Dinner with 3 wrestling personalities

Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
A common hypothetical question is "If you could have dinner with any 3 people past or present , who would it be?" My answer to that is Alyssa Milano, Eddie Vedder and Abraham Lincoln. I was curious about this from a wrestling standpoint. If you could have dinner with any 3 wrestling personalities , past or present, who would it be? and why?

My choices are as follows:

Hulk Hogan: He is arguably the greatest entertainer this industry has ever seen, from watching his reality show he is obviously not very smart, but has some great stories. He would definately be a great dinner guest.

Vince McMahon: This goes without saying. If you are having a dinner party with just wrestling personalities, McMahon tops the list. He is the reason why wrestling is where it is at today

Bruno Sammartino: A legendary old school wrestler, had a brutal falling out with McMahon, and to this day still refuses to accept an invite into the WWE HOF. Having McMahon and Bruno at the same table would definately make for some hostile yet entertaining conversations.

Honorable mentions: Iron Sheik, John Cena, Shawn Michaels, Eric Bischoff, Vince McMahon Sr.
Vince McMahon: The most influential figure in wrestling history. Bar none.

Phillip Brooks: (CM Punk) My favourite current guy on the mic, would be a great entertainer

Bret Hart: My favourite old school wrestler
Bobby Heenan: The stories he'd tell at dinner about all the legends of the 80's & 90's as well as WCW would be both amazing and hilarious.

Shawn Michaels: I'd love to have a real conversation with Shawn about his past drug use and how he got passed it. Also, I believe, personally being an atheist, that a conversation about God & religion would be really thought provoking with him. Also my favorite of all time.

Eddie Guerrero: Just someone gone too early that I feel would be a lot of fun to spend a night with. (That sounds wrong...)

Honorable mentions: Iron Sheik, John Cena, Shawn Michaels, Eric Bischoff, Vince McMahon Sr.

Ooh! Iron Sheik as an honorable mention is golden. I would have dinner with him just to laugh at the outlandish crap he'd say. I follow him on twitter for that exact reason. He'll always say some random shit like "Chris Bosh is a raisin dick, but not more than that raisin dick jabroni Ultimate Warrior."
Great topic. There's a good handful I'd like to talk to, but the three that I absolutely couldn't pass up would be..

-The Undertaker
Simply put, my idol. Everyone has a hero growing up as a child, mine was the Deadman. If there's anyone that I aspire to be in this business it's him. If I can just achieve a quarter of the success he did, I'll do alright for myself. If I had to give up the other two, just to have this conversation 1 on 1.. I'd do it.

Maybe not a common answer, but he's someone I admired growing up. Just a fan, who knew he always wanted to do it, said he would always do it, did it, and did it better then almost anybody else. He's an inspiration to me.

-Triple H
He's slowly transitioning into the most powerful man in this industry. It's clear he's always had a good mind for not only wrestling, but business. And I am so secure in saying that I think the WWE will reach new heights not seen before with The Game in charge. It'd be a diverse and informative conversation to say the least.

Welp.. those are my three. The Rock, Vince McMahon, and Bruno Sammartino would be honorable mentions.
Stone Cold Steve Austin: Obviously the first choice is gonna be your favourite wrestler.

Mick Foley: A legit good guy in real life, would have some good stories to tell and some good jokes to crack me up with.

Trish Stratus: So I can try and get some sexy time (in Borat voice) with that fine piece of ass.
If this question were "3 wrestlers you'd wanna party with" the list would be so different. I'd love to go to a bar with the Cliq back in the day... before Shawn got all clean & lame. Takin' shots, poppin' pills, doin' lines, & bangin' chicks. Now Shawn drinks Ginger Ale, calls his wife, and prays. *Yawn*
Vince McMahon: This would depend on whether he would reveal what really happened in his life, because if he does the same routine with a dinner companion that he does with an audience of millions, there would be no point to this meeting. But, while the wrestlers of today are passing through their profession, Vince McMahon is the profession. Can you imagine if he decided to talk about what really went on during these years; what he's seen, what he's learned, who he's dealt with? I've always hoped he would write his biography in which he gives us the inside dope on his career. But having dinner with him and being able to ask the questions I'd always wondered about? That would be amazing.

What we'd eat: I'd invite him for filet mignon, but then serve him pizza and beer......because at heart, I think he's a regular guy who made it big through hard work and would appreciate the simpler fare.

Randy Savage: For years, we saw this guy play a unique character; whether he was a face or heel, it was exactly the same role. People cheered him wildly or booed him wildly, depending on what he wanted them to do. I wonder how many fans can truly appreciate how his flexibility in character made this possible. But I'd love to ask him about his time in the independent Southern federations, his journey through WWE, his professional and personal relationship with Elizabeth, and his split with WWE and Vince.

What we'd eat: What else?.....hot dogs.:) Goes with his personality, no? But I'd also slip him a laxative with his meal because the guy always sounded constipated when he talked. (I did hear his voice in the 80's).

Drew McIntyre: Of course, we'd skip the dinner part.
Vince McMahon for sure. I would love to hear his story about how he made himself a success.

HBK - I have to put my all time favorite on here. Would love to talk about his difficult days and how he overcame them.

The Brooklyn Brawler - Would love to hear from a career jobber who never attained any real success but kept at it none the less. I am sure he would have some great stories.
Fit Finlay: Has wrestled for the WWe / WCW and all over the world. An eye witness to the death of British wrestling as a national obsession and the death of WCW. Plus he has worked with everyone from Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks to Sting, Hogan, Savage and Bischoff to Vince, Cena and Triple H.

Sting: The guy to talk about taking on Vince Junior.

Rowdy Roddy Piper: Like Finlay, a guy who's experiences cover many bases.

Honorable mentions: Arn Anderson, Steven Regal and Bryan Danielson.
Randy "Macho Man" Savage- I would love to hear all of his great stories. Talk about his Minor League Baseball career. I wish I had the chance to meet Macho, It would been the greatest day of my life.

Mick Foley- I met him five years ago at a book signing. He is a great guy, he talks to the fans, he didn't snub nobody. I wish I had more time to talk to him. Foley would make me laugh and i'll love every moment hanging out with Mick.

Eric Bischoff- I'm a big fan of Bischoff, he is in my favorite top three wrestling personality's of all time. I would love to talk to Eric about the Monday Night War's and how he made WCW successful.
First and foremost would be Jim Ross, not just because he would bring over some complimentary bottles of BBQ sauce, but because his long commitment to the industry will have no doubt given him plenty of fantastic anecdotes to tell.

Secondly, Mark Calaway, for the same reason as J.R. of course, but because he comes across as a genuinely kind and sincere person who would take an interest in you instead of demanding all of the attention himself, and would probably be very complimenting about your cooking.

And of course Mick Foley would be third. I can't imagine any other wrestling personality being able to break the ice better than the Hardcore Legend. And with those three around a table, the topic of conversation would undoubtedly turn to one of my favourite matches of all time - Hell in a Cell '98.

If I could increase it to 4, then JBL would also be invited.

I would also have Ricardo Rodriguez as the maître d'.
Very tough to choose, but ultimately I would have to have dinner with:

Edge - He's my all time favourite, and he seems like such a nice guy. He gave so much to the industry, and it's such a shame he had to retire.

Christian - Mostly to get the two of them together, he also seems like a really nice guy. I am a huge Christian fan now, and love that he pays homage to Edge in most matches now by using his moves.

Stone Cold Steve Austin - He's such a funny and nice guy, too. He's another of my all time favourites, and I mostly want to shake his hand for being such a tough SOB!
I'd like to go with KING BOOKAH, Steve Austin and The Rock but they would all have to stay in character for the whole dinner and hopefully a waiter would mess up their order lol.
1. Randy Orton - One of my faves and a straight forward guy. Since he seems to have got a lot nicer after his daughter's birth, would love to have a chat with him

2. John Cena - The biggest star in the wrestling industry, a genuinely nice guy. Would love to have a chat with good old Cena

3. Triple H/Rosa Mendes/Eve Torress - Triple H is the heir apparent. Would love to hear his stories and maybe get his help to land my dream job which is working for the WWE (preferably as a commentator)

Rose Mendes/Eve Torres - Not much to talk about but the things we do after dinner would be pretty interesting
The Undertaker: The only requirement is that when he comes over to my house, he has to do his full blown entrance as he walks in.

The Rock: Why? IT DOESN'T MATTER WHY!!!!

Stone Cold: So we could drink some beers
This is kinda tough, but here's the list:

Hulk Hogan: Like most kids, I was a huge fan of Hulk back in his prime during the 80's. So from a nostalgia point of view, he's at the top of the list.

Andre the Giant: Andre was fiercely protective of the business; real no-nonsense or outsiders backstage. However, outside of wrestling I've read Andre was one of the coolest cats to hang around, always wanting his company to have a good time. Plus, he like to get his companions drunk off their asses. Good times to be had.

Mick Foley: I admire Mick in that it seems that he doesn't appear to be fake or a prima donna. Hardcore legend aside, Mick is just down to earth and seems knowledgable in a vast array of subject. Read quite a few of his books and they were great reads. I'd like to check out his stand-up act.

Honorable mentions: Demolition (Ax and Smash only), Original Four Horsemen, JYD, Chris Benoit (still a fan of his in-ring work), Roddy Piper.
Hulk Hogan. Vince McMahon. Bruno Sammartino.

Good thread.

So your plan is to put Vince McMahon at the same dinner table with one of the few people left on the planet that still has extreme amounts of bad blood with him, AND the guy who made WWF in the 80s, and who Vince invested millions into, only to have him leave for both WCW and TNA at different points in his career? I mean, I'm not taking a stance on any of those guys, I'm just saying...if you want to have a brawl, just throw a 10-spot in a pit and let all the members of AAA fight over it.

John Cena, easily. I used to watch those "Five Questions with the Champ" videos every single week on WWE.com, and he entertained me each and every time. He really does have a personality outside of the super soldier the current product demands of him, and I'd love to just sit down and relax with a few cold beers. I think it'd be a lot of fun, and I doubt if we'd even talk wrestling.

Chris Jericho, mostly because the guy knows how to party. If you're going to go out to dinner with a WWE star, pick the one who isn't gonna let the fun stop until the sun comes up; that'd be Chris Jericho. I'd probably want to talk music more than anything, but he's also one of my all-time favorites so in the end I just want to have some fun and thank him for bringing me back into the wrestling fold when I was starting to get bored. Twice.

Last but certainly not least, the Rock. Some of you may know, but film is my primary passion in life. Not that the Rock is a great movie star or anything, but if I'm going to sit down with one of my all-time favorite pro wrestlers, I also want some common ground to talk on. Jericho's got music, Cena's got sports and an excellent taste in fine cars, and the Rock has Hollywood. I also think that trio would have a lot of fun together at dinner, making it a lot less awkward.
Chris Jericho

Y2J knows how to have a good time, and would be hilarious company. The stories in his books are fantastic and really funny. I would love to get the inside news on his time in WCW, ECW and WWE, plus stories from his time touring with Fozzy. Jericho has done it all in wrestling, and would be a great guest. Plus, he loves a good drink too.

New Jack

He is one crazy motherfucker! New Jack is always fascinating to listen to. He is so controversial, so opinionated and very, very funny. I would love to spend a few hours talking with him, seeing how insane he really is. His shoot interviews are fantastic and I would love to meet the guy. Although, I would be worried he would get drunk and slice me open with a pizza cutter or carving knife...


An obvious third pick. After Jericho and New Jack have gone home, I would turn down the lights, throw on some Barry White and crack open another bottle of wine...and get down to business haha. God Dam!

Other picks would have been Triple H- see find out what life is life behind the scenes in WWE, all his stories with The Kliq and how Vince reacted when he found out Trips was banging his daugher. Also, Raven- one of the smartest men in the business and I would love to know all his ECW and drug stories.

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