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Does It Bother You That The Mystery GM Was Never Revealed


The Cerebral Assassin
It bugs the shit out of me. It was an angle that I was actually excited about, and that's a rarity for me nowadays.

At first, there was talk that it could be a huge name like The Rock, which got me even more excited about it, but as the angle dragged on it became evident that the writers had NO IDEA who it was.

Toward the end of the angle I was still excited about- I knew there wouldn't be a huge payoff, because I knew it probably wouldn't have been that big of a name, but due to how long it went on for, I was excited for a resolution nonetheless.

.................. And then, like a pregnant girl's period, it never came.

Really WWE? You can make HHH into a corporate pussy, you can ruin my Royal Rumble dreams by having Jericho lose to Sheamus, and you can monopolize my Monday nights, but NOW you're just gonna pretend that the whole mystery GM angle that took place over numerous months NEVER HAPPENED?

I will not stand for this lunacy.

But in all seriousness, does this peeve anyone else? I don't know why it gets to me so much, I just really wanted to know who it was because it intrigued me.

And before anyones like "ZOMGZ get a life, it BOTHERS you that MuCh?" No, it doesn't bother me that much, it's just a topic I wanted to right about here in the spam section for fun to see if anyone else was like me, I don't lose sleep over it.

Well, not that much sleep anyway.
Bother me? Not really, it's just another squandered angle, luckily they've been giving us plenty of other cool shit lately to make up for it. I guess if the product had continued going downhill like it was and they still just blew it off it would have bothered me more.
It's not uncommon for storylines to go unresolved in WWE. Higher power associated with the Nexus, anonymous RAW GM, and plenty of other examples. I wouldn't be surprised if the Jericho "end of the world as we know it", complete with cryptic videos, is somewhat left hanging as well.
Not entirely concerned i never found out who the GM was going to be, i believe it was just a set up for hunters return is all, to prolong it for any reason that was needed to.
There was no conclusion to the Nexus, and you're concern is the GM?

No, I didn't care about the Nexus, a shitty stable full of shitty, untalented guys with none of them really emerging or doing much of anything.

I'm a sucker for "who will it be?" angles. No matter what they are, really, they intrigue me. It could have been Hornswoggle for all I care, I just wanted to know so I could've gotten a reaction one way or another.
Except Barrett or Sheffield. I had no reason to find anybody else that threatening.

I didn't really think anyone would run from Heath SLater or Gabriel or Black Cena or anyone.

The Nexus storyline hit crescendo in its debut and the run up to SummerSlam. The Cena slave angle only drew intrigue because Cena got fired in the end.
It was pretty damn stupid. It's like when Samoa Joe got kidnapped by ninjas, came back and it was never mentioned again. Except that at least that came with the benefit of being fucking hilarious. The mysterious laptop general manager was simply lame.
At first yeah I was because at first it was a mystery as to who he/she was. The GM used Stone Cold's & Roddy Piper's catchphrases & that added the mystique as to who was behind the computer.

The damn man (or woman but I prefer to believe it was a man) screwed over the ikes of John Cena, Edge, Jericho, Lawler etc. It was from Faces to Heels & Heels to Faces.

But this changed arund WM27 when the angle dragged on for too long to the point where it became annoying & eventually useless. When John Laurinaitis as publicly exposed by Vince I knew it was over. Not only did WWE missed a chance to run a great angle (With the likes of Laurinaitis could've been the GM) but they even let the storyline run unfinished (as we already know) & was a waste of time to bother paying attention to.
I have never understood why people assumed it WOULD ever be revealed, or that it was an angle. it was simply an anonymous GM. It was never implied at any point it would be revealed. Maybe for the first few weeks there were hints dropped for guessing, but I dont think it was ever going to be an actual person, at any time.
I have never understood why people assumed it WOULD ever be revealed, or that it was an angle. it was simply an anonymous GM. It was never implied at any point it would be revealed. Maybe for the first few weeks there were hints dropped for guessing, but I dont think it was ever going to be an actual person, at any time.

Remember the whole part of the angle where Edge was dead-set on trying to find out who it was? Parts of the angle like that made it seem like it was a hunt to find out who it was. If high-profile superstars were feuding with, acknowledging, and trying to identity the mystery GM, isn't it natural to believe that his or her identity would eventually be uncovered?
Remember the whole part of the angle where Edge was dead-set on trying to find out who it was? Parts of the angle like that made it seem like it was a hunt to find out who it was. If high-profile superstars were feuding with, acknowledging, and trying to identity the mystery GM, isn't it natural to believe that his or her identity would eventually be uncovered?

Not really :shrug:
The GM should have been the Rock..

Would have made sense since he couldn't be there live every week.. and still further his storyline with Cena to put him through a lot of shit. (as well as others) then revealing it was him all along would have been great TV.

All that being said, yes they dropped the ball, but it doesn't bother me.

Johnny Ace was a good replacement.
Anybody that I would have been excited over would have been a wrestler or someone who could handle themselves, and my excitement would have been immediately killed by the fact that the Anonymous GM was anonymous because he was scared of the Nexus.

So no, I don't care at all.
My only regret about the dropping of the anonymous GM storyline was simply the fact that it was fully and completely dropped without any reference whatsoever. I'm not suggesting that a reveal necessarily had to happen, because I don't think WWE ever had an identity in mind for the anonymous GM. I think that whole storyline was an ad lib with no forethought or planning whatsoever. If something or someone had evolved into a logical storyline, they would have run with it. But if not, they would be perfectly comfortable just dropping it in mid stream.

I do think, though, that it should have been addressed. When Triple H became COO, all he had to do was come out, say they weren't pleased with the performance of the anonymous GM, so he has been fired and replaced by me. Still the same bottom line, but at least the storyline would have had a more logical conclusion. In the grand scheme of things, the end result would have been no different. But a simple 2 minute mention from Triple H would have ended the anonymous GM fiasco more logically, leaving all of us in the IWC with one less thing to complain about and over analyze.
Not really :shrug:

How so? I mean, I know sometimes WWE just deserts storylines every now and then, and that's obviously what happened with this one, but care to elaborate on your stance?

I really thought they were gonna reveal it at some point, it makes me mad. :banghead:

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