Do You Miss Shane & Stephanie?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
For years Shane and Stephanie McMahon would always play a crucial part in many WWE storylines. Both of them wore championship gold, and just like their father, being a heel was perfect for them. Shane could do a good at playing this rich and spoiled brat who could be weasel, and get under the skin of anyone. Stephanie is excellent when she's a heel. She's at her best when she's being Vince McMahon's evil little princess. Stephanie has an attitude that's just perfect for her heel character. Although, more recently we've seen both of Vince's kids as faces. I don't think they're bad as faces. I just think they're way better as heels.

As we all know by now, Shane left WWE earlier this year, and Stephanie is currently on a maternity leave. Vince will make a TV appearance every now and then, but do you ever miss Stephanie and Shane? Is seeing one McMahon enough for you? They both played the authority role pretty well, and as heels, they were awesome, especially Stephanie. WWE programming is kind of bland right now, and I do think about Shane and Stephanie every now and then. They always managed to entertain me.

Are you okay with Shane and Stephanie being gone?

Are Vince's sporadic appearances enough for you?
I miss Shane and Stephanie immensely! They were such entertaining characters especially as heels. Shane's feud with Angle, Stephanie's war of words with Y2J, Triple H marrying a passed out Stephanie in Las Vegas, each McMahon in the corner of a main-eventer in the championship match at WrestleMania 2000 I believe it was. They brought a special feel to WWE that I think has been lost.
Stephanie yes, she's hot and made a good Smackdown GM.
Shane not really.

Both were good characters and Shane was good in the ring considering he wasn't a wrestler.
All you need to look at is Shane's drop off the set at Backlash.

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but a 50 foot fall will kill y'all. Tons of guts, great performer.
i miss steph i wish she would come back, i no she wont and shes done for a while bc of the kids, but i feel like when she was gm things were good... i wish they would go back to having the GMs teddy on SD and steph run raw... plus i think she is hot and now that she has kids she is a big time MILF
Shane was awesome as a wrestler and on air performer. And his crazy spots are some of the most memorable. And as a kid i'd mark hard when he'd do the coast-to-coast. He was also great on the mic.

Stephanie was entertaining, especially whenever she'd interact with Jericho and i did enjoy the Mcmahon/Helmsley regime. And HLA HLA

But these memories of them are from the Attitude era. (Though my favorite storyline of last year was HHH and the Mcmahon's feuding with Legacy.).
If they were brought back now on a full time basis, they'd be watered down. It wouldn't be Stephanie screaming or Shane getting crimson masks and talking about his grapefruit sized testicular fortitude.
Shane leaving WWE was a good choice. This is highly unlikely but i hope when Stephanie and HHH take over, he can come back and they can run the company like it was. Which is a .001% chance
Shane-0-Mac... thats all that needs to be said...

I wish he would come back as the Raw GM. That would totally bring up the WWE IMO. Shane is a great in-ring performer and has always been awesome on the mic. As a heel, he has it down just as good as Vince does. He is more believable though because of his age.

I'm hoping that Shane comes back and it would def. make me start watching WWE religiously again, something that I haven't been able to do, due to the lack of entertainment they have provided
Stephanie and Shane were great on-screen characters. But that were mostly when they were associated in some manner with their father, Vince. although they thrived nicely as authority figures on their own, with Stephanie being a firm general manager of both RAW and Smackdown, and Shane just being.. you know.. Shane. I wouldn't really expect more than that from them.

Shane was never truly significant unless he was associated with his family, or wrestling some kind of feud. However, Shane most likely won't be wrestling a lot anymore, if any. So it would really be irrelevant to have him around for that, and Stephanie has no use as General Manager in either Smackdown or RAW right now, so that wouldn't work either.

Also, of course we can't discredit the fact that they were somewhat relevant around Triple H. However, Stephanie was the only one to brag about that, and we both know how it'd play out right now. Only way that Stephanie could become relevant in that manner again, would be if Triple H turned heel. Because let's face it, Stephanie was awesome around heel Triple H. But the momentum they had in 2000 wouldn't be possible to match as faces, I'm sure of that. Especially considering the fact that power couples really only work on heels.

So, sure I miss them. But I see no reason to bring them back, cause they're not needed.
I have no idea what impact Shane had behind the scenes but his on-screen appearances were always something to look forward to. He was a human bump machine and his actions always impressed me because, as the son of the boss, he didn't have to do them.

He didn't show up too frequently and didn't have the need to make himself a central part of the show; that's why his rare appearances held a mystique....we wondered what in the world he was going to come up with next.

As for Stephanie, I liked her on-screen role as long as she didn't take too much of the attention from the other performers. During the McMahon-Helmsley Faction, she featured herself too much for my liking.

As the head of Creative, all I can say is that since she's been gone, the writing has never been better. I love what they've come up with the past few months and didn't know until a few weeks ago that Stephanie's been on leave during that whole period. Another wrestling board mentioned last week that the morale of the whole Creative department has been higher since she's been gone. 'Nuff said.
Yes! I really do miss both of them.

The thing that was always true about Shane and Stephanie (and Vince to a certain extent) was that the best angles were kept for them. When they appeared on Raw or Smackdown, you always knew that something big was going to happen and it always had a good pay off. I mean, look at the last time that Vince McMahon was on TV for instance. I believe that he was on the wrong end of a beating from the Nexus that really put the whole angle over.

More so than that, Shane McMahon was a likeable guy who really would have made a great CEO when Vince decided to leave the company. However, it was not to be and he left to pursue his own endeavours which he cannot be blamed for. Personally, I liked him and even when he was wrestling, he was damn entertaining.

Stephanie stepped away to be a mother I think but she still has some off-screen role. Either way, she did the same as Shane when she showed up and really sold an angle she was placed in.

I do miss both of them.
Shane fell into the "McMahon" trap... in that he could never truly be what he wanted to be... Vince famously wanted to wrestle but his father wouldn't allow it... Shane clearly wanted the same thing but he was a ref... then a commentator... then when Mr. McMahon got over Vince finally relented... Shane became the wrestler he always wanted to be... the sad part is Shane could legit have been a World Champ at his peak, he was a better worker than a lot of guys on the roster at that time and his bumps and selling was amongst the best i've seen... he had the locker rooms respect cos he had always been there, learning, training, waiting and seized his chance... it was just a shame his name was McMahon... if he'd come in as a masked character or a gimmick and done what he'd done we'd be calling him a legend...
Stephanie had her time as a character, she was very time limited as once the HHHettes started coming her "look" was gone... Steph was one of those personalities that worked on her looks rather than any particular skills... She got over cos of people like Jericho being able to use the "Trashbag Ho" line, cos she looked like someone who would do those things and you wanted her to really be like that... once the kids came she's just another milf, not the Billion Dollar Princess so redundant as a character... Vicki took her place and to be honest does it better...

As a writer, I hope she has worked out things have gotten better without so much input from her... or rather she accepts it and allow it to continue. Steph clearly has good knwoledge and a moral filter (she nixed several tasteless angles Vince wanted her to do) so she will be a good PG filter to oversee. With Trips also getting more involved I see her replacing Linda as CEO if she gets into the senate.
I miss seeing Steph alot...she is absolutely gorgeous and was a big reason I looked forward to SmackDown every week ;) Plus I think she is a great heel character.

Shane O'Mac was also a great performer, she was good on the mic, and could take a bump better than almost anyone else. I would love for Shane to be revealed as the mystery Raw GM, but I am almost certain that he wont.

I cant see either of Vince's kids being back on TV for a long time, if at all. Steph has her family, and Shane has his other interests
I just read on wikipedia where Vince's Mr. McMahon character is pretty much done with. I did not know that. I guess he reached out for Bret Hart to end the character since that is where it started. I mean, yeah I knew that he hadn't been on television for a long time. I also knew about the death scene. I figured that was when his character was through. But he showed up with Randy Orton. It truly is an end to an era.

I miss the whole McMahon family on television. All the different family angles just worked perfectly with the attitude era. I wish Vince had not shaved his head off. Ever since he did that he makes no damn sense whatsoever when he talks. Thats probably why he isn't on television anymore.

Since we are in PG mode now having Shane as an authority figure just won't work. I loved his "paybacks are a bitch" attitude. Plus he is a CEO of an internet company.

I'm banking on Triple H retiring from ring action that is probably why WZ is holding back information about it. So we might not see him on tv much longer, unless he does a retirement angle with Undertaker where they both retire. Triple H may have been told that he can't wrestle with all of his surgeries.

The only other chance of anything happening is when Vince gives up CEO and Shane and Steph are back. I imagine Shane will be back in some sort of capacity in WWE. He isn't going to give that chance up. WWE is bigger than that internet company in China.

With all these retirement rumors flying about Undertaker, maybe another superstar, Jericho, etc. I would not be surprised if Vince decided to give CEO powers to Steph after Wrestlemania 2011. He probably would chose a public forum to do it. It's going to be interesting to see where we are at after Wrestlemania next year.

Linda is still the CEO... Vince is "President" which is a different role... I am sure Steph will take over from her mom when (its looking more likely now) she's elected. Vince will always be President of WWE... it will just become more of a figurehead role over time.
Linda is still the CEO... Vince is "President" which is a different role.

According to the corporate WWE website ( Vince is the Chairman and CEO, while Linda has no title in the company at all. I would imagine she's still listed as a stockholder, but not an executive officer.

This is their feeble attempt to convince people that Linda isn't part of a professional wrestling organization. Lotsa luck.
ok so here is a thought and feel free to call me an idiot but it just came to me.

The Brain behind Nexus is......SHANE-O-Mac his whole leaving was a WORK and he fooled everyone but is the Power and the Brain behind the Nexus.

The Raw GM is the Evil Princess Stephanie...Daddy's Little girl is behind the computer. Considering her hate for Jerico and Edge in the past Story Lines and the GM's hate for the two and how Cole used to kiss her ass and now kisses the GM's ass.

No one has thought of this yet but it would be the Miz would say AWWWWSSSSOOOMMMMEEE
I actually do miss the McMahon's interjecting themselves on WWE television, aligning themselves with various superstars and being involved in major feuds over the years.

I particularly miss Shane McMahon's presence. Not only was he a great character, but he put on a great show and pulled off some amazing matches for a guy who really wasn't an actual wrestler in the true sense of the word.

Steph certainly did her part too, contributing to a lot of very entertaining television back in the late 90's and early 00's, first with the proposed marriage to Test, then the lengthy involvement with Triple H and the McMahon-Helmsley faction.

I'd really like to see Shane back someday. Of all of the potential candidates out there for the new General Manager, I would like nothing more than it to be Shane-O-Mac himself, aligned with Nexus.
I for one miss Shane. He was a favorite to watch. He had great mic skills, when he wrestled, he wasnt that bad either. His Mean Street Posse were awesome too. Stephanie, she was boring and I hope she never comes on air again. Shane should make a WWE return, I'd love to see this guy come back in some way. He'd be a great GM for Raw.

Anyone else think Shane would be an awesome GM for Raw?
Shane, yeah. He provided us with some memorable highlights such as his dives from the top of the titantron, his involvement in the Invasion & Corporation storylines.

Steph, no. Only good thing she's ever done is be by HHH's side in the McMahon-Helmsley era, those are her only memorable highlights.
If Stephanie still looked like she did in 2001/2002... then yeah, I would miss her. Not only was she a good character around the time, but holy fuck was she incredibly sexy, too. Today though, of course age and having 3 kids have ruined her looks, so I have no desire to see her on my television, as shallow as it sounds, lol.

And Shane... was never a really big fan of his. He had his moments, but I always HATED that stupid Ali shuffle he would do every time he came to the ring. I could not take him seriously just because of that; it drove me nuts. But regardless... he could pull some awesome stunts out of his ass and cut some decent promos, so he was a valuable asset at the end of the day, but not one whose presence not being there hurts the show to the point where I would actually miss him.

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