Do you find tourettes funny?

It is funny that 90% of the time the things they blurt out are insults. You never hear of someone with tourettes that yells ''that's a nice fucking dress your wearing and you look magnificent today''.
The ManKid in me laughs at the insult part as they mostly say what the rest of us are thinking,but the clip of the documentary that i put up is both funny and moving as this the 1st part of the documentary was done 15 years ago and our society has moved on so much.This guy ate his school lunch in a room himself and was not allowed to sit his his exams because they were ignorant to his condition at the time.But i must admit i LOL'D at least 20 times through the full thing,but i did shed a tear once so that makes it okay?right?
i feel terrible for that guy, but some of the things they say are funny. haha. it's funny watching it, but it has got to be like hell for the people who actually have tourettes funny. could you imagine not being able to control what you say? but i must admit, tourettes on tv and the internet (South Park and the Tourettes Guy) make me laugh really hard.
I will admit that the southpark episode about tourettes made me piss myself laughing, but that was the point.

I think these people are very hard done by in society, because we often just assume that they are crazy. So I try my best to cut them a break wherever possible.

So...yeah sometimes it is, although I know it shouldnt be.
Why would I laugh at an illness that mostly manifests itself through facial and/or motor tics, with a very slim minority presenting with an added vocal tic that overrides the part of the brain that governs control and forces the ill person to speak words that are in the brain's "taboo" or "don't say these things" folder, for lack of a better term?
They have documentaries about it every 15 years or so so you can laugh at them. I mean, so you can understand their plight. It's harsh to laugh, but they do have the funniest illness.
Well i should post a video of a comedian with Down Syndrome whose very funny.

Josh Ponceman aka ******ed Policeman

Look...I work inside a bank INSIDE a Wal Mart. I see kids with different types of tourettes. I have one kid who like, looks back and forth and talks hella fast to himself, making sure to point at random people... and another kid who puts his hands on his hips all feminine like, and starts moving up and down real slow until he hits a full on doggie style, rabbit like air humping motion... and then slows down just like he started... It's crazy business...
That video made me laugh,as does any video dealing with Tourette's.I laugh everytime it happens,I just hope it nevers happens to me in person as I've only seen it on TV.I do feel awful about laughing,but they say some of the funniest shit.
I am watching the actual documentary and it is really terrible. It's easy to laugh at first but it's quite moving after a while.
Who would laugh at a man who stutters? I thought everyone past the age of 15 didn't find humor in laughing at other people's handicaps.
Who would laugh at a man who stutters? I thought everyone past the age of 15 didn't find humor in laughing at other people's handicaps.

Funny you say age of 15, because that's exactly before that age that I had that problem, but as I said, I felt bad for it, and nobody should laugh at others diseases, and if it does happen, an apology is something that should be made, in a fucking hurry.
I like how everyone takes the high road, yet most rip Swagger for having a bit of a stutter. Of course its funny, I'm not laughing at the difficult time the guys having, its the yelling of random profanity's that is so amusing, and my humor level probably is that of an immature 15 year old anyway.
If you can find one post from me that taunts Swagger for his lisp, I'll endorse you for President of the Galaxy.

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