Do you cheat?


Staff member
It is a simple question, all in all.

Over the last 10 or so years. I have played multiple games with varying degrees of difficulty. Some of those games have been easy and I have managed to finished them in a couple of days whilst not trying very hard. However there have been games that have taken me ages and miracles to complete. It is in these games that the need and urge to cheat becomes more prevalent. The last game I cheated in was Guitar Hero 3 and even at that, it was nothing that made the game easier for me. In fact, it made aspects of the game much harder and nothing ever came of me cheating.

However, I have never been a big cheater but having heard that some games like NBA 2K9 and Guitar Hero have some addition material for those who do, I decided that I would do it to get that stuff.

So the question is simple, do you cheat and why?
I cheat in the Grand Theft Auto games for the fact that the cheats make the game way more fun than without. I'll usually finish the story then run around and cheat my ass off. Making people riot and have weapons is the greatest combination of cheats ever.
It depends on what someone defines as cheating or not. Many consider using codes to be a form of cheating. That's not entirely true. Using a code to make you invincible for the entire game, that's DEFINITELY cheating. So is using any secret code that changes the difficulty of the game. (Extra lives, less health for enemies, more abilities for your characters, etc) Using codes that unlock cool extra features in the game that don't effect the difficulty of the game, that's not cheating by my definition.

Then there's a grey area in between all of that.

Let's use RPG's as an example. Anyone who's played an RPG knows that it can often be frustrating to go out and fight monsters randomly outside a town until you have earned enough money to buy new armor, or trying to consistently gain levels until you unlock certain abilities. Some people get tired of doing that. What about codes that help speed up that process? The ones that make monsters leave behind more money and that give you more experience points for defeating them?

I'm not saying that codes that give you unlimited gold are not cheating, because they are. So are codes that skyrocket you 100 levels after one battle. I'm talking about codes that speed up the process by making the monsters give you twice as much money & EXP.... perhaps as much as 10 times as much. This is not necessarily cheating because all it does is speed up the process of something you would already have done anyhow, and if you immediately turn the code off once you are about to begin progressing the story again, it's not quite cheating.

Like I said though, this is a very grey area because if the codes give you too much money & EXP too soon, then it's cheating.... but if it's only a little more, then some don't consider it cheating.

I only use codes that help speed up the process of things I would be doing anyhow, and in some rare cases do cheat (come on, you know you like Invincibility codes!) in games I have already beaten just to breeze through for the fun of it.

I've NEVER cheated when legitimately trying to beat a game for the first few times because you get a better sense of accomplishment for finishing it the traditional way without any help from cheat codes.
Cheating often gives more life to a game. The most well known example being the original Pokemon games. Missigno. For some strange reason its fun to play around with a glitch. Catching Pokemon over the 100 mark or fighting the disfigured blob of pixels. I remember that sometimes Blaine the Gym Leader would appear as a random Pokemon. It just added to the game. Another example is Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. The Naboo Starfighter was kept a total secret for a year. Not even Lucasarts knew it was there. It brought the gamr back to light after a year on shelf.

As for cheating to make a game easier, well... I'll admit it, I do it. But only if I've beaten the game in a previous occation. It make it more fun. Try using a Gameshark and playing through the game again. Its the objective of cheating. Adding more layersd to a game and giving players more reason to keep playing.
I try not to cheat in games, because it takes some enjoyment away. It feels incredible when you successfully finish a game without the aid of cheats, because you know that you did it. I like to play the game the way it's meant to be played, without cheats.

If I'm at the point where I absolutely have to use cheats, I will do so, but more often than not, I don't have to. Alternatively, If I choose to replay the game, I may use cheats.
Well, I'm a bit of a gaming purist. And I believe if a game needs cheats to be more fun, then the game can't be that good to begin with, can it?

I've never used cheats on a game for the first time I'm trying to complete it. I like to know what experience the developers wanted for me to have so I can enjoy the game properly and know whether or not I should buy more games the developer has made. Cheating blurs yours overall perception of how good a game is.

If I'm playing through a game for a second time, sure I might use a couple of cheats to make playing through the game the second time more interesting so I stay interested. But it rarely works. If the games not good enough to warrant a second play through without cheats, then it's not gonna be any better with cheats. Regardless of how many lives you have or how much money you have or how good your weapons you have, the gameplay essentially stays the same. To an extent, cheats are pointless.

But sometimes, cheats make a multiplayer game better. I remember playing Goldeneye with some friends and we turned the paintball cheat on. That actually manages to add another level of strategy to it as you use the paintballs found on the wall or floors to figure out where your opponents are. They can be fun. But overall, cheats are called cheats for a reason. And I think they're just pointless. If the game isn't good enough to hold your attention without cheats, then it's crap.
Only after I have beaten a game. I love playing through a game and struggling to beat it, then beating it. But the second time through, I like to play it like I was a God. After winning any of the GTA games, playing with cheats is incredble, having infinite bullets in a cop killing rage is fun.

ONe as a kid I loved to cheat on was Super Mario Bros 3. I loved the 4th world, so I used to use the old Game Genie and get me to that world to start. Or I made myself sledgehammer man.
I wouldn't really class myself as cheat the only way I kind off cheat is if i'm playing against someone in the same room as me i'll glance at their screen to see where they are that's about it. I never play a game first time round with any sort of cheats or anything. If its shit without cheats then I don't really want to play the game anyway. If its a game like Grand Theft Auto or Saints Row then I will use cheats as I find the game really fun when you can make yourself really tall or really small etc... sometimes it can be alot funner with them on but I just don't particually like them on any other game.
depends on the game. I recently started playing resident evil 5, and beat it, but missed out on alot of weapons and treasures because i had no clue where tey were or how to collect. So I looked it up. Another thread topic, but amazing game. So I guess I cheated some!
With my attention span as short as it is I cheat. Mainly to get the best stuff in the game to make it more enjoyable for me. However I do not condone Multiplayer Hacks/mods that ruin the experience for other gamers. If its an RTS I don't want to spend 10 minutes collecting resources to build my base. I want it NOW.
It depends on the game. If I'm playing an extremely difficult game, and I cant get past a certain part, Then yes, I will cheat. If it's an easy game, no I wont. Here are some examples.

Grand Theft Auto: This is a game where I have the option not to cheat. However I do, I buy these games just for the fun of going around destroying cars, and killing people. I will pretty much get the game, play it without cheating for about an hour or two. Then I'll put in a cheat that makes me get a Tank or something. In this games case, Cheating makes the game more fun.

Smackdown Vs. Raw: Now I know the WWE pretty much gives us cheat codes for the game on their website. I choose not to look at them. In a game like SvR, It's more fun to play through the Storymode to unlock legends and attires, Rather than cheating to get them.

So again, It really depends on the game.
Simple answer, no I don't cheat and here are my reasons.
One of them is that when I cheat I feel that I'm only cheating myself and cheaters never prosper. Furthermore when I complete a game all by myself I feel that I have achieved something and it makes me feel good.
The only video game or video game series I have ever bothered using cheats in were the Tony Hawk games. The games were never very hard, I just liked getting more and more points and air. Plus it was always fun kicking my sister's ass in that game with the cheats as it would allow me to hand her quite the beatdown.

Other then that, I have never used cheats in a video game and that's because I think it takes away from the challenge of it all. Why make it easier for yourself and less fun? I mean once you beat a challenging game, don't you feel a sense of accomplishment for it? If you cheat, I don't think you'd feel the same, at least I know I wouldn't.
I just try to finish the game first, I blatantly refuse to use cheats until I have at least finished the story of a game and then its anything goes.

However if the game proves to be crappy I will probably resort to cheats early, if the game cant impress me without them, I might as well use them to see if it helps anything.
I'm not a huge gamer. I play Warcraft 3 and other Strategy type games like that. I'll usually beat the game the first time around the right way, follow the story, understand it, then the second time around I'll put it to it's hardest difficulty setting and cheat like crazy.

In these kind of games cheating is pretty fun because you have unlimited resources and can mess around with the enemy while building your heroes' exp and loot up.
I always play the game all the way through. That's the point of the game is to tell a story and give you challenges along the way.

It makes the ending less satisfactory and the game isn't as memorable as the other game where it took you a month to beat but you still did. It's called commitment and it makes video games fun.

Of course the second way through I turn on God Mode and just go on a rampage. :)
I'll use cheat codes for my Dragonball Z games on PS2 sometimes because while everything else is pretty easy to unlock, there are few secrets where you need to have cheat codes to unlock them. When it comes to my Grand Theft Auto games, I try not to use the cheat codes until I'm done with the story mode. I love playing my GTA games, and if I use the cheats while in the story mode, it just ruins the whole experience for me. One game series I always use cheats for is Silent Hill. This is another game series I love to play, but I become REALLY frustrated when I can't can't figure something out, and then I go for the cheats. I also use cheats for Resident Evil games sometimes also.

When I'm deciding on whether to cheat or not, It usually depends on my level of frustration with the game. If I become too pissed off, then I go for the cheats right away. On the other hand, If I really love the game(GTA) then I'll try my best to figure things out before resorting to cheat codes.

Another thing about cheats is, sometimes you have to use them if you want to unlock certain stuff in the game. Not everything can be unlocked by just beating the game straight up, so if you to experience everything the game has to offer, then you have to go for the cheats.
I'm not that great. So yeah, I cheat. Especially on GTA. I cheat my ass off on Grand Theft Auto. I have fun doing it, that's all that matters. My own personal enjoyment. I don't care if the other person gets mad that my car is faster, my gun has more bullets, or I just jumped off the Statue of Happiness and lived. I want to have fun, and I don't have fun constantly dying. Therefore, cheat!
For the sake of getting hidden items that otherwise wouldn't be obtainable i have punched in a cheat code or two in my day. But as far as doing it to change an outcome of a games or tampering with winning and losing never. An example would be Pokemon Ruby version, i used a gameshark cheat to get to the hidden islands in those games to obtain Pokemon that otherwise would be uncatchable in that game. Now say a cheat like infinite master balls or one hit kills in battle i would never use. those sort of cheats take away all challenge and any fun aspect of a game and i don't recommend for anyone to do so.
The last time I cheated was playing Saints Row 2. I completed just the main story of the game then I used cheats to complete 100% of it. I often use cheats when playing Saints Row/GTA type games and RPGs such as Tales of the Abyss and Kingdom Hearts. Cheats allow me to enjoy the game more than I would b/c I like to explore every aspect of the game and cheats are the way to do that for me.
I had to cheat on the first Lego Star Wars to get past one level. For the most part, I don't cheat, but if I see that there is extra content if you use a code that can only be unlocked by code, such as Guitar Hero, then I use the codes. So I guess I cheat, but only when I need to, or if there is extra content that is available by cheating.
I haven't cheated in ages. When I was a youngster,I had my fun with the cheat codes to get ahead,but as the years rolled on I became a hardcore gamer and found it dishonorable to cheat. and Now with the whole achievement locking deal,I find that cheating is actually not worth the effort at all nowadays.
It depends. On GTA, usually ammo, money and health is a bitch, so I only use cheats to help me out.

But I hate playing SvR 09 online in certain matches cuz there are people who abuse certain moves and freeze people. The closest thing to cheating I've ever done was be a standard heel using Chris Jericho and stealing a win.
I haven't really cheated much in games since the early Grand Theft Auto games on the PS2 because I developed into a better gamer that didn't need constant cheats in order to beat a game. If I do cheat now it will be in the form of getting things that you can only get by using the codes, preorder things that also have cheat codes or extra wrestling attires or people that aren't normal unlockables, and from time to time I'll look at a walkthrough if I'm really stuck. Cheating has been largely taken out of the big games these days, I'll go to look on cheatcc for X-box achievements and notice that almost none of the games have cheat codes and the cheat code enabler has been largely taken out of these next gen consoles. With the lack of cheat codes I have come up with somewhat of an undeserved nerd ego about being too good for cheats and will openly make fun of my friend for calling me asking for cheats for random games.
I usuall cheat regularly. But instead i go as far as i can before i have to start cheating. I've got some pride well sorta. But cheating is just away for me to get farther in my ggame if i suck so bad at it

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