Dis-banded: The Future of Kevin Nash & Eric Young?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
If you watched iMPACT! tonight, you already saw, but for those of you who didn't, early on in the first quarter of the show, Nash & Young were filmed walking backstage briefly discussing the events of what happened with Scott Hall and TNA, and in the process Nash made note to Young that he had to distance himself from Hall because of it, and that if he didn't do so, Hogan & Bischoff would come down on him for it. As a precaution, it looked as though Nash split ways (amicably) with Young as a means to protect Eric from any flack he might have caught as a result, so the question is – where does Young go from here? Where does Nash go, for that matter?

This certainly isn't the first time Eric's had to re-tool, re-package and re-focus his direction in TNA, and something tells me it won't be the last either, but while I do feel bad for the guy, I am curious as to how he can bounce back from this all things considered.

Nash on the other hand I'm far less worried about because, well quite frankly, he's Kevin Nash. He's already an icon in the wrestling industry, so he won't have to worry nearly as much about getting himself back over again.


That said, it's Q&A Time!

• Is this the end of 'The Band' in TNA

• Where do Eric Young & Kevin Nash go respectively? Back to singles competition? Why or why not?
Yes, I do believe this is the end of the band in TNA, Nash and Young went their proverbial seperate ways and with no more Scott Hall, I don't see the Band ever making a return in TNA.

I think Nash will do what he always does, lobbie himself back into the Main Event picture, have horribly slow and sloppy matches, and probably win a title (most likely Global). Eric Young, what the hell can anyone do with Eric Young? He'll most likely end up converting back to comedic relief, or he'll keep this serious gimmick going, get no crowd reaction whatsoever, and get fired. Definitley not much in store for Eric Youngs future, Nash will get a decent to large push, and Young will fade into obscurity, thats my prediction.
Kind of off topic... But, Eric Young should just be Suicide...

Many people are concerned about Kiyoshi playing Suicide because there may be some speaking involved...

I say, take him off TV for a few weeks and have him return under the mask... Sure, a lot of people will know it's EY, but that would make for a good angle when he finally does get unmasked...

He could say he was in a way commiting career Suicide... So he decided to bring back the Suicide suit... Have him be a semi serious wrestler and get some good wins... Maybe the Global title...

I know its not the most original idea... But, we get a decent wrestler playing a character that will appeal the children and sell some merch...

And let's face it, there isn't a shit load of things EY can be used for besides a jobber... He can pull off the super hero gimmick, he's done it before...

Other than firing EY, that's the best option IMO...
Am i the only one who is kinda bummed that the band is already over. I mean EY sorta reminds me of a mix between Shawn Michaels and Flyin Brian Pillman so i think they should let EY just go crazy and start beating the shit out of people. Hell team up him and Brian Kendrick because Brian Kendrick is one crazy son of a bitch. Hell we all know Kevin will be fine on his own, he has done it in the past, but really Kevin comeon chose some better friends that aren't doing that shit because it might cost you a job. Back to EY hell there is an ECW fraction thats supposed to be comming up shortly hell lets have him be under Raven's control because lets face it, if anybody could help this kid other then Nash its the man called Raven, look at what he did to Kaz took a guy from the X divison and had him go into the main event.
I honestly think they should just release EY, but it won't happen. Never been a fan. He reminds of a raspy Crash Holly. There isn't anything unique about him and I think that is why he has gone through so many different characters.

As far as Nash goes he will just be Nash. I am sure they will find something for these both of these guys, but who cares really.
I for one would like to see Nash return to being backstage doing another "Paparazzi Idol" contest as a stupid parody of the dumb stuff NXT does. Take some X-Div guys and do stupid crap like they did before back in 06 or 07, limbo contests-etc-etc. That is one thing missing in TNA lately,,humor. Hell I'd rather go back to the tweak/butters/Don't fire EY.
Just to throw this out there. Why not make Nash the color guy when Xplosion airs on Spike later this year? Have Jeremy Borash and Kevin Nash do commentary for Xplosion and Tazz + Tenay cover Impact. That way they can kind of make the shows different. Nash could also come back at bigger PPV's and wrestle.
• Is this the end of 'The Band' in TNA

I think it could very well spell the end of The Band, and I think it's probably a good idea because it wasn't The Band without the actual members that were supposed to create The Band (Waltmann, Hall and Nash) but it still had something going for them while there were Nash and Hall alongside Eric Young.

But there's no Hall and Nash anymore, and therefore I do not see the need to continue it, besides Nash is coming to a point in his career where he might need to slow down a little, and Eric Young needs to get over as a singles star.

• Where do Eric Young & Kevin Nash go respectively? Back to singles competition? Why or why not?

Eric Young I think will start becoming more of a singles wrestler again, he hasn't been in a position where he hasn't been associated with someone for a pretty long time, being with World Elite and Nash that is.

Kevin Nash on the other hand I think will be stepping down a little bit, we can't deny he's old, he could probably still go pretty well, but age catches up on you, and you're gonna have to slow down a bit.
I'm a big fan of Hall and Nash i'm always disappointed when Hall relapses.
Nash hasn't really done anything in TNA i'm not sure why he decides to stay there. He has been good with his WCW money so I he should be ok financially.

Eric can't catch a break.
Team Canada was gold, World Elite was good, and he could have had a pretty good run with or against the Band. Not sure where he goes from here.
I'm inclined to believe that Eric Young can bounce from anything. Just like a Heyman check.

The man has had more character changes than Kane. Yet every time he can make them work. I am really hoping they go back to how he was late last year. He showed great stuff from August to October. If anything he is reliable. I really wish I could see him give the main event a go, but its just too full. However a main event heel is desperately needed. He was spectacular as the leader of World Elite. Even stepping over Kurt Angle. Should TNA recapture that, he can put up from where he left off. Give him back the Global title. Have him feud with Rob Terry. And go form there.

Kevin Nash? Well he's Kevin Nash. He can pretty much fit anywhere. I guess this might be his road to the Xplosion announce table.
Again, this is just a rough guess as I'm going off spoilers from the show and have yet to watch it. (I really need to, I suppose)

The way I took the Nash/Young segment was to gather they wrote Scott Hall out, which means he'll no longer be around TNA anymore. And its once again back to Nash and Young being a team, rather than a group. I don't think Nash and Young are going to split up, as they work perfect together and its honestly the best thing for both of them at this stage in their careers.

For Nash, he isn't getting younger, or healthier. So its best for him to simply stick to Tag team work with a younger partner that can carry more of the load. (ie. Young)

For Young, they've tried everything to get him over and barely anything works through a single wrestler's perspective. He's only ever worked good in a Unit, group or Tag team type of way. (Team Canada, for example) As a result, because of Nash being popular through most fans - Young can feed off that and still be important. Plus, he can shine in what he can do - which is wrestle.

So, as far as "The Band" goes. I think their 15 minutes of fame are up. The concert's over, and there likely won't be a reunion tour. (toss in any other corny cliche')

As far as Young & Nash go, I still feel they're a quality Tag team that deserve more of a run and chance in the division than the likes of Ink Inc.
Well considering Nash made it clear they had to separate for the good of EY, then they both literally left in different directions, I'd imagine they won't be continuing The Band. Obviously it could all be a swerve and Hall could return to dole out The Greatest Hits, but it's unlikely.

Nash will be fine cos he's too smart to fail. He's got serious stroke behind the scenes so he'll do whatever he chooses to do. Possibly he's working his way towards announcing TNA's soon to be other show.

I fear for EY. This could well be the beginning of the end for him. This time he's unlucky though. Before Waltman got AIDS or whatever he got (Hep C or something?), EY was all set up to be the one to take on The Band and destroy them. He would have been getting weekly TV time making run-ins to beat down or chase off The Band. He was seemingly entering some bad-ass Steve Austin faze. Next thing you know, Waltman is out and they had to create an angle where EY joined Hall and Nash, cos those 2 big bastards need someone who can actually move. He's unlucky. I absolutely love Scott Hall, but you have to feel he's really let EY down here. Hall really talked Eric up and seemed excited about the business again, so it's such a shame he's arsed out on Nash and particularly EY. I do fear for Eric now though.
I think EY is talented. A little vanilla but he has shone in the World Elite. He really came across well. I dont think his assocation with the Wolfpac did him or Nash any harm and tha is credit to how they both approached it.

Young should be pushed as he much more talented than (for example) Orlando Jordan. He would be an exceptional fit in the mid card or X Division.

Nash can do mostly anything. Put him in a tag team or let him talk for someone with occasional in ring work.
I think this was a way to separate the two and have Nash kind of step back for a while. Nash probably needs a reduced role anyway as basically everything that they had for him kind of blew up and it is not like watching him wrestle is an enjoyable thing anymore. There are ways Nash could contribute, might be interesting to have him commish Xplosion and go back to trying to build up the younger talent. If they want to keep him prominent I think having him work with Matt Morgan might pay some dividends both in-ring and behind the scenes.

For EY, I feel bad for the guy but I think there is a disconnect right now between his talent and how high they might have been trying to push him. Pretty much ever since they old EY ended his character has floundered. This is why I do not understand why people want someone like lethal to completely quit doing hilarious impressions. If you fully take away what people like about a character, which is usually one of the wrestlers strengths, then often it hurts them. Why do you have to be serious all the time to get a big push? The Rock wasn't, Stone Cold wasn't, Cena wasn't and those three did pretty well for themselves. Anderson and Pope definitely use comedy and were some of the best at getting over in TNA. To get back on EY they did have to take some of the scared elements out of his character, but if you kill his personality that the crowd loves it turns out he is boring.

EY as a heel is just a fail, they had a decent idea to make him like the TNA kurt angle as a heel but it just never got the momentum it needed. EY is not intense enough in the ring or convincingly intense enough on the mic to pull that off. In fact just about everything about EY is average at this point. He is not an exceptional in-ring talent, his look/size is nothing special and for some time now he has been bland on the mic. If they could tap back into the magic of yesteryear character-wise he is salvageable as a mid to occasional upper mid carder. If they keep trying to force him higher I think they are making a mistake because they have better choices. How would I recapture the magic? I imagine this would be unpopular, but bring back super eric and put him in a tag-team with a newly signed helms in hurricane gimmick. Somewhat dumb, but I bet crowd would get behind them something crazy, and once they do you have a rebuilt eric and can split the team up.
Is this the end of 'The Band' in TNA?
TBH, well it may not be the end of The Band..I mean they WERE still together backstage wern't they? I think they will try and work something between the two..and if it doesn't work fair enough, at least they gave it a try...

Where do Eric Young & Kevin Nash go respectively? Back to singles competition? Why or why not?
I think it EY goes back to singles comp. he will fail..there isn;t anything he could be doing right now in singles competition...who is there for him to compete with?? Kevin Nash on the other hand, I don't think he needs help standing on his two feet, I mean you said it yourself IDR...He is already an 'ICON' in the wrestling world...

I think they should keep them together..at least for the time being and try to work something new..
Based on what happened on iMPACT, I'm of the impression that The Band is officially done in TNA. Personally, I'm sad to see them go. I liked the gimmick they were settling into where they believed they still had main event pull, but would get beaten up more often than not, only winning by some level of interference or illegal tactics.

Problem is, you can't really have The Band (or nWo, whatever) with only 1/3 of the foundation. Eric Young never struck me as a member and quite frankly, he didn't fit. Too young, too competitive, and too much of his career in front of him. In other words, he was the complete polar opposite of what The Band was supposed to be... a bunch of older, established guys who thought they were still the main event. Without Hall and Waltman, there really is no Band... it's just Kevin Nash.

Not sure where either of them go from here though. I agree that Kevin will probably step back a bit and re-emerge later, while Young tries yet another gimmick or character change.
• Is this the end of 'The Band' in TNA

If you mean the full Band, then yes. I think that Nash and Young may get back together for something, not sure what though if Young fails to either get over or do fine on his own for a while.

• Where do Eric Young & Kevin Nash go respectively? Back to singles competition? Why or why not?

I don't see Nash doing a whole lot, maybe wrestling a match here and there and being at the side of Hogan occasionally too. He'll probably stay off of TV for a few weeks or just have a small role. Young will probably have a few random matches and then get into a feud for the Global Title that he lost to Terry in the first place. He could just stay off of TV for a while too though.
I have two ideas that might be good for Eric Young and Kevin Nash. The first idea is just having Nash become Young's manager. I think thats the most logical of ideas, Nash can definatly help Eric Young get over as his manager. Eric will eventually win the Global Title with Nash on his corner bc no one can stop Rob Terry alone. If Nash is backing Young on the outside I can see Young going over Terry and having a nice feud with him for the belt.

Another idea I have is after last nights Impact it seemed as though Nash was gonna keep quiet for a month or so. Eric needing a new mentor can try and talk all the TNA legends into taking him in as his new teacher. He can try to get into Flair's new Fortune stable, try to back up Hogan/Bischoff, or even join with Sting and his crusade to rid TNA of "THEM". It would be entertaining to see Eric trying to prove himself to the big 3 legends over the summer. It probably won't happen, but I htink its a good idea.
It certainly looks like the end for The Band. I can't say that I'm not surprised or even relieved. Scott Hall was a great worker back in the day, but now the guy is a ticking time bomb. Without Hall in TNA, there isn't really a need for Eric Young and Nash to be a tag team.

I think both of them will go the singles route. I would prefer to see Nash in a limited role being either a commentator for a TNA show or a manager of some sorts. There isn't anything left for Nash in the ring. Eric Young should be pushed as a heel since there are really not many heels left in TNA. He shouldn't flip flop anymore between heel and face. Keep him heel and let him run with it. Maybe he can feud for the Global title or X division title again, or even join Flair's faction. I"m not a EY fan, but he is better used as a singles wrestler then a tag team wrestler.
Well Nash got on Impact! very briefly this week when Hogan and Eric told him they'd speak to him in a minute. He then left frustratedly. Maybe that's a sign he won't be on TV for a while.
Well Nash got on Impact! very briefly this week when Hogan and Eric told him they'd speak to him in a minute. He then left frustratedly. Maybe that's a sign he won't be on TV for a while.

I really doubt that they would write him off TV with that short segment... But, with TNA, you never know...

What I gathered from it is... Nash seemed pretty upset when they blew him off... Maybe, down the road he'll join up with Sting and join the anti-Hogan movement...

Sting and Nash are known to be friends and they have been in storylines with each other a lot in TNA... So, it would fit for them to be on the same side and maybe Eric Young would join them too...

It would just seem weird for there to be two stables against Hogan and Easy E... The "They" that Abyss keeps refering to (ECW stable seems to be They) and Sting forming a stable against Hogan would be a bit much... I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it all turns out...
Well since Hall and Waltman are out of TNA for now, I would say yes. The whole storyline with Nash and Young was pretty bad imo, so im glad to see that this angle is over. All the weird swerves in the storyline can probably be attributed to Russo's writing.

The whole Band/NWO thing was still cool back in WWE in 2002, but the guys are just too old and the group has run its course in wrestling.

As for Nash and Young, I don't think we'll see them as a tag team, because they seem to have split ways from that segment on iMPACT a few weeks back. Nash can still go in the ring and he'll probably stay as an occasional on-screen guy but he'll probably just put young guys over. As for Young, I can see him getting a singles push because he's talented, maybe have him go for the Global title or something.
I disagree, I didn't think the NWO was cool in WWE during 2002. I thought that was the final nail in the coffin as far as the credibility of it all was concerned.

Also, I hope they don't add Nash into Sting's angle. I love Kevin Nash, but his face wouldn't fit into that type of thing.
Is it the end of the Band?: Yeah, it's definitely the end of "the Band", And I can't honestly say I'm disappointed... It could have just been Scott Hall and Syxx Pac's apathy and lack of talent in their TNA run, but I was never high on the Band. Their promos always came off awkward and boring, and they always seemed to have more internal struggle than with anybody in the tag team division. I don't know how everybody else feels about the end of the Band, but I'm kind of happy.

What's next for EY: I honestly have no idea how they're going to use Young now that the Band isn't together. Again, I didn't like the Band, and I thought it was a waste of talent, but things are so crowded right now in TNA that I have no idea where they're going to put him. There's always a possibility he could join Ric Flair's Fortune faction, but I seriously doubt that's the way they'll want to go with him. I would guess that he'll just get thrown into a random feud with somebody in TNA that isn't being used all that much... If the ECW "invasion" ever turns into something real, he might be used in some capacity to "protect" TNA... Who knows.

What's next for Big Sexy: Like you said, Kevin Nash is an icon in the wrestling industry, and they can really do anything they want with him. However, he's getting pretty old, and while I'm sure TNA wants to keep him around, I don't see him going towards the main event again. I can't imagine Nash as a TNA champion or really anything besides putting guys over. Nash has had a good career, and they brought him to TNA to help the company, and he's done just that. He's not out for himself, and he doesn't prefer to be the top dog in the business, which is something unique and great to have on your payroll if you're TNA.

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