Does Carlito need a haircut


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To go along with his new more serious attitude and ring style (less flying more brawling) here are two pictures one how different a haircut can make a wrestler look see Ricky Ortiz here and what Carlito might look like with a hair cut see his cousin Orlando Colon (who some say is a better wrestler than Carlito and Primo) who has short hair (Orlando is on the right that is Carlito's sister in the middle) anyone else think WWE should give Carlito a haircut. You have to browse through the slideshows to find the pictures
I don't think it matters much. He did have it cut short before but I don't think anyone seemed to notice. I think they should change his entrance music, because it's old and more baby face. The goatee works for now, maybe he should change everything about his appearance to be noticed. He would also have to change everything else because no one seems to care about Carlito, regardless of him being a heel or face.
carlito need's a haircut bad.i think a new look and new ring gear to look tons better as i do like him and the goatee is good but the rest just need to change something to fresh him up more.So carlito if your reading this get a haircut now or diffent hair style cos its not cool anymore
Absolutely not. Carlito's down hair and goatee is a great look for him. He's attractive, serious-looking, and unique. I'd maybe change the music to be a little darker, but the look he's rocking right now is fantastic.
First off: Wow...Carlito's sister is fricken hot.

Second: Hell no, they shouldnt cut Carlito's hair. The down hair style he is going with now really makes him seem more heelish. The music does need to be changed though. Despite it being his debut music (as a heel), i don't think it works for this heel turn.
WWE makes Carlito turn from heel to face way too many times. He's starting to go down the path of Chris Jericho, Kane, and The Big Show.

Anyway, I see no reason why Carlito should get a haircut. Unless, I start to see a difference between this heel turn and his two others. I haven't yet. It seems that Carlito gets noticed more as a face, but it seems that Carlito is more comfortable as a heel. Carlito is a very complicated character and he can really do things in the company if given the chance. This heel turn seems like any other one, so maybe a new theme song would work. He already switch to long pants. This afro is Carlito's signature do, and he gets noticed by the commentators... why change it?
i would like to see carlito in a hair vs hair match against ricky ortiz but thats not gonna happen . but i would like to sse carlito vs mike knox in a hair vs beard match with specail referee . the barber himself brutus beefcake.
I'm not really a fan of the down afro, it looks weird and it makes it seem like Carlito was being lazy and just decided to go with a bad hair day. I do however like the goatee. Not really a fan of the baggy pants. Maybe go back to the shorts or some different wrestling attire. And what about cornrows for Carlito. I remember they tried it at house shows with him, but it never made its way back to TV. Here is a pic:

He looks dirty I think he should cut it, but its wrestling so he can do whatever he wants. It'll be hard for him to get over because its not well groomed. The guy looks like he needs a shower to me.

Heat is heat, but you don't want bumb heat ala Bastion Booger or Skinner, I don't think Carlito is going for that.

I say cut the hair, get a new look. He's had the same look for years now and the amount of people caring about his existence hasn't increased. Go for a new look to see if it will get him more over with the crowd. He has Rosa as a valet, it will go well. He can develop a pretty boy latino type gimmick with Rosa, but still be the apple spitting rough neck.

My money is on him not cutting his hair though. Just because I want it to happen it won't.

Carlito's hair and his apple are his identity. Without one or the other, he'd be no different from any random joke who could, and rightfully should, be forgotten within a week.

If a change in hair style is in the question, I'd concur with the above picture and poster, in saying the cornrow (is it row, or roll? Oh well) look makes him look like a complete bad ass. The only thing thats non-workable regarding this situation is the fact that Carlito is anything but a complete bad ass.

Carlito's character has never been one to be seen or viewed as a fan favorite. But he's also not one to be viewed as a bad ass. His character is that of someone who cheats at every turn, and runs from the slightest sight of equal terms.

If Carlito ever wants to make it back to a sub-par top of the mid-card division, (as he'll NEVER be Main Event material in my opinion) I suggest he bring back his Cabana and bring in a bodyguard again.
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I'm not a fan of the entire Caribbean gimmick. The apples, the awful afro, the entrance music, overall theme, etc. I was hoping Carlito would debut a gangster version of his character with his hair braided like in the image above. In general I'm not a Carlito fan. I mean don't get me wrong, Carlito is good at his profession but his character does not appeal to me. The cartoon afro, the apples, the boring storylines he is a part of and the fact his character is stale doesn't cut it for me although I was never a Carlito fan to begin with. Unlike Razor Ramon (some may argue their characters are similar), Scott Hall actually made the character "cool".
No, Carlito doesn't need a haircut because he is one of the wrestlers who needs to keep his hair like it was at the beggining of his carreer. The only wrestlers I can think of who can have long and short hair without looking stupid are Taker, Kane (With the mask) and Big Show (In his case, short or no hair)

Look at Jericho. He came back with that spikey hair, and while I, and many others have gotten used to it, I think we all want Jerichos long hair back. My point being, just let Carlito keep his hair. I don't think anyones gonna complain if he doesn't.
Carlito is hands down my favorite wrestler today, so my opinion may be a bit biased. I don't want him to cut the hair. He has grown increasingly unpopular the past few years, and I think it would be a bad move to take away the most unique attribute he has. I am not a big fan of changing his music either. Same reason as the hair. I do like the cornrows though.
Absolutely not. Carlito's down hair and goatee is a great look for him. He's attractive, serious-looking, and unique. I'd maybe change the music to be a little darker, but the look he's rocking right now is fantastic.

Hell yes. The hair is unmistakeable and is somewhat of a trademark for him. The facial hair and that nasty scowl is all he needs to look more the part of a heel. No haircut needed. And I also agree that a change in theme music is probably necessary. The current song makes we wanna bask in the sun while sipping cocktails from a coconut. Not very heelish.
Yes, and Hogan needs to dye his hair black.

No, that is sarcasm.

Carlito's hair is his most recognizable trait. He comes out with his hair froed? up as a heel, and he gets heat from the fans for being cocky. He comes out as a face with the same hair, and he looks lovable. In a world where there are not enough differentiating characteristics for wrestlers, Carlito gets by with a unique one for his hair.

Others have gotten by initially on their look, especially their hair. When Stone Cold's character came out, he was a bald SOB. When TJ Wilson made his debut, he had the little end flick.

Looks are one of the first things that fans notice from a wrestler. If they are unique looking, they get recognized quickly. Big Show and Khali had their size, Chris Masters and Brock Lesnar had their physique, MVP had his suit. When Carlito debuted, I remember everyone took notice of the guy with the puffy hair.

And Carlito did cut his hair before, and he looked dreadful with it. And before he debuted, when he used to worth for WWC, he had a buzzcut, and just looked like a regular Hispanic. This way, people take notice.

carlito need's a haircut bad.i think a new look and new ring gear to look tons better as i do like him and the goatee is good but the rest just need to change something to fresh him up more.So carlito if your reading this get a haircut now or diffent hair style cos its not cool anymore

And how would a haircut go about helping that? A haircut makes him look funny, and with little to no help in moving over his character. He is a midcard guy, with very little chance to make it to the main event. And his look is perfect for that.

I'm not a fan of the entire Caribbean gimmick. The apples, the awful afro, the entrance music, overall theme, etc. I was hoping Carlito would debut a gangster version of his character with his hair braided like in the image above. In general I'm not a Carlito fan. I mean don't get me wrong, Carlito is good at his profession but his character does not appeal to me. The cartoon afro, the apples, the boring storylines he is a part of and the fact his character is stale doesn't cut it for me although I was never a Carlito fan to begin with. Unlike Razor Ramon (some may argue their characters are similar), Scott Hall actually made the character "cool".

So you are saying that Carlito should be like Scott Hall's Razor Ramon? The difference is, that character came out while people still were talking about the movie Scar Face, which I feel helped make people view Hispanics as being "cool". Carlito's character is of a cocky athletic guy who will kick your ass while drinking a pina colada, then go for a swim. Either that or be the guy at the pool with the hot girl whose ass you want to see kicked.
I could swear I posted this already, but lets try this again

he doesnt need a hair cut, he needs to be put back into a tag team with his younger brother Primo. Neither of them are having any luck getting over with the fans, and they were much better as a tag than flying solo. And as several people have pointed out, its a part of his character.

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