Does anyone take Kevin Nash seriously anymore?

The Mark of Zur-En-Arrh

Tell me what's on ur so called mind
I personally can't bare to even entertain the notion of anything that relates to Kevin Nash. For these reasons:-

I've never thought he was a great wrestler

He lied and walked out on WCW because HBK asked him to, then lied and walked out on WWE because WCW offered him more $$$

He came back to WWE and got injured twice in quick succession (not neccessarily his fault but still doesn't do him any favours)

Left WWE and then said that he hated it there, and they treated him badly and can't understand why anyone would want to work there when guys like Shawn Davairi don't have a bad thing to say about them and he jobbed throughout 2007!!!! I know guys like Carlito may have reason to complain but Nash was in the upper mid card/ME level most of both his WWE runs. He is recognised for who he is BCOZ of them (IMO)

Walked out of a TNA taping recently bcoz he didn't like the booking.

Didn't know the difference between an adjective and a verb (at least he didn't in 1995 or whenever it was he joined WCW the 2nd time)

I just wanna know, does anyone actually care or respect anything Kevin Nash actually does anymore?
Kevin Nash only got anywhere in the wwe cause of Vinces love of big men. Lets be honest his wwe championship wins where when the pool of talent was low and his time in wcw was just as Hogans bag man. However he is funny on the mic but no i cant take him seriously.

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