And by reading Jack-Hammer's story up there, I don't think I'd want to experience that kind of pain on top of my own ongoing ineptitude.



I'm 100% with you Trance Metaphor. Trust me at the age of 35 love doesn't exist to me. I also don't believe 20 year olds have any clue what love is. Love stories don't work on me never have never will :::shrugs:::. Nothing sickens me more then young people walking around with "madly in love sickness" Until men and women learn to keep they're cloths on love will never exist. OK let me explain I don't believe a sexually active person starting at a young age understands love. In my book a ****e is a ****e and you can't make a ho a housewife. If that wasn't the case I'd probably have someone to love in my life. I have the worse awful luck with people. I always attract trash like a fucking shit magnet. I find people to have too many hidden agendas when a relationships ensues. Trust me I have tried and tried over and over. I have all but pretty much given up. I can't force fuck nobody to love me. I'm also not a fucking walking ATM box nor am I made of money. I could go on and on but I think I have made my point.

Here is the the flip-side of the coin.
The few times I actually have come across a decent person that doesn't sleep around. A good person with a good heart, kind, sweet and caring nature. When I have attempted to offer them my love they wouldn't even give me the time or day not a single chance. Which is cool cause people like that always end up with some loser dickhole. This is just a prime example of what a joke love is. It doesn't matter how nice your are anymore. It doesn't matter how much love you poor out of your heart anymore. People are too screwed up and ultimately fucking clueless. Sometimes all you have in life is your dignity. To me that's good enough and the main reason why I haven't jumped into a river.

To those handful of rotten shallow hypocrites who have shit on me, For what it's worth I hope you rot in hell. Call it petty but I have every human right to feel that way. Nobody knows the amount of pain and hurt running through my blood absolutely nobody. I will openly admit I give up I fucking give up. :banghead:
II think Love does exist and also exists in many forms. For the sake of this thread, I will just assume that we are talking about romantic love. It really wouldn't matter because love is definitely a concept that exists in any form.

For me, I have only experienced romantic love once in my life and it was the craziest feeling in the world. For me, there is a feeling in my gut and my head that makes me want to see that person. And it isn't just lust because it wasn't about sex. Rather, it was about seeing that person and being with them, holding them and generally being around them. I definitely think there is a chemical reaction inside you when you are with that person you love. That person who you cannot live to be without. That person that gives you drive and determination everyday to get through the shit so that you can see them.

Maybe it is just me being a hopeless romantic but I definitely feel as though love is a concept that is real and unless you have truly felt it for another person in a romantic way, you wont really believe that it exists. But when you do feel it, you'll know it.
I believe in love. All forms of it. Platonic love between friends who care about each other greatly. Brotherly love between the closest of friends who truly understand one another. Parental love shown by parents who would do anything (within reason) to benefit the live of their child. Unconditional love shown by a creator towards what they created. Scientifically it is described as chemicals in our minds that cause us to act certain ways, but I view it as a gift that we are all given as humans when we are given life. It is our own choice whether to love or to ignore the opportunity to care about others in our lives. Soul mates absolutely do exist, I wouldn't be married otherwise. A year ago I found someone who enjoys video games and wrestling just as much as I do, who happens to be an attractive female. You just have to be in the right place at the right time, and trust in your own destiny. Sometimes you gotta go out of state to find them though. For example I'm from a little college town in Texas, while Steph was from Orange County out in California. A soul mate could be anywhere in the world if you are willing to be more open about where to look.
Sometimes you gotta go out of state to find them though. For example I'm from a little college town in Texas, while Steph was from Orange County out in California.

Orange County? Dude there is like a billions guys in that area. :wtf:

For the record I am in no way shape or form knocking you. I did thought want to share my thoughts with you. Once again just take my comment with a grain of salt. OK?

Women are always psycho obsessed with chasing after men who are 345,923,842 miles away from them. Most of the time those women will flake on your ass. Your one of the lucky few and I do mean lucky. You also said the magic word CA big surprise. CA chicks are the worse stuck up women I have ever dated. They always act like men in CA are not good enough. They are constantly on parade with they're poor sob stories about how they can't find nobody. Allot of them are always on this fucking pill and shit all over the men in they're own state. Yet conveniently think guys in other states have magical fucking powers. This is just my experience and it's not a pretty one. Like I said I been shit on many times.

You never know what hidden agendas women have. I personally would never trust someone who lives 238,829,283 miles from me. That's just way too psycho in my book and in most cases I have been correct. It's not like there is no men or women in each state. So yeah it is hard to find somebody. However nobody should resort to jumping to another state it's just foolish in my opinion. Still if it works for you then god bless & good luck.

oh yeah,
Hey if any of you ever meet a girl who says I want a Man who makes me laugh....................... PSYCHO!
Orange County? Dude there is like a billions guys in that area. :wtf:

Yeah but she and I both had high standards. Both of us fit the others' entire list other than like one tiny detail. She thought virtually every guy out there was either a jerk or unattractive or taken. I thought roughly the same about Texan girls.

Women are always psycho obsessed with chasing after men who are 345,923,842 miles away from them. Most of the time those women will flake on your ass. Your one of the lucky few and I do mean lucky.

I do realize how lucky I am. Women here in TX are just as likely to flake. It isn't only in CA. It's less of a California thing and more of a "women in the 18 to 25 age range" thing. Not all are bad obviously, but a significant number are immature and will flake or treat you badly. Not that guys are any better, most of us aren't even close.

You also said the magic word CA big surprise. CA chicks are the worse stuck up women I have ever dated. They always act like men in CA are not good enough. They are constantly on parade with they're poor sob stories about how they can't find nobody. Allot of them are always on this fucking pill and shit all over the men in they're own state. Yet conveniently think guys in other states have magical fucking powers. This is just my experience and it's not a pretty one. Like I said I been shit on many times.

Yeah I've heard the stories and met quite a few through Steph who I personally didn't care for. They act friendly to your face but then show a different side when you aren't around. However.... they aren't all like that. There are good people out there who just want someone who shares their core value beliefs, is attractive to them, and will treat them right. My wife falls under that category. So yes, I do realize how incredibly lucky I could be.

You never know what hidden agendas women have. I personally would never trust someone who lives 238,829,283 miles from me. That's just way too psycho in my book and in most cases I have been correct. It's not like there is no men or women in each state. So yeah it is hard to find somebody. However nobody should resort to jumping to another state it's just foolish in my opinion. Still if it works for you then god bless & good luck.

There definitely are some potential issues when you are long distance. However, when you truly care about someone enough to be willing to visit each other (as in both her coming to see you AND you coming to see her) as often as you can afford to (we did about once a month before getting married) then your feelings for each other and your trust can grow. Talking on a daily basis whether it is on the phone or via email/facebook is good too. It's all about communication and trust, once you have found someone worthy of that trust.

SoberHeart, your soul mate is out there if you have not found her yet. All you have to do is trust in your destined encounter. It will happen one day if it has not already, and it will be when both of you are ready. It's hard, I know, I was there until a year ago. Not all women, even Californian women or immature 19 year olds, will treat you badly. Someone awesome is out there who will be perfect for you. Feel free to message me if you ever want to talk about these things some more.

oh yeah,
Hey if any of you ever meet a girl who says I want a Man who makes me laugh....................... PSYCHO!

Perhaps.... but don't judge a book by its cover. I used to think all girls with tatoos were psycho. They aren't. What if you found someone who is lonesome and just wants someone who is able to make her day by being silly? I dunno, something to think about.

The point is (addressing everyone now) that love exists as long as your willing to be open about where to look and trust in your own destinies because we were created male and female, we are meant to have companionship. That is how human beings (and all other animals) are wired, we were just created that way.
Yes. But, it's not an emotion. It's a feeling and there is a big difference.

I don't mean this in some sappy sort of way, either. I mean that when you're lucky to find "love" with someone, it's because of the way the relationship is going. The emotions you have help you realize it, but it's about peace and settling down and being grateful to do so.

Love isn't an emotion. Being happy you found love or being sad that you haven't are signs of emotions. Love is simply something you work with, for and to in order to keep a relationship going. For me, anyway.
I most definetly believe in love, as there is nothing more powerful, nothing that can make you do the crazy things you do when you're in love, and nothing that means more(atleast in my case). To me the greatest thing you can have is true love between two people, nothing is more beautiful. The best part about it is that it doesnt need to be like a fairy tale, true beautiful love can be between anybody in the world. It makes you feel like youre walking on air, it makes you feel like you are on top of the world and there is no drive more powerful than love. Now different people have different opinions of what love is or how to tell when you're in love. For me there are countless reasons, but the one that stands out is knowing in your heart that you cannot live without them and wanting to spend every day with them no matter how long youve been together, what you fought about earlier or where you are in your relationship. People who dont believe in any kind of love have never expeirienced it, and I just hope that all those who have not yet known what it is like to be in love get to feel it sometime soon.

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