Does Lesnar VS Reigns need a veteran as special ref to call it?

Does Lesnar/Reigns need a veteran special ref?

  • Yes. These guys cannot call it on their own.

  • No. Between them they'll be able to get through it.

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Creepy Old Man

Championship Contender
I didn't have any faith in Reigns (two decent matches with "can't-fail" performers like Orton and Bryan proves nothing), but I thought Lesnar might be able to carry the thing, being a 15-year vet. Then Stone Cold pointed out on his podcast: neither of these men are ring generals. Lesnar basically worked in WWE for two years, and has been in scattered matches for the last three. On top of that, he has no emotional investment in the product and his recent run hasn't been particularly good from an in-ring standpoint.

So who can really call the match? Who improvises if things go awry? A special ref makes sense to me. They need Austin, Rock, Michaels or someone else in there to tell these guys what to do. IN MY OPINION.

Your thoughts?
I am not sure if they'll have anyone as special referee. There's no one involved in the feud except Rollins. If they appoint a guest referee, it'll be a forced inclusion and the story doesn't require it.

What I think is they'll have Rollins ready with his briefcase and see how the match goes. If the match doesn't get a good reaction, Rollins might cash in right in the middle of the match to make it a triple threat. He can then not only lead the match, but also provide some interesting spots of his own (something I don't see Lesnar or Reigns doing on their own). It'll be easier as well to play into the story in case the Mania crowd starts shitting on the main event.

Based on my thinking, I can't choose the options you've provided in your poll.
I, too, had the same mindset as CyberPunk in regards to the main event match as soon as I knew 100% Bryan wasn't going to be involved. However, with the happenings last RAW, it's evident Rollins is going to be with Randy (as was the generally accepted case for a while, now), so him going into the main event after that match is very unlikely (MAYBE after the match, he'll cash in). Besides, I'd feel he'd either have to be face, or would end up turning face in the match, if he were to actually enter himself in before hand. It would be nice, but Rollins is a tremendous heel at the moment, so no need to jump the gun.

As for the matter at hand, while my expectations are kind of low for this match (sad, considering it's the main event of WrestleMania), I do believe they are fully capable of surprising us and pulling off an excellent match. It may not happen, but it isn't impossible, either. At this point in the game, they have to just go with what's happening. They were messing around a lot after the Rumble, and it really hindered the build up to WM, they can't continue to frig about with only a few episodes left before the big show. They need to put as much tension between Roman & Brock as possible in these following weeks, nothing else.

It seems more like the results and fall-out of WrestleMania are much more important than the event itself, this year. It's kind of odd, but it does have my interest, none-the-less.
Reigns' lack of experience, especially in big match situations, is one of the major reasons why a good number of fans just don't feel he's ready. We know that Lesnar doesn't have the capability, demonstrated last year during his match against The Undertaker. Their probable inability to call this match is one reason why some just aren't looking forward to it and are expecting it to be lackluster.

If they're not going to have a special ref, maybe the best thing to do is for them to just sorta have a big brawl around the ringside area, out among the crowd, use steel chairs, kendo sticks and a few tables that goes on for about 20 minutes, then the match officially begins and then the match only goes a few minutes before Lesnar drops the strap. They did something similar during Lesnar's match against Big Show at last year's Royal Rumble, though the brawl didn't last 20 minutes or anything. Since the brawl would range all over the place and would actually be the match itself before the match started, maybe Paul Heyman could be around them the whole time for various reasons. He could cheer Lesnar on loudly, praising him, etc. where everyone can hear at certain moments when Lesnar looks to be in control. During those rest periods, he could come up to Lesnar & speak to him softly to let him know what's next. He could also do something similar with Roman Reigns, maybe getting down very close to him, screaming for him to quit, that he's no match for Lesnar, etc. while whispering instructions as well. It'd sorta be like having a special referee without actually having one.
If they're not going to have a special ref, maybe the best thing to do is for them to just sorta have a big brawl around the ringside area, out among the crowd, use steel chairs, kendo sticks and a few tables that goes on for about 20 minutes, then the match officially begins and then the match only goes a few minutes before Lesnar drops the strap. They did something similar during Lesnar's match against Big Show at last year's Royal Rumble, though the brawl didn't last 20 minutes or anything. Since the brawl would range all over the place and would actually be the match itself before the match started, maybe Paul Heyman could be around them the whole time for various reasons. He could cheer Lesnar on loudly, praising him, etc. where everyone can hear at certain moments when Lesnar looks to be in control. During those rest periods, he could come up to Lesnar & speak to him softly to let him know what's next. He could also do something similar with Roman Reigns, maybe getting down very close to him, screaming for him to quit, that he's no match for Lesnar, etc. while whispering instructions as well. It'd sorta be like having a special referee without actually having one.

That sounds absolutely awful to have Heyman in the middle of the whole thing directing traffic. Kind of makes you feel sad and wonder at the same time why the WWE would put themselves in this position.

You have a wrestler in Reigns who is untested in huge matches (and please don't anyone say he's already had huge matches, cause he hasn't), and Lesnar who is clearly lost in the in ring without guidance. Last year after Taker kind of went down at the beginning of the match, Lesnar just sort of walked around and looked at him. He had no idea what to do next.

I'm not expecting a stellar match out of these two, and the WWE has created this situation so the best that can happen is, send them out with a regular ref, and let the chips fall where they may. It might take the main event at Mania to crash and burn, to show Vince that his ideas are all that fucking wonderful, and the wrestler he wants, isn't what everyone else wants. Only then might we see changes, but I highly doubt it.
This is one of the few times where I think it'd be a great idea to have a special guest ref...The ref in mind could be The Rock. He's great at calling matches and could definitely guide both Reigns and Lesnar through it. Because, besides Roman obviously being his cousin, Lesnar's his friend as well, hence there wouldn't be any lack of trust toward Rock from either Reigns nor Lesnar.
This is one of the few times where I think it'd be a great idea to have a special guest ref...The ref in mind could be The Rock. He's great at calling matches and could definitely guide both Reigns and Lesnar through it. Because, besides Roman obviously being his cousin, Lesnar's his friend as well, hence there wouldn't be any lack of trust toward Rock from either Reigns nor Lesnar.

Yeah, if there's gonna be a guest ref, The Rock seems the logical choice. Reigns's cousin, and a guy who was "sent to Hollywood" by Brock. It would be a neat storyline, with the audience wondering if he'll favour Reigns.
Why are people so sure the match will suck??? Give the match a chance before bitching about it. Damn it's beginning to piss me off and I don't even like Roman Reigns, even though I support him. I will LMAO if this steals the show just like last year when everyone said not even Daniel Bryan could save Batista/Orton title match. When it happened by the end of the night it was the best match. I feel even without Bryan it still would have been good considering the face Batista and Orton were the main ones in the match, even though Bryan brought it and gave some of the best spots. I find it funny everyone wines about stuff before it even happens. At WrestleMania, that means if your going sit there and shut the hell up and not distract the performers so they can at least get a chance to show you what they can do. Of course if you distract them with boo's the match won't be good. Look at Goldberg/Lesnar in 2004, could have been a great match. However, the two was distracted by boo's it hurt their performance. This isn't pointed at the OP, just people in general...shut up bitching and enjoy the show or just DON'T F*CKING WATCH!!! To answer the question "NO!" because that just add another name to chant. However, having someone coach them through the match is a good idea.
I'm gonna laugh when this match is awesome and exceeds the low expectations here. I've never seen a group of people so nervous.
in my opinion, if they need someone to get them through the math then they don't deserve to be in the main event of WM.

But besides that point I personally don't think they need anyone to help call the match. I think the fans know not to expect a WRESTLING match but more of a FIGHT and I think Lesnar and Reigns can call that.

What i think this match needs is a NO DQ stipulation and a Paul Heyman turn or Seth Rollins cashing in after Reigns wins
I'm gonna laugh when this match is awesome and exceeds the low expectations here. I've never seen a group of people so nervous.

Well, perhaps they have a right to be nervous, especially those who either go to the show or pay the full price (although I'm not really sure who would) for the PPV. Think about it, with all the rumours of Lesnar leaving after WrestleMania, why would he care if the match is good or not? This has the potential to be just as bad, if not worse than the last time Lesnar left in 2004. Remember how crappy and boring his match with Goldberg was? That wasn't even the main event or for any title, let alone the biggest title in WWE. Plus, unlike Goldberg, while Reigns is sticking around after 'Mania, he's got a helluva lot to lose here, especially since it's not likely he'll be able to carry the match and make it passable, due to lack of experience, if Lesnar doesn't care enough to put on a good match. And this is coming from a Reigns fan. So even IF Lesnar is staying, and IF he cares enough to put on a decent match, there still isn't a very good chance this match will exceed expectations.
It could be a good match. It could not. Since neither has any real match calling experience short of "shit, taker's concussed." Idk how great it can really be. I don't know if an outdoor venue will even carry the chants the way indoor venues do, I was at 29/30 everything was much more clear under the dome at 30, so I wouldn't think the chants will really matter til the next night at raw so it really comes down to the two competitors. We know lesnar doesn't practice matches the way some performers do and with no ring general practice could really help. Lesnar also may not give a shit at this point if he's not getting a new deal, although I think he Will get a new deal given his age and health concerns.either way though I'm not at all interested in the main event, whether it exceed the very low expectations or not. The taker/Lesnar rub is being wasted on a guy who I very seriously think is not going to meet the expectations that have been placed on him and considering all the time and energy that have been invested some of it irreversible like the streak ending and also letting him beat far more over stars who have now been relegated to meaningless matches. People who's favorite are lesnar/rollins/Cena/bryan/Ambrose/cesaro and many others are all going to have a reason to resent reigns by the end of mania and that just sets him up for failure. There's been plenty of great matches with little fan interest and even more terrible matches with little fan interest either way little interest.
Well, perhaps they have a right to be nervous, especially those who either go to the show or pay the full price (although I'm not really sure who would) for the PPV. Think about it, with all the rumours of Lesnar leaving after WrestleMania, why would he care if the match is good or not? This has the potential to be just as bad, if not worse than the last time Lesnar left in 2004. Remember how crappy and boring his match with Goldberg was? That wasn't even the main event or for any title, let alone the biggest title in WWE. Plus, unlike Goldberg, while Reigns is sticking around after 'Mania, he's got a helluva lot to lose here, especially since it's not likely he'll be able to carry the match and make it passable, due to lack of experience, if Lesnar doesn't care enough to put on a good match. And this is coming from a Reigns fan. So even IF Lesnar is staying, and IF he cares enough to put on a decent match, there still isn't a very good chance this match will exceed expectations.

I'd like to think in those 10 years Brock Lesnar grew up, even if he is leaving, I don't think he'll shit the bed in the ME. And who in this thread is going to WrestleMania?

And like someone pointed out that crowd hated Lesnar Goldberg from the start.

The match is going to be fine.
I'd like to think in those 10 years Brock Lesnar grew up, even if he is leaving, I don't think he'll shit the bed in the ME. And who in this thread is going to WrestleMania?

And like someone pointed out that crowd hated Lesnar Goldberg from the start.

The match is going to be fine.

And everyone's in love with this match? Not sure about that. As far as Lesnar growing up, didn't he walk out of RAW just a couple of weeks ago because he wasn't happy about something creatively? Yeah, he's done some serious growing up. Look, I'm not saying for sure this match is going to suck, it's just I'm not sure it's gonna be all that good either.
Why are people so sure the match will suck??? Give the match a chance before bitching about it. Damn it's beginning to piss me off and I don't even like Roman Reigns, even though I support him. I will LMAO if this steals the show just like last year when everyone said not even Daniel Bryan could save Batista/Orton title match. When it happened by the end of the night it was the best match. I feel even without Bryan it still would have been good considering the face Batista and Orton were the main ones in the match, even though Bryan brought it and gave some of the best spots. I find it funny everyone wines about stuff before it even happens. At WrestleMania, that means if your going sit there and shut the hell up and not distract the performers so they can at least get a chance to show you what they can do. Of course if you distract them with boo's the match won't be good. Look at Goldberg/Lesnar in 2004, could have been a great match. However, the two was distracted by boo's it hurt their performance. This isn't pointed at the OP, just people in general...shut up bitching and enjoy the show or just DON'T F*CKING WATCH!!! To answer the question "NO!" because that just add another name to chant. However, having someone coach them through the match is a good idea.

That's the plan! I'll watch the show til that match, then I'll be tuning out. Maybe if Rollins cashes in, I'll go back and watch.

To the thread, I think The Rock should be the guest referee. Cena can't stop Lesnar, Cena AND Rollins can't stop him, The Undertaker couldn't either. So, how can someone that is unproven, like Reigns, do it? Thinking about it, having Rock screw Reigns out of the title could set up a match next year. Plus, I seriously don't think Reigns will hold the title long, as Rollins will cash in within a month.
I actually said Yes mainly because if there is a special guest referee then that leaves more room for the screwy stuff to happen & shenanigans to ensure, which is actually what I think this match needs.

Since the match doesn't have any kind of No DQ or Street Fight stipulation but is being built more like an ass kicking fight, it's going to need some break from all the regular rules like the ref being taken out or distracted so Reigns can finish off Lesnar with a crazy spear through the barricade or time for a guy like Rollins to come in & cause some chaos.

Either way I think we are going to get both a solid singles match & at least some craziness at the end, so I say why not toss in the added element of a special guest ref to help call things anyways.
It's an interesting idea for sure. I also listened to the Stone Cold Podcast all those weeks ago and I have to agree with him. Roman Reigns is far too inexperienced to be calling a match at the biggest show of the year in front of 70,000 people. And if Austin is telling us that Lesnar doesn't like to be that guy either, then what reason do we have to disagree? Still, i honestly think that Lesnar will call the match. He is much more experienced and is the Champion at the end of the day.

Honestly there is no one out there who you can put into that match to be a logical special guest referee. Austin, maybe. But it would take a lot to make me feel as though this isn't just a copy out. Realistically, there is no need for any special guest ref. I'm just going to cross my fingers and hope that the WWE knows what it is doing here. Honestly there's no way that they're going to let this match go out without making sure it is called correctly. So they must have faith in someone to call it already. Still, it's an interesting thought.
Yeah, if there's gonna be a guest ref, The Rock seems the logical choice. Reigns's cousin, and a guy who was "sent to Hollywood" by Brock. It would be a neat storyline, with the audience wondering if he'll favour Reigns.

Exactly! The crowd would be on their toes to see if The Rock would give either Lesnar or Reigns a surprise Rock Bottom(think of Austin as the guest ref between Goldberg and Lesnar where he Stunned them both at the end of the match). I could see the ending being (if Reigns won) Rock raising Roman's hand, handing him the WWE Title, etc and then when Rocky turns to face Lesnar, Lesnar immediately F5s Rocky, setting up a Lesnar/Rock Wrestlemania 32 match(if WWE wants to have that Rock vs Brock rematch).
in my opinion, if they need someone to get them through the math then they don't deserve to be in the main event of WM.

I'll buy that. This match doesn't need a special ref. I would sooner think the ref should be a guy who stays out of the way and lets the two of them brawl. The WWE braintrust is well aware of Roman Reigns' inexperience and perceived lack of ring repertoire. The good thing is that a contest against Brock Lesnar isn't going to call for much finesse......Brock's opponent just needs to be big and tough.....which Roman is.

Watching Roman's latest effort in a handicap match against Kane and Seth Rollins, I think Reigns is well capable of putting on a good match with Brock Lesnar......possibly better than many of the folks on this forum are expecting.

I'd prefer there not be a special referee nor any interference in this match.....except for the inevitable MITB cash-in attempt at the end.

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