Do we need jobbers again?


Dark Match Jobber
After watching Undertaker and HHH have a great match at Wrestlemania I ask this question. Does the WWE need to go back to having more jobber matches. IMO I think it would make ppv matches mean something again. To much face time with one another on raw and smackdown makes the product seem watered down.

Business wise it probably wouldn't be the best thing for attendance at raw or smackdown but I think ppv buys would go up. It use to be only on rare occasions that you could see somebody like Hogan on regular television.
There are plenty of jobbers in WWE. Evan Bourne, Ted Dibiase, R Truth... I know that's not exactly what you mean, but the only real difference is that now the jobbers have gimmicks. In the past, they were just random people that you've never heard of. I guarantee that if they brought back the jobbers that you're referring to, that ratings would plummet. People are already complaining how a lot of wrestlers aren't getting enough TV time. Replacing the losers of matches with no-names means that there would be even more people not on TV, leading the the inevitable release of a good portion of the roster. Kofi Kingston, for example, has been on quite a losing streak lately. (Even as Intercontinental champion, he was regularly losing in non-title matches to the likes of guys like Alberto Del Rio.) By replacing him with a jobber, they'd rarely have time for him on TV. So not only would all the Superstars guys get released, but even people like Sheamus and Daniel Bryan would be significantly pushed down the card. Finally, no one wants to see people like Tyler Reks or the Uso's on Raw and Smackdown, much less people they've never even heard of. Jobbers served their purpose back then. But they have no place in modern day WWE.
Frankly everybody is right. More jobbers are needed, but there needs to be more tv time devoted to wrestling. A 1-2 hour Saturday morning block to showcase talent against jobbers would benefit the talent, make them credible, and would ultimately make Raw, Smackdown, and the PPV more valuable. You can't showcase talent if all they do is job. There's no way to know if Evan Bourne is a future star if all he does is get clobbered against Alberto Del Rio. If there was ever an argument for trashing NXT and bringing back ECW (something I totally agree with), this is it.

This model is frankly what superstars should be. But it'll never happen. Maybe if the WWE tv network ever comes to fruition it will, but I'm not holding my breath.
Frankly everybody is right. More jobbers are needed, but there needs to be more tv time devoted to wrestling. A 1-2 hour Saturday morning block to showcase talent against jobbers would benefit the talent, make them credible, and would ultimately make Raw, Smackdown, and the PPV more valuable. You can't showcase talent if all they do is job. There's no way to know if Evan Bourne is a future star if all he does is get clobbered against Alberto Del Rio. If there was ever an argument for trashing NXT and bringing back ECW (something I totally agree with), this is it.

This model is frankly what superstars should be. But it'll never happen. Maybe if the WWE tv network ever comes to fruition it will, but I'm not holding my breath.

I was thinking about this the other day, and you came up with exactly what I think is needed right now. It would make the big matches that more exciting and special if we still had the jobber squash matches. Use the local talents in whatever area the country you might be in and it would be a good way to discover some unknown talents as well.
Yes, jobbers are needed, who else makes the jobbers to the stars look good. There is too much main event and mid card having matches against each other on raw and smackdown to warrant people buying ppvs, if you see the champ and #1 contender beating the hell out of each other every week for free. Also more ppv build up and less of them would get people to care more. Imagine how much more a win over Mark Henry would mean on raw if he just squashed 3 ham and eggers, we know there jobbers, but there are three of them, plus we can see Evan Bourne put offense on super stars against lets say, an Iron Mike Sharpe, who can sell the hell out of any move, which would make a move by him look like a Diamond/Ace Cutter(yes that is what an RKO Is), so a win over him means more.
There absolutely needs to be more jobbers. The thing for this is simple. The product just isn't special anymore. The Monday night wars killed it. In an effort to outdo each other on Monday nights, WWE and WCW put on a pay per view quality show every Monday. This was great for awhile, but like everything else, the novelty wore off and our expectations were sky high. There really aren't any matches that the WWE can put on that we haven't already seen a hundred times. How many time had we seen the main event of Wrestlemania before the big event? Yeah. Back in the 80's and 90's, the pay per views were something to look forward to. We never could get an event the magnitude of Wrestlemania III today. If Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant were around today, they would have main evented Raw a dozen times before they ever got to mania. I don't know how the WWE sells any pay per views. There's hasn't been anything they have done that has raised the bar from what happens on Raw. Maybe a step back could be a step in the right drection.
Their are already a ton of jobbers in the WWE and they have a show dedicated to jobbers which is called Superstars a.k.a. Superjobbers. Bourne came back and squashed Sheamus and the next time we say him he got squashed plus he's been working dark matches. We also have R-truth who I can't stand, and he got owned by Del Rio a few times, Mason Ryan and Swagger. Many more to go as well but yeah, WWE has plenty of jobbers and they don't really need more. They will release a few people and eventually bring in new talent who will turn into jobbers lol.
Uh you guys are crazy, the WWE has plenty of jobbers and the shows that they dedicate to jobbers inevitably get cancelled, I mean theres a reason NXT took ECW's place and a reason Superstars got cancelled(not to mention...the original Superstars/Livewire/Jakked/Metal/Heat/Velocity/Shotgun Saturday night...I'm sure I'm missing at least 3 jobber shows that sucked). And oh yeah, theoretically you could call NXT a jobber show(The Corre are jobbers now right? Nexus are jobbers. Kaval may have been the biggest jobber of all time. None of the other NXT winners even matter.

Trust me, the WWE does NOT need more jobbers then it already has, you can't do TV the way they did it back in the day, the fans will watch something else if there are too many squash matches.
aint primo and zack ryder still on the roster??

when did either of them win??

they still have jobbers just with much cooler gimmicks than the brooklyn brawler
we have plaenty of jobbers like JTG, Curt Hawkins, and Trent Barreta, i mean two of the previously listed lost to cody rhodes in less than a minute to make him look like a monster. They should just stick with what we have and work on elevating the current talent.

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