Does it eat at Cavalier fans they are the reason the Heat are playing well?


Excellence of Execution
Say what you want about the Heat and who they've played, but there's no denying that around the time the hype started for the Heat vs. Cavaliers matchup, the Heat haven't lost since (10 in a row, including beating the Cavs last night again).

It's almost like karma, the stupidity they expressed with James coming back to Cleveland has turned into King James and the Heat catching fire.
Ha ha...I hate the idiotic Clevland fans as well, but you couldn't possibly believe that that is the reason they Heat continue to play well and win.
Through adversity, sure, but these guys are professional athletes. As such, they certainly aren't going into a game against the Magic thinking "Man if we could beat this team handily, we'd really show those Clevland fans what they're missing". I understand your point, but I just don't see the attitudes of Clevland fans weighing heavily on any Heat player's mind. Maybe LBJ...Maybe.
Who honestly ever heard of the Cleveland Cavs before LeBron came along? I mean sure we knew of them, never even remotely looked at them as a threat. Yes James never did get them the championship win, but he sure as hell made them as close as they ever have been. Never did blame James for leaving it the best choice for him. He carried that team on his back for years.
Sports fans are the most sensitive people in the world. I mean, look at how pissed Cowboys fans got at Tashard Choice for him getting Michael Vick's autograph after the game. Very few outside of Dallas gave a crap.

Personally, I feel Cavs fans have a right to be pissed. That doesn't excuse some of the things they did or said. I think eventually when James finally grows up he'll apologize. Maybe then Cleveland will finally bury the hatchet.
Why should he apologize, he doesn't owe Cleveland anything

An apology. Yes he does. It's not about him leaving. It's about him lying. Notice he doesn't have the stones to reference his statements about his goal is to win a championship for the city of Cleveland. If he referenced it, he'd be admitting what he did was wrong. So he either lied, or he failed. Pick one, cuz he sure won't.
An apology. Yes he does. It's not about him leaving. It's about him lying. Notice he doesn't have the stones to reference his statements about his goal is to win a championship for the city of Cleveland. If he referenced it, he'd be admitting what he did was wrong. So he either lied, or he failed. Pick one, cuz he sure won't.

Lulz, such a childish argument, even for sports talk. I love how one isn't allowed to change their minds. He didn't sign a contract wagering his soul over a NBA Championship for Cleveland. He doesn't owe them shit.
There is no "coming together through adversity". Spaz issued a new rule that if Wade and LeBron play defense hi way (IE: Pull down a rebound and what not) then they're allowed to do whatever they want on offense.

It works now but when they play elite teams, it won't work so well for them.

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