Do you think Triple H and Sheamus Feud will Continue?


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I put this in the Raw section because Sheamus and Triple H feud started on Raw and because Triple H and Sheamus are on Raw.

Since Triple H is expected to make a return soon, do you think they will continue on the feud that made Triple H leave in the first place?

The reason why I ask, is because the feud has been a while now, it would be kind of pointless though to have Triple H come back as if Sheamus did nothing to him.

I do think though that Triple H will win MITB which will guarantee him a spot for the belt.

I do think there is a reason why Sheamus became Champ again.
Triple H got injured during his absence. He won't be returning for months. So the whole "Triple H is expected to return soon" has been shot down pretty heavily.

This were the primary reason why Sheamus was given the championship belt this soon again from what I heard. Triple H and Sheamus was to be booked against each other at Summerslam and face off in what would be a grudge match. Sheamus was to be booked as a tough champion up till Summerslam. I don't know whether the plans have changed for that. I don't hope so.

But I do believe that the feud will continue. I don't see why not. Sheamus is now what would probably be considered in a firm main event position. Triple H is at the top of that and could still solidify Sheamus firmly. Besides why let go of capitalizing on a great return revenge angle?
This could be a cover up for Triple H to return sooner then later. They did the same thing with Cena at the Rumble.

We don't know how severe Triple H is hurt, WWE can be making it out to be bigger then it really is to throw people off.

Since we all know that he was suppose to be making a return soon.
I think the feud will continue, if only for a short while, for HHH to get his revenge. Unless HHH's returns has something to do with the Nexus.
yeah with the news release of the surgery he had, who knows how long it will be now, but when he does come back, look for the feud to start up again. it's the same as the HBK/HHH one in a way, that they were good buddies, as are Sheamus and HHH. should be an alright feud, as long as it isnt killed off right away again.
Yes, I do indeed think it will continue. The reason is that Sheamus constantly references the fact that he "ended Triple H's career" and all that. So, if they didn't plan to continue it they wouldn't mention it so that it wasn't fresh in the minds of the fans in hope we would forget. Plus, it gives Triple H a ready-made feud to come back to. Not that he really needs a reason to return, but still. It's a lot better than him randomly coming out and the announcers acting as if its a miracle and wondering why he's back! :D
If history has taught us anything Triple H always gets revenge on the few people in the past that have "taken him out". With his surgery he had last week it may take even longer for him to return, but when he returns Sheamus will be his first target.
I hope that when he returns that HHH has a closing to his fued with Sheamus. Maybe one more match at Summerslam for the belt, with HHH being victorious. But with HHH's injury, who knows how long he is out for. I was excpecting and hoping for a Summerslam return but he could be out longer than that.

Another way I could see him returning, is that Sheamus is proved to be the leader of Nexus and HHH returns and joins them, resulting in a long awaited heel turn. That would really shake up things. Think about it, if someone was strong enough to put you on the shelf, wouldn't you want them on your side too? Then after a couple months HHH reveals he was just using Nexus and Sheamus to avoid being attacked by either of them and then HHH and Sheamus battle for the belt and finish their fued.
Right now, the word is that HHH will most likely miss Summerslam. The WWE was planning on booking HHH and Sheamus in a grudge match at Summerslam, but with his recent surgery, that isnt going to happen.

However, this feud will continue once HHH is healthy and ready to come back. Before WM and Extreme Rules, these two had a very good build up to their matches. For example, you had the sledgehammer vs lead pipe thing going. Then Sheamus "takes out" HHH at Extreme Rules. There is no way that the WWE would just let all the attacks and the beatdown that Sheamus gave HHH just blow over. HHH will come back and he will be looking for revenge. Whether or not the belt remains a part of the feud is going to be interesting. Personally, I dont think the feud needs the belt. The revenge factor is enough to make this a good feud.
THIS is the WHOLE reason why shemus HAS the belt summerslam or not when Triple return shemus will STILL have the belt and triple will take it from him, hopefully ending the feud...
When Triple H does return, I hope they can put the whole feud behind them. Sheamus has been getting better by the week, and the last thing he needs is to get squashed by Triple H on a PPV stage. I'm not saying it has to happen, but it's definitely a possibility with the way Triple H's track record goes...

Now, it's common knowledge (or at least it should be) that the Game isn't healing up as quickly as they thought he would, and he's going to be for a few more months. That takes him out of the game (haha) as far as being the guy behind the Nexus attacks and the possibility of him being the mystery GM. If he comes back in a few months and attacks Sheamus, I could get over it. But the main event should be pushing new guys, and if Triple H does come back to take out the Irishman, he needs to lose. I do not want to see WWE Champion Triple H beating on the guys that should be future champions themselves.
It doesn't really matter to me whether or not Triple H is set to return before Summerslam or in October. It would make the most sense for Triple H to feud with the guy who put him out. Sheamus as we all know, was that guy. Look at Edge and Jericho last year. Jericho "took out" Edge, so he went after him when he came back. Simple logic, Triple H will go after Sheamus for injuring him. Whether he is champ or not when this happens is irrelevant to me. This should just be a straight up match, hardcore likely due to the amount of time Triple H has been out.

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