DK Wilton

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Real Name: Darren King
Gimmick Name: DK Wilton
Nickname: "The Vivacious Entity"
Height: 6ft3
Weight: 235 Pounds
Hometown: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Billed From: "West Hollywood", California

----------------Hair Colour/Length: Dark brown hair,
Medium length dark brown hair.

----------------Eye Colour:

----------------Facial Hair:
A clean shave.

----------------Ring attire:
Black and gold trimming on dark red long tights. With an angel wing and demon wing on opposite sides.

----------------Backstage Attire:
A band t-shirt and a rugged pair of jeans.

----------------Physical Features:

He has a Lady Grim Reaper Tattoo with the words "Don't Fear The Reaper" under it on his right forearm
As well as a tribal symbol on his left pec.

Alignment (Heel or Face, not Tweener): Face

Main Gimmick:

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:
-He's a very outspoken and charismatic guy, who will stumble in his words sometimes.
- Entertainer at best, always wanting to make his fans want more.

Strengths/Weaknesses (3 of each):
Strengths -
1) He is a very solid technical wrestler.
2) Nice Kickboxing striking based attacks.
3) Has a intense aurora which might make enemies second guess what he will be doing.

Weaknesses -
1) His main kryptonite in the ring is his undying passion to win. Meaning he can be injury prone sometimes/ get hurt.
2) He is not the strongest guy in the world and has troubles lifting people over 280 pounds.
3) He can get a bit too intense and walk right into some moves.

Sample Pic of Wrestler:


Brief History:
DK Wilton . Was born in Calgary Alberta Canada. A home town prodigy who has had an illustrious music career for the most
part. Until he realised wrestling was his true calling, although he doesn't speak about what happened to the band or accept
questions about what happened to them, he still manages to be an impressive wrestler. Continueing his pursuits to become
one of the best not only in music but in professional wrestling trying to follow the steps of his Idol Chris Jericho he decides
to go and participate in a FCW event which allows the winner to become a part of the company. Thus he succeeds and slowly
gains a name for himself. Following a World Championship victory he suffered an injury thus putting him to the back of the line
once again. He decided that he no longer needed to compete for lesser companies. So here he is... at the biggest one of all.

Entrance Music:
Find The Real - Alter Bridge

Entrance Description: The Camera's pan around the audience as we are brought the center of the ramp. As the words "The Peril's of Rock n' Roll Decadence" are said, from the back we see DK emerge with a smirk on his face when the music kick off. He makes he way down to the ring singing the lyrics to himself. As he enters the ring he bad mouths the crowd while on top of a turnbuckle. His music fades out soon after.

Finishing Moves:
The Encore - Green Bay Plunge
The Blistering Solo - High Angle Fujiwarma armbar.

15 Most Used Moves: (No finishers, 3 signature moves):
Signiture #1 : Corner Splash into a Bulldog. AKA "Hey Bulldog"
Signiture #2: Round house kick to the stomach.
Signiture #3: Tie to the tree of woe, followed by a corner splash

Belly to back suplex.
Flap Jack
Standing knee drop to downed opponent
Chicken Wing (Hold/Submission)
Side headlock to downed opposition.
Standing Dropkick.
Drop Toe Hold
Hard Impact DDT
Dragon Whip
Bridging Suplex Pin
Standing kick to kneeling opponents back
A fake Overdrive/Playmaker into a Roll-Up attempt.

Sample RP:
* We see a picture of a CGI guitar getting smashed against a brick wall on the screen. We then here "We Die Young" - Alice in Chains playing at a slowed down extent in the background as we see pictures of various crowds at rock concerts. As those shots begin to fade out we see a man standing alone against a brick wall with a cigarette in his hand and a bottle of Jack Daniels in his other one. He then begins to speak as we see the screen turn faded *

"Your F'n Nightmare" DK Wilton: Life used to be fun and games, until they took everything I ever had. The glory, The Fame and The Fortune.

* The camera's then do a red, black and white screen effect. As this man continues to speak *

"Your F'n Nightmare" DK Wilton:You know a wise man once said that revenge is a dish best served cold.. I would have to agree. It defines the very man with the measure of his character.

* The man then backs off from the wall and begins walking through the back alley's of the streets. We then see his outfit display more clearly. He is wearing a pair of jeans and an all black muscle shirt with a pair of aviators on. Camera's follow him as he now continues to speak. *

"Your F'n Nightmare" DK Wilton: I have seen the top of the food chain and I have been down at the bottom. You think you've seen hardships in your life, I was once a king. Betrayed by followers and then turned into.. how do you say.. King Nothing.

* He then turns around and begins to smile. He takes off his aviator shades and looks directly into the camera. *

"Your F'n Nightmare" DK Wilton:A lot of men in this company think that they have actually what
it takes to be one of the greatest of all time. In my opinion, yeah thats blasphemy right from the get go. The competitive skill and mindset is already in my blood. The never dieing hunger to entertain those who are privileged enough to receive such a gift from god also lingers within this body. But in this world you gotta beat the so called best to be the best. WCZW hit me with your best shot because I am ready, willing and MORE.. then able. I AM DK WILTON... "Your F'n Nightmare"

* Camera's then slowly fade out to show the WCZW Logo. Before that happens we see DK smiling. *
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