Here are a few examples;
My question is, do video games cause people to commit acts of violence?
In my opinion; No way, video games nowadays are used as a scapegoat when the one on trail can not get an insanity plead.
everybody on this list has ahd serious issues or problems before all incidents.
It's a total lack of parental supervision.
Video games like GTA gets such crap from parents because there to lazy to moniter what there children buy. They had to be there for there kids to buy the game anyway, so you can't say they didn't know, there is a giant M rating on the front cover AND back of the box. everything that's bad in the game is ON the box it self. There is no way that parents can blame the store that there children are getting there hands on these by themselfs. Because the stores cannot sell to underage kids, and even if those kids somehow get there hands on a game, you'd think the parents themselfs would see game called manhunt and say to them selfs that sounds like a delightful game.
But they don't, they just don't pay enough atteniton to kids are playing.
What are your thoughts? Have an idea to fix the problem? Post it here.
On March 6, 2005, the case of 18-year old Devin Moore, wherein plaintiffs have argued Grand Theft Auto: Vice City inspired him to kill three police officers that came to arrest him for stealing a car. In October 9 2005, a judge sentenced the convicted killer to death by lethal injection.
In April 1999, 18-year-old Eric Harris and 17-year-old Dylan Klebold killed 12 students and a teacher in the Columbine High School Massacre. The two were allegedly obsessed with the video game Doom, and before the shootings, Harris claimed that the massacre would be "like Doom". Harris also created WADs for the game, and created a large mod named "Tier" which he called his life's work.
In December 2007, a Russian man was beaten to death over an argument in the MMORPG Lineage II. The man was killed when his guild and a rival guild challenged each other to a brawl in the real world.
My question is, do video games cause people to commit acts of violence?
In my opinion; No way, video games nowadays are used as a scapegoat when the one on trail can not get an insanity plead.
everybody on this list has ahd serious issues or problems before all incidents.
It's a total lack of parental supervision.
Video games like GTA gets such crap from parents because there to lazy to moniter what there children buy. They had to be there for there kids to buy the game anyway, so you can't say they didn't know, there is a giant M rating on the front cover AND back of the box. everything that's bad in the game is ON the box it self. There is no way that parents can blame the store that there children are getting there hands on these by themselfs. Because the stores cannot sell to underage kids, and even if those kids somehow get there hands on a game, you'd think the parents themselfs would see game called manhunt and say to them selfs that sounds like a delightful game.
But they don't, they just don't pay enough atteniton to kids are playing.
What are your thoughts? Have an idea to fix the problem? Post it here.