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District 9

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Righteously Sinful
Made a thread for this flick in the Bar Room, but as X pointed out, it's more appropriate in here.

All discussion regarding this flick is welcome, i'm eagerly anticipating it, as I said the premise looks awesome and the graphics look great. The viral marketing is fantastic, has anyone else participated in it? Has anyone seen posters up in their area designating it a "human" only zone?
I haven't seen any of those posters around my town, though that doesn't surprise me. I love it when movies have creative advertising campaigns like that. My favorite advertising campaign was definitely the one done for the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie, where they had LEDs of the Mooninites all over Boston and they had to shut down entire streets because they thought it was some kind of bomb-scare. :lmao:

Anyways, District 9 looks great. With Peter Jackson and Neill Blomkamp behind it, how can it not be good? The aliens look fantastic, my jaw dropped when I saw the alien in the trailer who says "We just want to go home" in his own tongue. Such AWESOME design to that alien, looks AMAZING.

This should be a great film. Cannot wait for it to be released, looks like it's going to be a whole lot more than just a Sci-Fi/action film. It looks like its definitely going to touch on some relevant issues such as immigration from a totally fresh angle, should be interesting. It's atop my list of movies to see this year.
yeah the trailer is nothing short of amazing. Blokamp's gonna outdo himself here. I mean, he directed the halo shorts for christ's sake. Did any find those awesome like me? And as for advertising they don't do much advertising here. I'll be surprised that they do it in the metropolitan area which is where they would get most exposure. But I'm totally looking forward to this movie though.
I won't ruin anything, I'll just say this. D9 IS the best movie of the summer hands down. Very emotional and how everything comes together is unlike any sci-fi film you have ever seen before. Blomkamp is pure novelty genius and I can't wait to see what else this young guy has to offer, he has a great career ahead of him.
Just saw it, and I must say it is a phenomenal movie. Peter Jackson taps into the human race with sometimes sickening results, and creates a tangible and believable alien race in contrast. There were many parts of the movie where I had absolutely no idea where it would go, yet it developed on and lead up to a spectacular finish. Truly best movie so far this year, and it's great to see such a blockbuster title deliver such a message in Hollywood today.

Watch it.
WHAT a film. My god. Saw it today, and was simply blown away. I went into the movie expecting to be let down, because I've heard nothing but rave reviews about it, and I figured it wouldn't be as good as the masterpiece the critics were describing. I was wrong, it was even better than I was expecting. I cannot recommend this film enough, turn off your fucking computer, and go see it, RIGHT NOW. You'll kick yourself if you miss a film this remarkable during it's run in theaters.

There are SO many things going on to get to here. Clearly I'm going to need to see this film a few more times to really pick up on everything that's going on. So many things are touched on in this film; racism, apartheid, immigration, globalization, capitalism, private military, the Holocaust, Unit 731, this movie is a smorgasbord of depth. The apartheid allegory specifically is the one that stands out the most and really gets you involved in the story and firmly on the side of the aliens. Seriously, you will be sitting in the theater cheering for the aliens and smiling with glee when human beings are blown to pieces and ripped apart!

The acting from Sharlto Copley as Wikus van de Merwe is simply remarkable, and if he doesn't get a nod for Best Actor from the academy I will be royally pissed. For that matter this entire film should be nominated for Best Picture, and has a real shot to now that the Oscars Best Picture category has expanded from 5 to 10 nominations. Hands down the best film I've seen this year, and I can't imagine anything coming out will compete with it for that honor.

GOD there are so many things to rave about this film! The acting, the cinematography, the creature designs oh man the aliens are simply amazingly designed, the special effects (especially for the alien weapons) are fantastic. There is literally not a SINGLE bad thing that can be said about this film, not one.

Obviously if you couldn't tell, I loved it and recommend it to all of you. This is NOT a film to be missed by any means, this is such an accomplishment in filmmaking and an A+ film through and through, five stars all the way.

I imagine I'll be trying to burst the District 9 bubble soon. Simply because nothing can be as good as that. It's simply impossible. If it is, I'll come in here and humbly apologise for being so cynical and thank you deeply for recommending me such a once-in-a-lifetime cinematic experience. Unfortunately, it's not released in the UK until early September, so you'll have to wait some.

As it is, I think it looks pretty decent. It's something original among the grey blur of movies that are usually being released.
JoBlo said:
For a film that only cost $30M to make, DISTRICT 9 kicked plenty of ass during its first weekend of release, with $37M in grosses in domestic dollars alone. The film, which was produced by LOTR guru Peter Jackson and directed by first-time feature helmer Neill Blomkamp (born in South Africa, moved to Vancouver Canada at age of 18), also garnered a massive 88% positive response from Rotten Tomatoes critics, and a 95% positive response from JoBlo.com readers.

JoBlo said:
This weekend as predicted DISTRICT 9 ruled the box-office. Is it possible that we will get a sequel?

Director Neill Blomkamp would jump at the chance, “I would do anything to go back to the world of District 9 again. Or District 10.” It would be an excellent idea. The movie sets itself up for it. Now, I'm obviously not going to tell you why because some of you haven't seen it, but when you do you'll understand.

I'm absolutely salivating at the prospect of a sequel. I mean...fuck we just HAVE to know what happens from where it left off!

I REALLY want to see what happens with Christopher and whether or not he comes back in 3 years for Wikus and whether ot not Wikus will even want to be human again. I want to learn so much more about the Prawns and their species, and about the fate of those left behind in District 10.

I can only hope and pray they make a sequel, and stick to the same themes and originality of the first.

Thank GOD America has made this the number one movie this weekend. If GI Joe had beaten it out, I may have lost all faith in the human species.
I can only hope and pray they make a sequel, and stick to the same themes and originality of the first.

Thank GOD America has made this the number one movie this weekend. If GI Joe had beaten it out, I may have lost all faith in the human species.

Honestly, I am fine if they didn't make a sequel. This is one of those beautiful movies that has a very open-ended finish, but I think some of the beauty of the movie is the open-endedness of it. It leaves much to the imagination, and leaves the viewer thinking about it, which, in my opinion, was the goal of Peter Jackson in creating this film: to keep the viewer thinking.

I'm sure the sequel would be great none the less.
Honestly, I am fine if they didn't make a sequel.

I won't be hugely disappointed or anything, because it's so good that it works perfectly fine as a standalone film. But I'd certainly welcome a sequel with open arms and an eager set of eyes.

This is one of those beautiful movies that has a very open-ended finish, but I think some of the beauty of the movie is the open-endedness of it. It leaves much to the imagination, and leaves the viewer thinking about it, which, in my opinion, was the goal of Peter Jackson in creating this film: to keep the viewer thinking.

Hey now let's not give all the credit to Peter Jackson, this was just as much the vision of Neill Blomkmap as it is Jackson, if not more so. Which is why I kind of disagree with you here, I don't think they meant for the film to be a standalone film at all,

Otherwise they wouldn't have left the film open-ended like they did, without telling us what happens after Christopher leaves on the ship and what the fate of Wikus will be.

Neill has said that he'd absolutely love to do a District 10, and seeing as how it's already made up for it's budget on the weekend alone (can you believe this film only cost $30 million?) I don't see why any party involved wouldn't want to do a sequel. Maybe I'm just being optimistic, but I truly hope we see another film in this universe. I want to know what happens damnit.
X, I just saw it, and I want to personally thank you for pushing so hard to see this movie. It was nothing short of phenomenal. I will disagree with you on the prospect of a sequel,

The final scene where he's fully transformed seems to make it clear to me that he'll be able to easily blend in and wait out the three years, and what happens then doesn't really matter. Maybe they wipe out the human race, maybe they just rescue everyone... whatever. The point is, once Christopher leaves, the Prawns have won.

But that aside, you're my new favorite human on the planet for making me (yeah, making me) see this movie. :worship:
Just saw this earlier today, and I must say, it is easily the best movie I have seen this year (which really isn't saying much, as I'm not much of a movie buff, and have not seen many new movies this year). It greatly exceeded all of my expectations, which were pretty high to begin with. In fact, I honestly can't remember the last time I was as excited to see a movie as I was for this. This is a truly special movie, and I urge everyone with a pulse to see this film.

As for a sequel, I would love to see one, but I'm not entirely sure where the story would go after that ending, but with its openness, there are countless possibilities.

Once again, if you have not seen District 9, GO NOW!
Just got back from seeing it.... Wow. Pretty damn good movie.

The film starts off a bit slow at first using that documentary-style you've probably come to expect from the trailers, but the tension begins to rise as we begin to see more and more of the "prawns." It doesn't take long for things to get interesting, and you know the film is building towards something big once the evictions start and Wikus is exposed. The most entertaining aspect of the film is the alien technology. When we're introduced to one of their weapons, wondering how much damage it's going to cause is half the fun. Then when you finally see it come into play, it's nothing short of extraordinary.

I love that the film decided to go balls out and stick with the R-rating. F-bombs are littered throughout the film, but it all seems like a natural response to the circumstances of what's happened with District 9. The gore is pretty ridiculous, too. Ridiculous in a good way. Humans explode as blood and body chunks splatter everywhere. They could have really made this movie shit by making it PG-13, but thank God, for once, studios butted out and trusted the filmmakers.

Anyway, everything else is top notch, as well. The actors are all pretty much unknown, which was a great route to take with a film like this. Not recognizing anyone in the film made it a lot more believable. There really isn't a bad actor in the bunch either, but Sharlto Copley as Wikus steals the film since we're around him the entire time. The scenes where he's on the phone with his wife are generally rather heartbreaking as you feel for what Wikus is going through and it rides on his performance. The story is also pretty incredible. It starts off rather simple with the aliens just wanting to go home and the MNU wanting to keep them around so they can discover the secrets of their technology, but it slowly unravels into something more. Perhaps the biggest element of the film is its special effects. They have to be rather astounding to make these aliens and their technology believable. Since Peter Jackson is involved, so you can pretty much expect the CG to be superb. There was a scene or two that mainly involved one of the alien ships being a big part of the scene where the CG was noticeable. The effects looked generally as realistic as they needed to be 95% of the time though, which is a big thing in a film like this. Bad CG can ruin a good film. I Am Legend is a great example, but it's safe to say that most people won't find an issue with it in District 9.

District 9 is quite possibly the best sci-fi film I've ever seen (I still need to see Moon, though). It doesn't pass up They Live as my favorite Alien movie (nothing ever will), but the movie is phenomenal and I have to give a big fat THANK YOU to Xfear for convincing me to see it in the theater. District 9 delivers with incredible action sequences, fantastic special effects, a great story, and superb acting. It isn't everyday that a film lives up to its hype, but this one surely does that and then some.
New audio interview with District 9 director Neill Blomkamp regarding the future of the Halo film and the possibilities of a sequel to D9.


In the above interview Blomkamp says that while he didn't make the first film with the thoughts of a sequel in mind despite the rather open ending.

Blomkamp says he no longer has any interest in Halo and that a sequel to District 9 has already been requested by the studio.

This is GREAT news! It looks like the film is going to finish with somewhere around $100+ million worldwide (very good numbers), so all I can say thank god that the public still has faith in creative and quality filmmaking, and not just Michael Bay films and gross out comedies.

I can't wait to hear more about the prospects of a District 10...I'll make sure to let you guys know anything I hear!
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