Did You Hear The One About The Drunk & The Vet? New Tag Team Champions


Lord And Master
Staff member
Despite the sustained injury on Storm, him and Gunner were able to outlast 3 teams and finish off The Dirty Heels to win the TNA Tag Team Championship. My personal opinion though: "Fuck".

I don't know about you people, but first Aries and Roode had to babysit these belts, now James Storm has to do it again. I honestly can't see how much worse can such a once hot talent be misused. Will he help Gunner get pushed? Probably. But given Gunner and Crimson were talking about teaming up back in Jokers Wild, I gotta wonder just what's the point of this pairing. Are Brisco and Bischoff going to spare us from the never ending saga the titles have been having and grace us with their "magnificent" skills? Or are we just going to wait for Gunner to turn Storm and feud as Storm continues to be more misused than a tooth brush on a toilet bowl?
I agree 200% ever since losing the worlds championship the cowboy been on the short end of the stick and now he's back to square one just another way that creative/WWE boys is fucking over the guys and that they perceive to be Jeff Jarrett's boys and guaranteeing that none of Jeff's boys don't get anywhere near the worlds singles championship why do you think Bobby Roode is in a tag team.
ugh...i hate this move. here's the deal. unlike most i really didnt mind the teaming of Aries and Roode as they were bragging about their title runs and it made a bit of sense to team them and my hope was that they would break up with one turning face, BUT as for Storm, i feel they destroyed whatever good they had from him. they should've had him as the next world champion after or before Bully Ray, but it looks like that will be AJ instead of Storm who i think should get one GOOD title run. he is good in the ring and can cut great promos.
I didn't think Storm and Gunner would win the titles in their first match as a tag team. especially with Storm apparently legit injured the last few weeks.
I would rather see James Storm built as the top face, but he hasn't been pushed much for awhile now. that's a shame, and he deserves better.

I would much rather see Kazarian and Daniels as the world tag team champions of the world again. they are gold both in the ring and on the mic.

going into last night I thought maybe Crimson would have a run in and he or Gunner would attack Storm, and then Crimson and Gunner could be a team. Crimson mentioned something on the twitter about a year ago Storm beat him, so he sounded like he was holding a grudge. that would have been better, to team to guys who should be heels in Gunner and Crimson.

have to imagine now that Storm and Gunner will hold these titles for at last a little while.
I would prefer to see James Storm pushed as a single face as well. I had kinda figured he and Gunner were going to win the titles, and it is disappointing seeing Storm stuck in the division for now. Gunner will help get pushed, and I hope after this tag title run is over Storm gets a renewed singles push.
It really is a shame how they are missing the boat on Storm. He could be that companies #1 baby face and they continue to shove Hulk Hogan and Sting down our throats. Storm would have been a perfect next challenger for Bully.
I'm disappointed that Storm is back in the tag division, but it seems like TNA's booking for the past year or so has had some kind of logic to it. I'm going to trust them on this, and see where it goes.

I mean, right now it seems that Bully will stay champ until Bound For Glory when AJ takes him on. (And that is just me wildly speculating) So why have James Storm go against Bully if he is going to lose and not have a pay off? At least this way he has a championship, which gives him even more reason to be on TV.

Plus, you can't tell me that Storm & Gunner won't put on better matches with Bad Influence, and Roode & Aries than LAX v3. (I just cannot buy into Chavo. He is so bland to me. I did like him a lot when he was Kerwin (Sp?) several years ago.

If you think about it, James was the first person to have "issues" with AJ when AJ started his brooding thing. They could play off of that and make James the first feud when AJ wins. However, I think if AJ wins the belt, they will keep it on him for a while, so hopefully they do not put James against him too soon.

Anyways, this was all just a lot of speculation on my part, and I got away from the point I was trying to make. My point is: Sometimes TNA does something that I hate (having Morgan lose to Sting), but over the past year or so, it seems that most stories have had a "payoff" and looking back there has been a progression of logic. Therefore, although I feel that James is being wasted right now, I believe he will get the title again in due time, and dominate once he gets it.
I'm okay with Storm being back in the tag team division. I wasn't a fan of his work in the singles division. I am, however, hopeful that Aries/Roode will move back to singles and far, far away from tag teams. These guys are two of the best on the roster. Let them shine and move away from the tag team feuds. I did find it disappointing that Bad Influence (best tag team in TNA IMO) were the first elimination. I love the work Daniels/Kaz have done lately.
You can just see how TNA management cannot resist pushing Gunner like a monster. They are really in love with him. He was off tv for a while and upon his return, he's a champion and Aries jobs two time to him.

Also has anybody notice how Roode and Aries went from the hottest acts in wrestling to being jobbed and ignored and not given interesting promo time? And this has happened even before the Hemme "incident". It's like TNA management has taken it personaly that Roode and especially Aries were so over in London and they were supposed to be booed. Remember when they were supposed to "get all the belts?". Whatever happened to that gimmick.
In playing Fantasy booker, here's how I would handle this situation...

This Thursday on Impact, Roode and Aries attack the newly crowned champs "injuring" the legit injured Storm. They gain the titles in a match later where Storm valiantly tries to fight, but, in the end the injury proves too much to overcome.

On the next show, Storm and Gunner come to the ring to cut a promo. Storm talks about how they have a rematch coming to them, but Storm isn't able to compete. He says he's going to find Gunner a new partner and he'll be in the corner until he can return to action.

The next week on the live impact, Gunner and Storm come back out to the ring and begin to announce the partner. This time, they're interupted by Roode and Aries. A fight breaks out. Storm's out and they double team Gunner....Crimson's music hits, he storms the ring, and clears it out...

Week 4: Gunner and Crimson face Storm and Aries. During the match, Storm hits Aries with a beer bottle and Crimson/Gunner win the titles be defeating Roode.

Week 5: Aries and Roode come to the ring and begin arguing about who is going to get revenge on Storm. This would set up a triple threat match between the 3 and put Storm, Aries, and Roode back in the singles scene. Somewhere during this feud, Hogan would announce that the winner gets a title shot. I'd have Roode the true heel, Aries the tweener/cool heel and Storm as the face.

After this, you'd have a new/fresh face tag team in Gunner and Crimson. You'd also have Roode, Storm, and Aries back in the singles arena. Hopefully, the winner could gain back some of the stalled momentum.
TNA has had Bad Influence, Chavo & Hernandez and Aries & Roode feuding over the titles at various times or altogether throughout this entire year. As a result, it had to be fairly obvious that the first new team to be put into the tag title picture would wind up being the next champs. The hype surrounding James Storm's mystery partner and the vignette celebrating Storm's accomplishments as a tag team wrestler only reinforced the notion.

At the end of the day, it does add some degree of fresh blood into the tag team scene. That in and of itself is a slight improvement from the increasingly stale matches between the other three teams. Out of them, only Bad Influence has really ever got my attention, Chavo & Hernandez are as uninteresting as ever and Roode & Aries just seem to have been slapped together just for the sake of giving them something to do. I don't really see Daniels or Kazarian going any higher than they've gone and I certainly don't see that with Chavo & Hernandez. Storm, Roode & Aries were probably the three hottest stars on the TNA roster at this time last year and with good reason.

We'll just have to wait and see what happens, though I'm not really expecting Storm & Gunner to really deliver anything major to the title scene. Odds are, they'll probably feud with one or both of the other heel tag teams for a bit before Chavo & Hernandez are put back into the mix to set the stage for another fourway match somewhere down the line.
The way I see it since Storm has lost the World Title it has been a story of close, but no cigar. He had a very strong showing the Bound For Glory Series in 2012 but didn't get the job done. Bully Ray is the guy right... he's the man in TNA, he's gonna hold that belt for a while. I don't think there's any conspiracy against Jarrett guys, I think TNA really values Storm, at least he's got a belt in the company, it keep him revelent and he's helping to groom this marketable ferocious beast Gunner. As far as Crimson and Gunner, it looks like TNA went another way which may not have been my first choice but at least Gunner is on TV. They should do something with Crimson too though.

I'm digging the finisher though, the Superkick into the Torture Rack, the knocked out guy in the Rack is a cool visual. You gotta love Bobby Roode's pay per view comments before the match "And Cowboy, remember this... you have a brand new partner in Gunner... but remember this James... Gunner is no Bobby Roode."

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