Does anyone miss old school Survivor Series?


Getting Noticed By Management
This is for the long time wrestling fans. Those who remember how Survivor Series used to be. Back when you had the event on Thanksgiving. I miss having the big meal, then sitting down with family to watch the ppv. Forget the fact there are so many, its just not them same. I miss having all elimination matches, with maybe 1 or 2 singles matches.. It was unique, and allowed everyone on the roster to be on the ppv. There was one year, in 1990, when all the face survivors and all the heel survivors came back for another elimination match. It was great. That needs to come back. You could do it, using existing fueds, without overdoing them, since its a multi-man match. Does anyone agree?
I'll admit that I to was a big fan of the old school survivor series. There were so many different possibilities for each match that it was kind of exciting because it was difficult to predict what exactly was going to happen. Once the format changed, I immediately (and still do) miss the format. And while the winners of the match in the end don't really matter, usually the feuds between the teams were built up really well leading up to the pay per view, so you did have a team you wanted to root for. Also potential future feuds were set up depending on what happened during the series match.

It's not really a "series" anymore, we're lucky if we get one 4 or 5 man team vs. another in each pay per view.

On the other hand, I can also understand why they went away with the series format. I would imagine it being difficult for creative to keep coming up with fresh seeming matchups when there are 4 series matchups in one pay per view. True, in the old days they weren't all classics, but I suppose year after year it was hard for the writers to come up with appealing matches.

That being said, I still think at least 2 or 3 per pay per view would be decent. It doesn't make sense for the ppv to have the word "series" in the title. Plus, they do end up being decent matches. Keep the teams 4 vs 4 (which would be a lot easier and shorter than 5 vs. 5), and that way you'd have a good balance between regular matches and the survivor series matches.
You appreciate the elimination matches more if there's only one or two of them. The all elimination cards were past their sell by date by the time WWE decided to have a singles main event.

I'm a big fan of the early elimination matches. But that's just nostalgia. Out of the first couple of events only a handful of matches are worth watching now.

WWE also don't have a good enough roster to pull off a whole card of those matches. The thanksgiving element isn't an issue for me.
Do I miss it? Heck Yeah! It was cool! I remember alittle of Undertaker's first appearence. Those were the days when you had teams rather then the same old PPV. I don't think they could do it like they used to, but it would be interesting to see.
I wasn't watching the old school PPV's to miss it. My first Survivor Series was 2001 and the conclusion of the Invasion angle.

Granted, I looked up many of these old school Survivor Series matchups, and was impressed, but as someone said, there isn't enough talent to do so anymore. Not enough people value these matches over a title match, as you don't really win anything more than bragging rights. Now, I'd like to see more elimination style title matches on the card, if that is possible, but that is just me.

I'd be fine with 2 or 3 elimination tag matches on the card, as it gives good time to each one and spreads the talent around. I hate that face teams have gotten overly dominant in recent years, and I miss Randy Orton's sole survivor streak.

Each match now seems to have 1 big face, 1 big heel, 1 face tag team, 1 heel tag team, and random guys as filler. The filler guys always get ousted early and often, leading to basically a tag team match. The old school matches were lots of big faces and heels on teams. Every elimination was killer. I miss that more than I miss the multitude of matches.
This is for the long time wrestling fans. Those who remember how Survivor Series used to be. Back when you had the event on Thanksgiving. I miss having the big meal, then sitting down with family to watch the ppv. Forget the fact there are so many, its just not them same. I miss having all elimination matches, with maybe 1 or 2 singles matches.. It was unique, and allowed everyone on the roster to be on the ppv. There was one year, in 1990, when all the face survivors and all the heel survivors came back for another elimination match. It was great. That needs to come back. You could do it, using existing fueds, without overdoing them, since its a multi-man match. Does anyone agree?

You my friend are absolutely right. This was by far my favorite pay per view of the year. Having a hugh dinner about two hours before the PPV then everyone sitting down and watching it. I also loved having all elimination matches. They made the PPV special and so much more entertaining. So i am with you my friend that they should bring the old type of SS back.
I know I've chimed in already on this thread, but I also think that one thing that made the old school survivor series special is that it was something that only happened once a year, and it was different than anything else, on any show or any other pay per view. These days, on the surface, there isn't really a whole lot to distinguish one pay per view from another, the royal rumble being the only major exception.

So I think the old school series matches were also more memorable and it was fun to look forward to, just because it was different. Similar to how there is only one royal rumble a year.
It would be interesting to see if they could pull off 3 or 4. In recent years it's only been 1 or 2. I think we need at least two, an undercard one and a main event one. I am of the opinion that the main event elimination tag match should always main event the show.

I think WWE could pull off more than 2 this year. You've got Priceless vs Punk, for one. You could probably do Jericho vs HBK now that neither of them have the title. There's Raw alone. You could slap together a Raw vs Smackdown or ECW vs SD/RAW. SmackDown could pull off Undertaker vs Big Show teams. There's 4 SS matches. Add HHH vs Koslov and Batista vs Cena, and you've got a card.

I'm not a big fan of the way the WWE has stripped down the number of SS Tag Matches lately. It does make you appreciate them when they're fewer, but only 1 at last year was pretty sad. Considering there's a year between these types of matches as well, I think the appreciation factor is turned up to the point where 3 or 4 would be fine. You don't even have to do 5 men, you could main event with a 5 man and the others can be 4 men. With 3 4-4 tags and a 5-5 tag, you need...34 guys? Add in the two title matches and a total of 38 guys need to be on the show. WWE has more than enough for that. 27 men on Raw, take away two for the title match. 25 for Raw to contribute. Got 28 on SD, take away two, 26. Already over 50. However many ECW can contribute, you get the point. There's plenty of guys to fill in these cards.

They could probably do a Divas tag match too. Just for the obligatory Divas match. So 5 of them, add in your title matches, boom. They could pull it off.
I don't miss them at all, why the hell would I want to pay for multi-person tag team matches that are shown practically all the time on TV? Maybe 1 or 2 filled with midcard wrestlers would fit on a card but I think it's a huge waste of talent to stick main eventers into a tag team match when we could be having huge title matches or epic one on one matches. Tag matches don't deliver the same kind of excitement that one on one matches that do because they're too clustered and there's usually no storyline advances that come out of them. I like the idea of a SmackDown vs RAW match every year, but no, I don't miss the old school Survivor Series matches at all.
I dont miss them, to be fair I didnt see any first time round but I have never been impressed with too many of them. I think these matches can be fucking great though as long as there is build-up, unfortunatly these last few years theres been about 3 a show and they've just been random guys from all three brands teaming up.

The last good survivor matches I can remember was when Team Angle took on Team Lesnar and Team Austin took on Team Bischoff, these matches had good build up and stipulations and we had to watch as they picked their partners and it also saw the face turn of John Cena. I dont miss the old school elimination matches but I do miss one's with build-up and story's afterwards.
The original format was the best. I saw the very first SS on tape and loved it when Bam Bam Bigelow was the last guy left on his team, having to face One Man Gang, King Kong Bundy and Andre the Giant.

He pinned the first two and it appeared he might bring off the upset, but Andre eliminated an exhausted Bam Bam.

Great, great stuff.

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