Do You Remember - Contra?


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, "B," "A," Start.

30 Lives!

Admit it, that's the first thing that came to mind.

What a classic. And yet, despite it's famous Konami code, side scrolling fast paced game play, and numerous sequels, when many people talk about the classic NES games like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc., Contra is forgotten. Why is that?

So, a meteor falls on an Island Chain off the coast of New Zealand. Turns out it is an Alien Faction called "Red Falcon." Playing either Bill "Mad Dog" Ritzer or Lance "Scorpion" Bean, you land on the island to take the threat out completely and save the Earth. The US version takes place near the Mayan Ruins. No diff.


Neat things about this game:

1. In two-player mode, both characters could move around and work together, jumping at the same time, shooting at the same time, even one taking "the high ground" and one taking "the low ground."

2. You could swim and shoot. Water didn't kill you.

3. One hit and you died. Those 30 lives were critical.

4. If your partner didn't keep up in the vertical levels, you could kill him by jumping higher.

That's just a few things, plenty more to cover.

There were three types of screen movement in the game: Side-scrolling, (The Jungle, The Snow Field, The Energy Zone, The Hangar, and The Lair) Vertical Scrolling (level 3 - The Waterfall), and Over-the-Shoulder (The Two Bases). The Waterfall level was tough because it was easy to jump to miss an enemy and land on a bullet or fall to a death. But man, was it intense.

Possibly the best part of the game were the unique, bad-ass bosses. AIM recently named the first boss in Contra to the "25 Best First Bosses" list.


After getting through the levels, including two bases, a snowy area, and the extremely difficult and timing-intensive "Energy Zone," you had to blow off the head of an alien, enter its body, survive it's fat bodies attacking you, and make your way to it's heart to win the game.



Perhaps the best part of the game were the various power-up guns you could earn. By shooting the floating orbs - which look like footballs - or red colored bad guys - who look like football players - you could earn a rapid fire gun, a machine gun, a flamethrower, the really neat spread gun, or the infinitely badass laser.

Contra was definately one of the more challenging games from my youth, but it was also a game that, once you got good at it, you could clear with just a half-an-hour. And no matter how many times you beat it, it's still satisfying.

Be on the look out for my next two classic game discussions: Dragon Warrior and River City Ransom.
So whadda you know, another classic game, another one Lee hadn't played. So I did some research and us PAL users were raped on this game.

Instead of Contra we got a game called Probotector. Which I have played..


Now Probotector was essential Contra but they changed things quite a bit, instead of two kick ass commandos we got Robots. Fricking Robots. The game didn't sell well and probably haven't seen it in about 16 years.

It's another example of Europe and Australia getting screwed over in the gaming sense.
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, "B," "A," Start.

30 Lives!

Admit it, that's the first thing that came to mind.

Ok, IC25....I read the title of the thread and, no shit, this was exactly what was going through my head!! I laughed my ass off when I read this...

Anyway, Contra was a great game. I still have it and I do play it every once in a while. Although I can't lay claim to being the best ever (like I can with Mario Bros. & Zelda), it was so much fun.
Yes, and do you know what I remember about Contra? It was nothing compared to Journey to Silius. JTS was incredible in comparison, better guns, good storyline, better bosses. The only thing Contra was good at is its multiplayer co-op option. But in honour of you IC, I just played Contra to refresh myself on the game. It took me a little while to beat, obviously I have lost some skill in that game. But the storyline is still horrid, and I hate the guns. I also hate the poor jumping abilities. Overall, the game itself is overrated, but does stand up better than most NES classics. The one thing it beats JTS at is the ability to use the advanced guns as much as you want. Otherwise it falls flat.
Do I remember Contra? That's like asking if I remember how to breathe. Of COURSE I remember Contra. Many frustrating nights trying to get past a level. Thank God they came out with that cheat code. Otherwise I might not be here today. I might have committed suicide with my controller or something. The game was tough, but yet so so fun. In fact its so much fun I downloaded it on my X-Box 360 and I play it on their from time to time. Very fun, but yet ridiculously hard game. Many memories.

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