Do you agree with all members of fortune?

The Viper Orton

Pre-Show Stalwart
Simple Question, the members of fortune: AJ, Kaz, Beer Money. Do you agree that those 4 are the right ones?

In my opinion, I hate that Kazarian was one of the four, I don't know if Ric sees something in him, but he isn't as the other three for me. Matt Morgan wouldve been much greater. He wasn't with them since the beginning, but was long enough with the other guys and haven't reached the main event even though (at some point) deserved to.

Of course, Four Horsman changed the teams after some time, why not fortune?!
I have to agree. He just doesn't have "it." He reminds me of Scott Hall in the looks department, but he can wrestle a little better and has no charisma.

I think to make it in any Four Horsemen stable, you'd have to either have a certain air of charisma, or have a good enforcer attitude.

Matt Morgan would have fit into the who enforcer mold quite well. I understand not using him, however, as that's essentially what they're doing with Beer Money. They seem to fit the bill, however.

Honestly, I wish they would have kicked out AJ (as I think he makes a terrible heel; he just comes off as goofy), and not admitted Kazarian, and made a brute team with Beer Money, Matt Morgan, and (?).

AJ just doesn't work as a heel for me, and Kazarian is neither menacing or charismatic.
I have warmed up to Kazarian but his inclusion is still a little weird to me. I would have enjoyed Desmond in it a lot more but what's done is done. One thing that I have noticed however, is that Kazarian is over with the crowd a lot more than he was when he was on his own.
I have to agree. He just doesn't have "it." He reminds me of Scott Hall in the looks department, but he can wrestle a little better and has no charisma.

I think to make it in any Four Horsemen stable, you'd have to either have a certain air of charisma, or have a good enforcer attitude.

Matt Morgan would have fit into the who enforcer mold quite well. I understand not using him, however, as that's essentially what they're doing with Beer Money. They seem to fit the bill, however.

Honestly, I wish they would have kicked out AJ (as I think he makes a terrible heel; he just comes off as goofy), and not admitted Kazarian, and made a brute team with Beer Money, Matt Morgan, and (?).

AJ just doesn't work as a heel for me, and Kazarian is neither menacing or charismatic.

I wouldve liked Joe, but doesn't have the look to stand in with people like flair.

Also, Christopher Daniels would be better than any of AJ or Kaz, but then no one would shine in the group, so TNA had no choices with AJ.
The one thing that people don't understand about the Horseman was that the enforcer role was Arn and for the majority of the the 4 Horsemen he was a Tag Team guy. In the Fourtune group, I see James Storm as the enforcer guy. I guess they are trying to make Roode the Blanchard of the group, and AJ in flairs spot. That leaves the 4th spot. This is where the Horsemen were allowed to be flexible. The Original 4 had Ole. Then came Lex, and then Windham. Sting was there for a short run. Even Sid Vicious had a turn. I think Kaz is okay for now. I would have liked to have seen Daniels get the spot over Kaz, but that didn't work out. I also think TNA could have used the spot to introduce a new wrestler into the mix. A guy like Phil Shatter or Mikal Judas. Those are the security guys Gunner and Murphy.

Of the other guys on the roster, there really just isn't guy that truly fits in my opinion. Maybe, Eric Young, Alex Shelley, or Chris Sabin.

Honestly, if Tomko was in shape I could see him as the 4th although he isn't really a TNA original. But, he is believable as AJ's friend.
I have to agree. He just doesn't have "it." He reminds me of Scott Hall in the looks department, but he can wrestle a little better and has no charisma.

Hey yo.. At least when he was in his prime, Scott Hall had a really cool look to him. Kaz is the definition of 'generic looks'.

To be honest, I think only Roode fits in. He character and presence just comes across as more sophisticated and yuppie than the other guys.

AJ isn't a good fit at all because we all know AJ is nothing like that and he is a bad actor. Why they insist AJ is the 'heel' type I will never understand. The guy is so clean cut and 'good ol boy'.

Can someone tell me what is so great about Kaz? He literally looks boring. His mic skills are boring. There are at least 10 other guys in TNA that can do what he does in the ring, only better. I guess Traci likes men who can put her to sleep. :shrug:

James Storm is my favorite wrestler in TNA. But he does not fit at all. He is much more Freebird (redneck 'n all) than Horsemen. The guy has so much charisma, but it doesn't fit what Fortune is all about. =/
i do not agree with the members of fortune. yes we all know aj styles is one of the best in the buisness but hes already over with the fans and hes already reached the top. i think fortune should be used to make four stars become even bigger. the only member i do agree with is robert roode. with that being said i think they should unfortunatly split up beer money. robert roode can become one hell of a singles star. he has everything the look the in ring ability and the mic skills. the other 3 stars i think should be are desmond wolfe, matt morgan even though i cant stand him, and maybe turn the pope heel. heels and faces dont matter in tna because the fans cheer for everyone. so i think fortune should be robert roode, desmond wolfe, matt morgan. and the pope.
Beer Money was a great choice. I can take or leave AJ and Kaz. Being in Fortune helps Kaz get over a little more. AJ doesnt need the rub. I think eventually we will see Matt Morgan in the group. But who am I to say, if Ric Flair says thats who he wants, I'll go with that for the while.
Im on the fence with Fortune. The reason is very simple, if AJ is walking around with the Global/Legends/bookerT/TV Title, then who is the World Title threat??? Beer $ is always one match away from being the tag champs which is fine, but if you look at the way AJ is being booked right now, then NO Kaz doesn't fit in. Kaz is not a threat to the World Title. Not that under the right booking maybe he could be, but with the Ass kicking Abyss gave RVD thursday night, they cant even book Kaz as a threat. kaz is fine as the whatever its called this week champ, but nothing else. Look at it like this, if TNA booked a ppv that had say AJ vs Hardy or Anderson or Pope for the TV title, and Beer $ vs MCMG for the tag belts, would you buy into Kaz vs RVD for the World belt??? I know I wouldnt. The good thing about the stables of the past is at any point you could make a case for the non tag team guys to challenge for the World Title. Kaz does not.
I think it might serve as the break up of Beer Money and Robert Roode establishes himself as a Main Event Singles Wrestler. Maybe James Storm has a Face Turn. I think it should be AJ Styles, Robert Roode, Matt Morgan and Desmond Wolfe. I know that is not going to happen now as they have put Wolfe in another storyline/tag team.

So, I guess Williams would be the 4th member, instead of Wolfe but I really don't like it. I just don't believe Kaz fits. I think they need 4 different "styles". Roode is the technical guy. AJ is the high flyer (Which to me excludes Kaz). Morgan is the guy of size and power. Wolfe could have been the aggressive ground and pound, brawling type of technical guy. I thought that would have been great!

Storm could stay in if they don't want to give Roode a singles push yet. That way AJ could be World Champ, Beer Money is Tag Champs and Wolfe is TV Champ. Maybe AJ also has The X-Division title.

I am trying to think of a way they have all the gold. EVERY great faction that has come before Fourtune, has one way or another established their dominance by holding basically ALL the gold.

I think TNA could really use a storyline like this to do better. I'm not saying they will pass WWE with it or ever will pass them. I just think they could make themselves more legit with a serious faction, or a serious team/storyline that can make history. It is a start at least!

I see no reason to be called "Four" tune, and have like 6 members!! It really makes no sense to me. They should have come up with a different name or at least called it Fortune!
isn't the point of a stable to make the wrestlers known? sure Kaz hasn't done much but maybe this is what he needs.. and Matt Morgan or Joe in my opinion just wouldnt look right in suits lol
fortune is kinda big and undirected to me. i do think the locker room banter between styles and kaz could become something really good for both characters. unlikely buddies and such. i like aj styles being semi funny. i thought i saw douglas williams with them too...maybe not. but if so, that's a plus. i think flair might eventually institute a "you have to hold a title to be in fortune" rule and that seems like an interesting direction they could go. morgan needs to be in a group right now i think. maybe not THIS group, but... also, i never heard ric flair offer him an invitation to the group. i heard matt morgan say he was the 1st person asked by flair. i wish flair would calm down and stop looking so red, old, and bald.
it's a known fact that the TNA roster is way too big for the amount of tv time they have each week. and now the ecw/ev2 addition. maybe if they trim it down a bit, it would be easy to make Fortune look like a solid stable; instead of, say : one fifth of the roster who just partnered together because the ecw guys came back. it's a bit of a stretch. right? this has a real wcw odor to it. russo... also about the oversized roster/douglas williams/not enough tv time: where is brian kendrick? didn't he & have a program going that is apparently lost or no-longer.
AJ Styles and Beer Money...absolutely. But Kaz...not so much. I think he could be the Randy Orton of the group (to use the Evolution comparison), but I just don't see it happening if they keep jobbing him out like he did to Rob Terry. I think they should have tried to acquire Matt Morgan, Rob Terry, or even a guy like Rhino for the backbone of the team. Beer Money can hold their own, but AJ really needs a body guard to make his character more interesting and help him out of sticky situations. Maybe even turning Super Mex heel...?

I don't know, I just don't really think Kaz is a good fit for the team.
I agree with most people that Kaz is the odd man out in fortune. I don't see why TNA put this guy in the group. He does have descent wrestling skills,but no personality. The only time he really got over is when he played the suicide character. I think AJ and Beer Money are great choices and fit together well.

I also don't get the roles of the members. Usually in a stable you have the main event WHC contender. The Mid carder slash enforcer secondary champion contender, and the tag team championship contenders. Beer Money is obviously the tag team. AJ is obviously the bigger star, but he's carrying the TV/mid card title. Kaz definitely isn't WHC material so I don't get his purpose in the group.
Kaz - He really needs the rub from this group so I can see why he's in but Wolfe would have been a much better choice.

Styles - The big marquee name of the group aside from Flair. He comes off as a little goofy in his heel role but if he's not in the title picture he needs something to do instead of jobbing to the top contenders.

Beer Money - The only other team I would have preferred in this role would have been the British Invasion but they are perfect for this role.

Williams - I'm pretty sure I saw him out there during the beatdown. Works for me, he would make a good enforcer.

Morgan - I won't take him seriously unless he starts wearing sunglasses and a suit. He would be good as Flairs personal security but any other role wouldn't work unless it was lackey. He needs something, but I don't think Fortune is that thing.
I think Fortune is pretty tight.

I've grown to dig the new Kazarian. He looks good in a suit and comes off as pretty arrogant.

AJ is a great "flair" of the group. A bonified main eventer and possibley the best in the biz.

And Beer Money is an excellent tag team that around to do the dirty work.

But are those the only members? It seemed Thursday that Matt Morgan and Douglas Williams have joined the party. Will Fortune grow past the "Four Horsemen" moniker?
I agree with having Beer Money and AJ in Fortune. Beer Money is the best tag team in the world and they add A LOT to Fortune. AJ is the current TV Champion, has become a little bit more believable as a heel, sort of, and he is a solid main event wrestler.

The only person I don't agree with, just like most everyone else is Kaz. I have never really cared all that much for Kaz. He has no charisma what so ever and has an average look. Maybe Fortune is what he needs to make him stand out more, but I'm not sure.

If I could replace Kaz with anyone, it would be Wolfe. I know he is now in a tag team with Magnus, but Wolfe would make a much better fit for Fortune. He is damn good on the mic, amazing in the ring, and has a look that would seem to fit with Fortune. I'm not to sure why TNA went with Kaz and not Wolfe as a part of Fortune...but it is what it is.
I would of had maybe Magnus or Douglas Williams instead of Kaz I think they would fit into Fortune alot better than Kaz does. I really would like it if one of them do replace Kaz. I also would replace AJ with maybe Wolfe, I know Wolfe isn't a main eventer but I think it would be believable with Wolfe as the main eventer of Fortune. I don't mind Beer Money in Fortune I think they do fit into Fortune.
I guess I do. I argued with IDR during the introduction of this faction that Fortune needed to be A.J Styles, Beer Money and Desmond Wolfe. But I can live with Kaz.

Kaz has somewhat of a future ahead of him, nothing big however that is why I felt that Desmond would've been the better choice, because he could truly become the Randy Orton of the faction, as Doc was so nice to use the metaphor. A.J will obviously become the leader, Triple H style, and Beer Money, well they're just being Beer Money for the sake of having a tag team like The Four Horsemen. And we all know where Flair stands in this whole deal.

Decent group, I'm sure I could mix a few better choices, like Morgan who really could use the push, replacing Kaz. But like I said, I can live with it.
Kaz in Fourtune is like Paul Roma in the Four Horsemen. I'm not even exaggerating. The guy's an average wrestler (I really don't see him as anything overly great), but he has ZERO personality and charisma. He should not, by any means, be in Fourtune. If they mean to keep him in the stable then he needs to bring his wife back in and have Tracy Brooks as his valet. That would be the only thing remotely interesting about him. The only way he could get over would be because of his wife, so that's a good idea.

I think, though, that they should kick Kaz out of the group and replace him with Doug Williams as the fourth member. Doug Williams is the perfect choice to go along with Styles and Beer Money. Williams can wrestle, he has personality and can cut a great promo, and he can be the enforcer and the middle man for Styles. He's already X Division champion and could help re-establish that title and division all the more by being in Fourtune.

Kaz out - Williams in.

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