Do you publicly acknowledge that you like WWE?


Getting Noticed By Management
I've been watching wrestling on and off for nearly two decades. But every time I tell someone that I watch WWE, I feel the need to explain myself. I have to tell them that I know it's fake. I have to list off reasons why I like it. And even then, I'm kind of embarrassed about it.

And you can forget about buying the clothing. There is no way I would ever wear a WWE shirt, of any wrestler, out in public. I would just feel like everyone was laughing at me. I'm not saying I wouldn't buy one at an event, but after the event, I'd just wear around the house.

As far as WWE socially, I don't know a single person, in real life, who watches wrestling. That's why I come on here.

So does anyone else feel like this? Are you open about your love of WWE or wrestling in general? Do you know a lot of people who watch wrestling and do you discuss it with them? How do you feel about adults wearing wrestling shirts out in public?
I thought be now everyone knew professional wrestling was scripted.

No, I'm not embarrassed about my devotion to the WWE anymore than your average UFC or Pride fan enjoys two guys rolling around on the floor trying to make the other tap and such. It's just a guy thing, and yeah you may have your douches who claim wrestling is for gays and all that prejudice shit, but then again there will always be douches.

Why can't I just enjoy what I want to enjoy and not give a shit what others think about me? Has society gotten so sensitive that people hide the fact they like a television show? Jesus. I watch cartoons all the damn time, Adult Swim and South Park. Are people going to criticize me, a 21 year old, for watching cartoons? Same thing with wrestling. It's violent, will always be violent, and until the day they stop coming to the ring to put on an athletic show then I'm going to continue watching it.

So in closure, I don't care what others think. If it makes me happy it makes me happy.

Edit: 666th post. Hell. Yeah.
Yep. No problem whatsoever. Any event where I can see two guys beat the crap out of eachother for my own amusement is perfectly fine by me, don't care if it's scripted or not.
I always have to explain myself too. But I do kno many of people that like wrestling. As a matter of fact me and some of my good friends wrestle all the time. we have a show that we are starting on YouTube too. Check it out if you want.
theIHWrestling Look for it on YouTube
Honestly, more people watch wrestling than they're willing to admit, because whenever WWE puts out a new DVD it's always sold out whenever I go the stores, and just last week at the local FYE two of the top ten DVDs were Wrestlemania and the History of WCW.
I know how you feel. I feel the same way. When I say that I like and still watch it, the other person laughs and then I have to explain that I know it's fake and scripted but that's it's entertainment no different than a scripted television show or movie.

From what I have heard, it's more acceptable to "like" WWE/professional wrestling in other countries. It's interesting that in the United States, there's a stigma associated with liking WWE. People think you're a redneck or you're stupid.
I'm never afraid to admit it. I actually get annoyed when people are either "afraid to be a fan" or if someone watches and then acts like they dont around their other friends
I am abouletly "open" with my love of wrestling in my real life and everyone knows WWE is where my heart is. I am involved as a ring announcer in my region's independent wrestling shows as well. I proudly wear wrestling shirts in public. It's not something I'm at all ashamed of.
I do not have a single friend outside of this place that watches wrestling. The only person who knows what's up currently with the product is my girl and that's just because I watch it and she has no choice. So I'm not really open about it since I have no friends who are interested in hearing about it, but I don't deny that I watch it. Most of my close friends know that I watch wrestling and yeah, I get shit for it sometimes. But I give them shit for the garbage TV shows that they watch too so it's not a big deal. I'm not shamed of what I like, you don't like it then fuck off.

I don't, however, wear the T-shirts or have posters plastered all over my wall. Not because I'm ashamed, but because I feel like it's kind of childish. To each his own, but it's not my style.
yes i piblicly acknowledge it..on my face book with my friends (whome most of them hate it haha) and in the cothes i wear...i have a 3 shirts..austin orton n cm punk..yea im proud to be a fan of something ive loved my whole life...some ppl like basketball some like baseball..and while i like those sports wrestling has always been my dream n i dont see myself stopping that...unless taker loses at wrestlemania..then id stop watching wwe
I'm gonna be honest here. I don't publicy admit it. Some people know I do. A handful of my friends watch it, none of them use sites like this though. There's a group of about 6 of us who play SvR online together, that's about it.

It's not that I'm ashamed of watching WWE and TNA, it's that it's looked down upon these days. I do go to house shows, watch RAW, SD!, Superstars, Impact, NXT (occasionally). I do use sites like WZ, LOP, etc. I am an avid Wrestling 'Smark', but not everyone knows that!
I do publicly acknowledge it, and I always get the shake of the head or the look of disgust, but if they can talk about Jersey Shore (which I find appalliing) I can talk about what I like. I sometimes talk about it so much that it drives them insane, until I tell them snookie was on it of course... but I digress.
I have been watching wrestling from such a young age. Up until I was about 10 years old I was proud about being a wrestling fan but after I reached 11 I just stopped telling people.

I know other people watch it but I never talk about it with my friends. That's why I come on forums like these.

I buy the shirts when I am at an event but I usually just wear them when I am lazing about the house.

I even watch the shows in secret! :p
Ehhhhhhhhhh, well, here's the thing

I publically acknowledge that I like Wrestling in general and everybody assumes that I mean the WWE, which is fine

But I mean that I like it on a much more broader spectrum than just the mainstream

And yes, I would wear wrestling t-shirts and what not if I owned any

I'm as of right now hoping to come across the old Sandman T-shirt that resembles the Budweiser logo, a WCW Monday Nitro crew shirt, and a RAW IS WAR shirt
For a while i kept it hidden but now I'm more devoted than ever. I've been a WWE fan since the early 90s. Back then it was cool if you liked Wrestling because of the attitude it gave out. When the PG-Era started it was kind of do I talk about it or do i not. I never told my Girlfriend i liked it until recently she caught me watching John Cena's biography on tv. Believe it or not she watched it and now is a cena fan. We watched capitol Punishment together lol
I can think of a thousand better things to justify, like grooming my public hair to look like the Batista's belly-button tattoo. No reason to make things harder for myself by letting people know I like wrestling.
well im still in high school in Australia everybody to tell that its fake laugh because well it was something thay watch a kids
so no but my best friends know
Yes and I do get criticized by most of my friends for watching it. It seems that everyone of my friends watched it as a child then just grew out of it as if it's a cartoon show or something. I know about 3 or 4 people who watch and they publicly acknowledge it too.
I don't currently watch wrestling, but I was a fan from about 1993/1994 - 2002/2003. I was always kind of embarassed because in a lot of ways it was really, really lame, but it was like a guilty pleasure to me. Anyway, I'll acknowledge publicly now that I was a fan, but if I was a current fan, I would probably still be embarassed, perhaps moreso.
I have a lot of friends that I grew up watching wrestling with... most don't watch much at all anymore becausecthis PG era shut sucks... but whenever they are around I usually try to convert them into TNA fans which really doesnt work out too well although its more acceptable to watch with ur friends than wwe ...

And I wear some TNA shirts... I love the Anderson pro wrestling is real shirts... I have the green and the black
Of course I publicly acknowledge my fandom. I call off work for important events, I talk openly about it.

*I can't spell worth a shit when I'm sober.....
I'll occasionally bust out my Bret Hart or Kane t-shirt for the public to see. But mostly I only talk about it on here, with my girl, with a few friends, and one of my sisters. Most of my closest friends know I watch it but don't really give me shit for it. They of course did when they first found out but they were only joshing me. But I won't bring it up in a conversation or anything simply because they have no interest in it whatsoever. It's not because I'm afraid of being made fun of, I just like to have conversations about mutual interests.
Oh, yeah. I can often times be seen around downtown Cincinnati wearing my "Sweet n' Sour" shirt, if I'm not wearing a Thundercats shirt, that is.

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