Do review scores matter?


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
IGN said:
A recent behavioral study conducted by research firm Electronic Entertainment Design and Research (EEDAR) and The Guildhall at Southern Methodist University show professional review scores can significantly affect consumers' perception and purchase intent of a game.

The three-day study, which began in March on SMU's campus, asked 165 participants to play a 20-minute session of Pop Caps' Plants vs. Zombies. Participants must never have played the game before and were randomly placed in groups where they asked to read informational packets of the game. The packets were identical, except some had high critical reviews of the game, others with low, and some with no reviews.

At the end of their gameplay session, the participants were asked if they wanted a boxed copy of Plants vs. Zombies, or $10 cash for doing the survey. The study found that those who were exposed to high critical reviews rated the game 20% higher than those with low reviews, and were twice as likely to take a copy of the game over the cash.

"Video games are increasingly contributing to the overall health of the entertainment sector, so it's crucial to understanding behavior," said Jesse Divnich of EEDAR. "The study findings clearly indicate that properly leveraging game reviews to form a positive anchoring effect can dramatically increase consumers' perception, adoption, and willingness to recommend a game title."

EEDAR admitted there were limitations in this study, however.

Plants vs. Zombies is regarded as a "high quality" game, meaning it would be difficult to determine if these results would apply to lower quality titles. The study would have to be conducted again with a "universally accepted lower quality" game. The study also did not examine the effects of marketing, previews, trailers, and other factors that could influence consumer behavior

So there we have it, a study conducted showed that positive reviews had an influence on how the test case viewed the game, with a 21% increase in those who chose the game after reading positive reviews.

If you look at the biggest selling games of 2009 and then compare them to their metacritic review:

1) Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (11.86 million global sales/94%)
2) Wii Sports Resort (7.57m / 80%)
3) New Super Mario Bros. Wii (7.41m / 87%)
4) Wii Fit Plus (5.8m / NA 7.5 on Gamespot)
5) Wii Fit (5.44m / NA 80% on game rankings though)

Whilst four wii games are in the top five, it's interesting to note that only one of them make the top 5 on metacritic (NMBW at 5th). Looking at that it seems that reviews have a little to do with sales, but not that much.

So what say you? Do you read reviews or not? If so does it change your opinion on whether to buy it or not? I'll answer in a bit
I don't read reviews. Nor do I care about the scores given. I will look into a game. Look through screen shots as well as game-play video's to see what I think about it.

On the other hand I watch reviews or previews of some of the things. Just to have some insight on what the game might bring. I've watched the preview interviews about games like Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood as well as Mass Effect 3. These are all games that I know already that I wanna buy but that's from previous experiences.

I don't care about the score in terms to the fact that I personally never saw the hype for Counter-Strike or Half-Life and they still have some of the highest scores. Or that Elder Scrolls: Oblivion has a lower ranking than Unreal Tournament. I still like the games and I'll buy it if it appeals to me rather than some rating for it.

Sure on Steam I adjust the search setting to putting the best ranked first. But that's because while I don't care about the critics rankings I expect them to at least have a decent opinion on stuff. A game like Mass Effect 2 does have a high score. And therefore I will check it when it's ranked so high.

So no I don't care about the reviews. I might form my own opinion from a review. But I won't let it make the final decision for me.
Well for me review scores definitely matter. Take for example the recent game, Naughty Bear. The premise was amazing, Grand Theft Auto mixed with Care Bears. I wanted it, I was ready to spend my hard earned money and right before, I read the review.

It got a 5 on average.

Let's just say it didn't make it into my library. I usually read multiple reviews on games and it changes my decision a lot.

Now with that saying just because a game gets a 10 doesn't mean I always get it. I didn't buy Fallout 3 for example right away. It got a 10 but I wasn't sold on the whole RPG aspect. I don't like RPGs that much and I didn't buy it. (I now have it and love it)

So negative reviews have a much bigger impact than a positive, but both have respectable impacts.
I think good reviews and high sales are just both outcomes of a well-made game. I always look at a game's reviews, but I usually don't do this until after I've played a game. As far as how I pick games, I browse and modify my search to just include action-adventure games.
Reviews are good ideas in my mind and I have two words as to why I watch and read them: Red Steel. That game looked amazing at the E3 of that year. My friend rushed out the day the Wii came out and bought it along with Red Steel. Let's just say we played for about five minutes and then quit. Ever since then, no matter how high or low a game is rated I look into it and do a little digging. Now if I really want a game, I mean really want it I'm gonna buy it no matter what. But I always look into it first.

So my answer is similar to a couple I've seen. I like to look into the reviews so I get a general idea of how a game is measuring up. But if I really want something I'm gonna get it.
Sorta yes and no. If its a game im really interested in and say it gets a low score that might hurt my decision to buy it, But not my decision to go out and rent it first to get my opinion on it. If I like it then generally i'll call BS on the review. This is why I dont trust a review any more. I'll have to play it first before I pass judgement.
I only read reviews of games i was interested in in the first place. Also if i read a review that states the overall gameplay is less than 20 hours and the side missions are boring, then i don't bother with it.

Most reviews are done by one person, so you're basing your purchase on the opinion of one person you've never met and are taking it as gospel just because this individual is paid to write reviews. It's still just an opinion so it's not actually worth anything.

I remember Clayfighter 63 1/3 on the N64 got the worst review of any game ever released on that console. I personally loved that game and played it frequently.

InFamous got a 9/10 overall rating and i rented it, played for 20 minutes and gave up because it felt just like playing the Spiderman games, so i didn't buy it.

I'd have bought Batman AA whether every critic everywhere shit all over it mercilessly, and i won't read a single review of Metal Gear Solid: Rising either because i'm a die hard MGS fan and will buy it anyway, despite being pissed off with MGS4.

So i only pay attention to how long a game took a critic to complete and nothing else usually.
Yes and no, sometimes you have play it yourself it is human instinct. An example is this if someone tells you there are more stars in the sky then grains of sand on the earth you believe them however if the same person tells you not touch a wall because the paint is wet you have to touch it, it is simple instinct for you to want to know something and you will get the urge to test if it is right or not. So in the point that i have just made some people will focus on the review scores and others will try it no matter what they are told.
I'll read/ watch reviews. Il'll see what the story is about and the gameplay and average length etc. If I like what I see then I'll buy it, if I don't I won't.

E.g. Modern Warfare 2 everyone's hyping it up as an awesome game and a must have because of multiplayer,( I don't have that much interest in multiplayer, only when my friends are round or if I want to kill some time.) The story sounded shit so I gave it a pass.

Golden Axe: Beast Rider all the reviews were saying it was shit, I liked what I saw, interesting story half decent and varied gameplay.
For me reviews really don't matter. I know prison break the game Got low scores and I still went out and purchased the game for 20 bucks just because I mtfo for the show.

But on the other hand if there is a game that I have not herd about and its getting great reviews then i may check into it.

One game that get big reviews, that I was not that into was Bioshock. I tried but it was not for me. I may check into it when it gets cheaper and just play it threw for the fun of it. But to me , I just could not play it.

One game that I did get hooked on was halo 2. Our friend rage when i use to hang out with him could not stand that game and thought it was the dumbest game ever.

So really I don't think reviews matter that much. Its your own taste in game's and what you like to play.
Does it count to say Yes and No? Because thats the answer you're looking for. It varies.

On one hand, a review matters a great deal because there are people in this world that simply will not check out a game unless its getting rave, high, reviews. And on the flip side, they'll steer clear of a game thats bombing in reviews. So reviews are important to some - who like to test the waters by the reactions of others around them, before jumping in themselves.

And yet, on the other hand, a review to me personally doesn't mean I'll jump to, or away, from any one game. I like to be a hands-on type of gamer. If something looks good to me - I'll try it, regardless a review. And if something looks uninteresting to me, again, even if its the top selling game (Halo, for example) I won't move a finger to care more or less.

I'll still read reviews, to get a sort-of feeling out for what people are saying. And I do indeed like to compare my experience with their's, but thats about as far as my love of reviews will go.

Now, gaming strategy guide walk-throughs.. those are more important to me.
Wii Fit isn't intended to be some rail-gun shooter or some other wacky shit. You really can't even judge it by it's reward scores, because it's one of the only thing out there like it. Also, I guarantee all of the people who gave Wii Fit bad reviews are fat people who broke/fell off of the Balance Board, and then couldn't figure out what sauce to use to EAR said Balance Board.

Is Wii Sports Resort coupled with the Wii console now? That'd explain its high sales, because you need a Wii to use Wii Fit. SMB1 is one of the highest selling games of all time, and that's almost entirely based on the fact that it came with the Nintendo console.

I don't read reviews for a number, I read them for the reasons the game might be put offish, especially horrible fucking camera controls. Other than those, I usually go to my friends to ask them about the games, as I trust them much more than a bitter guy who couldn't unlock the secret sex scene in Frogger.
For me, review scores matter to a degree but a very small one at that. If I see a game that I want to play, chances are I'll play it, as I feel games are a very personal thing. With that being said, a good review score will make me want to purchase the game more, and a bad review score will out me off buying the game somewhat. I can see why people believe review scores do matter though; because some people will not buy a game unless it has got good reviews.
My input on it:

It does matter to a degree and to others it doesn't. For example, I have never ever played Nintendogs and you know what, I have no intention of. Yet Famitsu rated Nintendogs a perfect 40. Some games I check the reviews before they come out and decided whether they're worth a release date purchase or if I should wait. Another example of this is Ghostbusters, I very much wanted to play this game at a MetaCritic of 79% I decided to wait on it. However there are some games I have played that have been reviewed highly so went with it, BoomBlox (90% ONM), de blob (90% ONM), Zack and Wiki (ONM 94%) and Little Kings Story (9/10 Edge) all persuaded me to buy the game and hot damn they are good. THough sometimes high reviews aren't everything MySims got 95% in the ONM and it's terrible!
I think you take all reviews with a grain of salt. Sure they matter but not hugely. If you're considering buying something and the response is overwhelmingly negative then you don't buy it (usually) but if the response is hugely positive then you go out and purchase it.

I also think it depends on the source. If a newspaper for example is giving it a rating then I'm not really sure how confident I would be in that review but if an actual official magazine were to conduct the review then of course you would listen to it.

Sometimes your best friend is common-sense. Listen to reviews but don't make them the dominating factor in your choice. That is up to you.
I believe game reviews matters. If somebody told you that a game suck, are you going to buy it? Reviews, more like the scores, helps people accept games. If the game is receiving scores of 7 and aboves then you probably rent it, but if the game is scaling 9 out of 10 from multiple reviewers hesitation to buy this game will not be a major factor.

Common Sense is not always your friend people. Judging books by it's cover will not always help you. Let people spend there time to play a game and tell you if it sucks... You will keep me in business and receiving more press kits in the mail. :)

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