Does Cena get #17?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Or does he stay at 16?

I have to think somewhere down the line he will get #17. It may be a while yet, and it may only be for a few mins (get cashed in on) or for one night (losing it on Raw) but for some reason I think WWE will want to give him that honor.

I don't personally care if he gets it or not. May be best he doesn't, it's just my hunch he will. What do you guys think?

I still can't believe they count Nash just giving the belt to Flair as one of Flair's title reigns, but is what it is.
I think there is no question it is going to happen. He could well go down as the most 'hero' superstar of all time and what's best of all is that it has all been in the WWE his whole career. He didn't jump ships like flair did. When you think of wrestling you think of Hogan, Flair, Austin, Rock, Sting etc but in 20 years I could quite easily see it being "who will be the next Cena" instead of anyone else. The dude still has I would say 5 years on his career yet and he is having better matches than ever before. His status is still the same among every single fan so it's not like giving him the record for the sake of giving him the record. He could genuinely have good matches in the main event. So why not just make him the most decorated superstar of all time as well in terms of statistics.
Yes he does because WWE wants you to think of him as the greatest wrestler of all time.

He's probably not as good as Hogan or Austin but with Austin's domestic violence history and Hogan's racial comments, I can understand promoting Cena as the best ever.

Regardless if he's the best ever or not, there's no doubt Cena will get his record-breaking 17th World Champion. It's only a matter of when and how.
There's no way to know whether he'll get 20.....but yes, Cena will win the title a 17th time.

Really, the company has probably shown great restraint in not having him as champion on a regular basis for the past couple years. Folks say WWE doesn't listen to the fans, but when the undisputed #1 person in the company isn't holding the title, it's a pretty clear indication that they are.

Fine, so the haters haven't had to suffer spasms of outrage because Cena is holding the world title belt, but to think he's never going to win it again is foolish. Hogan held it a long time because he was #1. Flair did the same in NWA/WCW. Bruno Sammartino did in WWWF. That's the way it works.

Cena will be back on top somewhere along the line, like it or not.
I have felt for years that John Cena is a modern day Bob Backlund. Backlund was that lone top guy during his Era Post-Bruno which later transitioned into the Pro Wrestling boom. Cena has been the sole top guy in the Post-Attitude Era. Just like Backlund when I reflect back on their careers nothing major stands out. I'm not even a Cena hater and admire his dedication to the business.

With the talents down in NXT and the emergence of Rollins and Reigns this year, I feel we are on the brink of another big era in wrestling. Gotta be optimistic, right? The only guy that truly rivaled this guy in popularity is arguably CM Punk although others may say DBry, Batista, ect. Cena never had to fully share his throne with anyone.

With that being said, kudos to his championship reigns. It makes it less appealing when the likes of Edge, Triple H and Randy Orton are right there under him in total reigns. But that's just my two cents.

I do not like hearing his comparison to Flair's. The territories were full of talent and he went against many greats in his day. Sting, Ricky Steamboat, Dusty Rhodes, Genichiro Tenryu among others. His success in Mid-Atlantic Wrestling triumphs anything he did in WCW or WWE.
He'll get 17 eventually, and I think that'll be it for him. Honestly, I just hope he does break the record. When are we ever going to get another chance to witness somebody even come close to it? Especially with only one title around again.

I'm all for historic moments and Cena breaking that record will be one of the most historic of the era, for one reason or another. Whether he deserves it or not, I'm not getting into that.
Cena will reach #17 in the next two years no doubt about it. Then he will win the belt again someday, thus getting #18. Then a stupid storyline will emerge where the title will change hands like a hot potato and Cena will reach #20. I don't see him going over #20, but given the fact that he still has 4-5 years in him to wrestle full time and like 10 years more to wrestle part-time, his main goal should be #20. But I wouldn't be surprised if he finishes his career in 15 years from now, with 10 more World Championship reigns under his belt, although that seems like a big big far stretch.

He definately gets #17, but #20 will be his ceiling.
100%. Only way he doesn't is if WWE becomes less kid friendly and hits the jackpot and finds a few big hitters. He could have 50 title reigns and I'd still be "meh" about him.
Sure. Wait, I thought he was @ 15? WWE wants Cena to be the guy who lost the title or gave it up more than anyone ever. They will make a network special highlighting all those losses.
Wait....Isn't Cena at 15 World title reigns? He hasn't hit 16 yet, right? If so that would mean Cena would need to win 1 more title reign to tie with Flair. Then lose and win it again to make history.
Cena has at least 5 more years left in his career(most likely way more) and there's no way wwe will be able to keep him away from the main event or getting more World title reigns for that long. If Cena doesn't decide to call it quits and have a lengthy career like Kane and Show, Cena will easily get past 17 and way into the 20s.

When Cena does finally try to go for 17, I hope wwe makes it as historic as possible. Have it at Wrestlemania and have Cena fight Roman Reigns. We either see a passing of the torch or we see Cena make history and become a 17 time World champion. No matter the result we see history made at WM.
I was thinking about this yesterday, and I think that he will stay at 16.

It would be fitting if Cena shared the record with Ric Flair, rather than surpass him.

Besides, Cena isn't the top guy anymore. The last year, they have used him to defend the U.S. Title and put over new guys (e.g. Kevin Owens). He seems to be now used in lesser programs, still prominent, but seems to be used as the veteran (which he is now) who has matches and builds up the younger guys.

In the last year, Cena has made Owens and Cesaro a big deal by having matches with them, and even if he won, those guys were elevated up the ladder by having a match with him. He also fought Sami Zayn on "RAW". So Cena doesn't seem to have the ego that he won't fight guys lower on the ladder and fight main-event guys.

Also, Cena is heading towards becoming a part-timer now. He got rave reviews for his appearance in the film "Trainwreck", and also has his own reality show. I get the feeling that Cena is looking at life outside of WWE, and is winding things down. Roman, Seth and others are the top guys now. Cena has stepped down.

The only way I see Cena winning a 17th is if all other contenders are injured, and they need someone as a champion. But I don't think Cena's priority in WWE is winning the belt anymore, and he seems content with other things instead.
If you owned the WWE and you saw John Cena sitting at 16 WHC title reigns tieing The Nature Boy Ric Flairs all time record wouldn't you want your guy to break it? Wouldn't you want the WWE Universe and all these little kids that see Cena like fans of the 80s saw Hulk Hogan break through that wall and make history ? Even if you are the worst Cena hater everyone likes to see history made in one form or another. I personally think John Cena deserves it. He has improved soooo much since his little rapper days it's staggering. His matches get the biggest reactions ( negative or positive or both ). He's constantly in MOTY candidates and even if he finishes his career not turning heel he still should get 17.
Didn't Cena say awhile back he didn't want to break the record, and then Flair said he wouldn't mind if someone broke it. Let's face it records where made to be broken, and the only person in the WWE today that has a chance to do it is Cena.

Some might argue HHH and Orton are close, but HHH is a part timer at best now, and Orton might have one more run and that's it for him. Cena is still going strong and has a few more years left in the tank. Barring an injury of course.

I doubt now with one title, we will ever seen anyone get this close again, and if they don't give it to Cena, then something is wrong in the State of Denmark. This is a guy that eats, sleeps and bleeds the WWE. He spend a lot of his time out of the ring doing charity work for them. For him Hustle, Loyalty and Respect aren't just trademarks, he lives by that motto.

It would be fitting to see Cena break it and I hope I'm home or watching the PPV when he does. It would most likely happen at a Wrestlemania and it will definitely be a historic moment. For a guy who has carried this company on his back for so long, he deserves it.
Or does he stay at 16?

I have to think somewhere down the line he will get #17. It may be a while yet, and it may only be for a few mins (get cashed in on) or for one night (losing it on Raw) but for some reason I think WWE will want to give him that honor.

I don't personally care if he gets it or not. May be best he doesn't, it's just my hunch he will. What do you guys think?

I still can't believe they count Nash just giving the belt to Flair as one of Flair's title reigns, but is what it is.

He'll break it. He wins the title pretty much every year. I'd be shocked if he didn't break the record by 2017.
I think He will surely win his 17th one before or at Wrestlemania 33 at the least! Because He has been the top guy since a decade and never jumped ship! Moreover He is the only one credible enough to do so and i would like this record on Cena rather than Ric Flair because he deserves it because of being a "WWE Guy"! :rolleyes:
He's a great guy both in and outside the ring. A hard worker and arguably the best wrestler ever.
He should get the #17 and he will.
We've asked for years who would pass the record, so now that it's here people don't want to face the reality? Face it guys and gals, the record will be broken and then when Cena's career is over someone else will break it as well. To be honest, I don't only see Cena breaking the record but also getting possibly 2 maybe 3 more world titles after he breaks it, leaving him with potentially 20 world titles. And honestly, I'm okay with that. I love Flair, but if the Streak can be conquered then the record could be broken.

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