Do you have any pets?

2 dogs, 3 horses, a cat, 17 chickens, 3 roosters, an iguana and a salamander I have trapped in my window.
I used to have a dog growing up, his named was Boomer, he was a charcoal gray Peek-a-Poo (peekinese-poodle) mix. We had him from the time I was 4 until I was about 18 years old. We was finally 19 years old when he put him down...dang, I miss that old dog. He was my true pet. :icon_cry: I still do get a little sad thinking about him. Now I have a cool cat, a 2 yr old white Turkish Angora, her name is Princess (that's what her name was when we got her at PetSmart). She is amazing, never meows, she knows how to open the top to the scanner at my parents' house...:lol: Its hilarious. She LOVES playing with my family friend's little dog, any little dog is just fine and dandy with her. She thinks she's a dog. She will fetch toys when you ask her to. She loves kids. The first night we had her, she crawled up on the counter and managed to get the poptop off her cat food that was 1/2 eaten and finished the leftovers. She can't stand to not know anything going on without her. She did so good in keeping me company after my surgery last February when I came home to my parents' house to recover. She stayed in their bed where I slept (they have one of those craftmatic a hospital bed) she didn't leave my side the 2 days I was there.
I also have a 6 yr old nefew and a 4 yr old those count as pets? LOL The nefew thinks he's Big Show sometimes and also thinks he's John Cena...:lmao:

No pets right now, since me and my girlfriend live in an apartment where pets are not allowed. My family always had cats growing up and my parents still have 2 cats, Snoop and Pips.

I also had loads of goldfish who I used to name after Bolton Wanderers football players :)

Me and the gf will be getting cats though when we move to a house, she wants a tabby kitten called Tilly and I want a kitten called Diego....definitely a cat person rather than a dog person

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