Dinner for 5

S prince

Occasional Pre-Show
If you could grab dinner with any four wrestlers all in one sitting, whether it be present superstars on all 3 brands, past or present... who would they be and why?

My first choice of guest would have to be The Ultimate Warrior, but only if he shows up to dinner in character. The guy was a total nut job in the ring and in his promos, so I figured it would be quite funny to have him at the table.

Now I was going to go with someone like Hogan, or Mr. Perfect or any other old school wrestler that I grew up loving as a kid, but I'll go with my two favorite wrestlers today, Edge and Chris Jericho. Not only are they the best in the ring, but there also funny. I've met both of these guys in the past and their pretty cool dudes. Plus Edge(and Christian) do great impressions of the Ultimate Warrior so I thought it would add some spice to dinner.

My final quest would probably have to be Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. Comedic genius on the mic. Enough said!
Well, I was always a fan of managers, however I would also like to have some bookers be present, as well.

So if I were to pick any 4 people affiliated with the wrestling business (excluding the McMahons) to sit down and talk with, it would be ...

Bobby Heenan
Jim Cornette
Vince Russo
Paul Heyman

Three of the 4 were bookers with one regarded as the second greatest manager of all time, and the last was THE Greatest Manager of All Time ... and bound to provide endless one-liners the entire night to keep everyone entertained.

Cornette is absolutely the best story-teller in all of wrestling. He would be a great resource to listen to for 80's and 90's wrestling, as well as today ... in addition to comparing WWE to TNA.

Russo I credit with being the true Father of the Attitude Era and I would love to get his perspectives on WWE before his time, during his time, and what it was like to work in WCW.

Heyman, I would love to hear about what things were like in ECW as well as WWE ... in addition to some insight from him on the McMahons.

Heenan would be great to listen to as far as providing background for what it was like to be a manager in wrestling, along with getting some perspective from him on what things were like back in the days of Hulk Hogan, along with his opinions on the talents of the past.
"Classy" Freddie Blassie- The guy is one of the greatest heels to ever grace the sport, and I doubt there are many people that have more incredible road stories than him... Except for my last pick..

Terry Funk- He's a lunatic, and from the stories I've read already, I'm sure he knows how to party.

Rocky Maivia- Why wouldn't you have the People's Champion on this list?

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair- He's a limousine ridin', jet flyin', kiss stealin', wheelin' dealin' son of a gun. All the women want to be with him, and the men want to be like him. There's a million more reasons I can list, but the bottom line is, he is THE man.
Well, my little dinner party would consist of a couple of re-animated zombie corpses, and the rest are interesting choices.

First and foremost, and I'm almost obligated to put this guy down, based solely on my hometown and markdom Brian Fuckin' Pillman!!! The man was my hero growing up, and he and I could talk about more than wrestling. I'd be able to ask him how it felt to play at Riverfront Stadium, what it was like to play for the Bills and Stampeders. We could talk about the Cincinnati night life. The convo's would be limitless.

Secondly, if you look at my sig and know anything about wrestling, you'll be able to guess. For the rest of you, my second choice is Frank Gotch. He'd be able to teach me legit submission holds, charm everyone with his stories of working in front of the largest crowd in wrestling until WM3. Most importantly, I'd get the chance to ask why he cheated Hackenschidt.

My third choice is a bit more mainline. Scott "Raven" Levy. Imagine the spice this guy could add. Not to mention his love of literature and comic books. He'd be the "Professor" so to speak. Added on top, I'd get the chance to have a beer or ten with who would amount to my smartest drinking buddy.

Fourth, I'd have to say Darren Drozdov, and no, this isn't a pity invite. I actually enjoyed Droz for his short stint. Plus, he, Raven, and myself could nightcap it with a trip to "A Part of U" tattoo. How awesome would that be?

There ya go, kiddies, that's the invite list to your friendly neighborhood Dewey's Dinner Party! Enjoy.
Bret Hart
Paul Heyman

The first three names on that list, I can listen talk all day and night.

I have literally every single shoot interview Raven and Bret Hart has ever done. They know so much about the business, and are so passionate about it; to see those two sit down and talk about it together would be beyond incredible. Plus, they both know how to add humor to it and can tell funny stories as good as anyone.

Paul Heyman is my favorite booker of all time, and I love reading his columns. I'm sadden he has yet to do a full in-depth interview about his career and all his real thoughts on the ins and outs of professional wrestling. It'd be cool to pick his brain and get his thoughts on so much shit. Plus, I'd love to see how he'd interact with the other names here.

And Sting, well I choose him for two reasons. For one, he's my favorite wrestler of all time. But other than that, the guy is a complete mystery. When asked about subjects people want to know, he always gives a pleasant answer that doesn't hurt anyone's feelings and doesn't get him any heat with anyone in WWE or else where in pro wrestling. I would like to see what he had to say with the cameras off, right in front a couple of the boys, so to speak. It'd make for some interesting conversation, I'm sure.
I would have Chris Jericho, Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Rock and Kurt Angle, with Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair as subs in case one or two of the first four can’t make it.

Besides wanting to get Austin’s, Rock’s and Angle’s autographs for my Vengeance 2001 DVD cover (I already have Jericho’s), I’d like to get their takes on their experiences in their respective careers and their views on each other.

As for Hogan and Flair, it would be the same, but their stories would also be including events that took place before I was 112% into McMahonism.

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