Do Stephanie's promos serve any purpose other than horrific ego massage on TV?

Creepy Old Man

Championship Contender
Over the past year we've seen Stephanie completely annihilate Sting, John Cena, Lana and others, with no real rebuttal from anyone. The person might get in a little barb, but it's completely no-sold, and they're then told that they're nothing, lucky to have a job, WWE doesn't need them etc.

Why? Where's the pay-off, if this is genuinely for storyline advancement? Steph's not going to be taking a Scorpion Deathdrop or Attitude Adjustment. She won't be stepping into the ring for a match (in her first match in 11 years, she of course went over on Brie Bella). Yeah yeah, she showed some weakness upon losing her job at Survivor Series, but that's all fine and well when you know you're being re-instated and can smugly get the last laugh over everyone. Being thrown into slop by Vicki? That's the ONLY thing she's ever given the fans, and it was rooted in backstage politics: the brass thought Vicki deserved a thank you for nine years of loyal service and having her husband die while under contract. Oh, and Steph made sure to get in plenty of verbal digs anyway.

Even Stone Cold criticised Stephanie's promos on his latest podcast. What's the point, other than narcissistic supply for a vile woman who can't find emotional security despite never wanting for anything in her life? Again, before you say she's heeling it up - why? What's the heat being built for? For me at least, she not a heel but instead someone I'd just rather not see.
Dude, I could not agree with you more. The shit promo she did with Cena over the Rusev stuff was unforgivable. To not learn from that mistake and send her out there to do the same fucking thing with Sting is damn near criminal. She's not building any heat. Sting and Triple H are all time greats, they do not need this hack who is just trying her hardest to impersonate her father to build up this program any more.
To me, it just seems like they're doing whatever they can to garner as much heat as they can, but as the OP said, for what? And why are they going down this route? I think it's just a case of Stephie-baby being a camera hog like her old man. I really hope there's some kind of endgame and WWE is just being really good at not tipping their hand as to what it is. Wishful thinking but it's better than simply going out there for the sake of massaging their ego.
I never really thought about it but you're right. There's no payoff or purpose for her to be so vigorously portraying this annoying heel. But I have to admit that regardless, I really enjoy promos that flow well. I guess after years and years of guys who absolutely suck on the mic, it's welcoming to see a bunch of people per night that can carry a storyline well with their words (Stephanie, Wyatt, Cena, and Heyman).

There might not be a well deserved comeuppance for all of the heelish antics that Stephanie spews but at least many of us find it effective. Also, while she might not receive embarrassing consequences, her plans ultimately still are thwarted. And at the end of the day, that's all that really needs to happen.
I green repped you for bringing it up, and would do it twice if I could for your actual post. I can't stand her presence on TV, but I'm somewhat unsure if it's about ego, or if it's a political move.

In a handful of interviews, Stephanie McMahon touts the female presence on WWE television, and puts herself in the place of alpha-female. She is presented as a woman in power, which by itself is not a problem.

As you mentioned, the problem is she's generating this heat with has had exactly three instances of payoff in the last year;

-Generating heat in the Triple H/Daniel Bryan feud.
-Building her feud with Brie Bella
-Freaking out when Team Cena defeated Team Authority

Three times. Considering the amount of time devoted to Stephanie, that's hardly proportional. Unless WWE is willing to give more television time to women's programs, or actively build and conclude male versus female feuds, Stephanie's presence is indeed harmful.
To me, there were lots of steph's promos that i liked a lot, as a matter of fact, she was more important in the authority vs db feud, than hhh.

But, after that, she became stale, and one dimensional. Its like went from cuting great promos against DB, to cheap heat since then.
I kind of have to agree as well. When the "ol Shrill One" appears you can tell that nothing good is going to come of it.

The biggest problem is that the Authority takes up too much TV as it is. When RAW opens and they're all standing there, you just know everyone will get a shot at the mic. They like nothing more than to hear themselves talk, and it's mostly shit.

Stephanie doesn't need to be on TV as much as she is, HHH can do the job for the two of them. As a matter of fact she doesn't really need to be on TV at all. When Vince and Austin were feuding, it was just that Vince and Austin. HHH, Stephanie and the rest take on the entire face portion of the roster and it's just getting tiring, predicable and boring.
Well, Stephanie represents the WWE brand the McMahon family. As such, she's allowed to say and do anything she wants and never suffer any real repercussions. She and her husband and father are always the smartest people in the building.
Well, Stephanie represents the WWE brand the McMahon family. As such, she's allowed to say and do anything she wants and never suffer any real repercussions. She and her husband and father are always the smartest people in the building.

Well that's the thing though, the McMahons always suffer for their storyline evil deeds. Vince was very far from untouchable as Austin beat the living hell out of him a ton of times, which is the big payoff for all the stuff Vince done along with acting like he could get away with it because he's the boss. HHH lost to DB last year and will most likely lose to Sting on Sunday, which is the big payoff for all the heel promos directed at DB/Sting. For Steph there's......nothing.

Being a McMahon doesn't make you untouchable, if anything history has shown that it's the exact opposite since getting your hands on them and making them pay is the big payoff. And since the guys she goes after can't do anything to her, ever, there's really isn't any point to her promos at all other than to eat up those 3 hours.
Well, Stephanie represents the WWE brand the McMahon family. As such, she's allowed to say and do anything she wants and never suffer any real repercussions. She and her husband and father are always the smartest people in the building.

Not trying to be a douche, but Bill Gates represents the Microsoft brand, and if you need your computer fixed, chances are he will not be a member of the Geek Squad who comes to fix it.

You can be in control and still not take up so much air time. Once in awhile to hype a big match is okay. Every damm week is not. Maybe if the WWE champion was around more, and we had some feuds over defending the belt, they wouldn't be there so much. But that is another story for another thread. As it is they are just filling time, and boring the shit out of the lot of us.
The only issue here is that there is no blowoff. No man will hit her and few are even allowed to say anything back.

THAT's the problem. I would be fine with Steph dressing down a guy...if they get to do the same thing to her but they don't.

Right not she is HHH's heat source. She talks and screams, he bumps, it works sometimes but not enough to warrant how long this has been going on.

A lot of The Authority's heat was destroyed at survivor series, they haven't really been hot like that since and they even took a back step to Seth Rollins in recent months but Steph really does go too far for too long.
Well that's the thing though, the McMahons always suffer for their storyline evil deeds. Vince was very far from untouchable as Austin beat the living hell out of him a ton of times, which is the big payoff for all the stuff Vince done along with acting like he could get away with it because he's the boss. HHH lost to DB last year and will most likely lose to Sting on Sunday, which is the big payoff for all the heel promos directed at DB/Sting. For Steph there's......nothing.

To be fair, Steph has taken a fair amount of crap throughout her career. Some of the biggest payoffs in the past have involved Stephanie Mcmahon. She's taken the Pedigree, Rock Bottom, Stunner, Stinkface, 3-D, and probably a lot more that I'm forgetting about. She's had her top ripped off, beer dumped on her, and cow crap poured all over her.

At this point, yeah, she's basically there to generate heat and direct it somewhere. Whether she does that well or not is subjective. With the PG rating, and considering the fact she's a mother of 3 or 4 or 5 kids, she can't really be bumping anymore. The only real payoff with Steph would come from matches... other than that, I'm guessing she just wants to participate in the show. I don't know if I'd call it ego as much as, believing she's useful for more than she really is...
To be fair, Steph has taken a fair amount of crap throughout her career. Some of the biggest payoffs in the past have involved Stephanie Mcmahon. She's taken the Pedigree, Rock Bottom, Stunner, Stinkface, 3-D, and probably a lot more that I'm forgetting about. She's had her top ripped off, beer dumped on her, and cow crap poured all over her.

At this point, yeah, she's basically there to generate heat and direct it somewhere. Whether she does that well or not is subjective. With the PG rating, and considering the fact she's a mother of 3 or 4 or 5 kids, she can't really be bumping anymore. The only real payoff with Steph would come from matches... other than that, I'm guessing she just wants to participate in the show. I don't know if I'd call it ego as much as, believing she's useful for more than she really is...

True, but all those was the payoff for the stuff she's done back then so it made sense. But since that kind of payoff is extremely unlikely to happen again thanks to the reasons you already said, there's no real payoff to the stuff she's doing now.

For the most part I don't need to see Steph taking bumps, but it is annoying in a show where disputes are resolved with fighting she's becomes a enemy her opponents can't touch. If she has to be this way then she should take a note from Vickie who was also untouchable but let her opponents get under her skin so much that we at least got the payoff of watching her humiliate herself, which would be much more preferable to the current Steph where words doesn't seem to affect her in the sightliest.
I haven't been watching enough to get sick of Stephanie. And while I get the sentiment regular Raw watchers feel for her I also know that if I went to Raw and she took the night off I would feel cheated. Not Heyman level cheated but still cheated.
I understand what people are saying but I guess the idea is for the fans to rally behind whoever she decides to verbally bitch slap. I genuinely usually don't mind it except on certain occasions. I'd actually rather people take the Sting line of her being handed everything further. When she responded to that by talking about how Vince destroyed WCW than he really should have shot back with how she can only ever talk about her father's accomplishments because she has none of her own.

It would probably be a little too close to the bone for her though.
In the working world, there's always been a perception that a strong woman can only be strong by being a bitch. Unfortunately, it's often true (not always.....not by a long shot) but in the scripted world of pro wrestling, Stephanie McMahon's character is intentionally perpetuating the stereotype. It's part of the act; I doubt she's doing it to feed her ego.

All along, the Authority's two top members have been affecting a contrast. Both Stephanie and Triple H are loud, threatening, commanding, unreasonable, and power-wielding......yet, don't you find yourself seeing Trip's behavior as more acceptable than his wife?

Why? Partially because Trips is a man, yes......but also because Trips can back his talk, even without enforcing his corporate clout. Instead, he'll take off his jacket and tie....and beat the hell out some poor miscreant.....while all Stephanie can do is stand there and threaten. Yes, she has the power to punish, but it usually isn't needed, is it? The other person almost always backs down.

In many ways, Stephanie is Vickie Guerrero.....with power. Vickie was there so you could hate her.....and now that Vickie is gone, it seems Stephanie has incorporated that aspect of Vickie's personality into her own.

Stephanie's act does have a's to give a one-two punch to the power duo that contrasts her with her husband.
They do generate heat, but yes, in case of Stephanie there is no real payoff. Sure, she would cry and be pissed if HHH loses(and if is a big word considering they build it as WWE vs WCW match) but even if it happens HHH is in there taking hits from Stings bat and taking a pin. While she slandered Sting and many others before and almost without any reprecusions. I do understand that WWE thinks all that Authority talk= ratings but in reality she is just overpotected figure who goes around being bitchy with no real answer to that. You wanted to build up someone like Reigns? Spear on Stephanie would garner face reaction really quick. But no, better to feud him with Big Show while she goes around talking trash to people. :D
I sort of understand though, for me, it's had more to do with the formula of The Authority regularly kicking off Raw with a 20+ minute promo segment. To be honest, I also think a lot of it has to do with the formula of a show starting off with a 20+ minute promo segment by just about anybody. It's something that we've seen to such an extraordinary degree over much of the last 20 years that it's charm is, to say the least, frazzled.

In Stephanie's case, as a whole, I usually like her promos. She comes off as a conniving, egotistical, sociopathic bitch that's easy to rally against. For instance, on Raw last Monday, how many of us were kinda sorta hoping, despite a 99.99999% chance of it not happening, that Sting would put her in the Scorpion Death Drop? As an antagonist, Stephanie's hard to beat in my eyes. In an industry that often sees sociopathic heels cheered as often as they are booed, it's refreshing to see someone that some of the "edgier" fans don't try to rally around.

I doubt it has anything to do with an ego, she generally doesn't strike me as the type that needs her ego stroked to be perfectly honest. I think it's just to provide someone for fans to rally against, it worked to perfection during Daniel Bryan's chase of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship as there were genuinely times I slipped back into the mind set of a 10 year old boy that hadn't peaked behind the curtain and saw a likeable, hard working "good guy" being condescendingly talked down to by some arrogant, stuck up rich bitch that's never had to struggle for a single, solitary thing in her life.
Yeah man, Vince used to take some serious beat downs and had all kinds of cruel pranks pulled on him. He always took the bumps that his character deserved. Stephanie doe splay her character well, the shrill, annoying entitled princess of WWE, but her character does not add value to the program. she just comes out and runs her mouth and in Wrestling people that do that are supposed to get their assess kicked.

Surely, they know this, so I guess OP is right, its all just ego food.
I actually like stephanie a lot as the authority figure. I think there's definitley been pay off like some mentioned wrestlemania 30, Vickie and the Authority getting fired. I think its just long story arcs is all. To me it's old school booking. They pay off in feuds took a long time back in the day when there were only 4 pay per views and that's one of the things I miss most about the old days. How long did Bobby Heenan talk shit before getting his ass kicked. Maybe twice a year someone would get thier hands on him. I think it just seems like there so little pay off because compared to every other story line that last 2 or 3 months her has been a lot longer. I actually sorta see her as a Bobby Heenan type just as manager for the whole heel roster instead of just a few guys. Her job is to go act like a bitch. I think more of her promos could be about getting heat for someone else like Heenan did and like was doing with Rollins. Maybe it just needs to be more directed onto someone who can get thier ass kicked. But overall I think she's really entertaining.
Dude, I could not agree with you more. The shit promo she did with Cena over the Rusev stuff was unforgivable. To not learn from that mistake and send her out there to do the same fucking thing with Sting is damn near criminal. She's not building any heat. Sting and Triple H are all time greats, they do not need this hack who is just trying her hardest to impersonate her father to build up this program any more.

Totally agree.

I don't like Cena, but she just fucked him up and buried him.

Worst for business.
Dude, I could not agree with you more. The shit promo she did with Cena over the Rusev stuff was unforgivable. To not learn from that mistake and send her out there to do the same fucking thing with Sting is damn near criminal. She's not building any heat. Sting and Triple H are all time greats, they do not need this hack who is just trying her hardest to impersonate her father to build up this program any more.

Totally agree.

I don't like Cena, but she just fucked him up and buried him.

Worst for business.
Nope. Next question?

Steph is on tv to show a woman in a position of power, that is all. wwe keeps talking about how she is one of the most influential women in business so they need to have her on tv using that power. They just neglect to mention that she is in power not because of her skills or abilities but because of her name. If she was Stephanie Jones who applied to wwe, she would not be in the position she is now and we would not see her on tv. So it is an ego stroke to show how important she is. She adds nothing to the show - you cannot even say she helps get talent over as talent is never allows to win or one-up her.
Not trying to be a douche, but Bill Gates represents the Microsoft brand, and if you need your computer fixed, chances are he will not be a member of the Geek Squad who comes to fix it.

You can be in control and still not take up so much air time. Once in awhile to hype a big match is okay. Every damm week is not. Maybe if the WWE champion was around more, and we had some feuds over defending the belt, they wouldn't be there so much. But that is another story for another thread. As it is they are just filling time, and boring the shit out of the lot of us.

I don't think I said anything to disagree with you lol.

I'd very much prefer it if wrestlers were the ones allowed to give those ridiculous long-winded promos instead of Stephanie or HHH. I'd like an end to heel authority figures in general.
Hmm, to some extent, what you're saying is correct. Her promos do a little to nothing for a feud. Last time, when her promos mattered was Stephanie vs Bryan feud. She used to call Bryan a B+ which helped him elevate to the greatest position of his entire career. Whether they serve a purpose or not, I like Stephanie's prmos and acting skills.

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