Do you think WWE should run the "attitude era" again?



What do you think?

i mean, in my opinion, running an attitude era would be amazing. simply because, i think a few of the older names and bigger names may come back, and like i've read in some of the topics on this site, older names can help boost the careers of newer guys. like, the whole Triple H turning his back on DX and everyone else, tell me that didnt do good. it did, i mean, yeah some people didnt like him, but its like he said, "you" tuned in every week to see what he was going to do next. or maybe merge the brands back together, or get this DX nwo fued started, but the attitude era, in my view, would definately be a good idea. and vince thinking with the fans and not his shitty stories that wwe has had lately, Undertaker finally becoming 5 time champion, or some of the new guys becoming top champion. somethings gotta happen, and fast.
If the WWE were to respawn the Attitude Era, it would not be as ambitious or as innovative as it once was. A lot of the prominent names from the Attitude Era are either older, retired (or semi-retired), or moved on. I do believe that WWE need something new, but it does not need the Attitude Era back

Merging the brands would be a huge mistake as it would take away from the opportunity that a lot of the newer and younger talent get
Brilliance In Supremacy said:
If the WWE were to respawn the Attitude Era, it would not be as ambitious or as innovative as it once was. A lot of the prominent names from the Attitude Era are either older, retired (or semi-retired), or moved on. I do believe that WWE need something new, but it does not need the Attitude Era back

Merging the brands would be a huge mistake as it would take away from the opportunity that a lot of the newer and younger talent get

true, i see your point. but what the hell is left for vince to do? he wont listen to the fans, hes a fucking prick, i know the attitude era wouldnt be as good, but they need to do something. who knows...maybe it would be better. i doubt it but whats left to hope for right?
So what your saying is that the way for the WWE to get better is to re-hash old angles, and try and resurrect something that has been dead for nearly Five Years? The thing is here, the Attitude Era wasn’t just some Angle that the WWE decided to run, it was the WWE going for a more risky type of show or product, they were pushing the boundaries of Sports Entertainment with Risky Gimmicks and Risky Matches, many have said that the Attitude Era was something that was stolen from ECW, even Vince himself admits that the Era had been inspired by ECW.

The WWE can no longer push the boundaries in this sort of manner, its beyond them to do anything Extreme, or more extreme than we have already seen. So in short its almost impossible for the WWE to do another Attitude Era without actually doing the exact same thing they did before, and no one wants to see the same thing over and over again.
St Jonny said:
So what your saying is that the way for the WWE to get better is to re-hash old angles, and try and resurrect something that has been dead for nearly Five Years? The thing is here, the Attitude Era wasn’t just some Angle that the WWE decided to run, it was the WWE going for a more risky type of show or product, they were pushing the boundaries of Sports Entertainment with Risky Gimmicks and Risky Matches, many have said that the Attitude Era was something that was stolen from ECW, even Vince himself admits that the Era had been inspired by ECW.

The WWE can no longer push the boundaries in this sort of manner, its beyond them to do anything Extreme, or more extreme than we have already seen. So in short its almost impossible for the WWE to do another Attitude Era without actually doing the exact same thing they did before, and no one wants to see the same thing over and over again.

i know, but what do you think they should do? i mean, raw already is starting to suck, that nwo fued with dx is probably going to be good, if it happens...but seriously...what is vince going to do now that angle is in TNA. see, they timed it wrong turning angle face, and now hes on TNA. i dont know, i just hope WWE saves themselves. i mean, im not saying im afraid of WWE falling, because this is whats gonna happen, TNA turns into the next WCW, lots of battles, invasions, trash talk, vince buys TNA.
WWE definelty need the attitude era back again if they want 2 make sure that TNA doesn't take over WWE in ratings any time soon...
g3nas said:
WWE definelty need the attitude era back again if they want 2 make sure that TNA doesn't take over WWE in ratings any time soon...

yes. see, you know it. and, that whole ratings wars between raw and sd is bullshit. its not even competition. simply because raw is live, smackdown is taped, and sites like this post spoilers.
You're saying that the WWE should tarnish the reputation of their company's finest years by making some old rehash that wouldn't be anything like the original except the name of the main gimmick to keep up with TNA, a great wrestling promotion no doubt, but one that is much smaller than WWE and shows no sign of overtaking WWE any time soon? I smell the new WWECW. This stuff is pretty much blasphemy in the wrestling world, how dare you use Attitude's name in vein! You guys are being sarastic, right?
that's what is wrong w/ the wwe right now there trying to recreate old but great moments and events in the wwe and it's ruining those legacy. the same thing w/ old wreslters like hulk hogan/ animal/ric flair/ dx.
They could never remake the Attitude Era. Everything back then was excellent and now it's not so great!
The new era needs to define itself, like it did in the days of Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle, and not make dire attempts to remake the old days. DX vs NWO? C'mon, think of something new!! Spirit Squad as tag champs? How did the tag division (now, for some reason, divisions) sink so low since the days of TLC? No wonder TNA is getting to be a big threat, they're doing their own, original thing.
i guess thats true. but vince wont listen to reason, he does what he wants, if he wants more success than TNA, then listen to fans. and i wonder why and how the tag division did become terrible, Jim Ross had a blog about it on his site.
They can't go back to that era in time. It's impossible. The attitude era when it first happened was shocking and in your face. You had Stone Cold drinking beer on live tv, giving middle fingers and assaulting his boss. The matches were crazy and right around 1998 is when the WWE started stripping the clothes off of their women. Degeneration X was reformed and they tried starting wars with WCW.

In this day and age there is nothing that can be done to shock and awe the viewer anymore. TNA made a freaking 6 sided ring and that value lasted a while but now it's just the same. The era is down and it was great but the company is stuck now and trying to relive the glory days will not help the future of the business.
RatedRTitan said:
They can't go back to that era in time. It's impossible. The attitude era when it first happened was shocking and in your face. You had Stone Cold drinking beer on live tv, giving middle fingers and assaulting his boss. The matches were crazy and right around 1998 is when the WWE started stripping the clothes off of their women. Degeneration X was reformed and they tried starting wars with WCW.

In this day and age there is nothing that can be done to shock and awe the viewer anymore. TNA made a freaking 6 sided ring and that value lasted a while but now it's just the same. The era is down and it was great but the company is stuck now and trying to relive the glory days will not help the future of the business.

well, they need to do something.
hasnt anyone noticed that vince has no clue how re-use anything??

wcw, ecw, dx, nwo...and now you want him to re-create an era? lol the only reason why the attitude era worked was because the fans had just lived thru the "federation" era. the attitude era was a contrast to that but what would it be contrasting today? bad idea.

if vince wants fans back its real simple. kill the roster split era.
They need to pay attention to how wrestlings going and evolve accordingly. The time for shock value and extreme his and barbed wire that is over. Leave that to ECW and let them run with it, and embrace whats currently going on- TECHNICALITY. If you've noticed, or pay attention to such things- The fans, TNA, smaller companies and organizations, even backyard wrestling..the gears have shifted towards this "indy" style, alot of technical work and great (but not deathmatch) high spots. Scoop up some ROH guys, build some new characters and stars. Also, for the love of god, bring some SPORT back into sports entertainment. Not every match has to be a big storyline based mess of a feud or whatever, you can still build feuds, but you can build them because of the two wrestlers and theyre styles and how big the fight would be..not because ____ stoles ____'s _____, or ______ talked to _____s girlfriend.
Recycling old groups, no matter how great they were, storylines and characters or even era's like the attitude era is just the wrong move for wwe or any company. What they have to do is try to get back to what the attitude era was about new ideas, new feuds, new characters fleshing out characters.
Mr. Sam said:
You're saying that the WWE should tarnish the reputation of their company's finest years by making some old rehash that wouldn't be anything like the original except the name of the main gimmick to keep up with TNA, a great wrestling promotion no doubt, but one that is much smaller than WWE and shows no sign of overtaking WWE any time soon? I smell the new WWECW. This stuff is pretty much blasphemy in the wrestling world, how dare you use Attitude's name in vein! You guys are being sarastic, right?

The WWE need to focus on actually creating new Storylines, and new Stars. The reason Smackdown is so weak is because the WWE have failed to build new stars, not because they are not in the Attitude Era anymore. Using old Angles is never going to work, because the majority of people have seen it before, they need a Wrestling Creative Team, not Television Writers.
I agree with St Jonny,to re-do the 'Attitude Era' would be a mistake.Been there,done that,bought the t-shirt...hell everyone bought the t-shirt!!!

I think they need to sit down and look at what brought them to where they are now and then look again at what they do better than any other company in the industry.

They are spreading themselves too thin on the ground,too many different projects at the same time.By that I mean Raw,Smackdown,ECW,movies,touring,tv appearances,not to mention all those PPVs or the want to live off of nostalgia.It seems like evry other week it's this veteran in a dream match(maybe 10 years ago) with another veteran that has come out of an office job for '1 more match'.It's all too much for the personnel that they have right now.They could do it back then because (a)they had the people,at the right times in their careers & (b)they had the motivation to work together as a team.Now the team is spread out so thinly that there is a lack of strength.That's how they've gotten to where they are now.

What they do better than anyone else is create new superstars out of youngsters.Creative needs to sit down and either sell off ECW or run it as part of both Raw & Smackdown.It should also merge the two shows once again because there is definately "strength in numbers".With 2 shows,the storylines take far too long to playout and the audience will get bored and switch channels for "that explosion over there" as Eric Bishoff say perfectly put it before.With two 2 hour shows each week,the storylines will be moving at such a pace the audience daren't channel hop in case they miss the best bit.

Just my .02 cent.
Perhaps TNA is rising, but it's still not as big as WCW was and it's a completely different promotion. I don't think WWE will think "Oh crap, it's exactly like WCW, let's do what we did last time to fight the competition!".
jawn87 said:
i know, but what do you think they should do? i mean, raw already is starting to suck, that nwo fued with dx is probably going to be good, if it happens...but seriously...what is vince going to do now that angle is in TNA. see, they timed it wrong turning angle face, and now hes on TNA. i dont know, i just hope WWE saves themselves. i mean, im not saying im afraid of WWE falling, because this is whats gonna happen, TNA turns into the next WCW, lots of battles, invasions, trash talk, vince buys TNA.

Don't take it for granted there will be an NWo vs. DX feud. No one has been signed. Also from where I sit WWE looks a lot like WCW. Smackdown is failing like Thunder did.

Mama Benjamin was just as bad as Judy Bagwell, WWE is so bad I can barely watch
ofcourse that shud happen tna has gotten kurt angle rite now and wwe has to do something quick before tna starts getting to the top
just like wwe got the attitude era in 1997 after wcw was getting better same thing here it juzt looks like a remake
back in 1996 luger,hogan,ramon and many others jumped frm WWE to WCW
now in 2006 christian,angle,dudleys and many more jumped to TNA

and in 1997 wwe brought attitude to gain control so now is the same

“RAW in its current form wouldn’t exist without me. There would be no DX without the nWo (referring to a faction in WCW),” he said.

this shows that nWo is coming to feud will D-generationX at survivor series


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