Do you think this can work?


Dark Match Winner
For the last months,there is a lot of buzz surrounding the issue of who should be the next face of the company. As the majority wants a fresh superstar to take this spot the WWE decided that Roman Reigns should replace John Cena. Therefore, a big part of the WWE universe doesn't want him as the new big star claiming that he is not ready to get such huge push,to wrestle big-time matches and his MIC skills need alot improvement.

In this thread I want to express an idea of mine that I am sure some of you have already conceived.
Why there should be a superstar who will never lose,who will win the WWE title once or twice every year,who will always be the face of the storyline etc. The storylines he is part of are very predictable. The

For the last two years the WWE has been pushing some talents and has created awesome characters. I'm talking about Daniel Bryan,Dolph Ziggler,Roman Reigns,Seth Rollins,Dean Ambrose,Bray Wyatt,Ryback,Rusev,BNB,Cesaro(de-pushed now). The WWE has so many talents plus the older guys(John Cena,Randy Orton,Sheamus) and the top card is full.
My idea is to have all of them top superstars and no one as the best one and the face of the company. There will be many contenders for the WWE title and sometimes guys like BNB,Cesaro,Sheamus,Rusev may compete for the mid card championships bringing some prestige to the titles. All this will result in more storylines and more complex feuds. Additionally, they WWE will have the ability to turn whoever needed face or heel. Without having a sure winner and having all these be contenders for the title,the product will become very interesting and there will always be prestige and excitement in the audience.

A disadvantage is that there will not be a clear hero who saves the good guys(like Cena) and the younger fans will sometimes be disappointed and this will result in the buying section.

As far as I remember,this has not happened yet. I believe it's a good idea and those who say that Cena is boring and sooner or later Reigns will become(my view too),will change their minds about the WWE. This will bring interest and unpredictability back to the company.

What's your opinion guys? Do you thing this can work? Do you prefer the current situation or such a change will be positive?
I have mentioned such an idea before and am still all for it.

I suggested a Main Event scene containing about 12-15 guys who can be well placed and belong in the title race at any given time, which would allow for fresh feuds, rather than having the same guys meet every couple of months as is the case right now.

However, there might still be a need for someone or more than one who is a bit higher than others. I'd say based on booking and their respective qualities, the 3 Guys from the SHIELD would be ideal to lead the charge going forward, and I am hoping that is how the WWE sees it rather than just pushing Roman Reigns alone.

I still hope that Daniel Bryan isn't announcing a retirement and is instead going to be returning as he obviously has a huge role going forward as well..

All that said: I don't know if it would work in terms of revenue, as it is pretty clear that Cena alone brings in a large chunk for the WWE with merchandise sales among other stuff... but it would definitely improve programming for sure.
In the grand scheme of things, that's really how it was even during the Attitude Era. You had some stars bigger than others, which is how it'll always be, but there was never one, singular, defining "face" of the company. There were a few who could make the claim, but there was never a single TOP guy.

If you look at NXT, having no singular, 100% "face" of NXT seems to be the strategy Triple H and the NXT bookers have. It's true that NXT is just the developmental territory but, at the same time, there's never been any one, single, IT guy in NXT. Rollins, Dallas, Neville, Zayn, Breeze, Itami, Balor, Owens, etc. are all examples of guys who were, are or will be top guys in NXT. Only Rollins & Dallas are on the main roster, which leaves a good half dozen or more top level guys in NXT who can be viable contenders for the title. Those who aren't in the title picture are still booked to look strong and kept looking strong. Even though there's no mid-card title in NXT, at least as of right now, guys who're closer to the mid-card level are still booked as though they matter.

I see no reason why this strategy can't be employed and successfully used on the main roster. There's no guarantee that it'd be implemented on the main roster, but there's virtually no chance with Vince in charge. He prefers putting most of WWE's eggs in a single basket.
For the last months,there is a lot of buzz surrounding the issue of who should be the next face of the company. As the majority wants a fresh superstar to take this spot the WWE decided that Roman Reigns should replace John Cena. Therefore, a big part of the WWE universe doesn't want him as the new big star claiming that he is not ready to get such huge push,to wrestle big-time matches and his MIC skills need alot improvement.

In this thread I want to express an idea of mine that I am sure some of you have already conceived.
Why there should be a superstar who will never lose,who will win the WWE title once or twice every year,who will always be the face of the storyline etc. The storylines he is part of are very predictable. The

For the last two years the WWE has been pushing some talents and has created awesome characters. I'm talking about Daniel Bryan,Dolph Ziggler,Roman Reigns,Seth Rollins,Dean Ambrose,Bray Wyatt,Ryback,Rusev,BNB,Cesaro(de-pushed now). The WWE has so many talents plus the older guys(John Cena,Randy Orton,Sheamus) and the top card is full.
My idea is to have all of them top superstars and no one as the best one and the face of the company. There will be many contenders for the WWE title and sometimes guys like BNB,Cesaro,Sheamus,Rusev may compete for the mid card championships bringing some prestige to the titles. All this will result in more storylines and more complex feuds. Additionally, they WWE will have the ability to turn whoever needed face or heel. Without having a sure winner and having all these be contenders for the title,the product will become very interesting and there will always be prestige and excitement in the audience.

A disadvantage is that there will not be a clear hero who saves the good guys(like Cena) and the younger fans will sometimes be disappointed and this will result in the buying section.

As far as I remember,this has not happened yet. I believe it's a good idea and those who say that Cena is boring and sooner or later Reigns will become(my view too),will change their minds about the WWE. This will bring interest and unpredictability back to the company.

What's your opinion guys? Do you thing this can work? Do you prefer the current situation or such a change will be positive?

That's how it should be, multiple contenders for each championship. With wrestling being more saturated than ever, that'll definitely help to keep fans interested.

It's not always guaranteed you'll have a dominate heel faction running the company like The Authority so you don't always need a hero.

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