Do u guys feel WWE doesnt need some of its PPV


Occasional Pre-Show
In todays era in WWE they have alot of ppv's that arent needed and some of which that showcase a match that is now losing its prestige. What I want to do and what i want all of u people to do is list the ppvs they should have, it could 4 ppvs like they had in the late 80s early 90s. Maybe even 8 or9, it doesnt matter just name the ppv's they should have and why. heres an example:

Royal Rumble - The Road to Wrestlemania begins aand the famous RUmble match is showcased on the event

Elimination Chamber - 6 guys get the oppurtunity to go to wrestlemania and its also kind of needed because it helps the show the doesnt have a #1 contender to face a champ at mania, but Elimination Chamber has lost it prestige since we know it comes around once a year

Wrestlemania - Its Wrestlemania bitch nuff said

One Night Stand - They could do something like for the month or for that night only they drop pg and go tv 14

Bragging Rights - Instead of having it in October they should have it in June and can atleast have real storylines for the month (F*ck Fatal 4Way)

King of the Ring - Bring back this PPV and alot of superstars will get a chance. i say hold the torunament all through the ppv but through the month leading into the ppv they have all the particpants just ramble on about why they will be king ofthe ring

Summerslam - Its Summerfest or Slam its the Biggest Blockbuster Party of the Summer.

First Blood - For First Blood they could say its the one night you'll see blood for sure even though i put one night stand the one night wwe goes tv 14 that doesnt mean theres a gurantee of blood.

Survivor Series - After first blood is done they can focus on matches for Raw and SD and then when October hits they can just have a full month or Month and a Half Focusing on Survivor Series

TLC - maybe once every 2 years they can do this ppv but even though its a good ppv i wouldnt like to see it every year.

I feel that because of King of the Ring and TNA WWe has done the gimmick ppv's which some of them are needed and some arent. Im not saying WWE copies TNa but think about it King of the Mountain and whats that one call X something i dont know ( I dont watch TNA alot) but yeah you know where im going. So if u guys want to comment or show me what ur ppvs would be for the 12 months of the year feel free and jot away
They should definately cut the ppvs down and maybe make them every 1/2-2 months. Keep the big ones like summerslam, wrestlemania, survivor series, royal rumble and ones like extreme rules, bragging rights and night of champions. 7 ppvs is all you need WWE.

TLC isn't needed, elimination chamber shouldnt have its own ppv, replace it with something like king of the ring, why fatal 4 way, its stupid, its pointless, it does not need its own ppv. You dont need hiac it ruins the prestige of the match, keep money in the bank at wrestlemania for f*cks sake, it was made for wrestlemania, dont have it 3 times a year, I dont know about over the limit, never really watched tbh.

WWE really needs to cut down on ppvs. The less ppvs the more time to build a story don't they(WWE) realise that? no-one wants a ppv every month. Get rid of the ones based around gimmick matches it just ruins the prestige of the match. Do you get it WWE? no-one wants to buy or see a ppv every month. We would rather have a proper build up before a match than a storyline that ends up at a ppv a week after it starts.
Look, I agree but there are some changes.

For one, the Rumble stays in January. Its essential.

Now the Feburary PPV, lets just call it No Way Out, can be a little more prestigious. For one, you have the losing brand have its 6-way Chamber match. The winner of the Rumble and the man who came second, unless for storyline reasons, should have a one-on-one match.

I think Mania should be in April. Like this year, it has enough breathing room to establish characters, feuds, etc.

I always liked the next PPV to be Backlash. Mid May-Late May. Its pretty much a rehash of Mania, with a change hear or there, ie. no Snooki wrestling, etc.

- Draft takes place -

Late June-Early July - The King of the Ring tournament. Now I would have the 8 men from SmackDown and 8 from Raw. And they have their matches on their brand. Then once we get to the final 4 (2 from SmackDown and 2 from Raw) they have their Raw Champion match and SmackDown Champion match on the King of the Ring PPV (like King of the Ring 2002) with the winning SmackDown and winning Raw wrestler facing off for the title King of the Ring. You've also got your continuing feuds and Championship matches.

SummerSlam - Early August - Mid August - 2nd biggest event of the year. The winner of King of the Ring gets to challenge the winner of his brand (unlike the Rumble, it cannot change). You've also got the other title matches and feuds.

Unforgiven/No Mercy - Early October - Continuation of the SummerSlam feuds/beginning feuds. The PPV that is the middle ground between SummerSlam and Survivor Series.

Survivor Series - Early November - As it is. Maybe a Raw Title Match, a SmackDown Title Match (one of the most likely to be a Hell in a Cell). Maybe a Bragging Rights match, with the winners getting something more, like Title shots, etc. A Divas Fatal Four-Way/Six Pack Match (think Survivor Series 2001), A Raw and/or SmackDown Elimination Match, etc.

Armaggedon/End of Year PPV - Mid to Late December. Maybe this PPV could have your title matches, your feuds and a 10 man Interpromotional Battle Royal where the winner gets either a title match at the Rumble or the Number 30 spot in the Royal Rumble.

So what's that. 9 PPVs. Not bad. The biggest problem is WWE always needs it PPVs because even though they are being smacked by UFC, they are still making heaps of money through sponsors and PPVs. They'll stay.

By the way, original poster, I don't think your First Blood PPV will work and to be honest it was one of the ideas I didn't like.
I think seeing as WWE has tv shows on Monday and Friday ( Not including Superstars or NXT and Now Tough Enough ) but the 2 main ones and TNA only has wrestling on Thursdays why not cut back on PPVS hell it would be cheaper for the customers who order the PPVS

PPV'S Older and New names for some

Jan. Royal Rumble.

March or April Wrestle Mania.

Mid to late May or early June like the 1st week of June take WCW's PPV name Spring Stampede.

Early August Summer Slam.

Mid to late September another WCW PPV Name Fall Brawl

Mid November Survivor Series.
I think that they should cut it down to 6,every other month or so.
Keep the core 4 of Rumble,Mania,Slam,Survivor....then mix in whatever 2 they choose to advance storylines.

You might get better buyrates if you spread them out,take the time to fully develop storylines/feuds.
Build tension up between 2 rivals in a the point where the people "Desperately" want resolution to it.

Just my two cents
I like having one ppv per month, here's my picks:

January - Royal Rumble - I like the rumble in January. It's a good way to have a fresh start for the year.

February - Extreme Rules - I would like if they played up the fact that you have to put your body on the line to get into mania. Maybe run a gimmick where the rumble winner doesn't need to compete.

March - Wrestlemania - Like the OP said, it's Mania bitch

April - Breaking Point - This ppv was a great idea that was poorly executed. They need to make all the matches submission matches or i quit matches.

May - Over The Limit - All matched should be time limit matches such as Iron man matches, last man standing, or scramble matches.

June - Night Of Champions - You all know the gimmick.

July - Bragging Rights - Same gimmick.

August - Summer Slam - No gimmicks, SS is diet Wrestle Mania

September - No Way Out - All cage or hell in a cell matches. Think TNA Lock Down.

October - King Of The Ring - I wouldn't care if it were a one night tourney or just the finals, I like the concept.

November - Survivor Series - This ppv will see the elimination tag matches as well as the elimination chamber.

December - WWE Breakthrough - This gimmick would be youth based. NXT winner would get his/her title shot. Also there would be number one contender matches for the world titles at the Rumble containing guys that haven't won the world title yet.

My ideas were to make the ppv names vague so you can hold a number of different matches for the gimmick. I think it will keep the ppvs from getting stale.
I do think that WWE is oversaturating all of the PPV's and in this Economy nobody wants to waste money on a lackluster PPV. There is a build up for the major programs but minor programs seem to just be thrown together. The core four PPV's have to stay and maybe 3/4 more.

January - Royal Rumble - I actually like the idea of 40 men

February - No Way Out - I was never a fan of the gimmick PPV's. I feel it cheapens the value of the match and looses its wow factor

March/April - Wrestlemania. Leave Money in the Bank where it belongs. Aside from the ME's I tune in for the Mitb match.

June - King of the Ring - I've always love KotR as a PPV. I agree with bjarvis' setup for the tourney.

July - Night of Champions - how often do we see all of the titles defended in the same night?

August - Summerslam - The biggest party of the summer

September - Fall Brawl - I think this would make a great WWE PPV

November - Survivor Series - Throw the bragging rights match in there with other traditional survivor type matches.

Skip May, October, & December to allow greater buildup.
I would like to see WWE scale down to 6-8 PPV's a year (the big 4 plus a few others), but as long as Vince turns a decent profit on having one every month, he'll continue having one every month, regardless of how good or bad the card looks.

I remember back in the day when PPV's were special events. They only had a few each year and you felt you HAD to get each one or you'd miss something. Now, with monthly PPV's and two major prime-time TV shows, it's not the case anymore.
I agree, 12 PPV's a year (it was 14/15 a couple of years ago!) is just way too much. Yes PPV makes money from them and yes the networks also make money but does everybody buy every PPV??? Not a chance. If you cut it down to say 6, 1 every 2 months then you would have much more interest, much more anticipation and much more people willing to part with their cash.

Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, Summerslam, Survivor Series all have to stay. I would also bring back King Of The Ring and then to finish off the year I would have Armegeddon.

At first, PPV would be down for obvious reasons but then I think fans would start to appreciate them more and buys would be much higher collectively than they are now.
How come noone mentioned CYBER SUNDAY ?!

I thought this was a GREAT idea. And if you already knew, the peoples votes were the actual results. The matches were not booked, they had to call them during a match.

It would give the fans some interaction with the WWE, not just having them take a stupid poll on This will get the people to actually vote for the matches THEY want to see, this night is all about the people and what THEY want.

So take out the stupidest pay-per-veiw right now, Fatal Four Way, and replace it with Cyber Sunday.
First of all no gimmick ppv’s, they take away the prestige of the particular match, and take away the fun of the storyline when you know what kind of match it’s going to be. Like If there was going to be a hiac match at a ppv it would be announced 1 maybe 2 weeks before. In gimmicks you already know what the match will be or close to what it will be well before. This gives it an element of surprise. Except for the Elimination Chamber match at a No Way Out ppv, I like that clever gimmick and name
I think the wwe should cut down the ppv’s a little bit, but just a little. I think there should be a month layoff leading up to all the big 4 ppv’s due to their prestige. They need to build up these storylines a little more. And we can get some other ppv’s in their as well
Here’s my take on the ppv year:
January* Royal Rumble- got to love the new 40 man; this is definitely the way to kick off the year
February – WM buildup
March* Wrestlemania- nuff said.
April Backlash - I have always loved backlash after WM, it definitely gives the revenge factor for prior WM defeats.
May King of the Ring- This has always been a good tourney to me, and bjarvis’ format is easily the best and most interesting format for it.
June – Summerslam buildup
July* Summerslam- It’s the biggest party of the summer.
August No Way Out- Elimination Chamber matches for both brands for the titles, obviously.
September Night of Champions: I know some don’t like the fact of all the titles being on the line on 1 ppv, and that no other non-titles matches will take place, but it’s good for a one-time a year event. What true wrestling fan doesn’t like to see a good title match?
October- Survivor Series buildup
November*Survivor Series: Bragging Rights – Yes, that’s the name. Combine these two events into one and have a co-brand good old 5 on 5, Raw vs Smackdown elimination match for bragging right and others as well. Have no titles on the line that night and the champions as the captains of their respective brands. Also have other co-brand matches as well. Have say 5 or 7 matches of co-brand wrestling and keep score on who won, with the elimination match being the overall deciding point.
No titles pure bragging rights, Survivor Series style
December- RR buildup
I've seen some really good ideas on this thread from various posters.

A1sauce518 nailed it on the head though
Survivor Series: Bragging Rights – Yes, that’s the name. Combine these two events into one and have a co-brand good old 5 on 5, Raw vs Smackdown elimination match for bragging right and others as well.

Seriously A1, have you got access to my thoughts? I've always found it strange that the similarities between Survivor Series and Bragging Rights are never really mentioned. PLUS the fact that they are a mere month apart! They're the same F'N thing!!!

Another poster really actually raised a very good idea in my opinion. He said to do the Extreme Rules/One Night Stand PPV at TV-14 rating. Its a once off, why not try it. I'm sure people would enjoy seeing this.

I am a believer in smart booking. So I find that the Hell In The Cell PPV's are kind of overkill, ditto for TLC. Less really is more. Having multiple matches dilutes the concept. I recall that thinking about a HIAC match coming up would seriously have me so excited. Like the 6-Way one at Armageddon!
Okay, this is my list.

Early January - Royal Rumble
Just because it's the road to Wrestlemania, and it starts the year off well.

Early February - No Way Out
Winner's brand from Royal Rumble has a one on one match, and the other brand still has an Elimination Chamber - winner is champion, second place gets a shot at Wrestlemania.

Mid April - Wrestlemania
BIG build up for Wrestlemania, making feuds with Prestige.

Late May - One Night Stand/Extreme Rules
TV14. Would be EPIC! Say no more.

Early July - Summerslam
Second biggest PPV of the year. Would make it amazing if they could actually do something decent with it, and make it reputable.

Late August - Night of Champions
As has been said, what other night do all of the Championships get defended?

Late September - Survivor Series
Change the elimination match to a championship scramble though.

Early November - No Mercy
Like Breaking point, but make it more torturous.
A lot of the gimmick PPVs need to go because like many others have said before me they ruin the big match feel that comes when the match only happens once every two years or so. I'm all for about 9 PPVs throughout the year so the big 4 can build respectable fueds and great matches can be put on. Here goes my two cents.

Late January: Royal Rumble - I like the event around the end of the month and the 40 man rumble worked out good

Mid to late February: No Way Out - Try and incorporate different ways to determine a number 1 contender for a World Title, one year can be an Elimination Chamber then another can be two stars with major pushes compete one on one. As long as the EC match takes place every other year or two then it can work.

End of March to beginning of April: Wrestlemania - nuff said, big fueds and major story builds from end of NWO until the event

Early May: Backlash - I always liked this event just change it from the same month of Wrestlemania to its own month, a few revenge matches with some new fueds

Mid to late June: King of the Ring - I REALLY like that idea from bjarvis for this event, this can even end up being a big 5 event

Mid August: Summerslam - Build some big time fueds after KotR and make this event special like it always is

Late September to early October: Night of Champions - Make this the ONLY night of the year that every title is on the line in one night

Mid November: Survivor Series - Make one 5 vs. 5 survivor match a Raw vs. SD! affair and the other can be a major fued, maybe even slim down to 4 vs. 4 so there can be a major title match in the main event too or even both major title holders represent Team Raw and Team SD! respectively.

This seems like a good flow of PPVs for 12 months, some months will switch between an event while others wont get one at all, I feel this can build up matches with massive pay offs at the end
I think the WWE should go to 6 PPV's to allow more build up for feuds and to still have a ppv every 2 months. I like the Road to Wrestlemania becuase it hypes wrestlemania up as there is 2 months in between the EC and Wrestlemania. Already the WWE is doing a good job with The Miz/Cena/Rock, Orton/Nexus, Edge/Del rio/Christian, and the Cole/King feuds.

They should do this:

January: Royal Rumble

March/April: Wrestlemania

June: June PPV

August: Summer Slam

October: Survivor Series.

This makes the PPV's better in quality and you can do more with the weekly shows as you can spread out the hype. It also lets you build younger talent as you can fill time in your weekly shows with their matches.
great subject and great ideas from every body

I've seen some really good ideas on this thread from various posters.

A1sauce518 nailed it on the head though

Seriously A1, have you got access to my thoughts? I've always found it strange that the similarities between Survivor Series and Bragging Rights are never really mentioned. PLUS the fact that they are a mere month apart! They're the same F'N thing!!!

Another poster really actually raised a very good idea in my opinion. He said to do the Extreme Rules/One Night Stand PPV at TV-14 rating. Its a once off, why not try it. I'm sure people would enjoy seeing this.

I am a believer in smart booking. So I find that the Hell In The Cell PPV's are kind of overkill, ditto for TLC. Less really is more. Having multiple matches dilutes the concept. I recall that thinking about a HIAC match coming up would seriously have me so excited. Like the 6-Way one at Armageddon!

I defenitely agree with you I don't like hell in a cell, tlc, fatal4way, money in the bank (bring it back to wrestlemania) PPVs and I agree 100% with survivor series:bragging rghits idea and for making extreme rules or one night stand "I like both names" TV-14 one night a year of tv14 no big dealI am one of the biggest fans ever of that PPV I like when WWe goes totally extreme for one night actually that is the only PPV that I wait for the whole year ......... overall I think 8 PPVs a year is very good 6 for me is not enough wich are wrestlemania, royal rumble, survivor series, summerslam, no way out, extreme rules, king of the ring and night of champions
the thing that I don't get is that many people say they don't like gimmick PPVs although the top PPVs they love and want are gimmick PPVs wrestlemania(MIB), royal rumble(30 man over the top rope), survivor series(5 on 5 elimination) and no way out(elimination chamber) ........ just sayin.

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