Do the fans really want this?

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If you havent seen the EC results go and check them then come back and look here.So HBK costing Taker will piss Taker off and probally set it off for HBK vs Taker 2 and WM26 ans Edge vs Jericho unless Edge wants to go after batista and cena and sheamus who has a rematch clause and it'll cause a huge clusterfuck.But back to hte point do you really want to see HBK vs Taker 2?

I would rather have a fatal 4 way elimination between Jericho,Edge,HBK and Taker for the world title.It comes down to HBK and Taker and HBK wins it and then Taker uses his rematch clause(he hadnt used it cause teddy added him to the match between jericho and edge because he ignored HBK and kept going for the title)and beats HBK which explains HBK taking time off.
The Undertaker is taking time off as well, so neither one of them can be in the title picture this time around. I hate fatal fourway and triple threat main events at Mania, they need to keep it a singles match, at least to close the show. Plus, having those 4 in an angle leading up to mania takes away from building personal feuds. I hate matches that are ONLY competition based, seeing it's not a REAL competition, and that is exactly what would happen if it turned into some Bull S**t fatal fourway.

I am not sure fans want to see Taker/HBK 2, only because it probably can't be better than last year (I am kind of in agreement with this argument). But another side of me really thinks the overall feud between HBK/Taker can be better this time around, adding more suspense to the match at Mania.

Last year, Taker and Shawn didn't really have any personal issues with each other. It was totally competition-based, with no real emotion involved. Sure, Shawn wanted to end Takers streak, and Taker wanted to keep it...that was it. That WAS the basis of the feud.

This time around, with Shawn being the heel (hopefully), it can become much more interesting. Over the next several weeks (not really long enough to build a GREAT singles rivalry, but let's hope) these two have a chance to make this REALLY personal, and it take it to new heights. Can the match itself be better than last years? Probably not. But last years match wasn't better than the matches they had together in 1997, early 1998, so that doesn't matter as much as making this a great, great feud.
I know I don't want Undertaker vs HBK 2

First ,I don't think its going to be as good as it was last year. And even if it is, its not going to matter in the long run.

Second,HBK dos not need this mach win or lose. He is already a established main event superstar. What will this mach do for his career even if it is better then last years? NOTHING!! Undertaker and HBK will not be around to much longer. Suppose This ends up being Undertakes last mania. It would be a wasted opportunity to elevate a younger superstar by taking Undertaker to the limit at mania. look what facing the Undertaker at mania did for Orton and Edge’s careers. It solidified them as main event players. The writers should have given this spot to a upper mid card guy who could have used it to advance their credibility as a main event superstars.

I would have loved to see Punk vs Undertaker at Mania. Im not asking for Punk to beat the streak, just put up a hell of a fight. A fight that would solidify him as a main event player. Plus the promos would be gold. I was laughing my butt off when Punk was trashing Taker while he was locked in the chamber. lol
It's pretty clear what's going to happen at WM now, Cena/Batista, Edge/Jericho are your WWE and World title matches, that is obvious, they've been building Cena/Batista forever now, IMO adding the title to this feud was unnecessary, we already had the Hart/McMahon shit to work off of, but whatever it's done now, this leaves Edge to face Jericho cause there is no way in hell they are just going to randomly through him into the Cena/Batista deud, that would make about zero sense

HBK vs. Taker looks ot be happening as well, however I wouldn't be surprised to see Triple H somehow work his way into this match making it a triple threat, he seems to be having his issues with HBK right now as well, and there have been rumors of HBK vs. Taker, and HBK vs. Triple H over the past few months, so it wouldn't surprise me if they just combined both and gave us a triple threat

As for Sheamus's rematch, that will likely happen on Raw either sometime in the next couple weeks, I could then easily see him moving on to have a feud with Christian
i have been overthinking the wwe for the past few weeks about possible storylines but now it's obvious taker vs hbk the sequel.The match might not be better but the build up will surely be because of what happened. Like what nick said this time around its not all about competition this time around it has now the element of drama in it because its damn sure taker is not taking shit from nobody.
As for the outcome of the match, taker would be logical choice coz why build a streak 17 years then just for someone to break it but I would love to see shawn michaels superkick taker to the retirement home.
::sigh:: Before Edge made his return, I was so hoping that HBK would win the Rumble and challenge Taker to a Ladder Match for World Heavyweight strap. And, up until HBK's heel turn, I believed that that might have been the only way these two could've topped last year's match. But Edge returned...and now things are different.

So, do I want to see HBK/Taker 2? My answer is yes, and not because I'm a huge HBK fan or anything like that. I want to see it because I don't believe Vince or his creative staff have made the time to set up another feud for the Taker, and just to wait up until the last minute and throw him a lesser known squash match would be wrong.

Sure, there are other possibilities. Good ones at that. I'm sure that some of the guys who won't have the Money In The Bank match to look forward to this year (again Vince, way to douche up 'the Showcase of the Immortals') would love to get in the ring and mix it up with the Dead Man. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing Kofi or JOMO against Taker. Those would make for good matches, I think. Also, it wouldn't be a stretch to see HBK vs. HHH either. Or perhaps a triple threat with DX and the Phenom, as has been mentioned before? That would certainly be intriguing...

Either way, whether HHH is added to the mix or not, HBK will get his man...the Dead Man will get his revenge...and this time, it's personal.
you all have great ideas im not trying to be rude, but im so tired of hearing " oh takers streak should be used to elevate a star, and oh hnk wont benefit from this, and all this crap.. like seriously we are fans, no tthe creative team do you think when we were all kids in the attitude era we were like, oh elevate jeff hardy or steve austin or anything, no.. let it fuckin happen jesus, i just cant stand hearing that all the time because hen it does happen you wont be satisfied and someone else will need to be elevated.. hogan didnt need all of those high profile matches and wins and he was jus a baby, and yeah the taker match with orton might of helped a little but the night orton challenged him i realized he already was established, the fact is everyone looks to muh into this stuff and the hbk taker match can be better then the one last year ith hbk becoming so obsesses with winning it will be interesting to see how much he can take, i could even see him kickin out of whatever taker has to offer and then finally pasing out to the hells gate shades of wrestlemania 13 scsa
i will puke if hbk ends undertakers streak, it needs to be set up so it is shawns career against the streak, that is the only way this match has any stroke. And all I have to say is bye bye heartbreak kid...please Mr. gentic jackhammer end shawns career.
i will puke if hbk ends undertakers streak, it needs to be set up so it is shawns career against the streak, that is the only way this match has any stroke. And all I have to say is bye bye heartbreak kid...please Mr. gentic jackhammer end shawns career.

Couldn't have said it better. Personally, the match shouldn't even be taking place since it was done just last year. However, Mr. Ego can never handle being beaten far and square. The sooner Hickenbottom leaves the industry the better. And if they do this match, Taker better win or TNA starts looking better to a whole lot of wrestling fans I know.
Ok, now that the facts are out, and we see what the match is, what are your opinions now. I think the fact that it is Streak vs Career adds a whole new layer of drama to the HBK/Taker match that we didnt see at last year's WM. And as I said in another thread, many of us have anticipated that Taker's career would end when his streak ends at Mania, so in my opinion, this match in reality is more then likely a Career vs Career match. That alone makes this possibly the most important match in the last 5 years. Just my opinion though.
I was hoping for it to be a Casket or Buried Alive match. This whole Career vs Streak thing is bullshit if you ask me. Shawn is going to lose, no doubt in my mind. Shawn wants to take time off and if he ever wants to come back they'll just set it up so that Triple H finds him at a restaurant and...oh wait, that already happened. Never mind. But seriously, Taker will retire before his streak gets broken.
Even though they say this match is career versus the streak it really isn't we all know whats going to happen Undertaker is going to win and if he doesn't then it's just ******ed lets build his streak and then end it that sounds stupid to me. But when HBK loses he will take a break for like 4-6 months and then HHH will want to start DX again for the 20th time in two years so he can fight Orton and what ever turd he is with at the time and HHH will go looking for HBK and find him working at a Denny's in Little Rock, Arkansas with a red wig going by the name of Flo and then HBK will come back and we will be expected to forget about the clause that says his career is supposed to be over and that will be it.
To me I don't care about the aftermath if HBK loses, whether he comes out of retirement or not. The build has been great for this matchup, and even better than last year. Will it be better then last year? I don't know. But we're talking about Shawn Michaels here. The man who has had the MOTY the past 6 out of 7 years. It's not like the match is going to be bad or anything, it will still be a great match, and possibly the MOTY. I won't say it for sure because of Edge/Jericho, but it will still be a **** star match at minimum.

One of the rumors for this year was Triple H/Undertaker, who would want to see that over HBK/Taker? I have nothing against Triple H, but I feel the feud wouldn't be as good if that were the case. Who else would you rather have Taker face? Cena is only of the few possibilities that could be better then HBK. I just looked over the roster, and while there are others who could have a good match with Taker (Jericho, Punk, Christian,) it would be obvious that Taker would win those matches.
I love when people complain about adding the title to this feud. It's the same people who didn't want a triple h vs sheamus match for the title. And now that match isn't happening, people seem to freak out. Triple H vs Sheamus at a wrestlemania in a main event title match is a joke. SO please stop pretending thats what we wanted.

secondly, if you watched the promo for the build up of HBK vs Taker 2 (running up that hill), this has been one of the best build ups to a match in the past 10 years. I understand last years match was really good. I understand that people don't want that to ruin the moment. I understand people want CM Punk or jericho to fight taker for new mania blood. But we are getting jericho vs. edge, cm punk vs. mysterio, and one of the best built matches in quite some time. CM Punk was fed to taker all last year, a mania match would be pointless because its not believable.
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