Did You Notice Anything Missing From 10/7 Impact?


The dirtiest player in the game.
What was missing from the 10/7 Impact? The Cancer Crew. There was no "spiked hair dude", no "fake biker" dude, and no "white sunglasses" dude. There was also a noticeable reduction in chants. About the only chant was "this is awesome" during the Flair/Foley match (which deserved it) and some TNA chants. The only obnoxious thing was people saying "what?" during Ms Tessmacher's promo. BTW I think she handled it well. Overall I thought there was a great improvement in the audience without the Cancer Crew.

Did you notice the Cancer Crew was gone?

Do you think the audience was better than on previous shows?

So what you're trying to say is, TNA chants are fixed?

I don't know how you got that from what he said.

Anyway, maybe they all forgot there was a live show lol. But I really didn't notice. I don't go out of my way to look for them. For me it really didn't have any impact on the show. Like I said I rarely look into the crowd and listen more to Tenay and Taz.
I didnt see any X-division matches. Thats always a let down not to see them on a show. X-Division is what made TNA. They need to show more of those matches.
Didnt notice at all, but I did notice the crowd was a lot quieter than usual. Didnt make any difference to me.
I definatly heard a lack of "this is wrestling" chants, overall it made for a quieter yet less annoying crowd.

Hopefully they keep it the Impact zone clean of them, which will make impact more enjoyable overall.
I don't notice any specific Impact Zone idiots by the week.

For whatever the reason was that there was less chants, I applaud and thank it.

I HATE those stupid chants from that crowd. It would make each show much more enjoyable with the least amount of random chants. I can't stand the out of the ordinary ones, like "Thank You Both" and "This Is Wrestling" etc...

I just wish they would make some sort of rule to those idiots. Hand them a piece of paper that is script-like... A 1-5 of allowed chants per show...

LOL... I know I am exaggerating but those fans TRULY bug the shit outta me!!
I'm probably going to be in the minority here, but, honestly, I think those guys could have helped certain parts of the show. Case in point: Shore. Tell me that this idiotic shit wouldn't go away if enough people started chanting "This is boring" when these guys were in the ring. Stupid chants aside, those guys do, on more occasions than not, actually say what people are thinking, if in a less productive way.

I know. I know. "Uncle Scotty." Well, should Tommy have brought that shit up? "Fire Russo?" You know something? I'm perfectly fine with that one. The business has been exposed for over 20 years. And, for what the ECW did right, the main thing they did wrong was put the smart people in the audience and the marks in the locker room.

It's not exactly a well guarded secret that wrestling is scripted and staged. And, if the show that's presented sucks, you bitch at the writer. Well, you might bitch at the director. But, in TNA, that's Dixie, so we can't go there. What's she going to do, fire herself? Well, we can dream.

Oh, and since people like to complain about these guys so much,how about I put a little spin on a very common remark about TNA. "They've outgrown the Impact Zone." I agree. And, if TNA goes into a larger venue, even if that venue is still in Orlando, if the audience is larger and hot, the "Crucial/Cancer Crew" would be drowned the fuck out. There's the solution, TNA. You don't have to ban these guys. But, produce ashow that keeps wrestling fans hot, and these people will no longer be an issue. But, the problem is, hell, the problem has always been, that TNA fails to keep the crowd hot. These guys get heard because TNA fans are largely silent during the show.

You know what? I just realized something. If TNA actually gave a consistant hot show, these guys wouldn't need to be drowned out, because they'd have nothing to bitch about. And, the best way to keep things that hot is to give us wrestling fans a legitimate suspension of disbelief. But, when TNA, literally, has people getting away with multiple counts of attempted murder, I'm rendered unable to suspend my own disbelief. And, I would wager that's an issue for most of TNA's audience.

As a point of comparison, I was at the Renn Faire a couple weeks back. I had an iPod and a DS in my pockets, ready for the moment that I started to lose interest. That moment never happened. Why? Because everything that was happening was intended to actually make sense in context. And, when I was watching the joust, I wasn't a "cast-member," waiting on my next cue from the "applause" light. My disbelief had been suspended, and I was legitimately cheering for my chosen knights, hoping for their triumph over the dishonorable knights on the other side of the list. And, when my knights won the day, I was legitimately satisfied, since I had allowed myself to be brought inot the world created by the show.

And, at the end of the day, that's all you need to do. Present something that, even though people know it's "fake" or "staged," they can still actually care about. It happens more often than you think. And, if Vince Russo's writing can't get TNA there, they need to replace him with someone who can. And, for fuck sake, TNA, stop booking your wrestlers to bitch about what happens in the booking office! It takes away from the suspension of disbelief. And, as I said before, when the people are allowed to just escape from everything for a couple hours and take in a good wrestling product, those few stupid chants are drowned out by torrents of appropriately placed cheers and jeers.
The Zach Galifianakis lookalike did not seem to be there (though this guy seems to get love from most TNA stars and seems to have broke away from the crew)

No spikey haired man or black dude with the tie.

Although I did notice the return of the Hogan ***... I am mean fan.

Anyway despite all the hate these guys get and yes they can chant for no reason. I actually think they help the TNA audience, especially now they have been separated and sit in different parts of the impact zone. This helps spread and encourage the tourists to join in.

I would much rather have chanting (even if unneccessary) than have to listen to to fake canned audience noise that the WWE uses when we see a dead crowd.

Finally as I said before, look at the TNA wrestlers, they seem to like these guys and regularly give them knuckle bumps or acknowlegement. So OP move on and don't be jelous that you do not actually get recognition from the wrestlers you love.
I don't know, I always found it weird that people really seem to look for certain people in the crowd, or overall just seem to pay more attention to them then the actual wrestling. To each their own, but I've never noticed the guys you mentioned, so their absence didn't make a difference to me.
I don't know about the fans, but it seems that logic was missing on this episode. Most of the focus was put on things that shouldn't have been shown before the biggest PPV of the year like Reaction clips. Jay Lethal's boyhood home, Shore, Orlando Jordan and Eric Young, and Team 3D. Abyss holding the owner captive walking around backstage in front of a ton of workers and no one stopping him is also a head scratcher. I'm still excited about Bound For Glory, but I really wish TNA would have added something more special last Thursday.

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