Does Anyone Think Daniels is Championship Material?

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
I've given up on putting Daniels in inverted commas because, well, we're past that now. Forgetting a guy has a first name is still ******ed.

But yeah, Christopher Daniels. He's rubbish, isn't he? If it weren't for his connection to AJ Styles, I'm confident he'd be nowhere near the main event. There's nothing particularly special about him in any regard. Just another cookie cutter cruiserweight, as I've said many times.

Samoa Joe; there's a guy I can see conceivably winning the belt. I mean, I don't think it'd be a sensible decision but I'd consider him a viable championship contender, even if he's nowhere as hot as he was, say, three years ago.

In a way, I think putting the belt on Daniels would be a genius move. Sure, he's rubbish - we've established that. All the same, it would be completely out of the blue, simply because I don't think all that many people count him as a viable champion. You've got your Kurt Angles and your Stings and your AJ Styleses and your Samoa Joes. You've even got your Matt Morgans and your Desmond Wolfes. Christopher Daniels is just an anomaly.
Daniels is far from rubbish. His in-ring work is always consistently strong, he puts on great matches. He makes people look good, that otherwise wouldn't! I mean, the guy had to change his style up, wrestling as THREE different characters this year! I don't think there are too many wrestlers with the skill or abaility to pull that off!

As for him being championship material, I'd say hell yes. He's always been deserving of a main event push, in my opinion, and now he is finally getting it! I just hope he runs with it.

Daniels' is far from rubbish. His in-ring work is always consistently strong, he puts on great matches.

The only great matches he's put on are when he works with much better workers. I mean, some of my favourite matches of all-time, never mind in TNA, have Christopher Daniels in them. Unfortunately, I consider them great because of the efforts of guys like AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. It's like they just needed one more guy in there to do a few spots and take some bumps. It could just as well have been the Amazing Red or Chris Sabin.

I mean, the guy had to change his style, wrestling as THREE different characters last year! I don't think there are too many wrestlers witht the skill or abaility to pull that off!

Except when he dances around as Curry Man - which, while good for TNA standards, was terrible comic relief - his character never actually changes. People talk as if he goes under this incredible metamorphosis every few months. What really happens is that he gets a lacklustre push, that fails and he comes back with a costume redesign and maybe some new facial hair. The Undertaker he isn't -- or is, depending on your view of The Undertaker.

As for him being championship material, I'd say hell yes. He's always been deserving of a main event push, in my opinion, and now he is finally getting it! I just hope he runs with it.

We'll see where he goes with what I'm gonna have to presume is a heel turn. He screwed AJ Styles. I don't see how that makes him anything but a heel but I'm just not feeling it. I think having surprisingly good midcard feuds may well be his niche.
Daniels is certainly talented enough to be TNA champion, but really hasn't been booked that way. He's been built up leading into turning point and continued with him getting the clean pin over AJ last night. Obviously this should continue heading into the PPV.

Personally, I'm a fan of Daniels and would like to see him eventually get a run with the title. I just don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon because AJ needs to have strong run with the title. I just hope he doesn't end up dropping it to Hogan, which is what I fear most.
Are you seriously askin if Curry Man is Championship material? He's a GREAT wrestler but NO way is he championship material. Daniels doesnt have the mic skills or star power to carry TNA. AJ and Joe are pretty much the only X-divisioners that can hold the belt.
You are absolutely right, Mr. Poster. Christopher Daniels is one of the most overrated wrestlers I have ever seen. I also love your point that Christopher Daniels is part of the best matches in TNA history, but usually because of the efforts of the other person. I think that the Samoa Joe/Christopher Daniels/AJ Styles match from 2005 might be the best match I've ever seen anywhere, but it probably still would have been if Sabin or Amazing Red replaced Daniels like you said.

Daniels is a great cruiserweight. He is a very very good worker. But for one thing, he lacks the it factor. For two, I think he has run his course. For three, though he is very good, I don't think he by himself makes a match or an opponent better. If Christopher Daniels ever won the World Title I think I would stop watching TNA because I hate it when non-credible World Champions have any World Title.

I do not consider Christopher Daniels championship material. Most of the IWC considers any and all high flyers to be championship material in any company. But to the intelligent eye, though he is a very good high flyer, he does not have the complete package, such as the it factor that I mentioned, he lacks charisma both in and out of the ring, and if he's going to be 100% in ring focused and be a champion (Like the Murderer Benoit for example) then he would have to be better in the ring than he already is...and he's not THAT good to pull that off.
I think Daniels would make a great heel, he just needs to take that makeup off. Him and AJ could have some great matches between each other, I'm just glad he wasn't lost in the mid card shuffle. I was never a big fan of his, especially as Curry Man. However, I haven't seen a bad match with him in it. He always shines whether it is an Ultimate X match or a 3 way dance. I feel him and AJ could really have a solid program together.
Yes. Absolutely yes. The Fallen Angel deserves a heavyweight title run.

Yes, he's had 6 Tag Team championship runs (under the NWA brand), with Low Ki and Elix Skipper as Triple X (3 times), James Storm (1 time) and A.J. Styles (2 times), he's won the X Division title 3 times, and he won the World X Cup back in 2004.

He needs a major title run, and no, not the "Fired" Championship (I miss Curry Man).

Nothing would make me happier than to see Daniels with the Heavyweight title around his waist.

dont know how to post a discussion but how bout the struggling X-division!! At one time this was the most exiting part of TNA in fact, it headlined a couple ppvs over title matches. I think if they went back to doing that the ratings would jump and also take away from the boring and random stories in TNA. Bring back Petey Williams, Senshi, Austin Aries hell even Teddy Hart!!! Just a thought!

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I really like Daniels (and all other names he has gone by). I think NOT to see him as a Main Eventer is nothing short of wrong. I really like AJ but I think Daniels is just as good. I mean look at the BME. I think TNA NEEDS Daniels to wear the World belt.
I am afan of the fallen angel and I hated it when he had to be curry man, but for him to be World Champion would be a mistake. At this time anyhow. TNA is trying to build the company and have its own identity. Is there really anyone out there that thinks they can do so with Daniels being the leading man. He's good... but he's not that good. Id rather see Raven as champion again, and lets face it, hes a midcard at best. Keep daniels at the midcard status. That is where he fits best and I would hate to see him put in a position where he will FAIL.
I'll have to strongly disagree with you here Sam. Daniels is a phenomenal worker and always has been, in his ROH days he was arguably the best worker in the entire United States. Unfortunately TNA kind of ruined him once they started getting bigger stars like Angle, turning him into a comedy jobber. Which doesn't really help now that they're trying to make him a main event threat again.

But Daniels definitely deserves a World title run. It's shocking that he never held the belt back in 2004 or 2005. He's great on the mic, he's great in the ring, and he's got amazing chemistry with AJ and Joe. It's about god damn time he gets a title run, even a short one. He deserves it.
I'll have to strongly disagree with you here Sam.

You always were wrong. That sounded a lot wittier in my head.

Daniels is a phenomenal worker and always has been, in his ROH days he was arguably the best worker in the entire United States.

I'm sure Ring of Honor allowed him to do more rest holds and moves stolen from Japanese guys than TNA does, so sure.

Unfortunately TNA kind of ruined him once they started getting bigger stars like Angle, turning him into a comedy jobber. Which doesn't really help now that they're trying to make him a main event threat again.

Prince AJ disagrees.

But Daniels definitely deserves a World title run. It's shocking that he never held the belt back in 2004 or 2005. He's great on the mic, he's great in the ring, and he's got amazing chemistry with AJ and Joe. It's about god damn time he gets a title run, even a short one. He deserves it.

He wins the title, I'd be surprised if he got anything above a golf clap. If they gave him a legitimate run I'd be shocked if it weren't out of pity.

Not to mention that AJ's miles better than him, so why bother?
I like Christopher Daniels. I think he's a solid worker with a terrific in ring personality. I've seen various sides to Christopher Daniels over the years- even aside from Curry Man (who was great, by the way). He is versitile and way more than just your standard cruiserweight.

If there was ever a time to give Christopher Daniels a title run, it would be right now. There is no better storyline than Daniels vs. Styles with Daniels working as a heel. TNA is slowly building up the jealousy angle between the two and it could serve to make Daniels into a believeable champion. I say give him a shot.
You always were wrong. That sounded a lot wittier in my head.

Your wit is waning in your old age Samuel.

I'm sure Ring of Honor allowed him to do more rest holds and moves stolen from Japanese guys than TNA does, so sure.

The best things are always stolen from the Japanese. Wrestling moves are foremost on that list. Daniels performs them so well he could practically be Japanese.

I'm a puro mark, so I like stiff kicks and painful maneuvers that ruin people's necks and careers.

Prince AJ disagrees.

Took awhile to build AJ back up again though. Give Daniels a few months and he'd make a great top heel.

He wins the title, I'd be surprised if he got anything above a golf clap. If they gave him a legitimate run I'd be shocked if it weren't out of pity.

Not to mention that AJ's miles better than him, so why bother?

If AJ can get the people-running-to-the-ring treatment, I'm sure Daniels would get a good reaction. Then again he'd be a heel most likely, so the fans would probably boo or something stupid like that.

Shit if Mick Foley and Sting can get title runs in their fifties, why not Daniels? He's only forty and only has one DUI. He's practically a diamond in the rough.
I really don't think now's a good time for Daniels to have the belt. AJ's momentum is riding to high right now. The huge win over Sting at BFG, and the win at Turining Point are starting to make him look like a strong champion. This guy is being groomed as the face of the company, and if the belt get's taken off him now, it's going to kill the nice reign his trying to build on.

To answer the topic at hand, yes I do think Daniels is championship material. But the problem is I don't think TNA would leave the strap on him for too long even if he did win it. Daniels is an outstanding worker, and has the ring skills to be considerd a credible champ. But I just don't see TNA giving him a world title run. If anything, Daniels would be a transitional champion.
There's no denying the in ring talent of both Daniels and Styles. But I simply can't stomach them either on the mic or their personality. When A.J Styles talks, he really gives me an embarrassing feeling and he is simply an amateur when it comes to this. His "getting worked up" voice is totally pathetic and he makes all of this weird noises and face gestures that screams terrible. Daniels is another one and he loses his concentration often when he looks into the camera and his eyes start to roam. My personal opinion, I think Daniel's AND Style's has the wrestling ability that some of the legends would dream of having, but that's where it stops. Styles is a bad champion and is just not believable to me. I'm not diggin either of their personalities outside of their wrestling skills.

I know people will disagree and that's cool, that's just how I view it.
I think Daniels is pretty impressive in the ring, but I don't think the guy has all that much charisma. At least, not as a face at any rate. From what I've seen of Daniels in 2009 as far as personality goes, he strikes me as someone that's got Shelton Benjamin Syndrome. He's pretty damn good in the ring but with a bland personality.

Now, since he's recently turned heel, things might pick up. I've heard that Daniels is much better as a heel than a face, so I'm not sure overall. However, as of this very moment right now, I don't see him as TNA World Championship material. If he's able to generate some sort of viable personality while working as a heel, maybe my opinion will change. Personally, I think he's pretty damn good in the ring, but I ultimately don't really care about the guy behind the moves.
Your wit is waning in your old age Samuel.

It's Sam. Just Sam. Always has been. I don't call you Xfearbeforeuel, do I?

The best things are always stolen from the Japanese.

It's official; Xfear supports whaling. Remember this day.

Wrestling moves are foremost on that list. Daniels performs them so well he could practically be Japanese.

Well, Curry Man was his gimmick in Japan, wasn't it? Personally, I find him no more remarkable than a Kaz or even a 2009 Rey Mysterio.

Took awhile to build AJ back up again though. Give Daniels a few months and he'd make a great top heel.

I disagree. AJ was shit hot immediately after he turned face again. TNA just missed the window, as TNA always do.

Shit if Mick Foley and Sting can get title runs in their fifties, why not Daniels? He's only forty and only has one DUI. He's practically a diamond in the rough.

I hate to go all "TNA shareholder" on your ass, but... because Sting and Foley are household names... and because Daniels isn't even the best wrestler in his own little niche?
I happen to think Daniels is championship material. He's 37 already, and has been loyal to the company for a long time. His matches are among the best in TNA's brief history, and he continues to pull out all the stops on the big stage.

Would I hand him the belt right now? No. It's not his time to be the #1 man in the company, but I buy him being a top contender, and hope that he one days grabs the brass ring. Hopefully it's a matter of time.
I think I agree with Sam but I could see maybe a very short title reign, one that he wins on PPV but loses it on iMPACT. It always bugged me that Sting lost the belt after BFG once but I could buy that happening for Daniels. He is viable as a contender, while AJ is in charge at least, although maybe not long after that.

I certainly can't begrudge him getting a shot while AJ is on top. Daniels, Joe always work well together, so it's good to see them both come to prominence and benefit all involved.
I don't think that Daniels would make a good champion, but I still think that TNA should find a way to put the belt on him for a quick reign. That would make him a "former World Champion", which TNA could use to give him a little bit more credibility for people just tuning in who see a small bald guy. WWF sold Kane as a "former World Champion" for about five years, never mentioning that he was a one-night fluke champion.

When? Not that soon, because Styles should keep the belt for about six months so that he doesn't look like a fluke champion. Maybe have Daniels take the title from Styles at an Impact next spring and have Styles win it back at the next taping or at the next PPV?
Ya, there's nothing that special about Daniels. He's decent on the mic and above average in the ring, but not good enough to be world champion. He just doesn't have the all important "look" or "charisma" or whatever the hell people want in their champions nowadays. Really, what's up with that eyeliner? Just strange. He pretty much is just a lesser AJ Styles, and with AJ's currently being booked as a very weak champ, how do you think Daniels will look? Not so good at all. Given that he pinned AJ last week and didn't get pinned in the triple threat, I'm guessing that he'll be getting a title match at the upcoming PPV, but there's no way in hell he'll win.
Daniels could be a world champion, but not necessarily a good one. Him being the champion would come off as a fluke. He's not half bad on the mic and he's pretty good in the ring. But he doesn't have the look of a champion or the personality really. He'll end up with his one on one shot, but he won't win the match, he might come close, but he won't win.

Aj is championship material due to the fact that he is a massive crowd favorite and the face of TNA. Daniels, while the crowd likes him, he just doesn't have the "it" factor to make the crowd love him. Therefore he could end up with a short title reign somewheres down the line, but he is not championship material to me.
Chris could be a good champion, he´s a great wrestler, he´s got charisma, but he needs some time, he isn´t as over with crowd as Joe or AJ yet, maybe next year hje could get a great title run
Daniels deserves a title reign. He's one of the best in-ring performers TNA has, he's got charisma and he can cut better promos than AJ IMO. And even if he's not as over as AJ he's still one of the most over guys in the company.
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