Do you think that Alex Riley Should Go To Smackdown?


Dark Match Winner
1. Why are you typing in caps? It's kind of annoying.

2. Alex Riley needs to be heel if he wants to go anywhere(and anywhere isn't that much) because that's the only time he was interesting, besides feuding with Miz. After that, he got terribly boring.

3. I can see him being used a bit more, but not much. I don't see anything awesome about him. Maybe if he formed a tag team or something he could get a short tag title reign. I can't see him close to any title right now.

In conclusion, I don't think going to SD would do much, if anything, for Alex Riley.
I say repackage him give him a gimmick that can get him over with the crowd and then draft him over to SD cuz he was not ready for raw and has a long way to go. He also needs to heel but a face gimmick could work, he could be a face but it would have to be a character that would work, something that ain't bin done before, something unique different, he has a great look, tremendous physique and all the tools to succeed but he needs to be repackaged and resurrected much like wade Barrett with the Barrett barrage.
If he was the same guy he was when he was the Miz's protege but he was talking about himself rather than MIZ... I think Riley could still make it. He was the REAL winner of NXT but he screwed himself over by getting himself in trouble with the Higher ups.... FOOL.
No. To everything.

I don't think Alex Riley is worth the paper his contract is written on. He's completely bland as a face, and his heel persona is the same exact heel persona that everyone outside of Mark Henry and Kane are portraying.

The only thing that makes him stand out is his stupid highschool football jacket, which honestly, doesn't get him over as a "highschool villian," it just makes him look like a needlessly pompous, washed up d-bag who's trying to relive his glory days, all of which are far far far behind him.

But, you never know. There's an off-chance the guy could come up with an awesome character and learn to fill it's shoes. Hopefully one day he proves me wrong, but until he starts trying to change things up, I say job him out to Yoshi Tatsu every week.
A slight alteration to his gimmick and switching him to the blue brand is probably best for him.

The year is almost over and the build to WrestleMania is going to be starting very soon. Quite frankly, there are much bigger stars to invest in, better programs and overall more interesting stuff going on that will be getting the focus. Riley will most definitely get lost in the shuffle on Raw. Hell, he's lost in the shuffle right now and has been for months.

SmackDown! is generally the brand where it's easier for younger stars get an opportunity to shine, a better shot to show the powers that be what they bring to the table before heading over to Raw. Or, if a wrestler's career needs a shot in the arm, SD! is also the better place to be. Look what it's done to Sheamus & Randy Orton.
Alex Riley has a world of talent, so it's no surprise the WWE dropped the ball with him. All they do is drop the ball these days.

Riley should go back to his "Varsity Villain" persona that he had on NXT. He was totally hilarious and had a ton of charisma and personality with that gimmick. Charisma and personality are what the WWE is sorely lacking these days. He'd be an awesome heel on Smackdown (or Raw) with that gimmick. And for the guy who said he'd look like a "needlessly pompous, washed up d-bag"... that's the Fing point! That is a guy who should be able to draw a lot of hate. Talk about how he was the QB back in high school and used to sleep with YOUR girlfriend cuz he was a real man and YOU were just a skinny twerp and ish like that. He's got the personality to make that persona work well.
I would actually prefer that he stay a face than turn heel. He reminds me of a young John Cena, another kid with Ruthless Aggression.

His comeback feud needs to be Jack Swagger. Everything went down hill for Riley ever since that botched powerbomb, so from a kayfabe perspective, Riley would need to beat Swagger to redeem himself.
Not really getting all the Riley hate. I thought his small run as a midcard babyface was very entertaining. I got behind him and the fans were too. I honestly believe that he should have been the one who beat Ziggler for the US title and had a long feud with him. That was probably the way they were going before this "backstage heat" kicked in. As for a heel turn or a brand change. Yes to the brand change but no to the heel turn. Their are far too many cocky young heels right now. Swagger, Ziggler, Rhodes, and Miz, all have that persona and thats more than enough. Midcard Faces are needed on Smackdown and Riley could help that out, plus with Punk, Cena, Orton, Ryder, and Sheamus all on the Supershow, there is just no room for him.
A-Ri was going somwhere and just as fast fell flat on his face and hasnt gotten up!! He just doesnt have that feel that it factor!! He is just somewhere stuck in the middle if hes either face or heel i dont think it would matter all that much. He reminds me of that jackass that jock in highschool that thought he was BMOC!! Trying to recapture that is pathetic and well a waste of time!! Better stars to invest in have him job out to Yoshi or even dare i say it Hornswoggle
Alex Riley is very much like TNA's rising star Jesse Sorensen.... and the Varisty Bad Boy has plenty going for him if he was only made relevant.
Nobody can really say anything about him as he was never really given the oppertunities.

I would say that Alex Riley and Dew McIntyre both have Upper Midcard to Main event potential in them.... they just need to use it,
They lost Alex Riley. I actually thought he was next when Miz was taking out his former partners. He was getting huge pops when he was feuding against Miz, but now that it's a distant memory, any face heat he had is gone.

The only thing I can think of is packaging him with other heatless NXT alum to start another Nexus type stable or partner with Jack Swagger in the tag division.

He isn't doing any good where he is right now, so why not? With Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler potentially moving away from the mid-card division soon, there must be a spot open for Alex Riley to move out from the lower card and away from shows that don't matter like Superstars. Alex Riley seems like the perfect candidate to win a mid card title. When the WWE pushed him, he was significantly over with the crowd for someone who was so new to the babyface role. If Riley can manage to get himself to the next level of in ring ability, he should definitely be pushed to Smackdown. Smackdown seems to be the place the WWE likes to send newer guys to grow and Riley could definitely benefit from a move to the blue brand.
I think A-Ry going to SD could do something. But he would still need the push. If he got one he could be a good mid card superstar.

Will it help at this point? Riley has been through an enormous amount of burying and had the worst luck over the past 6 months. There would have to be something much more intriguing, surprising or interesting than a move to SD! to have anyone remember him or view him as relevant again.
first of all your post didnt need to be in all capitals its just annoying and makes people wanna not read it.

second a-ry is already a smackdown superstar i seem to be the only one who remberes that he was drafted to smackdown during the supplemental draft this year (same with big show being drafted to raw) so wwe should just move him to smackdown as hes supposed to be there but i only wanna see him on tv IF hes improved in the ring mic wise he was fine but he was a bit green when it came to performing in the ring and thats why hes on superstars folks...anyway yes if hes improved id like to see him moved to smackdown and be in the ic title picture as cody needs someone besides booker t to fued with and it could do wonders with him working with someone as good as rhodes is right now
One Word: Yes!
Two Words: Fuck Yes!!
Send him there to grow. He may not be ready for Raw, but look at what Cody and Dolph did over there. Legacy and Spirit Squad to future world champs. Say what you will about Smackdown being a the "B" show, but it was produced lots of A+ talent. Riley will no exeption if given the chance.
You can keep him on RAW if you want. I'd change him back to a heel and start to gradually bring him back to television. Then, when Dolph breaks off from Vickie, I'd have Riley be her next client and have him and Swagger form some sort of a Varsity Club type tag team.
Riley going to Smackdown would help him, but it wouldn't do much for the brand itself. He is doing absolutely nothing on Raw right now. Whether he switches brands or not, returning to his heel jock character from NXT would benefit him the most because he was showing us his true potential with that character. His face reactions died down significantly when the novelty of him beating up The Miz wore off. Riley could make a decent midcard champion with his persona from NXT season 2. He could face Ryder for the US Championship or move over to Smackdown to feud with guys like Dibiase until a face Intercontinental Champion emerges for him to face. Then Riley would be back on track toward bigger and better things. Or they could keep him on Raw in his current persona, as he is so busy not doing anything. If they keep him in his current character then a change of scenery at Smackdown would help him too, and maybe even restart his push.

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