Does Austin Need a Payday ??


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
According to the WZ news site, Austin has had a tax lien placed on him in California because he owes more than $22,000 in back taxes.

I don't know about anyone else, but 22 g's is a lot of money in my world and I don't exactly have it sitting around.

Maybe Austin does, but if he did, wouldn't one of his PR people of his agent make him pay the back taxes and clear up the issue ??

That being said, even though SCSA seemed to have put an end to his wrestling career at Mania 25, does this issue with his taxes open the door for a possible return ??

A yearlong contract with the "E" can be worth anywhere between $100,000 and $250,000 (according to what JR said Ric Flair was offered) and there are several storylines that Austin could get himself involved with.

I don't expect to hear glass shattering anytime soon, but...
Don't expect anything at all. Compared to other wrestlers like say, Tony Atlas, SCSA's relatively fine. 22 G's is relatively short amount of money. Hell, others sometimes have millions in tax problems, which is worse.

As for Austin making a return, I doubt that he'll do naything...not until he's forced to. The E doesn't lend a hand unless you're in deep trouble, like how they did with Atlas. But in Steve's case, I'm sure he probably has cash lying around.

But I'm sure Vince could lend a hand for Austin, and he might have to make appearances or something as a tradeoff.
One would think that the movie he's working on would pay more than 22 grand. It seems that it's more than likely that it was an oversight or a mistake rather than an actual money problem. I will never believe that Steve has money issues. On a side note, does anyone else want to join me in storming the TMZ offices and power punching each one of them in the face repeatedly? Is there a more vile group of people in America than these bottom feeding parasites?
One would think that the movie he's working on would pay more than 22 grand. It seems that it's more than likely that it was an oversight or a mistake rather than an actual money problem. I will never believe that Steve has money issues. On a side note, does anyone else want to join me in storming the TMZ offices and power punching each one of them in the face repeatedly? Is there a more vile group of people in America than these bottom feeding parasites?

Sad but true Nate.

Unfortunately, this shit has been around for years. Back in the day, everyone read the National Enquirer and Star magazines.

Now, websites like TMZ, Perez Hilton, etc... dish the dirt on stars. Amazingly, they generate a shit ton of traffic too.

The even sadder part is how much papparazzi get paid for taking pics. It really is quite a lucrative business.
theres no way stone cold cant pay that off, he was making millions in his prime, not to mention, hes getting paid for movies hes doing now, hes perfectly fine, althought i hope every raw for a glass shatter, i dont see it happening for this issue anyways, as for the tmz thing, im down to head to there HQ and slap the lips off all there faces
I'm hoping this isn't too much of an issue for him.

But what can't hurt is that Sylvester Stallone's new flick (The Expendables, which he is in) just wrapped the other week.

If he was to come back to WWE, then I'd welcome it regardless.
I think that would be an awesome idea but I don't expect to see Stone Cold back in the ring anytime soon. If he does came back for a final run, it will probably bee as a GM or Manager type of program. I don't think he's willing to take that risk on his health just for a payday. Im pretty sure there are other ways that Stone Cold can come up with that money and I don't think it would take him that long to do it.
Austin always said he was very good at saving his money when he was doing well. Therefore I doubt he needs a payday from the WWE to help him out. However, if Austin needed a payday, he could quite easily get one. The WWE hired Tony Atlas to help him out with some financial problems, so they'd do it for Austin no doubt. It's there if he needs it, but don't expect anything to happen.
For any of you out there that dont seem to understand business, and workings of taxes , and tax brackets etc, cause you make 11.00/hour....its pretty basic what happened to Austin, and it happens to alot of people in their tax bracket. Austin has made millions, multiple millions for multiple yrs. Lives a fairly modes lifestyle as well, jusging by the fact that everytime you see a pic or video of him these days in Cali., he is driving his 97/98 Bronco....Its clearly a simple case of Austin having been most likely audited within the past couple yrs, or not having pd on a 1099 that wasnt filed or filed late, also could have been a very simple accounting error on a return that just cost him 22g. Its something that happens everyday to everyday people as well people who make the $$ he has.....bottom line is that he is not in the situation where we are all of a sudden going to start seeing him because he needs to make a mill to get back on his feet.

So slow down with the Austin is broke nonsense. If he is broke, then he's probably been broke for a while, and we would have seen him in a far greater role this past Wrestlemania, especially with the shape he was in at the time and especially in Texas. But we didnt, which should lead most people with common sense to believe that he is not broke and " in need of a payday."

Jesus Christ...if that was the case...Him and Hogan would have gotten it on at Wrestlemania for a huuuuuge payday. Use common sense and think it through first people.
Austin probably doesn't need a payday at all. As one of the biggest superstars of all time 22K is not alot of money (its huge for someone like me, but not for someone who made nearly 500K a month at one point). Austin spends more than that on Coors Light (cause Bud Light don't pay him nothing).
I really do doubt that Austin owes money. But i guess you never really know. Hopefully for Austin it was just a mistake on their part and he doesn’t really owe anyone any money at all.

But even if he did, he could get it easily. Like Nate pointed out, he’s probably getting payed more than 20 thousand dollars for his new movie. But let’s say that he isn’t getting payed that much for the movie, then there’s the WWE. They hired Tony Atlas because he was having financial problems, so why wouldn’t they do the same with Austin. Or they can go the Ric Flair route and have Vince lend him the money. If I do remember correctly, Flair owed money to the IRS and Vince gave him money to pay of his debt. He would probably do the same with Austin considering the fact that he was one of the company’s biggest stars and draws. So if he really needs the money then Vince will probably lend it to him or hire him for a small period.

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