Divas: Resolution to the Revolution?

Mustang Sally

Sells seashells by the seashore
Okay, so the divas started a revolution, consisting of 9 women battling it out while the old guard of gals were left to hang out in the locker room. Some of us wondered where Natalya was in all this.....and apparently, so did Natalya.

Of course, beyond the 9 girls in groups, there were very few divas left, anyway. Of those, Summer Raye has a new gig in the Ziggler-Rusev program, Emma seems to have found a home on NXT.....and while it might seem a demotion, she's likely glad just to be serving some purpose in WWE. Rosa?.....who cares?

The first break in the ranks of the Fortunate 9 came when Paige split with her group and is due to square off against Natalya at HIAC; the first women's significant match in quite a while that features divas who don't belong to a group.

So, is this a new direction for the gals? Was WWE Creative's intention from the beginning to incorporate the 'old' divas into the mix after starting the revolution with the 'new' ones?

If so, does Natalya join one of the 3 groups.....or continue to operate independently after her program with Paige ends? Or is she sent back to the sidelines?

Will Paige rejoin an old group, form a new one or continue as a lone wolf? (wolfette?)

Most of all, do you think the split in the ranks of the 3 groups was the original Creative plan for the divas......or is it being implemented because Vince McMahon wasn't satisfied with the results of the Diva Revolution?

Yes, many of you will say "Who cares?" to all of this, but I'm kind of glad the diva direction has resulted in more attention for the women.....and more reason to talk about where they are and where they might be going.
I don't think there was a long-term plan for the whole Team Diva thing. It served a few purposes:

-NXT Divas with less name recognition than their peers who had been in WWE proper got the rub from both their teammates and their rival teams.
-The amount of choices to root for was reduced from 9 to 3, making it simpler to establish heroes and villains. Give people nine choices to root for in one program, and seven of them will fall through the cracks.
-It feeds the next program when one of the teams (already happened) breaks up.

It looks like they're trying to avoid burning through the content they have lined up, so we're getting Paige vs. Natalya instead of the natural Paige vs. Charlotte feud, which is probably going to be at Survivor Series. By the time that happens, Sasha Banks will be able to use the juice from a title program, and Charlotte/Paige vs. Sasha will lead us up to the Royal Rumble, depending on if the W's lost confidence in Charlotte by then.

After that, Bayley should be coming up from NXT, and the WWE is going to push her to the absolute moon. Good things are ahead for the Divas Division- now if only the writers can keep from fucking this up.
So, is this a new direction for the gals? Was WWE Creative's intention from the beginning to incorporate the 'old' divas into the mix after starting the revolution with the 'new' ones?

You're asking a lot of us to interpret what was going on in the heads of WWE Creative when they put all of this together.

I believe that this was their best attempt at debuting so many female NXT athletes at one time without making things too confusing for the fans. For a moment in time, I think they wanted the show to revolve around a war of attitudes between the three female factions. I believe that the novelty of female performers being featured so prominently ran its course, and in turn WWE Creative has decided without having planned beforehand to incorporate Nattie.

I don't see it as a new direction per se, I see it as the next step in a saga with no conceivable end.

If so, does Natalya join one of the 3 groups.....or continue to operate independently after her program with Paige ends? Or is she sent back to the sidelines?

I hope that Natalya doesn't go back to the sidelines because I personally like her, but unless she goes over Paige I really don't see her being a significant part of this storyline.

Will Paige rejoin an old group, form a new one or continue as a lone wolf? (wolfette?)

I see Paige just being Paige, I think her departure from PCB was a precursor to Charlotte eventually going solo as the face of the women's division. Honestly; I think Paige was picked to lash out because she's a brunette and her being sick of all the sappy vibes being directed toward Charlotte falls into the stereotype of a cynical brunette.

Most of all, do you think the split in the ranks of the 3 groups was the original Creative plan for the divas......or is it being implemented because Vince McMahon wasn't satisfied with the results of the Diva Revolution?

I think it's way too early to tell if this has been a successful creative endeavor, we haven't really reached an apex to this story. Charlotte winning the belt was as great as it was necessary, I think that her winning the belt was like a prologue to the story they really want to tell with all this.

I don't see the split of PCB as dissatisfaction on Vince's part, I think he would have split Team BAD if he was motivated by lack of excitement. I hear more "WE WANT SASHA!" chants than anything else when it comes to the Divas.

Yes, many of you will say "Who cares?" to all of this, but I'm kind of glad the diva direction has resulted in more attention for the women.....and more reason to talk about where they are and where they might be going.

I like that this forum tends to be more analytical; while some will surely never be satisfied with the Diva's division, I usually get a better explanation here than at any other forum. These days; we're at least contemplating what levels of awesome the Divas will have to reach to be able to be recognized as a worthy part of the program. I don't see them reaching the heights of early 1990's Joshi anytime soon, but I have faith that Asuka will not fail me.
I will say "who cares", until both Bellas going way down in Divas hierarchy nothing will really change, just like in males division where you still see all these oldtimers hanging the spotlight.
I'm amazed at how many people care about the 'Divas Revolution'. It's not that interesting at the moment and majority of woman in WWE aren't that intriguing.. Most of them are very bland and creative is not sure how to use them, it's the same now as it's always been.

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