Do you believe in a New World Order?

Kanye South

Im on YouTube right now, reading shit about Jay Z being in the Illuminati and being a satan worshipper. It also lists a bunch of other famous people doing so such as Kanye West, Chris Brown, Rihanna, Lil Wayne, Drake, Barack Obama, George Bush etc. Do you believe it?
No, but it's fun to read about.

And whenever I see your avatar I think you're GD.
I don't really care if it does or not. Although I really doubt Obama is in it. He wouldn't be drawing so much heat if he was.
Absolutely not.

When I suffered through depression, there was a time that I delve into some Conspiracy Theories which included weighing both the Pro and Con side of things, but the thing to keep in mind is that people like Alex Jones, who puts out propaganda like this, is also serving a market. There is a certain demographic that he and others cater to that are cash registers for him to sell merchandise to. So he plays to that market. He may very well believe the things he's saying, but at the same time, he is making money doing so, and some things are clearly sensationalized for profit purposes, to stir up a frenzy.

Bush, Obama, etc. are not Satan Worshipers and it's a ludicrous suggestion. Actually, it's doubtful Satan even exists in the first place, as far as I'm concerned, but that's just me.

Now, are there forces at work that would like to push for Globalism? Sure. But why is that exactly a "sinister" conspiracy to want a One World Government? In the propaganda, it's made out to be an evil, sinister thing when in reality, this is something that could either be beneficial or not beneficial to the global economy and way of life.

So yes, the Council of Foreign Relations exists. Bilderberg Group likely exists. But the real question is whether there are sinister conspiracies that are taking place, or are talks taking place for the world's benefit?
Yeah, some guy named Alex Jones keeps popping up and he looks like one of those early morning church shows you see at like 3 AM.
Absolutely not. To even suggest otherwise is ludicrous. I was raised within both the Church (Catholic) and Pentecostal congregations. I heard about it every week, to the point that it just became fairy tale. Then I researched it. According to most of the sources I've read, it was set in motion by Judas Iscariot when he betrayed Christ. I don't buy into it at all.
Fucking Judas. Bet he's the guy that started the Lady Gaga Hermaphrodite rumors, too.
A New World Order would not be beneficial to anyone.
You'd need a person equivalent to a God for everyone to run a one-state world, and that's nearly impossible. People benefit from separation of states.
They say it's because of the


and his latest video:

There's this shit everywhere. Something about reducing the world's population to 500,000 people, creating a one world religion and government, all kinds of stuff. Apparently the death at the Olympics was really a Human Sacrifice for their Occult Practices. Oh, and the governments of the world routinely kidnap children to serve in secret child sex rituals and sacrifices.

Or, you know. People could just want everyone to use the Euro. Which, as I've been reading from the doomsayers, is about to collapse because Italy can't get their shit together.
Alex Jones is Glen Beck for the left.

We don't want his ass, either.

Actually, he has a lot of Ron Paul supporters. That's a shame because I like Ron. I really do.

But Paul seems to attract a lot of CT'ers.

But to be fair, Alex Jones attracts his own CT'ers no matter what political affiliation you are. He attacks Clinton, Obama, Bush, etc. Apparently, all of them are part of the NWO and are Satan worshippers.
A New World Order would not be beneficial to anyone.
You'd need a person equivalent to a God for everyone to run a one-state world, and that's nearly impossible. People benefit from separation of states.

To be fair, though, I never heard it rumored that there would be one person in charge of it all. What's to say that each Union (European, North American, etc.) wouldn't have a vote in any and all global matters?
They say it's because of the


Now you see, this is part of the problem. The pyramid with the eye is a Free Mason symbol. People throw the word Illuminati around way too much.

Hell, the first time I heard of the Illuminati it was supposedly a strictly Jewish sect that wanted to control the world economy.

But I suppose it makes great fodder for conspiracy theorists...

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