Do faces need more mic time to get over?


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I feel that guys like Morrison and Bryan cant get over because their characters have no depth. The audience doesnt know much about them, because they rarely ever speak. Last Morrison promo was vs Sheamus (I think) around the time of KOTR in December.

Top faces often have an edge to them (exception being Cena), and they need to appeal to the crowd in some form - by being entertaining in their promos, having a unique look, being an outstanding wrestler, etc.

The Rock and Austin became huge stars through their promos... imagine if the Rock just walked to the ring, smiled and waved to the fans, and wrestled a la Bryan or Morrison.

The heels like the Wade Barrett and the Corre, Dolph and Vicky, Sheamus, CM Punk and Nexus, Cody Rhodes have all had a LOT more promos to establish their characters to the audience. So, why do the faces not get the same promo time to establish their characters?

What would it take for the young faces to get over? Do they need more promo time or do they not get any time because they have poor mic skills?

Edit: One more thought... think how popular Christian was in June 2005 when he was calling out Cena but never got a proper feud with him. Now, he seems kinda dull on Smackdown because he gets no mic time.
A big part of this is that creative just doesn't know what to do right now. VKM seems to be trying to send them in too many different directions. After a guy like JoMo get's squashed from a big push they just seem to get lost in the shuffle. Everyone needs mic time to get their gimmick across. Heels seem to have the easier time, it's not that hard to generate heat, but someone like Barrett has the talent to really get over.

Morrison needs a new gimmick. The rock star thing is just not working anymore, there's nobody for him to work against. I know he can get over with the crowd, he just hasn't had the opportunity to do it. He needs a good push, a good angle and the right feud. He might make a good anti-hero, Stone Cold style.

Bryan needs a gimmick period. The Toy Story Woody goofy guy just isn't enough. I mean, seriously, he's Woody. They have to do something with him. I'm just not sure what.
Reading your thread title I was ready to disagree but I find myself agreeing with most of your points. It seems like they are giving heels more mic time to build their character and the only way the faces can get over is by knocking down the heels a peg or two. Comedy is a good way to get a face over with the mic and when it works (like the rock) you have magic, when it doesn't (morrison) it's hard to recover from and when you take it to far (santino) it's hard to build a serious feud. Cena almost has that balance but opinions are divided. It seems through history it's a lot easier to cut a heel promo and perhaps creative are taking the easy path by doing so, or perhaps there are no superstar faces at the moment capable of building their character mic in hand. Christian could be huge if given the ball and Santino if given a geniune fued.
The problem with all the faces is that they are so booooring.

As of late it seems that only heels have compelling characters, and the faces are relegated to getting beat up for 95% of the match--suddenly hitting their finishers and winning. No one wants to see that fluky garbage and that is what kills every single face on the roster.
Top faces often have an edge to them (exception being Cena),
Why exeption being John Cena? He has his edge just like anybody else. Sure he plays to the kids and the girls but that doesn't mean he doesn't have an edge. I look at the promos against The Rock when he rapped, or his feud with Edge over the years, feuds with Orton and Trips hes showed an angry side, against the Original Nexus as well. To say Cena doesn't have an edge is comical.

The heels like the Wade Barrett and the Corre, Dolph and Vicky, Sheamus, CM Punk and Nexus, Cody Rhodes have all had a LOT more promos to establish their characters to the audience. So, why do the faces not get the same promo time to establish their characters?
The reason I think is that Heels have always been the guys who go out and talk trash, they say there the best and that there oppenent is weak, that they've beaten them before bla bla and that they dont need the fans or anybody else, thats the Heels job. The faces job in all that is to come out and shut the heels up. They arent usually the ones who come out first. Although I agree that faces such as Morrison and Bryan should have promo time, the "conventional" way to get them over is to shut the heels up when they cut promos.

What would it take for the young faces to get over? Do they need more promo time or do they not get any time because they have poor mic skills?
Well, the simple answer is more promo time. The problem is that with Vince really only caring on the top teer in the WWE the middle of the pack dont get much TV time other then there matches. And like I said before, the heels are the usual suspects to start the talking so it doesnt give the faces enough time to get over verbally.
I don't think having more promos are going to do any good if they aren't good at them to begin with... Maybe a better storyline that helps us get behind a face would help or the EASY solution have someone else talk for them! That's not even a novel idea yet the role of a manager is gone when it is needed so bad. JoMo should still be paired with Melina who has no problem getting a crowd behind her OR she can get the crowd hating her so much they cheer him while she's backing someone else, either way, JoMo would be more over than he currently is now.
The problem is obviously the amount of time (I mean the lack thereof) given faces to do anything, but the worst part about it is how many heels have the time to cut promos. The WWE is loaded with heels and has a few faces here and there (that are mostly well-established and don't need mic time) so they're really giving a lot of time to these heels to cut promos and generate heat. However, as that happens, the younger less established heels have NO mic time to get a pop for themselves so I think the solution would be to turn some heels into faces and give the younger faces more mic time
I agree with u but u made a mistake from JoMo's last promo, the last 1 was between miz & morrison to talk about the title, It's just boring 2 c wrestlers who always wrestle and not take time with mic... I really want WWE 2 give JoMo a storyline rather than wrestling a random wrestler every week, they need 2 change him back 2 heel where he made so many promos and had a good storyline. Let JoMo have a feud with heel up-card wrestlers like CM Punk, so JoMo could can make scene in WWE & not become a spot-monkey. If JoMo went 2 TNA they would give him a world title in his very debut because TNA don't care about mic, they are better, making the crowd 2 feel the impact which Jomo has. u c wwe who made miz a champ just he's good with mic AND ENTERTAINS THE CROWD ONLY WITH HIS DAMN MIC.
I woulds say yes because people find the face's of today very boring, dull, almost superman like characters, and the heels keep it intresting no matter how it is
Who the hell wants to hear John Morrison or Daniel Bryan talk? I don't.

They don't have any babyfaces that are as interesting as any of the heels right now.

Look at Punk, great on the mic. Creepy charisma, and look who he's feuding with. Boring Orton.

Cena is the only one that is interesting at all. Edge? He's on his way out, Mysterio can't talk.

All the good mic guys in WWE are heels. That's why faces don't talk that much I gather.
The problem is a lot of the guys they are trying to establish as faces right now stink on the mic. You have to get these guys practicing their promos off camera and let them build up some good material for themselves then let them cut loose on air.
i dont agree with the poster with Togepi on his avatar!!

  • First Edge is a good talker,
  • Orton is a good talker if we think that his character is some guy vicious and twisted like he say he is!!

Now to the OP, Daniel Bryan and JoMo cant do what WWE wants them to do, SELL!! They are very talented, but fuck, they dont talk!!

Its like they put Yoshi Tatsu every week, he can fight, but if he gets a WWE Championship, it is going to be the worst ever!!
They need to improve, a face that cant talk, is complete crap!!
A good face that dont interact with the fans, i've never seen that!!
You guys, we can't go around complaining how boring a wrestler became after a face turn, because that's just how it is - heels can get over much more easily. Building a face is damn hard, but we still need them.
Maybe Uncle Vince goes batshit and turns half of the new heels face at once, that'll be the only way he'll keep balance. Who knows?
I don't think so.

Just look at Randy Orton and John Morrison, they're both really bad on the mic yet they are the top faces on Raw along with John Cena and The Rock.

The only faces that need mic time to stay relevant are probably John Cena and The Rock because they ooze charisma.

Randy Orton talks too slow and John Morrison is just... horrible on the mic.

Daniel Bryan is pretty good on the mic but like most faces, they do all their talking in the ring and using their face.

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