Do you think tweener AJ will work?

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Dark Match Jobber
I was reading some posts about AJ face turn and thought if a tweener AJ can add another feather in his personality. it can go like this. AJ,BM and wolfe turn against flair and kaz beating shit out of them (kaz mostly to make further storyline logical) and removing them from fortune. This will give them quiet a heel heat. Flair going to EV2(may be so called ECW faction) for help but kaz and EV2 turn on him(this can make kaz a cowardly heel turning against mentor to save himself). At that moment fortune can come out to save flair completing fortune and giving reason to show true colours of kaz.It can lead to AJ winning WHC at BFG against RVD who can join EV2(it will be much like hulk joining NWO as RVD is super over in impact zone).
What you all think does tweener AJ would work better? I definitely thinks so it would really push him to the categories of legends in this business.
I dont think so, with AJ people want to cheer him, if for no other reason than his impressive moveset and the things he can do. If the option is there in his character for it to be cheered then he will most likely be TNAs top face. They should remove him from the Flair thing because it hasnt worked out and i think it was more for Flairs benefit, so that Flair could be relevant to TNAs programming, than it was for AJ ASAP. AJ needs to be a face.
I can handle AJ as a face and rather took to him as a heel (when he wasn't being over-shadowed by Flair. That wasn't AJ's fault though, just didn't seem fair) but I don't think he's got it in him to be a tweener. Like John Cena does, AJ couldn't be in the middle, he gets too much of a reaction. Even as an effective heel he gets loads of cheers so to try and place him as a tweener would automatically give people the right to cheer him and, once again, it'd be crazy cheering
thats my point he will be cheered both as face and tweener than why not add interest in his character by adding uncertainity.thus i think his face turn is lower than him being tweener.
I dont know really where this sudden demand for tweeners has come from. Not all faces are the same and nor should they be. I see them as faces/heels with different character traits. I know that they have heelish aspects etc but that doesn't make them a tweener to me. It makes them more real as a face because nobody is purely good. Unless its Ricky Steamboat everyone has been a heel before so its just a case of which side of the turn they are to me. Orton to me is a face because he is being cheered and targets heels. He wouldnt suddenly change his personality because he is a face, its not christmas carol. The ghost of wrestling future didnt visit him and say "this is what you're career will be like if you're a heel forever" and then he suddenly befriends everyone. Its not like that.
I wouldn't mind AJ as a tweener. He's been a tweener in TNA before during his transition from being part of Angle's alliance to going back on his own back in 2008. I wouldn't mind AJ as a tweener because for 1)He can target heels and not hold back in the ring so much which is what got him over, his inring action and 2)He can still use that heel attitude and help shape his persona and overall mic skills to better himself as an overall package. I do see benefit in a tweener AJ. Besides TNA doesn't really have any tweeners. AJ would be a good candidate because even though he looks like a dick and acts like a dick with his new attitude you still wanna see him do awesome moves. It benefits AJ and all the fans, so why not.
I don't think AJ would be a good tweener, and your storyline IMO wouldn't make him a tweener, it would make fortune a face group.

IMO AJ will turn face and I don't think he makes it in to fortune, and if he does i think he'll get kicked out in favor of Kaz. In the end i think fortune will consist of Morgan, Kaz, and Beer Money.
Styles doesn't work as a heel and he's not going to work as a tweener. Everything about AJ Styles from his appearance to the way he talks practicaly screams babyface. He practically radiates "I'm a good guy" and when you radiate that type of aura the way Styles does, nothing else is really going to do.

Styles doesn't have a bad bone in his body, or at least that's what it seems, and that shines through as clear as an unmuddied lake to me whenever I see him. Who Styles actually is seems to be along the lines of an All American boy from the south. I don't mean a redneck, but just a good natured, easy going 'billy that's great inside the ring. To be a heel or a tweener successfully, I think you need to have an edge about you, a bad guy lurking inside you just underneath the surface. That's just not AJ Styles.

Styles spent so much time as being the face of TNA that I believe he's going to be trapped in that persona. It's what brought him to the dance, it's what he's been for most of his career and it's what a lot of his fans want to see from him.

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