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Does anyone believe Jake was drugged?


You don't want it with me.
Apparently, Jake Roberts has an assistant. Now before you fall over from that, his personal spinmeister claims he was not drunk, but in fact, drugged at a recent promotion where he fired off racial epithets and struggled to get through a match.

Now he may have been to rehab, but I, for one, do not believe at all he was drugged. I think his alcoholism is a crippling disease, and maybe instead of wrestling, he should be fixing himself. He obviously wasn't ready to go out into the world.

I'm sorry assistant Shannon, but you need to find new employment, as this Jake Roberts gig is doing nothing but bringing you down with him.
I'm unsure on this. If this is a spin, its one of the best spins I've seen in a long long time. She never makes it sound like a case for pity for Jake, but rather a total apology. Legit or not, I'm not sure. I don't think so though. Jake has done this kind of thing before and as I've heard from almost every alcoholic I've read about they all say the same thing: It's a one day at a time thing. Even if Jake was drugged, he was the one bringing vodka with him in the first place, which he shouldn't have done. i'd like to believe its the truth, but I doubt it.
The Only Spin in this whole story was on how fast Jake was spinning his fingers to call for another shot at the bar. No way in hell Jake was drugged. That's the most ******ed thing ever. Jake is a drunk, plain and simple. He fell off his high horse once again, and the man deserves ZERO sympathy from anyone. This guy has had about as many chances as anyone deserves and it's a damn shame that anyone waste there time with this guy. Jake Roberts was great, but he hasn't been great for 20 years now.
Look at it from a logical vantage point and ask the question we should all be really asking about this story. Who would benefit from drugging an old, wrestling has-been?
This is a pathetic excuse. We can forgive mistakes, but when people blatantly lie like this, they are insulting our intelligence. He's an alcoholic. He fell off the wagon. It happens. Accept responsibility for it, learn from it, and move on.

This is almost as far fetched as the lies coming from Casey Anthony and her grandparents about what happened to poor little Caylee.
That might be the stupidest cover-up story I've ever heard or one of the most unlikely ones. Everybody knows that Jake Roberts has substance abuse problems and no matter how well the rehabilitation went, everybody can have a relapse. At least they didn't have him cut a promo at least...DDT DDT DDT DDT!
I emailed Jake's assistant. I can't say that I am all that impressed with this individual. Here's the email I sent, followed by his response:

Date: Sep 16, 2008 12:48 AM

I'm guessing you're Jake Robert's assistant, since you're number one on his friends list. Please, stop making a bad situation worse with this crazy conspiracy theory that Jake was drugged. Everyone knows Jake has had a substance abuse problem for years. It happens, especially to wrestlers. The world will forgive him for falling off the wagon. It happens to a lot of people. But your claims that he was some how drugged are ridiculous and insults our intelligence. Admit what happened, apologize, and move on. The world will forgive him for not being perfect. We don't like to be lied to though.


So, you were at my house last night when he was afraid to go into the bathroom, and afraid of my cat? He wouldn't talk on the phone because that frightened him too? Profuse sweating, paranoia, none of these things go with Jake at all.
I've been around him for the better part of 4 years.
He was drugged, and you are wrong.
Thanks for the post, now, obviously, I have plenty else to do.
Don't do it again.
S (WE know who did it, btw.)

So they drugged him AFTER he kept and emptied all those liquor bottles from the plane?
I am probably the BIGGEST Jake "The Snake" Roberts fan walking this earth. To this day, I would take the chance to see him wrestle or anything. Call me crazy, Insane, Stupid, ******ed, Whatever you will. Bottomline is this, Jake (In his prime) had more talent then 90% of the wrestling world today. Maybe he is washed up. Maybe he will never be the wrestler he once was, but, He was a BIG influence on wrestling and wrestlers. Let's not forget what he did for the business. It wasn't championships, it was his overall performance (Mic & In-ring abilities). To me, You can be the biggest wrestler in the world, but if you can talk and wrestle like he could, I would pay money to watch that ANY DAY. Its all about the entertainment.

Sorry, On to the topic now. Do I believe that he was druged? NOT A CHANCE. Everyone knows about Jake. Everyone knows that he came back to wrestling too quick. Everyone knows that "Shannon" is a CRAZY *ITCH. She is a Demon of Jakes. That woman is EVIL with a capital "E". She could care less about Jake. She was booking him in matches LONG before he should have been back in the ring. $$$$ does not make the world go round Shannon when dealing with an "ADDICT".

I don't blame JT or Rocc for their actions, I would have done it myself. Someone has to get through to him. SOMEBODY has to. We all know that instead of Shannon helping Jake, she is more worried about $$$ to do anything but to cook up some BULL CRAP STORY. I'm glad she thinks wrestling Fans are STUPID. That *ICTH needs to look in a mirror and see who the STUPID ONE IS.

Deus, I sent a message to Jake when he was in rehab. It was a heartfelt message I ment sincerely and to explain it in a sentence, it was me telling Jake that I believe in him and that maybe it was time to hang up his boots until he could get back in them and perform like we all know he could. Her response quite simply put, "This is not the kind of message we want him to see as it might hurt his rehab". She was not having me telling him to hang it up. Like I said, I am a true fan of Jakes and I don't want his legacy to be him showing his dick to a crowd of children. Maybe that EVIL BITCH does, but I don't. Look at the Iron Shiek, His Legacy has faded to him begging for booze. Nuf said.

Shannon, your the biggest root of all his evil. Hopefully Jake will see it and get someone that actually cares about him to help cause bottomline Shannon, Your PATHETIC.
I have to agree. Jake always personified "Bad Ass" back in the day. His year long feud with Ravishing Rick Rude was YEARS ahead of its time. I totally marked out when Cheryl Roberts wouldn't kiss Rick and told him that her husband was, "Jake...Jake the Snake!"

I do hope for the best for him and that was what I was trying to convey in my email. He's made some bad decisions. Ok, fine. Let's move on. But lying about it is just insulting.

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